The Storm

By ApplexPie54

847K 23.2K 6.3K

[Sequel] He's the grumpy CEO of the company she works for. The very boss, no one gets enough words with befor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
The Letter
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Alison Storm

Chapter 23

19.6K 599 176
By ApplexPie54


I imagined this being easier. I mean, I'm already married, what's Sierra supposed to say? No? If she does say no, I might as well just laugh cause...well, she's already bound to me. Legally.

"Daddy?" Vienna whispers over, tugging on my sleeve. I didn't even notice she got up from her seat to walk over to me.

I lean down, enough to hear her quiet voice a little better. It's not that I have hearing problems or anything, just saying. But try listen to a toddler whisper. Sometimes they're impossible to understand while speaking normally, whispering won't make it easier.

"What's up, cupcake?"

Vienna giggles. I'm not sure why, but I learned to not question it anymore. "When we go home?"

"Just a few more minutes, okay?"

She shakes her head and draws her eyebrows together in a frown. "Chweesbawl say we watch Barbie at home. I wanta watch Barbie."

Can't believe I have to negotiate with my two-year-old. "I'll let you watch as many Barbie movies as you want, if we can stay a little while longer." Not that she has any other choice. But, you know, giving your child the illusion of having something to say keeps them surprisingly pleased.

"Five minutes." She looks at me in a way she's never had before. Vienna is the quiet one. She's shy and holds back. But her expression is everything but.

She looks at me as though she is warning me. It's like if I go past five minutes, she'll pull me out of here herself.

Perhaps she's starting to...I don't know, loosen up? Get more comfortable?

Is that even possible? All she's known her whole life are Sierra and me. Well, and Allie, obviously. And perhaps the handful of people that stop by our house occasionally like my mother, siblings or Cody and Athena.

But there's still a difference. She has always acted less scared with Sierra and me. Though still shy. Imagine how shy she is around strangers.

Back to my question; is it possible for her to get more comfortable with her own parents when we're all she's known? And I can guarantee, she's living a great life. She's got everything she needs. Material-wise and love-wise. She's not lacking of anything, never has. And also, I happen to think Sierra and I are winging the parenting stuff.

Anyway, it's good she's only two. Toddler's sense of time is almost to none existing, which makes this so much easier to lie to her. Even if an hour is passed, she's still believe a simple "It hasn't been five minutes yet." Not that it'll be needed as an hour from now, Vienna will most likely have forgotten she even wanted to leave.

Guess it's only fortunate that I was about to get my shit together anyway.

Why the hell am I so nervous?

As soon as we finish eating, I help Sierra get up. Since she's already six months pregnant, sitting down and getting back up are becoming her personal enemies.

Not that she minds it, because she knows I'll help her in every way possible. And if I have to pick her up and sit her down myself.

Holding her hand in mine, I interlock our fingers and nod for Allie and Vienna to go outside like we've practiced.

Yes. I have spent a whole week here at the restaurant, practicing with my daughters every single step so everything would go smoothly. Their mother doesn't need to know they haven't gone to daycare.

I mean, they were today, but only because I eventually had to show up at my office. Sign some papers and stuff.

I chose this restaurant because I knew it has an outside area. One we successfully turned into less eating outside and more romantic-garden atmosphere.

Thank God I'm the owner of this restaurant. Otherwise this would've cost me Millions. I mean, it still did, but that was company money. Not that I wouldn't spend billions for Sierra in a heartbeat.

Okay, let's be honest...I'd be more likely to spend my entire money on my daughter because I, and that I do admit, might have spoiled them a little too much.

Nope. Nah. I can't admit that. There's no such thing as "I spoiled them too much." Clearly that's a concept Sierra made up to make me feel bad.

As we walk outside, one after the other the little sidewalk lanterns turn on with every step we take. That shit cost me almost a hundred grand.

I hear Sierra gasp softly beside me, her grip around my hand tightening. The farther we walk, the more bushes of roses come in view. Until eventually, the outside stage that's means for live-music lights up.

It's covered in what seems to be a million rose pedals and, of course, bouquets too. I couldn't possible get away with wasting roses without having at least a bouquet of them for my wife.

Allie and Vienna are standing on the stage, waving at us. They're both grinning widely.

Just as Sierra wants to wave back, Allie grabs the little microphone and catches even more of our attention. "Mommy, I have a song for you."

Sierra looks at me with so many questions lingering in her head, I almost start to laugh. But what I do instead is, I push her forward so I'd stay behind and wrap my arm around my wife, one hand resting on her belly.

Allie so desperately wanted to sing us a song. It was her "contact requirement" for playing along. Her payment, if you will. And yes, she requested it herself.

As much as listening to a toddler sing sucks, it's kind of what you have to do as a parent. And god, do children love to sing.

Neither Sierra nor I have ever had it in us to stop either of our daughters. It's not exactly kind anyway. We refuse to be the reason of any insecurities of our children. And repetitively pointing out flaws will lead to them.

So yeah, even if our ears might start to bleed having to listen to the soundtrack of Moana sung by a three years old Allie, totally off-key, we'll sit through it.

I lean down to Sierra's ear just as Allie starts to sing and Vienna begins to dance in the background. More or less dancing. She's running in circles, basically.

"Happy anniversary, sweetheart," I whisper into her ear, then plant a kiss right behind it.

Feeling Sierra inhale sharply, I have to press my lips together to suppress a smile. I kind of knew she'd forget, but it's alright. Sierra has a lot on her mind recently, especially with the letter from her mother that's been lying on her nightstand for months, begging her to be read.

"Atlas..." she says in a sad tone. "I'm sorry, I—"

I chuckle, turning her head enough for me to kiss her lips. "I know, sweetheart. It's alright, I promise."

Sierra turns her head back around after giving me a soft smile. She knows very well if she doesn't have her eyes on Allie, she will most definitely be difficult to get into bed later. Yeah, our first-born is a bit dramatic like that. If she doesn't get attention when she's obviously asking for it, she is very likely to let her anger out that same night.

Now guess who Sierra blames that on. Right. Me "and my attitude."

As soon as Allie finishes her song—thank god—Vienna and her run off the stage, picking up four little gift bags on their way over to us, just like we've practice. They had them over to me, now patiently, or half-patiently waiting to see what's inside of them.

That one thing I haven't told them. And they hated it. All they got to practice with were empty bags. I couldn't possibly risk them telling Sierra anything. It's a miracle they could keep quiet about this evening for so long.

I take the first two light pink bags, handing one back to each of my daughters. "You can open them," I tell them with a smile. They're only allowed to open them because I know if I did, they'd be mad. They love opening up presents.

Not paying them any more attention as they unpack, I set the light blue bag down onto the floor before handing the last light pink one to Sierra.

Unlike with my daughters, I do watch Sierra unpack. Only because I love watching her face turn from confused to surprised to whatever-the-hell-one-looks-like-when-they-love-something. I love seeing her eyes become glossy as she holds back tears of joy, or when that little pout happens. Or even when her eyebrows falls and her mouth forms into a smile.

I especially love the smile.

Never thought I'd ever say that, given that I loathed her sunny-personality when we first met.

Anyway, as soon as Sierra holds the box that was inside of the bag in her hands, her eyes widen. I know she's expecting a proposal since we've talked about it before and I promised her a real one...but that's not it. Yet.

"Mommy, look," Vienna says and giggles as she holds up the necklace from her box. "Me too."

Sierra's mouth drops while her eyes wander from the necklace in Vienna's hands, to the one in Allie's box, to her own.

They're all the same necklace. A simple silver chain with a small diamond handing from it as a little charm. Like a minimalist teardrop necklace, just with a diamond and made of silver.

Can you imagine how hard it was to find a necklace that could easily be adjusted for when my daughters are older?

Obviously I couldn't get them the same size as Sierra since they're a lot tinier, but I also didn't want to get them just any necklace that fits them perfectly and end up buying a new one once they need it.

I wanted them to always have this necklace. Even when they're older. It'll hopefully be valuable to them eventually.

Taking the necklace from Sierra, I walk behind her, push her hair out of my way and then help her put on the necklace. 

"Atlas, you shouldn't have..." Sierra says, turning around to look at me once the necklace is hanging loosely around her neck.

"God, wife. Let me do something nice for you once, okay?" She giggles but it soon tunes down as my lips press to hers. I certainly deserve that kiss. And even if I didn't...well, I'm getting it anyway.

"Daddy, me too!" Vienna shrieks, holding her necklace up. Chuckling, I kneel down and put the necklace around her neck, clipping it close. Then I go and do the very same for Allie, even though she insists on doing it herself. 

Allie can barely get her own shoes on the correct way, there is no way she'd ever manage to handle a necklace.

Both of my daughters sit down on the floor, waiting patiently for what else is about to come. And know sort of know what it is. Again, it's a miracle they haven't said anything.

"The other bag, daddy," Allie tells me, pointing towards the light blue bag. I haven't forgotten about it, but shit, proposing does seem a bit more scary than I would have ever thought. And then again, I'm already married to that woman. It's not like I could get turned down really.

I grab the last bag, taking out another small jewellery box. Though, this one is smaller than the first one. And of course Sierra immediately knows what it is.

Sierra gasps, eyes watering immediately. A soft, breathy "Atlas" leaves her mouth right before she sniffles.

"Sierra, I have to be honest with you," I say, taking her hands in mine. Sierra draws her eyebrows together like she wasn't expecting me to start like this. "I disliked you—"


I chuckle, letting go of one hand to slap the palm of it to her ass. "Shut it, woman. I'm trying to be romantic here."

"Maybe start with the words 'I and love and you' then." She offers me an unapologetic shrug. 

I shake my head. "I dislike you."

Her jaw drops but a smile tugs on the corner of her mouth nonetheless. "Okay, Mr. Storm. You will have my two weeks notice on your desk by tomorrow morning."

"You're already fired. You can't quit."

"Even ruder." She sighs deeply, though falsely too. "At least could've done this the cute way."

Did I ever mention that this woman is driving me insane?

"I got you a fancy dinner this time. Appreciate what you get." I smile at her, she smiles back. Her eyes full with love and admiration, I think I might have a heart attack if she continues to look at me like that. Though, I'll gladly die like this. "Anyway."

Because I can't get enough of her, I steal a kiss of hers before I am able to continue. "I love you," I say, but don't let her answer. "You turned my whole goddamn world upside down. Or the right way round, probably. Cause ever since you're in my life, sweetheart, it all makes so much more sense to me."

"Yeah, well, you're certainly home more often."

"Goddammit, Sierra." I laugh. "I try to be romantic once and you go and comment, calling me out."

"I'm sorry," she says through laughter. "I've never been proposed to."

I narrow my eyes. "I did propose. On the day you gave birth to Allie. But you freaked out."

"You said you loved me! I'm sorry if that scared me."

I lean down, my mouth so close to her ear, she might as well feel my breath on her skin. "I love you," I say, repeating the same words probably a millions times. I can feel her shiver, not from the cold but from my words. I'm well aware they'll always affect her in some ways. 

And it doesn't hurt getting her horny either. I mean, it'll only benefit me too. Yeah, that cute stuff gets my wife all hot. Not that I'm complaining.

"May I proceed now?" I ask, looking back into her eyes.

"By all means, Mr. Storm." 

Can I strangle her or is that more of a second-wedding kind of thing?

Sucking it up, I turn on my serious mode. Though, less of a "The Storm"-serious and more of a "Romantic"-serious. Is that a thing?

Going down on one knee, Sierra seems to be taking this a million times more serious as well. 

"Sierra, you once asked me if I had a love story I could share with you." I pause to let her nod her confirmation. "I'm still not sure why you wanted to know, but I didn't lie. I didn't have one, but I do now."

She smiles at me. "I wish I could tell you all about it, but since you're the main character in said love story, I don't think I have to. It is still being written. And I don't plan on ever putting the pen down."

"I know I am exactly four years too late for this, and I most definitely should have proposed to you then." Though if I did she would have said no, we both know that. But that's not the point right now.

This is probably the worst proposal ever, and I'm really not cut out to be romantic, or do the sweet-talking. I'm much better at fucking my wife and speak with actions rather than words, so she'll have to settle for a mediocre proposal. 

But, hey, it's a proposal after all, right?

I open the ring box, with surprise, not a ring in it. I decided on two bracelets because, well, I don't want Sierra to have a new ring. Neither a new engagement ring (that she only ever had because of the fake dating we've had to go through), nor a wedding ring. They're both pretty much valuable.

So a bracelet it is.

The bracelet is matching the necklace, a simple and thing chain. But this time there is no diamond attached. And we kind of have to go to a jeweller to get them on as these bracelets are permanent bracelets.

It had to be plain and simple for two reasons. 1: Plain and simple often times is more. 2: I can't picture myself running around with a bracelet and some charms on them.

"I, of course, asked our daughters for their blessings. But that doesn't matter because the only person to be okay with this is you, Sierra. So, will you marry me?"

Sierra is laughing through tears, shaking her head while sniffling. "That was awful."

"Shut it, woman."

"Mommy, you have to say yes!" Allie almost yells.

"Please," Vienna adds quietly. 

Sierra sighs. "Well then..." She cups my face with her hands, kneeling down to me. "I do. It has it's financial benefits as well."

"I fu-dging knew you're just using me for my money." But I don't care. In a heartbeat, I press my lips to my wife's and never plan on letting her go ever again.

"Obviously. That's the only thing you're good for."

I raise an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure I'm good at getting you pregnant too."

Sierra looks behind me, pressing her lips together. 

I fucked up.

"Daddy? How you get mommy pregnant?"

Oh, I so totally fucked up.

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