Camp Cretaceous:Survival

By Gedthehero

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The camp fam is back in action, after the Mitch and Tiff scandal the kids find themselves still stuck on the... More

Sky High
Mono Ay' Mono
Friend or Foe
In the Dark lies Danger
Ben's Resolve
Double Trouble
A Shot In The Dark

Shocking Revelations

382 8 86
By Gedthehero


Sammy groaned in pain as her vision was still blurred and her head was ringing.

She was able to make out some of her friends running by frantically trying to help her.

"Somebody get some bandages!" Darius shouted.

"It's gonna be okay Sammy!" Kenji shouted as he ran away frantically.

Suddenly Yasmina runs up to Sammy as she shook her.

"Sammy? Sammy!" Yasmina yelled frantically.

"Yas!" Shouted the voice of Geleel as he rushed over to them with Brooklynn by his side.

Brooklynn had gauze in her arms to help suppress the wound.

"These quills are poisonous, we need to get them out of her, now." Geleel said with urgency evident in his tone.

Brooklynn and Yasmina looked at Sammy warily.

"It's okay, on the count of three." Geleel said as they grabbed the quills.

"This is gonna hurt, I'm sorry." Yasmina apologized to Sammy in advance.

"One, two, three!" Geleel exclaimed as they ripped the quills out of Sammy swiftly causing her to shriek in pain.

"Sammy? Sammy!" Yasmina's cries were nothing but faint echos now as Sammy saw nothing but darkness, she had fully blacked out now.

After a bit, they had got Sammy's unconscious form out of the rain and in the shade.

The other campers watched as Yasmina and Geleel sat near Sammy.

Yasmina held her hand as Geleel held onto the emotional Yasmina firmly.

Kenji had moved away from the group, he did not want them to see him cry.

"Please be okay, Sammy." Kenji mentally stated as a silent tear fell.

Sammy's body had took on a sickening color as she almost appeared to be green.

She shook violently and shivered in her sleep as her face scrunched up in agony.

Yasmina and Geleel could not stand seeing their friend like this.

For Kenji it was even worse, seeing the girl he had the biggest crush on like this was heart wrenching.

"Sammy I'm her- We're here, everything's gonna be okay." Yasmina said trying to keep hope.

Geleel looked at Sammy's body with a saddened expression.

He then turns to the others with a determined look.

"We have to do something, quick, I don't think she'll survi-" Geleel cuts himself off as he looked at the sobbing Yasmina, he did not want to say those words, atleast not in her presence.

Darius turned to Brooklynn and Ben with a saddened expression.

"Taking out the quills wasn't enough, the poison's already in her system, she needs an antidote." Darius said urgently.

"Ha, yea sure, an antidote, that will be a quick find, since nobody has ever seen this thing before." Ben said in annoyance.

Suddenly Brooklynn gasps as they turn their attention to her.

"The video in Wu's old lab! Wu was attacked by the Scorpious, and they were giving him this shot from a red vial." Brooklynn began.

This news causes Yasmina to gasp as she shot up swiftly causing Geleel to almost lose his balance.

He quickly catches himself as he walked over to them alongside Yasmina.

"Where is this lab?" Yasmina asked desperately.

Brooklynn was taken back for a second but she reached into her jacket and gave Yasmina a map.

Yasmina took it as she read the details.

"Near the raptor paddock." Brooklynn informed her.

Yasmina sighed deeply before handing the map to Brooklynn.

"Take care of Sammy until I get back." Yasmina said as she ran off, causing everyone to gasp.

Geleel ran after her as he grabbed her arm much to her dismay.

"Let go!" Yasmina shouted harshly.

"No way! I'm not letting you go back out there with that monster!" Geleel shouted as the others watched them.

Yasmina stopped relenting for a moment as she sighed.

"That antidote is the only thing that will help her, I need to do this." Yasmina said with a determined look.

Geleel returned the same look, but it eventually softened, he too knew they had no option.

"Fine then, let me come with yo-" Yasmina cuts him off.

"No! I don't want another person I care about to get hurt tonight, besides I'm the fastest here." Yasmina reminded him.

Geleel sighs deeply as he let her arm go.

He then takes his chain off, catching Yasmina off guard.

Geleel puts the chain around her neck as she looked at him with wide eyes.

"To protect you." Geleel said with a shaky tone.

"I don't have anything to give him." Yasmina mentally stated.

"This wa-mph!" Geleel did not know what hit him until he felt another pair of lips touch his.

His eyes widened in shock as he realized Yasmina had actually kissed him fully on the lips.

His eyes eventually closed as he sunk into the feeling of her lips on his.

The kiss lasted for about five seconds until Yasmina separated from him,  turned, and then ran off with a determined look.

"I didn't want it to be like this, Geleel, but I can't turn back now, I have to save Sammy." Yasmina mentally reminded herself as she disappeared into the forest.

Geleel still stood there, in complete and utterly shock, Yasmina had just kissed him...?

The others were in just as much shock as him as they all could not believe their eyes.

"That was insane, I mean I saw it coming, but still, woah." Kenji said in awe.

Geleel got over his stupor as he turned around and faced the group.

"We need to do something to help Yas, even if it's from a distance." Geleel announced, albeit a bit shaken up due to the kiss.

The others then got over their stupor aswell.

"This is nuts, she can't outrun that thing!" Ben shouted.

"We have to try." Brooklynn reprimanded.

"Okay, think, what do we know so far about this dinosaur?" Darius questioned.

"It's, straight up terrifying, it climbs, breathes like a pug with a cold, and it moves, weird." Kenji listed off as he began making growling noises and claw motions with his arms.

Geleel then followed Brooklynn who had walked towards the gate a bit.

"When the lightning hit that tree..." Brooklynn trailed off.

"It didn't attack us, the fire basically hypnotized it." Geleel finished.

"Well, that's how we'll clear a path for Yas, only our explosion will be better, bigger, louder, fierier." Darius stated.

"I'm in, I know the jungle better than anyone." Ben said as he snaked an arm around Darius' shoulder.

"Plus, bigger, louder, fierier, those are all my favorite words, try to keep up." Ben said as he let go of Darius and ran off.

"You do realize this plan is a complete longshot, right?" Kenji questioned as Darius and Geleel both looked down.

"I know, but, we have to atleast try, Yas and Sammy's lives are both on the line, don't you want to protect Sammy?" Geleel questioned Kenji as they looked at the unconscious Sammy.

Kenji's gaze softened as he looked at her, his eyes then hardened as he turned to Geleel and Darius.

"Alright, I'm in." Kenji stated firmly.

"Okay, you and Ben take care of the explosion, we'll look after Sammy." Geleel said as he and Darius locked arms with a nod.

Darius then turned to run off but was stopped as a hand grabbed his causing him to turn with a puzzled look.

"Good luck." Brooklynn said, as she kissed him on the cheek, causing both of them to blush deeply.

"Thank you." Darius said curtly as he turned and ran after Ben.

"Okay, so everyone's just dropping kiss bombs today?" Kenji questioned as Brooklynn glared at him.

Their attention is then brought to Sammy once more, as she groaned in pain.

"Come on guys, we need to keep Sammy alive, Brook, get some water and a towel, Kenji get her a blanket." Geleel said as they nodded.

"You have to hang in there, Sammy, I still haven't told you how I felt yet." Kenji mentally stated.


Yasmina was running through the jungle, with every step, she let out a heavy breath.

However, she did not get tired or falter, she knew her friend's life was on the line.

She felt the wind smacking against her face as she ran, almost tripping once, but ultimately staying up.

Suddenly a loud screech rang through the air, stopping the trackstar dead in her tracks.

Yasmina then leaps behind a tree for cover, just incase.

She then began breathing heavily looking around her to see which direction it came from.

Lucky it did not appear to be close, so Yasmina just turns and continued running.

"Hang on Sammy, just hang on." Yasmina whispered to herself as she kept running.

She once again stops dead in her tracks as she almost went over a small cliff into a windy river.

She looked down at the dangerous water, she then looked at the other side of the river.

Could she make the jump? Time to find out.

"Ugh! Come on, Yas! You're gonna let a little water stop you!? You were able to kiss the boy you loved, but you're gonna get stuck here?!" She berates herself.

Yasmina then backed up a bit so that she could get a running start.

She then bounced around a bit to warm herself up.

Now she was ready, as she exploded forward and ran with all her might.

As Yasmina neared the edge, she leaped and almost seemed to actually fly over to the other side.

Unfortunately, luck was not on her side, as she was barely able to grab onto the ledge, and ultimately slipped off.

Her body descended into the cold aggressive rapids of the river as she screamed out.

Yasmina was still very determined as she tried to swim against the current, to no avail.

Luckily, a vine presented itself before she went over a waterfall.

Yasmina let a out a breath she didn't know she was holding in as she climbed onto land with a grunt of exhaustion.

She then got up exasperatedly as she slumped over to a tree and sat against it.

Yasmina then felt her chest area, she sighed in relief as she felt Geleel's chain still wrapped around her neck safely.

She looked at the pendant as she then began having a flashback.


"One of my pages got wet." Yasmina complained as she sat on the camp couch.

"You need a friend! Or even better, two friends!" Sammy shouted as Geleel and Sammy sat on the opposite sides of Yasmina.

"W-What?" Yasmina shakily questioned.

"I'm confused too, don't worry." Geleel said with a chuckle.

Sammy gasped sharply. "Is that a scrapbook? I love scrapbookin, we can make one together! Pull you outta yer shell." Sammy stated.

"Um, I'm pretty happy in my shell." Yasmina said.

"Trust me, Yas, the shell isn't a fun place, it could cause social anxiety and that definitely isn't fun, trust me, I have personal experience." Geleel said as both girls gave him wary looks.

"Another time girls." Geleel said with a small smile.

"He's right, Yas, the shell stops you from getting to know people." Sammy said.

"Bingo!" Yasmina exclaimed as she got up and walked away.

"Well that went well." Geleel said with a deadpan.

"I know you're just shy!" Sammy shouted to Yasmina.

"Can't hear you in my shell!" Yasmina retorted.

Geleel consoled Sammy as she gained a new determination.

"I'm not giving up!" Sammy shouted to Yasmina, who unbeknownst to her, was smiling slightly.


Yasmina did the same smile as she did in the flashback, but it quickly fell as she realized the task at hand.

She then stood up as she looked at the chain once more.

'It means I would do the most for my friends, no matter what.' Geleel's voice rang in her head.

"Then that's what I'm going to do." Yasmina said with conviction as she ran forward.

She then came to a stop as she stood in front of a poll that had different directions on it.

She read them all, unfortunately she did not notice the lab as one of them, but she did see the Raptors.

"That was right near the lab." Yasmina said with a determined glare in that direction.

She once again took off with a burst of speed, time was of the essence.


Geleel watched as Brooklynn held a rag to Sammy's head to soothe her.

He couldn't help but feel bad for his friend, she was suffering.

His attention is turned to Kenji, who was even more worked up, as he paced back and forth.

Geleel stood in front of Kenji as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"Kenji, you need to rela-" Geleel is cutoff as Kenji ripped his shoulder out of Geleel's hand.

"Relax!? How can I relax? Sammy is suffering...and there's nothing I can do about wouldn't understand." Kenji said as he looked down, he was on the verge of crying.

Geleel sighed deeply. "Trust me, Kenji, I understand more than anybody how you feel right now, how do you think I feel knowing Yas is out there right now with a monster, and I can't be there to help her?" Geleel questioned as Kenji still kept his head down, but the point was a good one.

"The only thing I can do right now, is hope and pray she's okay." Geleel began as he looked at the moon.

His attention is then returned to Kenji.

"But, you can do more than that, Sammy is right there, all you have to do is be there for her, you obviously like her, just be the shoulder she can lean on." Geleel said as Kenji sighed and finally raises his head.

"Okay, but how do I know I won't mess up?" Kenji questioned.

Geleel chuckled. "That's the thing, you don't, you just have to take your chances." Geleel said with a shrug as he offered his hand to Kenji.

Kenji hesitated for a moment, but he eventually took Geleel's hand in his as they smirked at eachother.

"Now come on, Sammy needs you." Geleel said as they separated their hands and walked over to the two girls.

"I got you, Sammy, you're gonna be okay." They hear Brooklynn say as they kneeled down next to them.

"How's she holding up, Brook?" Geleel questioned.

"It's not so good, we really need that antidote, or she'll-" Brooklynn is cut off by Kenji.

"Don't say it! Please...don't say it." Kenji said with an uncharacteristic weak tone.

He then moves to sit besides Sammy as he put his hands on hers and sulked.

Geleel and Brooklynn looked at eachother solemnly, before turning back to Sammy and Kenji warily.

"Come on, let's go get some more water." Brooklynn said as Geleel nodded and they went to do just that.

"Sammy, I know you can't hear me's going to be okay, everything will be okay, Yas'll get the antidote and we're gonna get off this stupid island." Kenji said firmly.

"And you'll be able to brag to Ben all day about how you're actually the immortal one." Kenji said lightheartedly.

"Just hang in there, okay? I don't know what I'd do without you." Kenji confessed.

The sound of a water bottle being put down draws his attention as he snapped his neck towards Geleel and Brooklynn who had returned.

Brooklynn began using the water to wet the rag again.

"You okay, Kenj?" Geleel questioned as he noticed the look on his friend's face.

"Y-Yea, I jus-" Kenji is cutoff as Sammy groaned slightly and unconsciously nuzzled into him causing him to gasp slightly.

Kenji instinctively wrapped his arms around her.

"You're doing good Kenji." Brooklynn complimented as she put the rag onto Sammy's head.

"T-Thank you." Kenji said a bit flustered at the close contact with Sammy.

"I hope the others are okay." Geleel mentally stated as he looked out into the dark jungle.

Ben and Darius

The two had ran into the jungle, but in a different direction than Yasmina as they had different plans.

"Now I have some ideas on how this should go." Ben began.

"One, you create a diversion while I blow something up, two, I create a diversion while we both blow something up!" Ben shouted.

"Three, forget the diversions in general, I blow something up." Ben added in.

"Yup! Yup! Yea, I got it, thanks, whatever that something is, it's gotta be big enough, and high up enough so that the Scorpios can't miss it." Darius stated.

"I know just the thing!" Ben shouted as he sped up excitedly.

Darius then groaned in annoyance as he sped up as well to keep up.

The two boys eventually meet an opening as they stopped for a second.

"How do you even know where you're going?" Darius questioned.

"Told ya, I spent a lot of time wandering this place with...Bumpy." Ben said solemnly in memory of his friend.

Ben then turned away from Darius, as his emotions took a turn too.

"We gotta move faster! Sammy and Yas are counting on us!" Ben shouted.

Before anything else can be said a loud screech causes them to gasp sharply.

Ben then grabs Darius swiftly as they dropped to the ground quickly to get out of sight.

Darius was about to get up but Ben quickly pulled him back down and shushed him.

The two then listened intensely as more screeching was heard.

It was a flock of Pteranodons passing by, luckily they didn't notice the boys.

Darius stayed on all fours as Ben got up and picked up a giant plant.

He offered it to Darius as Darius looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Hold this above your head if you don't want to get snatched." Ben said as they both used giant plants to stealthily cross the field without being spotted.


Yasmina was still running hard, as her feet smacked against the ground heavily with each step she took.

Her labored breathing was the only sound in competition with her feet at the moment.

Finally after the nonstop running, she stopped by a tree to catch her breath.

She then looked up as she gained a happy expression at the sight before her.

It was the raptor paddock, which meant she was getting closer to her goal.

She turned to her left and began running once more to get to the lab.

Yasmina finally came to a stop in front of the building she was in pursuit of all this time, the genetics lab, in all it's glory.

She clutched Geleel's chain as she closed her eyes and released a sigh of relief.

She then ran at the lab as she was about to jump over a fallen tree to get inside.

Before she could get inside however, another blood curdling roar sounded through the jungle gaining her attention as she looked behind her fearfully.

After she was sure the coast was clear, Yasmina slid over to the other side of the tree and tried to open the door.

Unfortunately the door did not open, it was being blocked by a branch that was sticking out of the tree.

"Oh, come on!" Yasmina shouted in anger.

She then placed her back onto the door as she put her feet on the fallen tree.

Yasmina then began to use all the strength in her legs to push the tree away with an exasperated grunt.

This proved to be a futile effort as she began sliding down the door, onto the ground.

She was about to try again, but was quickly stopped as she heard growling, that was ever so close.

It was the Scorpios Rex, it stomped in front of the tree as it snarled.

Yasmina could see it's menacing claws through a small crack in the tree as she watched it fearfully.

After what felt like years of staring at the Scorpios' claws in utter fear, the monster thankfully decided to walk away, leaving Yasmina alone.

She then let's out a breath she did not know she was holding onto.


"You don't mean that, after we get home-" Sammy is cutoff.

"IF we get home, and even if we do somehow survive all this, you'll go back to Texas, and I'll go back to New York." Yasmina said harshly.

"Face facts, Sammy, we're not best friends, we never were." Yasmina said coldly, as Sammy walked off solemnly.

Yasmina watched her walk away from her peripheral vision, a wary expression marred her features.


Yasmina wore the same expression she did back then as she berated herself.

"Why did I have to say that, I'm such an idiot!" Yasmina quietly shouted at herself as her breath hitched.

Yasmina looked down depressed, as she was on the verge of giving up.

"But you didn't mean it, though." Said the voice of Geleel causing Yasmina to gasp slightly.

She looked up and there stood, Geleel? No, it was not him, she was hallucinating.

"You said things you didn't mean, Yas, but you're only human, we all make mistakes." The hallucination of Geleel said as Yasmina looked up at him.

"We grow from our mistakes, learn from them, now, go make this right." Geleel said as he faded away from her sight.

The message still proved to work though, as Yasmina gained a look of determination and began trying to push the tree again.

"Come on!" Yasmina shouted as she grunted in effort.

After a short bit she finally shifted the tree slightly, but it was just enough to get the door open.

Yasmina then stood up as she breathed heavily due to the labor she just endured.

She couldn't stop now though, she still had a job to do.

Ben and Darius

Ben searched frantically for whatever it was he was looking for as Darius struggled to get unstuck from a plant.

"I know it's here somewhere." Ben said to himself.

Darius finally gets loose as he grunted and fell to the ground with a thud.

"There!" Ben shouted as he located his target.

Ben then began rooting around some small ferns as he pulled out a Jerry can of gasoline.

"Gasoline? Dude, how much did you take?" Darius questioned as Ben looked up at him.

"Not much, I figured we had plenty to get to Costa Rica, so I stashed some away, you know, incase of a rainy day." Ben said as Darius looked at him with an unreadable expression.

"Ben, you beautiful, disturbed, beautiful boy." Darius said with a smirk.


Yasmina ran through the halls in the lab in search of the antidote.

She quickly made her way to the E750 room, no time wasted.

She looked around at the dimly lit room, what really caught her attention was the numerous claw marks around the room.

The destroyed cryostasis chamber that previously housed the Scorpios, was in a corner of the room.

Yasmina quickly got over her stupor as she began frantically searching the room for the antidote.

"Ugh! It's not here." She whispered to herself as she searched the entire premise over and over.

Yasmina then slammed her fists onto a desk in frustration.

"It has to be here!" She shouted in anger.

She then growled in anger as she began throwing things without a care in the world.

The anger eventually burned out as she tired herself out and began breathing heavily.

Yasmina then dropped to the ground in defeat.

"This is it..." Yasmina trailed off solemnly as she began sobbing.

"No, this is most definitely not it." Yasmina gasped again, the hallucination of Geleel was back.

"You didn't come all this way to give up, Sammy still needs you, Yas, so you need to harden your fists." Geleel began as Yasmina hardened her fists in determination.

"And keep fighting!" Geleel shouted as he faded away once more.

Yasmina looked at the area the hallucination had faded away from, a white box with a hospital symbol on it  caught her attention immediately as she gasped sharply.

She immediately got up and walked over to the box, she then opened it.

A small black box was inside, next to a needle and some vials.

She opened the small black box and gasped at what she found.

There was two small containers with red liquid in them, the label read, 'E750 Antidote.'

Yasmina hugged the box to her body in gratitude as she felt herself almost crying in happiness.

She then kissed the chain wrapped around her neck in gratitude, it was almost as if Geleel was guiding her spiritually.

"Thank you so much." Yasmina said she began crying tears of joy.


Geleel sat in front of the others as he couldn't help but worry about Yasmina, she was out there for a while now.

"What if the Scorpios got her?" Geleel questioned them.

Kenji was giving Sammy water as he almost dropped the bottle in shock at the question.

"Don't say that! You have to have faith in her." Brooklynn reprimanded Geleel.

"I know, but a part of me can't help but worry about her, even though I know she's tough, it's still scary." Geleel said solemnly.

"Okay, Kenji, we'll be right back." Brooklynn said as Kenji nodded.

She then got up and led Geleel away from Sammy and Kenji.

"Why don't you try talking about it, how do you actually feel?" Brooklynn questioned.

"What do you mean?" Geleel asked.

"Is this you being worried about your friend? Or is it you being worried about the girl you love?" Brooklynn questioned causing Geleel to almost falter.

"I-I don't know." Geleel stammered.

"Well, how do you feel in here when Yas is in trouble." Brooklynn said as she gestured to his heart.

"I feel like a part of me is being ripped away, like someone is literally pulling my heart out of my chest." Geleel confessed.

Brooklynn smirked at him. "Well there it is, you're in love with Yasmina." Brooklynn announced as Geleel looked at her with an unreadable expression.

"I guess you're right." Geleel admitted.

"I always am." Brooklynn gloated with a smirk.

"But, how do I know I won't mess things up?" Geleel questioned.

"That's the thing, you don't, you just gotta take your chances." Brooklynn said as she used his own logic against him.

The two then smirked at eachother as they began making their way back to Sammy and Kenji.

"How's she doing?" Brooklynn questioned.

"She's pretty much the-" Kenji is cutoff as Sammy began mumbling in her sleep causing them all to stop and listen.

"Mmm...Kenji..." The last part was inaudible.

"What is she trying to say?" Geleel questioned as Brooklynn shrugged.

"Yes, Kenji, I...will... marry... you." Sammy sloppily said causing them all to gasp in shock.

"Wow." Was all Brooklynn could say.

Kenji was a hot mess, his face was beet red and his breath began hitching a bit.

"" Sammy said sloppily once again with a smile.

"Okay, there's been way too many confessions and revelations in one day, this is getting out of hand." Geleel said as he looked at the flustered Kenji warily.

"Sh-She loves m-argh!" Kenji yelped out as he fainted.

"Did he just..." Geleel trailed off.

"Yup, he just fainted, I don't believe this." Brooklynn said whilst shaking her head.

"Welp, don't want em' to catch colds, lets get them both under the blanket." Geleel said as he set Kenji's unconscious form next to Sammy's.

The two peacefully slept under the blanket, unconsciously moving closer towards eachother.

Sammy was still evidently in pain as she tossed slightly.

Brooklynn yawned slightly as she turned to Geleel.

"I'm getting tired now too." Brooklynn said as Geleel chuckled.

"It's fine, sleep, I'll keep wat-" Geleel cuts himself off as Brooklynn had already began sleeping.

"Come on guys, where are you?" Geleel questioned the others, even though they couldn't hear him.


Yasmina had left the lab as she ran with all her might back to camp.

She was certainly excited to say the least, she now had the cure to her friend's ailment in her hand.

She suddenly stopped with a wide eyed expression however as she heard a low growl causing her to gasp and hold the box close.

Yasmina then turned and began walking backwards in fear.

She failed to realize that she was now standing a few feet away from the Scorpios Rex, who was devouring a Parasaurolophus corpse.

Yasmina gasps in fear as she turned around to see the Scorpios Rex feasting on it's prey.

The monster raised it's head up as it immediately noticed Yasmina standing in front of it.

The beast then let's out it's ear splitting cry as Yasmina dropped the box and held her ears in pain.

Yasmina reached down for the box as she kept her eyes on the Scorpios, who now stood in a lunging position.

She gasps as she pulls her hand back swiftly as if she was burned.

Yasmina then picked the box up swiftly causing the Scorpios to growl lowly.

Yasmina then got into a set position, traditional for a track runner.

She stared straight ahead with a determined gaze.

She remembered Geleel telling her about his method for prepping himself before a game.

"Mental blinkers." Yasmina said to herself as she rocketed forward swiftly catching the monster by surprise.

The Scorpios roared in anger as it immediately gave chase.

Yasmina was not slowing down however, if this thing was going to kill her, she was not going to make it easy.

Ben and Darius

Ben and Darius were in the middle of making their bomb as they now stood at the bottom of the hang gliding area.

They had attached the bomb to a gondola.

"Let's go Ben! For all we know the Scorpios could have caught up to Yas by now." Darius said, boy was he right.

"Almost ready." Ben said as he lit a spark.

"Hit it!" Ben exclaimed as Darius pressed a button which sent the bomb  up.

The two then ran to the terrace area to watch the gondola.

"I hope it's enough." Darius pleaded.

"Oh, it will be." Ben gloated.

"You might wanna cover your ears, this is gonna be a pretty big boom." Ben said as they both did just that.

Turns out it was for nothing however as the explosion was nowhere near big, it was very miniscule and not loud in the slightest.

They both looked on in shock and confusion, mainly Ben.

"But that...What? Huh." Ben stated with slumped shoulders as Darius looked at him still in shock.


Yasmina was still running away from the Scorpios, but the beast was relentless as it stayed hot on her trail.

She's forced to slow down a bit as she leaped over a dead tree.

The Scorpios leaps over the tree as well as it roared and kept chasing her.

She quickly turns right to try and knock the monster off of her trail, it seemingly worked as the Scorpios was no longer in sight.

Yasmina soon noticed the same river from earlier, she would have to try the jump again.

This time would be different though, she now had a lot more determination.

"This time, this time for sure." Yasmina said to herself as she ran and leaped forward.

She ultimately cleared the jump, but it was with a cost.

Yasmina had once again hurt her ankle as she rolled.

She sits up, and tries to stand as well, but that doesn't work as the pain was unbearable causing her to yelp and fall back down.

Yasmina rubbed her ankle in pain as she grimaced.


"I'm not so great at trusting new...people." Yasmina said as she tapped her own head with her scrapbook.

"This is...what I was doing before." Yasmina said as she handed the book to Geleel and Sammy.

The two open the book and noticed the beautiful dinosaur drawings in them.

"Wow." Geleel said in awe.

"Um, I'm not very good so you probably...won't even like them." Yasmina berated herself.

"I don't like them." Sammy began causing Yasmina to look down solemnly.

"I love them!" Sammy finished as Yasmina perked up slightly.

She then looked at Geleel for his response.

"You have something in common with your drawings." Geleel said as he puzzled both girls.

"Both are beautiful." Geleel said causing Yasmina to blush slightly.

"Aww! That's sweet! I knew we were gonna be friends! Group hug!" Sammy shouted as she wrapped them both into a bone crushing hug.

"Not...really a...hugger." Yasmina said awkwardly.

"You are now!" Sammy shouted.

"Sammy...lungs...can't...breathe." Geleel  said through ragged breaths as Sammy let go.

"Whoops! Sorry!" Sammy shouted as they all chuckled.

"Man, Sammy, you don't quit, do you?" Geleel questioned after he regained his breath.

"Nope! Not for friendship! Now sing us that song!" Sammy shouted.


Yasmina grunted in anger as she still held her ankle.

"I'm not quitting either!" Yasmina shouted into the wind.

She instantly recoiled though, as she heard a low growl causing her to look around frantically in fear.

She then looked up as she noticed the monster staring directly at her from its position in a tree.

Yasmina's eyes widened in fear as she stared death in the face and lets out a small cry as the Scorpios drops down to the ground.

Yasmina then began backing up in fear as the beast roared at her.

A sudden sparkle gains the monster's attention as it stared directly at Yasmina's neck area, where Geleel's chain was.

Even through it's heat vision, the trinket intrigued the beast.

Yasmina followed it's gaze as she held the chain firmly and glared at the beast.

"Go ahead then! Finish me off! But you're not going to take this from me while I'm still alive!" Yasmina shouted at the monster as she stood up and challenged it.

Ben and Darius

"We have to do something." Darius said as they began panicking.

"Um, I might have some more gas stashed a few clicks away from here." Ben suggested.

"Clicks? What the hell are clicks?" Darius questioned.

"Ben! We don't have time!" Darius shouted.

"I know, I know, I-" Ben is cutoff as a loud explosion catches their attention.

They turn slowly to see the volcano to the right of the hang gliding area had erupted, thanks to their small explosion which had provoked the dormant volcano.


The Scorpios Rex roared menacingly at Yasmina, who was prepared to accept her fate.

Luckily, the explosion catches the monster's attention as it turns to the fire swiftly.

Much like before, the fire had entranced the beast as it's eyes were trained on the flame.

The Scorpios then runs after the fire, completely forgetting about Yasmina.

Yasmina watched as it dissappeared into the jungle.

Her attention is quickly returned to Sammy however as she turned to her right and began moving back to camp, to Sammy.


Geleel watched the others sleep peacefully, it's too bad he couldn't be at peace right now, he was too worried at the moment.

"That's it, I'm not waiting any longer, I'm going to go help her." Geleel said to himself as he got up swiftly and ran to the gate.

He turned back to the others one last time, he then shook his head as he ran in the direction Yasmina went with a determined expression.

'I'm coming Yas, just hold on.' Geleel mentally stated.

Kenji had began stirring as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

He noticed Sammy sleeping with her head rested against his chest as the things she said quickly came to his mind causing him to blush.

'Did she really mean it? Or was it just dream talk?' Kenji mentally questioned.

Sammy then suddenly began groaning as she tossed and turned causing Kenji to become alarmed.

The movement and noise woke Brooklynn up as well as she noticed Sammy was in pain.

"What's going on? Why's she shaking?" Kenji frantically asked Brooklynn.

"Sammy?" Brooklynn questioned in fear.

"What do we do?" Kenji asked.

"I don't know, Gel- Where did Geleel go?" Brooklynn asked as she realized he was missing.

"A better question is where's Yas with that antidote." Kenji stated.


Yasmina limped with all her might to make it back in time to help Sammy.

No matter how much pain rang through her body with each step, she knew she had to keep going.

"C-Come on Yas." Yasmina encouraged herself as her voice cracked a bit.

She kept limping as she failed to notice a branch on the ground.

This caused her to trip as she fell, hard.


Yasmina had fell much like how she did in the present.

Only this time it was because Tiff had grabbed her leg.

Yasmina's attention was then turned to Sammy who let out a cry as she tackled Tiff.

"Go Yas! Go!" Sammy shouted as she wrestled with Tiff.


Yasmina got back up as she stumbled forward once more.

With every step, she remembered a moment where Sammy made her happy.

"I've been trying to find the best time to tell you this...but your my best friend Yas, in the whole world, and I'm really glad we got to know eachother." Said the voice of Sammy.

Yasmina was almost there, she could feel it.

"Just a little mo-ack!" Yasmina trips once again as she closed her eyes to brace for the impact.

Only, it never came, as a pair of hands caught her, surprising her in the process.

Yasmina looked up to see none other than Geleel smiling down at her.

Yasmina felt herself tearing up as she slammed into him with a firm hug.

"Thank you, for everything." Yasmina thanked him, through sobs.

"It's okay Yas, you did it, now come on, we still have to save Sammy." Geleel said as he picked her up bridal style.

Yasmina would usually protest, but she was too happy at the moment, she simply wrapped her arms around Geleel's neck as he wiped the tears away from her face.

"Geleel about the kiss-" Yasmina is cutoff by Geleel.

"Don't worry Yas, we'll talk about all of this after we save Sammy and get off this island." Geleel stated.

Yasmina looked down a bit, she thought he didn't return her feelings, or maybe he didn't like the kiss.

"Alright." Was Yasmina's cryptic response as they made their way to Sammy.

The two then emerged from the brush as Brooklynn and Kenji notice them.

They both gasped as they noticed Geleel had been carrying Yasmina.

"Sammy, wake up, it's Yas, Geleel brought her back." Brooklynn said as she shook Sammy a bit.

Geleel moved quicker when he realized how close they were, he quickly made his way through the gate and towards Sammy.

He let Yasmina down gently as she lunged towards Sammy almost immediately.

Geleel took the box from her and handed it to Brooklynn who began putting the antidote into a syringe.

She then injects Sammy with the antidote, after a short while, nothing happened.

"I'm here, Sammy! I'm here! Everything's gonna be okay." Yasmina whispered as she held Geleel's hand tightly.

"Come on, Sammy, stay with us!" Kenji shouted as he held her arms.

Ben and Darius arrive on the scene as they pant frantically.

"We came back as soon as we-" Ben cuts himself off as he notices Sammy's condition.

"Is she-" Ben is cut off by Geleel.

"Don't say it, Ben." Geleel said as he wrapped his arm Yasmina's shoulders to comfort her.

Kenji squeezed Sammy's hand. "Please! Come on, come on, you can't go like this!" Kenji shouted his voice hitching.

"You have to wake up! You're the best friend I ever had, forget what I said! We'll always be friends, no matter how far apart we are! Please...wake up." Yasmina pleaded.

"She's strong guys, just have faith, Sammy has to survive." Geleel reassured them.

Ben turned away from the situation, it was all too hard to watch.

Darius and Brooklynn embrace eachother tightly in sadness.

Kenji felt as if he was about to lose his mind.

"Why? Why God? Why do you have to take the good people?" Kenji questioned as he began getting angry.

After what felt like years of silence and grieving, Sammy began to twitch as she coughed loudly.

This gained everyone's attention as they all looked at her expectantly.

Sammy's eyes fluttered open as she saw Yasmina, Geleel, and Kenji smiling down at her.

"Guys?" Sammy questioned with a smile.

"Hey Sammy." Yasmina said with a smile.

"You're okay, she's okay." Kenji said with a small hitch still evident in his breath.

"I knew you had it in you, Samster." Geleel said with a smile.

"Thanks, you guys didn't give up on me." Sammy said with a smile of her own.

All was well, for now atleast.

Chapter Fin

I think this might be my best written chapter yet to be completely honest.

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