Sister my sister

Av RedSnow1997

152 0 0

Me: Mal how could you, I thought we were getting along? Mal: Farr's I'm sorry, but I thought this is what we... Mer

When I was young
Long before
A princess of disaster
Show them what you're made of then we'll discuss our plans
Once upon a proclamation
Did somebody say rotten?!
No way in Hades
Welcome to a new chance
Did you see that?!
Time for a tour
To the museum AWAY!
Class, discipline, first plans
Did I mention we're having a sleepover and playing would you rather
Family bonding night
I must be dreaming
Questions and video calls
Family disaster day
Lots of explaining to do
I can't wait to leave
Knew all along
Final battle between family
You didn't think this was the end did you?

Cookies, potions, and honesty hour

5 0 0
Av RedSnow1997

Ok so, the potion says we still need one tear. Mal says as she and the rest of the VKs are busy in the kitchen making love spell cookies. Yeah, but none of us ever cry. Jay points out. So in that case, why don't we just chop up a couple of onions and call it a night?

No way! This spell gets the best reviews and so we have to follow it correctly, who knows what could happen if we don't! Mal where did you even get this spell, this isn't your spell book, it must be Farrah's?! I uh barrowed it. When? When she stopped by and gave me back mine, which she actually handed me hers, there were two pages marked, but I think it was going to be used for a prank.

No wait, there are comments on the back. "The spells marked will make Ben no longer in love with Audrey, she's so mean, and.... And that's all I want to say about the matter, in case my brother goes through my spell book for whatever reason. The other spell is a love spell to make those that hate me, and love Freya better not hate me and at least treat me with respect, like Audrey and her friends and FGM, so that if everyone loves me.... I have a plan if I make cast this spell with a little bit of switched ingredients I can cast this spell over the whole kingdom and make them sorry for ever hurting me. The only thing holding me back is Ben, if I give him a anti love potion he -he won't care about me anymore and, and that's just the risk I'll have to take, even if after all this wears off, that I'll be sent to the Isle, where everyone believes I belong."

Whoa! OMG! We need to show this to Ben. No, that's not our plan, we have to stick to the plan, now that we know what she was gonna use it for, we really need her on our side even more now. I'll give a cookie to Ben, Jay to Farrah, and Carlos Freya. If they're in love with us, by the time the coronation comes along we'll be up front by the FGM and we can steal the wand and go back home, and my mother will finally be proud of me.

Reading this almost makes me wanna cry, this is horrible, we were only gonna give them the potion to make them fall in love with us, so that we could get the wand and go home, but she's clearly my sister this is evil, but she probably didn't think about it that way, she just wants people to love her, even if it's not real ,even when her biggest risk is losing her one and only best friend. This must've been before she met our father.

But love is weakness, and that's what we're going to prove, by making the AKs fall in love with us. She was proving that it was a strength so that the whole kingdom would go under her power to do her bidding. Or maybe just so no one would hate her, maybe it wasn't her intention to make it be evil but that everyone loved her. Besides, getting back to the ask at hand, that's not true Jay. Evie says both have antibodies and enzymes, but a real tear has more antibodies then a reflex tear.

Listen to you. Mal gushes to Evie, who blushes smiling. Y-yeah well I knew that. No you didn't Carlos says nudging him. A few mins. earlier. I went down with Lonnie to go see my dad. Daddy? Still here baby. I went to him, and reached my hand through the bars. He took my hand and kissed it. I love you dear. I love you too daddy.

Daddy your freezing! I'm fine baby. I pulled out the spell book that I had, and cast a heating spell to warm him up. Whose spell book is that? It's Mal's, she has mine, she's using it for something. Just don't get your heart broken. That's not something that I can promise dad. I know dear, just please be carful. I'll try. Farrah, if there is anything you want to tell me, I'm always here for you.

Dad, there is something I want to tell you, but not when my friend Lonnie is around. Ok honey, how about I'll just listen to your honesty hr. with you and Ben, that is if you don't mind me using my powers to eavesdrop. Um, you can but I'll probably not be telling Ben everything he wants to hear, so that he doesn't have to worry about me as much as he would be already to begin with, but I promise wen it's just the two of us, I'll come back and tell you everything.

This is Lonnie dad. She's Mulan's daughter. Nice to meet you Lonnie dear, I am Mal and Farrah's father, my name is Sirius Black. Oh I know your God kid's kids. You do? Yeah, they have a mystical creatures club here, we'll have to bring them down to you someday. Thank you dear, it was nice meeting you.

Goodnight daddy. Hey Farrah? Yeah Lonnie? I'm kind of hungry, can we stop in the kitchen for a snack? Please? Fine. I'm kid of hungry too, and it's not 10 yet. What's at 10? I frown rubbing my arm. It's not important. So we went to the kitchen. Oh look someone's already in there.

Mal? What are you guys doing in here? Oh good, I was looking all over for her! All the girls want your sister to do their hair! What are you guys making? Nothing special just cookies. Lonnie dipped her finger in tasting it, while the other VKs all yelled no.

I gave them all a suspicious look, probably sensing that they were up to no good. What? It's not like I'm gonna double dip. How is it? Feel anything? Like it needs something? Could use some chips. Chips? They all asked in sync. Here I'll try. No! They all yelled again.

Seriously you guys what's the problem?! How about you Farrah do you feel anything? Jay asked me suddenly a lot closer than anyone had ever gotten to me as my cheeks turned pink. Um, hello Jay. I said smiling. As I turned my eyes to the ground. He put his fingers under my chin to lift my head up, holding my cheek with his hand as he tucked my hair back behind my ear.

I think I need a map. Where did you get lost, aren't you where you're supposed to be? He frowned giving me a questioning look when I looked genuinely confused. What? No, I mean yes, but the next line is I'm supposed to say because I got lost in your eyes. Oh, um.... How can you get lost in them, I only have one pair and you can't physically go into my eyes Jay.

Hm.... Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? I can't fall from heaven if I haven't died yet. Are you ok? Ok third times the charm.... Are you from Tennessee? No I was born on the Isle of the lost just like the rest of you. Jay scratched his head and frowned. Um, what kind of chips? Evie asked Lonnie getting us back on track.

You know cholate chips? They all gave her dumb founded facial expressions. As we dropped a handful into the bowel and I dropped some into my mouth. I went around giving one to each of the VKs. They're really good. Like didn't your parents ever make you guys like cholate chip cookies, like when your sad and she just cheers you up with some cookies and a warm glass of milk? Lonnie I warn.

All the VKs stop what they're doing, and frown at us. Why are you guys looking at us like that? It's just different where were from. I know, but I figured even evil villains love their kids. Oh, how awful! She said grabbing Mal's hand. I went around giving all the VKs a hug. First Jay, then Carlos, then Evie and lastly my sister, where I lingered for a while.

They were all surprised by my hugging them since they've probably never gotten hugged before either. What was that? You mean what I just did? Yeah it made me feel all warm and fuzzy, and I didn't completely hate it! Jay answered. The other's nodded. It's called a hug. When you're sad or alone, or not well, or just cause you want or need one your friends and loved ones will give them to you and it's how you say hello and goodbye to people. Well who your friends with. The only people that I had ever gotten hugs from are my brother, and my parents, and Freya.

I mean Lonnie's ok with me, and so is Jane, but I'm not sure if I consider them my friends. Of course we're friends Farrah. She said hugging me. It's just I fit in better with the VKs then here, I don't really have friends, not a lot of people like me here you know?! I know, and I'm sorry.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning to face Jay. If you're giving out hugs over here I'd like one. My eyes welled with both sad and happy tears as I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close as my tears ran down my face. Aw Farr's don't cry. Mal said whipping my tears and dropping them into the bowel. Thoughts: What is this feeling, do I feel bad for using my sisters sadness like this? Of course not I'm rotten to the core. So why do I feel like this?

Well sorry girls yeah that's a big bummer, well we gotta get these cookies into the oven so evil dreams. Goodnight. Lonnie left. My arms were still wrapped round Jay, as my tears kept flowing. He wasn't really sure what to do, since he's probably never seen anyone cry before, if he had it was his own cause and he was happy, but now that I was crying and hugging him he felt sad.

You know what we should all get another hug. Evie said coming over and getting another hug. Carlos joined us, and finally Mal caved and joined too. It was I who pulled away first, finally looking at the clock. Oh no! I said whipping my tears away. It's almost 10! I need to go. Night sis love you, dad says hi and sends his love, good luck with the cookies and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Sweet dreams. I quickly said rushing my words, good night everyone. I said one last time before leaving the kitchen.

They finished their cookies and went to bed. I flashed into my room, with pjs on and went to my shared room. You're late, I heard a slightly evil voice say from behind me. No, I'm right on time it's exactly 10. Sit. He says patting the bed. So Ben, what do you want to talk about you go first.

No, no, no this is about you. No, I insist, it was your idea. Fine, I really like Mal since I've seen her in my dreams, and I can't be mean, so I'm not about to break up with Audrey, no matter how much I wish I could. Speaking of Audrey, it's your turn and go. Wait a min. You like my sister? Oh I'm so happy for you! It's about time we said goodbye to Audrey, she's so stuck up. And what do you mean, you can't be mean, you're mean to me all the time?! I am not, and that's not being mean that's playfully teasing and being your brother.

And speaking of Audrey, it's your turn. No, you mentioned Mal and liking Mal, so we'll start with the romance part first. Freya really likes Carlos and I really like Jay. Now, we can talk about Audrey. I knew if I started talking about boys, Ben would go into overprotective mode. Now wait a min. This is so cute, my sister has her first crush. Who said Jay's my first? Because no one likes you here and you don't anyone here that way.

Good point, so Audrey.... No, no, no wait a min. Where did you and Lonnie go? To see my dad, and then the kitchen, where we saw the VKs making cookies. Now, let's talk about your girlfriend problems. Yeah, sure in a min. What happened when you went down to the kitchen with the VKs? Um.... Well I tried the batter of the cookies and they all freaked out then Jay was acting strange.

Strange how? Well first he approached me, and the closer I got, my cheeks grew in heat. That's called blushing, but continue. I looked down at the ground, and he put his finger under my chin to hold my face up, and put his hand next to my cheek and pushed my hair back behind my ear. And.... Did he kiss you? What? Did he kiss you? No Ben he didn't kiss me. Because that's what guys do to girls they like before they try to kiss them.

Then he started saying a bunch of random confusing words. Like what? So I told him. Oh, you poor sweet child. What? Jay was trying to flirt with you. No, Ben I don't think so, a guy's never flirted with me, and they won't, unless they want something from me. No one's ever that nice to me except you. But you have to be nice to me your my brother.

That's why you don't understand, because you've never been flirted with. What else happened. Lonnie taught them about cholate chips, and we added some to their cookies, and we finally truly understood what it was like on the Isle, and then I was sad hearing that and hugged them all, then I said some things, Lonnie said some things, she hugged me, then Jay asked for another hug and I started crying both happy and sad tears, we stayed like that for a while, then Lonnie left and Evie joined us, then Carlos then Mal joined us and soon I discovered it was almost 10 and left.

Ben, those children need help, they've never had a hug before I just gave them some. And they all soon openly asked for hugs. Ben, we really need to help them! I know and that's what we brought them here for. So that we can do just that. Now let's talk about Audrey.

You already talked about Audrey. No, I talked about her, then you distracted me with romance and boy talk to get me to ask you about love, and crushes and sappy junk that you don't care about, to waist time. Just don't get your heart broken. That's funny that's what dad said. Your dad or my dad? Mine. I wish he wasn't locked up. We'll see what we can do.

Now, Farrah please I really want to ask you about Audrey. I need to ask you something first Ben. Fine go ahead. I looked down at my bracelet as I watched it shimmer again. That! What about it? Why does it do that? It's gold it's what it does. No, I mean it does that when someone talks to me, like tells me what to do. Ben, is there magic on this bracelet?

Not exactly. He said rubbing his arm. It's hard to explain. So, you're right it's been an hr. it's 11 now, so how about we go to sleep, we've got a big game tomorrow. Goodnight I love you. Never forget that! My bracelet shimmered. Goodnight Ben. Sweet dreams, I love you too.

In the morning, after Mal finished knocking sense into Jay, after watching Mal convince Ben to eat a bite of one of love potion cookies, he and Carlos came to find me and Freya. Freya was with the cheer girls, and I was hanging out by the boys locker room. Hey Farrah? He called. Hey Jay.

What are you up to? Huh? Oh um, ok so come 'ere. I was gonna reveal myself tonight after the game, but I trust you, you see this? I said showing him the transformation potion in my hand. Watch. I opened my mouth, and drank it, transforming into Jackson. What did you just do? I learned this spell to play this game because it's a boys only game, and they wouldn't allow me to play any other way.

But, you're the best player on the team?! Thanks, I blushed. Now you have something for me? Oh Mal wanted me to give one of our cookies from last night. My stomach growled. You sound hungry. I-I haven't been eating a lot recently. Why? Long story. Just one bite is all you'll need.

Fine, give it to me. I took a bite and because the bracelet doesn't allow me to fall under those kinds of spells I knew it was a love potion he gave me, but played along anyways. Oh Jay, this is so good, thank you. I said hugging him. It's just a cookie Farrah. Call me Jade. I said my eyes flashing my eyes green like my sister. Um, Far-Jade?

Yes, Jay? Are you ok. Never better, let's go cause trouble! I said grabbing his arm. But we have a game, that Jackson has to play in. Oh whatever, they don't need me. Oh Jay, BTW I never noticed how cholate brown your eyes are, like warm pools of cholate pudding. And have your eyes always had that gold fleck in the corners?

Else where Carlos had gone over to Freya, and the girls, and Audrey tried to shoo him away. He held Dude in his arms. Hi Freya. He said ignoring Audrey. Hey Carlos, what's up? Are you hungry? Just a little. But I shouldn't eat anything before I go out and cheer. Please Freya, just one bite.

They do like delicious and I am hungry, one bite couldn't hurt. The only problem there was that she was made of magic, no magic could be used on her. That was so good, thank you Carlos, you're so sweet she said hugging him, kissing his cheek. Isn't he the sweetest, thinking of others before himself? She said scratching behind Dude's ear as he licked her face and she giggled.

Well good luck, I'll be cheering for you, my little prince. We'll all be cheering, it's our job, you love struck puppy. Audrey said pulling her along as they went to the field. As Frey and I both played along to our friend's personality, and per choice. She ruffled his hair, giving his one last good luck cheek kiss, right before they did their cheer thing, and when that was over the boys and I and the VK boys went to the field and everyone else was standing cheering in the stands while Audrey, and Freya and the rest of the cheer squad cheered.

Now the real fun begins....

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