Casino Cups: A New World, New...

By Madison000430

209 7 0

Madison Rose Tidwell, a normal 19 year-old female human, wishes for excitement. She can't seem to find a job... More

A little excitement can't be

Welcome class, to Pokernomics

80 2 0
By Madison000430

       Previously ~~~~

        "Would ya be interested in a quick poker match, with me?" he replied. "I w would love to, except...I don't play poker." I replied in embarrassment. "Don't worry bout that, doll. I'll teach ya everything I know!" He said in cockiness. "Oh...okay, Cup! Teach away!" I beamed in interest.

    He stood up, and cleared his throat. I can't help but giggle, at his playful behavior. "Class welcome to pokernomics, my name is Mr.Cuphead, and I will be your sensai. Is that understood?" He said with a fake serious expression. I tried to hold in my laughter, so all that could be heard, was snorts. "Y yes, s sir." I said containing my laughs. "From now on, you shall address me as, sensai." He said with a smirk. "I shall teach the ways of poker, and it's techniques. Are you ready to learn?" he asked still smirking. "Y yes...s sensai." I replied almost bursting out with laughter. He looked down at me, and smirked while moving his eyebrows up and down rapidly. I couldn't keep it in any more! "Pppffft....HAHAHAHAHAHA....HAHAHAAAAAA!"We both laugh out loud in unison.

After laughing our asses off, he started teaching me poker. " put this card, there." He said smiling. "Like this?" I said placing an ace of clubs, in between two other cards. "Yes, well done, now what do ya do, next?" He said raising an eyebrow with a smile on his face. "I pull out a card from the deck!" I said confidently. "Correct!" He said rolling his r's. (Jeopardy reference up in here) I reach for the deck of cards on the coffee table, and pulled out a card. I flipped it over to place it in my hand of playing cards, it was a three of hearts! 'Wait...their's three of us, and this card has three hearts! Nah...probly just a coincidence." I thought as I begin to place it my hand. But my hand was stopped! I looked at Cup, why did he stop my hand?  He gently pulled my hand with the card in it, and put it too his chest!  He was blushing hard, his porcelain face was more red than his straw!

My face commenced to warm up, I look away in panic! He put his other hand under my chin, and pulls it up to meet his eyes. We start to move inches closer, towards each other! Our faces were one inch away from each other's! We closed our eyes, lips ready to make contact! " I interrupting something?" We opened our eyes, and see Mugs, smirking at us. We quickly pull away from each other! "The food's ready. Rose, do you like beef stew?" He asked. "Oh Yeah, it's one of my favorites." I replied smiling. We sat down at the table, and made our plates. "Uhhh...u umm, g guys, I know that we work for, the Devil, now. B but...can we say grace?" I asked them, I got their attention. "W why would ya wanna say grace?" Cup asked with a confused expression. "I I wanna give thanks, for today." I replied. They look at each other, and nodded. Mugs, grabbed Cups' hand, he grabbed my hand, and I grabbed Mugs'. The table is a circle, so it was easy to hold hands, and we close our eyes. "Dear father in heaven, we give thanks, for this meal. I give thanks, to've been given shelter, tonight. And most importantly...I give thanks, for meeting Cuphead and Mugman. If it wasn't for them, I know that I would have no one to turn to. Thank you Lord. In God's name we pray, Amen." I finished. I looked up, to see the boys smiling at me, with 'thank you' faces.

We ate our stew, and got ready for bed. "Goodnight Mugs, Rose, see y'all tomorrow, and by the way, good job on our poker lesson." Cup complimented, giving me a wink. "Thank you, Cup. Good night, guys! See ya in the morning, sweet dreams!" I said, walking to the couch. But my arm was held, making me turn around. "And where do ya think, you're going?" Mug said, booping me on the nose. " bed? Where else?" I say with a chuckle. "Nuh uh uh, not on the couch, you're not." he smirked. I gave him a confused look. He then picks me up bridle style, and carries me into into his room! He laid me down on his bed, gently, and rushed to close the door. He turned around to face me, and sat down beside me on his bed. He scooted closer to me, and said, "Heh, I over heard you and Cup, you did very well." He said looking at me with his cheeks ruby red! "T thank y you, Mugs." I stuttered, with a nervous smile. "You're welcome, Rose." He replied. And now there's a silence. "Y you're v very p pretty, ya know?" he said with a smile. I look at him in shock! " really think i'm pretty?" I ask in surprise. "Mhmm, perhaps the most prettiest woman in the world." He added. "Thank you, for thinking so." I said with a smile. "Think so? I know so!" He said holding my hands.

I felt my face grow warm, as if I have a fever. I avoid his gaze, looking at wall. 'Agh...he'll see my blush for sure!' I try to think of an excuse for my red face, then I feel a hand under my cheek! Mugs pulls my face gently, to meet his blue eyes. His face is a dark red, with his liquid bubbling in his mug head. "Rose...c-can I- Can I k-kiss you?"

That question made my heart race! "W-what?" I said, meekly. "C-can I kiss you?" he repeated, more calmly. I nodded my head, in a shy manner. I closed my eyes, and inhaled. I lean into his direction, readying myself for the smooch. My heart rate elevates, from the anticipation! I continue to lean, to eventually meet a pair of soft lips. His lips were surprisingly warm, even though he's made of porcelain. The kiss felt warm, and passionate.


Not wanting to seem inexperienced, I get an idea. I think back to a section in a book I once read. It was a book about sexual arousement. I begin to lick her bottom lip, as the book aforementioned. The section stated that when you lick your partner's bottom lip, you're asking for entrance to their mouths. She lets me in, without hesitation. She lets me explore my new 'territory'. I then hear a sound! A sound that I was hoping would erupt from her soft lips. She began to moan softly, from the gratification I'm giving her.

We stop the oscillating, and part our lips from each other's. We breath for air, that's much needed. "Y-you did great, Rose." I panted, smiling at her. " T-thank you, Mugs." she said, tiredly. " You're welcome." I added, softly. I look back, to see her sound asleep. I chuckle softly, and stroke her cheek gently. I kiss her gently on her forehead. "Goodnight Rose...sleep well." I whisper to her. I lay down beside her, and wrap my arms around her. And with that I fell into a deep slumber, with the girl I love in my arms.

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