A little excitement

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    Do you ever wish for a little excitement...an adventure? Well, I do. Hi...my name is Madison, Madison Rose Tidwell.
I'm about to turn twenty, and I still can't find a job that I find interests in. I know I sound lazy. For some reason...I'm interested in working as a waitress? Even though I can be shy and nervous, I can be a social butterfly. I'm into drawing, singing, and a big fan of Cuphead and Mugman! You could even say...I have crush's on them. It may seem odd to some, but I don't care.

It would be so cool, to meet them in person! And it wouldn't be dream! I don't even know what I'd say to 'em! I would probly be a blushn' mess, and stuttering! I might even faint! Anywhozels...this is where my story begins!

"Today's been boring...as usual." I say with boredom, laying down on my bed. My mom and Stepdad we're out in a casino, and my infant brother, Isaiah is being baby sat. So i'm the only one home. I then decide to redraw my Cuphead OC. I get out my sketchbook, pencils, and colored pencils. After I was finished, I stopped to admire it.

Realizing that I'm bored again, I lay back down, and decided to take a nap. I begin to close my eyes, until I hear a loud KNOCK...KNOCK...KNOCK!

I jolt up, and run to the front door! " I guess they came home early." I said while speed walking. It's dark outside already, so I can't really see anyone! I open the door carefully. "H hello? Is someone out here?" I say nervously. "Why hello there, ma'am." a sleazy voice says. *GASP* I jump in fear! I look up to see a tall cloaked figure, with his hood hiding, what looked like a die head! "W who are you? A and h how did y you f find me?!" I say shaking in fear and anger. "I didn't mean ta scare ya, dahln'. I'm here on a mission, to find a young woman by the name o, Madison Rose Tidwell. That's you, dahln'." He answered with a sleazy smile. "H how d'ya know my name?!" I ask in slight annoyance. "I'll explain lata. "Come with me, boss doesn't like to be kept waitn'" he said motioning with his hand to follow him. "Uh, how bout nuh uh! I'm not goin anywhere with you, sir!" I say crossing my arms, standing my ground. "Heh...I'm afraid ya don't got a choice, dahln." he said with a sketchy grin. My eyes widen, realizing what he just said!

He pulled out a bandanna, and wraps it around my mouth! I attempt to scream for help, but failed. I squirm and thrash around, as he ties rope around my wrists and ankles! "My my, a feisty one ain't ya? The boss and the boys'll be very pleased." he smiled evilly, as he tied up my ankles. I look up and glare daggers at him! If glares were deadly, he'd be dead. He then picks me up harshly, and threw me into a giant, purple sack! I continue to thrash around, until I feel him jumping through something! With a loud *THUD*, he lands on what sounds like wooden ground! 'What the hell, we were just walking on concrete a second ago!' I then can hear three new voices, plus the man's who is carrying me!

One with a deep, cryptic voice said, "Dice, did ya bring er?" 'Dice? That must be the bitch that's carrying me!' And her? Are they talking about me!?' I then hear 'Dice' say, "Ya know I did, boss. She put up a good fight." I then hear a young male voice say, "Com'on then, I wanna see er!" 'Oh no...this better not be rappers!' Then a young male with a rough voice says, "Bro, that's sounds wrong! It sounds like we're gonna rape her!" I then feel the sack lower down to the ground, and the top of it opened!

I slowly poke my head outta the opening of the sack. I gasped muffled, to see the Devil, Cuphead and Mugman!

Casino Cups: A New World, New Job, New LovesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora