Kiara Cartier (Fred Weasley L...

By FredWeasleyismyking

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๐—•๐—ผ๐—ผ๐—ธ ๐Ÿฏ The Wizarding World is at war, with Lord Voldemort at power once more, reigning terror and fear... More

Ch. 1: The Mission
Ch. 2: Staying Behind
Ch. 3: Fears
Ch. 4: Decisions
Ch. 5: The Last Will and Testament of Albus Dumbledore
Ch. 6: Bill and Fleur's Wedding
Ch. 7: Wedding Crashers
Ch. 8: Battle Scars
Ch. 9: Muggle Disguise
Ch. 10: The First Visit
Ch. 11: Jealousy
Ch. 12: Wanted
Ch. 13: The Send-Off
Ch. 14: Stuffed Toys
Ch. 15: Date Night
Ch. 16: Dinner at the Burrow
Ch. 18: Potterwatch
Ch. 19: Earth and Air
Ch. 20: Kidnapping on the Platform
Ch. 21: Awkward Encounters
Ch. 22: Recognised
Ch. 23: The Sleepover
Ch. 24: Making Up
Ch. 25: Confessions
Ch. 26: A Different Christmas
Ch. 27: To The Unknown
Ch. 28: Locked Up
Ch. 29: Unlikely Friendships
Ch. 30: Time for Decisions
Ch. 31: Air Vents
Ch. 32: Floating on Feathers
Ch. 33: The Contingency
Ch. 34: Blank Space
Ch. 35: Clean Slate
Ch. 36: Noah Thompson

Ch. 17: Shell Cottage

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By FredWeasleyismyking

"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 17: Shell Cottage

November was finally upon them, with hints of winter and Christmas around the corner. Kiara woke up from a restless sleep next to Fred, after she woke up from a nightmare where masked figures kidnapped her in the middle of the night and took her to Voldemort. Her head was on his chest with his arms wrapped around her in a tight hold. She could hear his soft breathing and she smiled softly, thinking about how much she loved him. When she knocked on his door at 2:36am with glistening cheeks from her tears, he didn't hesitate to lay by her side and kiss her forehead until she fell asleep once more.

"Are you awake?" Fred murmured, rubbing his eyes. Kiara nodded, not realising that he was awake as well. It was as if he read her thoughts as he responded. "I could feel your breathing change when you woke up."

Kiara hummed softly in response. "That's creepy, yet sweet."

"I'll go with the latter," Fred remarked, kissing her head softly. "I don't want to work today."

"Neither do I," Kiara said in agreement. "It's been so quiet. I think I started counting the floor tiles in the backroom the other day for an hour."

"187," Fred muttered, shifting his position so that he was facing her. She looked at him with raised eyebrows, resting her head on the pillow next to him. "That's the number of tiles in the back room. I may have been bored yesterday as well."

"Well, that ruined my task for today," Kiara sighed, faking grumpiness. "What else will I do? Besides the obvious, like, actually working. But, there is only so much work we can do with how quiet we are."

Fred thought for a moment. Clearly, neither of them were motivated to work and realistically, why would they be? Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was as quiet as ever, with an average of ten to fifteen customers per day. Fortunately, their Owl Order service was still as busy as ever, which meant they were maintaining a considerable profit. "What if we close the store today? You and I don't want to work, and I'm sure that George feels the same. So, what if we spend the day doing something else? We can just put up a sign in the window that says we are doing stocktake and to come back tomorrow."

Kiara propped her head up with her elbow, considering the suggestion. "Can we do that?"

"Well, between you, George and I, I think we will have the full support of the owners," Fred grinned knowingly, causing Kiara to laugh. "So, why not?"

"Yeah, why not?" They whipped their heads to see George leaning against the door frame, sharing a matching grin to Fred's. Kiara squeaked in surprise, pulling the sheet over her pyjamas which consisted of grey trackpants and Fred's jumper. She forgot momentarily that they shared a flat with George.

"What the hell?" Fred groaned, scowling at his brother's interruption. "How long have you been standing there listening to our conversation?"

"I overheard you from the hallway suggesting that we close the store today, which perked my attention. Even with one ear, my hearing couldn't miss that one," George explained, walking over to Kiara's side of the bed. To Fred's disgust and Kiara's amusement, he lay next to Kiara and wiggled around the mattress until he got himself comfortable. Kiara sniggered as she lay between the two brothers. "Oh wow, Kiara, your bed is fantastic. Anyway, I have the perfect plan for today."

"George, get-," Fred threatened, glowering at his brother. George smirked, knowing that he was irritating his brother by lying next to them.

"Let's go to Shell Cottage! We haven't seen Bill and Fleur's new place and today is warmer than normal. We can go swimming."

"It's November," Fred sat up, frowning. "Did losing your ear mean you lost some brain cells? We'll get sick."

"I'm in," Kiara answered, grinning at the thought. Fred looked at his girlfriend in disbelief. He was clearly worried about her getting sick, rather than himself. "What? It'll be fun and I think we need a good break."

"I knew I could rely on you, Kiara," George fist pumped in the air and snuggled against Kiara, sighing deeply. It reminded Kiara of the many times they fell asleep side by side on the rug of the Common Room when they were too tired to climb the stairs. "Also, would you mind scooching over? I'm hanging off the side of the bed here."

"George, unless you want me to set your pants on fire, please get out," Fred growled, glaring at his brother. George didn't need to be told twice. He sprinted out of Kiara's bedroom quicker than she'd ever seen him run. Fred grumbled and rolled to his side, glancing at Kiara. "Are you sure you're okay with this, love? We can do something else. Plus, can you even wear contacts when swimming?"

"It'll be good to take my mind off everything," Kiara sighed. Fred touched her arm reassuringly. "Bill would've used a Fidelius Charm over Shell Cottage so I think we'll be safe. It's no different than me walking around here without wearing them."

"Okay love. Let's get changed and we'll go."

Kiara nodded and left the room, changing into bathers and pulling a white sundress over the top. She knew that Fred was right that they'd be cold by the beach, especially whilst swimming, so she cast a heat charm over her body. She pulled her hair into a ponytail. It felt relaxing to avoid reaching for her contacts and makeup for once. She wasn't fully disguised and felt more like Kiara than she had in awhile, rather than maintaining her appearance as Aria Cartier. Fred and George were sitting on the couch in the lounge, both wearing different clothes.

"Ready to go?"

Kiara grinned and kissed Fred's lips. "Let's go." They apparated together, the strong smell of salt in the air once they appeared in front of the cottage. It stood alone on a cliff, overlooking the sea with shells embedding the walls. They could see Fleur in the kitchen window which was illuminated by the morning sun, busying herself over the sink. George looked longingly at the sea, until Kiara nudged him in the side and nodded at the cottage. "Come on. We need to say hello first."

George knocked on the door thrice. The door slammed open with a loud bang, revealing Bill pointing his wand at them. He didn't look happy to see them, making Kiara realise something that hadn't crossed her mind, but should've where the twins were concerned. Her eyes turned orange with surprise.

"You didn't ask if we could come first?!"

"He's our oldest brother. We're always welcome to come here so why do we need to ask?" George retorted, rolling his eyes. He grinned at Bill happily. "Cheerio William!"

"When my brother, Ron was three, his teddy bear was transformed into what animal by Fred?" Bill demanded, raising his wand and pointing it at George's chest threateningly.

"A spider," Fred said impatiently. "And, why did I transform his teddy bear into a spider?"

"Because he broke your toy broomstick," Bill said flatly. He didn't look relieved once they confirmed their identities. In fact, he didn't move from his spot in the doorway. "What are you guys doing here? Did something happen with the shop? Death Eaters?"

"No, nothing like that," George assured his eldest brother. He went to enter the cottage but Bill didn't move to the side to allow them inside, which made Kiara confused. It wasn't like Bill to be unwelcoming, especially to his family. "Bill? We can explain everything inside if you let us in."

"Actually, today isn't a good time for you guys to visit," Bill said uncomfortably, not making eye contact with them. He was looking over his shoulder at something behind him. "Look, I don't mean to be rude but Fleur and I are... Erm... Busy with something."

"You can sugar coat it, Bill, but that is a bit rude to reject your younger brothers. You're meant to be the one we can always call upon."

"Bill, is everything okay?" Fred said suspiciously, noticing that his brother was acting differently and unusually.

"What? Oh... Yes, of course. Nothing is wrong. Why would something be wrong?" Bill said defensively. Kiara raised her eyebrows. Was there something going on that he wasn't mentioning?

"Well, we won't stay," George frowned, sharing a sceptical look with Fred and Kiara. Bill looked relieved at this, making the three of them even more suspicious. Fred nodded at George as they mentally schemed with each other. "But, where are our manners? We must say hello to your wife and our new sister-in-law."

Before Bill could protest, both Fred and George pushed past him. "Guys, don't-,"

"Ron?!" Fred said loudly, his eyes nearly bulging out of his sockets. "Blimey, is that you?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" George gaped. Bill sighed in defeat, moving aside so that Kiara could follow them. She entered the cottage to see Ron standing by the dining table, looking uncomfortable at the sight of his twin brothers. He looked rather different to how he had a few months ago when she last saw him. He had lost some weight and he looked worried to see them, rather than relieved. Fleur watched the scene from the kitchen sink, looking rather calm.

"Where are Harry and Hermione? Are they here too?" Kiara asked quietly, looking behind Ron to try and catch a glimpse of her friends.

Ron hesitated, his ears turning pink with embarrassment.

"I think we should sit and talk," Fleur suggested softly but Fred and George were beginning to mentally piece things together. Kiara's face fell. There was a reason why Bill was trying to hide Ron's presence from them. There was a reason why Ron looked so uncomfortable to see his brothers. There was a reason why Fleur wanted them to sit down calmly and talk about it.

"They're not here, are they?" George snapped, voicing Kiara's thoughts and glaring at Ron.

"No... We had an argument and I... I left them," Ron looked down at his feet, ashamed. His face was pink but his expression gloomy. Harry and Hermione were still on the run and Ron was... Hiding with Bill and Fleur.

There was a stunned silence in the room. Bill and Fleur were looking at each other warily, mentally preparing themselves for the ticking bomb in the room to explode.

"You... Did... WHAT?" Fred roared, glaring at his younger brother. "ARE YOU INSANE?"


"It was a mistake," Ron protested, rubbing his face guiltily with the palm of his hand. "I did the wrong thing, I know I did. I feel so bad and I tried to go back but-,"

"Honestly, you must be mentally deranged if you think Hermione would ever like you after this," Fred snapped, glowering at him. Ron looked shattered at the thought of Hermione not ever having feelings for him. "She will never go out with you after this."

"Does mum know yet?" George asked Bill, scowling at Ron. "Honestly, I'd love to be the one to tell her so she could murder him. I'll organise the funeral for him, I don't even care at this point. What flowers do you prefer, Ronald? Lilies? Orchids?"

"Stop it, both of you," Kiara rolled her eyes, smacking them lightly on the shoulders. She sighed and looked at Ron with sad eyes, feeling sorry for him. She could tell that he was beating himself over his own decision and didn't need further negative attitude from his family. "I don't agree with you leaving them, even if something bad happened and you guys had a fall out. You promised Harry you would help him and you're meant to be doing it together."

"I know," Ron said quietly, meeting her gaze. "Just, don't tell Mum, okay? I'm trying to work out where they are so I can find them again. If it wasn't for being caught by Snatchers, I would've been back weeks ago."

"Wait, Snatchers got you?" George asked, looking slightly grim.

"Yeah, but I managed to get away," He explained. Kiara looked at him sympathetically.

"You're going to go back to them still, aren't you?" Ron nodded in response. "Good, because they need you, Ron. You're their best friend and I'm sure they miss you. They can't do this without you."

"Let's 'ave breakfast," Fleur announced, waving her wand over the dining table. Instantly, the table was set for six, with pancakes, toast, waffles and orange juice arranged neatly in the middle. Bill clapped both Fred and George on the shoulder, nodding at the table in a way that said the conversation was over and to move on. They didn't protest, considering they left in such a rush that they all skipped breakfast entirely without realising. Kiara sat in the middle of Fred and George who didn't hesitate to dig in, along with Ron.

"This is fantastic, Fleur," George complimented, taking another pancake with his fork.

Fleur smiled at them gratefully and leant over to Bill, kissing his cheek. He grinned, glad that the arguing was over between his younger brothers. "So, what do you plan on doing today? Are you staying here?"

"We were actually planning on going for a swim," Fred answered, drinking his orange juice. He raised his eyebrows as Bill and Fleur exchanged a surprised looked. "What?"

"It's November," Bill pointed out to his younger brothers with raised eyebrows. "Are you insane? It's freezing outside, especially in the water. You'll get sick."

"What's a little flu compared to everything going on?" George remarked, grinning. "Don't worry about us. We'll be fine."

Fleur opened her mouth to protest and voice her concerns but Bill stopped her, taking her hand. "You won't convince them. They'll be alright, it's not the worst idea they've come up with."

Fred, George and Kiara smirked in triumph. Kiara turned to Ron, who was making a start on his fifth pancake. "Would you like to join us? I'm sure it'll be nice to relax after everything."

Ron didn't hesitate to answer, even with a mouthful of breakfast. "Thank you for the offer but it's alright. I want to keep trying to work out where Harry and Hermione are so I can get back to them soon."

After breakfast, they offered to help Fleur clear and clean the table but she dismissed their offers politely, thanking them as she whisked away the empty plates and glasses. Ron departed to their guest bedroom, muttering something about tracking Harry and Hermione. Bill turned to his younger brothers with a sigh.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you both when you first arrived," Bill apologised, rubbing the bridge of his nose. It was the first time that Kiara noticed the circles under his eyes, amidst the scars that spread out across his face. She knew that the stress from the dangerous wizarding war would be a constant looming cloud over his first year of marriage with Fleur, causing a great lack of sleep. He looked worn but resolute, determined to keep themselves safe. "We promised Ron that we wouldn't tell anyone he was here. He's embarrassed, guilty even, that he left Harry and Hermione."

"We know," Fred assured him, wrapping an arm around Kiara's waist. "We understand why you would keep it secret and it's okay. We're not mad about it anymore."

"I'm worried about them," Bill sighed. "No one in the Order has the slightest idea of what this mission might be. No one can help them. They're still only kids."

"They're of age," George reminded him. "And, I'm sure Dumbledore wouldn't have given them the mission if he thought that they wouldn't succeed."

"Kiara's of age as well," Bill pointed out. "But, if she was with them, you'd be worried too."

The twins sighed and nodded. Fred knew that if Kiara was on the run with Harry that he would be up each night, worrying about Kiara's safety.

"Well, I'll let you guys go swimming," Bill smiled, waving his wand and summoning three individual towels. "Just try and avoid catching a cold? Please? If Mum found out that I let you swim during November, she would murder me."

"You don't even live at home anymore and you're still terrified of our mother?" George asked in amusement. Bill raised his eyebrows in response, making George reflect on his words closer. "You know what, that's fair enough. She's scarier than old no-nose himself."

They waved to Bill and Fleur and exited the whitewashed cottage, stepping out into the cold breeze. The waves were gentle in the distance. The trio exchanged excited looks, staring at the ocean longingly.

"Last one into the water is a Flobberworm!" George shouted in excitement. They each began sprinting towards the ocean, kicking off their shoes and stumbling across the wet stand. Fred was first to reach the water, diving in without a second thought. Laughter filled the air as George got his head stuck in his t-shirt, unable to yank it off completely.

Kiara managed to overtake him, pulling off her sundress with one elegant motion. Fred's eyes widened as a low whistle escaped his lips, feeling the heavy heartbeat in his throat. The water splashed around her as she ran into the ocean, bouncing on her bare skin. In his eyes, she looked angelic and picturesque with green eyes. There was nothing in the world that was more attractive than her. She smiled as she dived under an incoming wave, reappearing moments later. The water wasn't cold against her skin, due to the heat spell that she used previously. She pushed the hair out of her face, laughing softly as George entered the water with a sour look on his face.

"I hate being a Flobberworm," George grumbled, splashing water at Kiara playfully when she sniggered.

"Poor Georgie," Fred teased, lying on his back and floating on the water. He gently drifted with the waves. "This is so relaxing. There is nothing better than this."

"We're meant to be working," Kiara rolled her eyes, diving under another wave. She reappeared moments later, inhaling a deep breath. "But, I can't complain. This is the best day that we've had in months."

"These waves are hitting us quicker than our customers," George observed, shaking his damp hair. Drops of water fell in every direction. "Still, I agree. It's the best day."

Kiara glanced towards Fred, wanting to see how far he managed to drift away but he was nowhere in sight. Her eyes turned orange as she turned her neck, trying to spot him. "Fred? Where are you?" There was no response. George frowned and scanned the surface as well.

Suddenly, Kiara felt two strong hands grab her waist firmly. She screamed in alarm, until she realised it was Fred's laughter escaping the depths of the water underneath her. Without hesitation, he tossed her into the water over his shoulder, not allowing her the opportunity to protest. Kiara pushed herself back to the surface, coughing up the water that she accidentally inhaled.

"Fred, what the hell?" Kiara coughed, scowling at her boyfriend. She ignored George's obnoxious laughter as she pushed the hair out of her face. Fred merely grinned, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. She blushed at the closeness of his bare chest.

"You still love me, right?"

"It's both a blessing and a curse," Kiara sighed, shaking her head at him. She smiled however, unable to stay mad at him. She truly loved him and couldn't imagine a day in her life without him. He made her happy from the moment she woke up until the moment she fell asleep.

"I have to pee," George exclaimed loudly, jumping up and down enthusiastically. Kiara and Fred frowned at him, taken aback by his outburst.

"So, go then?" Fred said, as if it were an obvious response. George smirked cheekily.

"You're right. I forgot that the ocean is my toilet," He mused, watching as Fred and Kiara's annoyance turned into a mixture of horror.

"George, what the hell?" Kiara complained, all urges of wanting to kiss Fred disappearing momentarily. She wrinkled her nose in disgust. "That's disgusting."

"You don't complain about the fish," George cried, grinning.

"Just go inside!" Fred snapped, pointing towards Shell Cottage. George chuckled as he retreated, pleased at the reaction he received. "Honestly, I could kill him."

"We live with him," Kiara reminded him, smiling.

"We do but you don't share a bedroom with him," Fred pointed out, kissing Kiara's forehead. He stared into her eyes, admiring her for a moment. "You are so beautiful, Miss Malfoy." Her smile widened and her eyes turned pink. "Would it be ill-timing if I kiss you senseless right now?"

"The fact that you feel the need to ask my permission, makes it ill-timing," Kiara rolled her eyes but took his face with her hands and pulled him towards her, kissing him. The water moved freely at their waists but they didn't care, their lips moving together with such synchronisation. They didn't break apart until a heavier wave crashed into their bodies, catching them off guard but Fred still managed to grip Kiara's hips and hold her steady. Kiara smiled at him with dark pink eyes, a thought finally connecting the dots in her mind. "Fred, move in with me."

Fred chuckled. "We already live together, love."

Kiara shook her head, her heart beating quickly. "Move into the room next door to yours."

"But, that would be-," Fred's eyes widened in surprise as he realised what she was referring to. "Really? Are you sure?"

She nodded, feeling surer about this than before. The world around them was crumbling and Kiara was beginning to doubt so much. Fred was the only constant in her life right now. They were already living together but it still felt like a step that they needed to take in their relationship. And, she couldn't deny the fact that she slept better in his arms. "I want you to move in with me. What do you think?"

Fred smiled. "Kiara, I want to cook you breakfast every morning, even though you know I'm terrible at cooking. I want you to steal my clothes to sleep in them. I want to let you read the paper first. I want to show you how much I love you without saying the words. Of course, I want to move in with you."

"You know, I also want to care for you as well if you allow me a window of opportunity to do so," Kiara joked, kissing him softly. "But, I love you. And you know it, without me saying the words."

"Of course I do."


They're moving in together (more than before)! Yay!


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