Broken Secrets• JJK

By _Side_Dish_

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Y/n returned to college after her parents death in hope to maintain her life there normal so the secret of he... More

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By _Side_Dish_

~ We're Back ~
• Jeon Jungkook •
Chapter 21

Days passed before she could finally be released from the hospital. Her bruising had slightly gone away and she claims to feel no more pain from the surgery.

They sentence the murder, putting him away for life with no possibility of probation.

"You don't have to stay with me 24/7. I'm sure you have your own life" Y/n said as she packed up everything from her hospital room.

"You are my life." I responded, making her go silent.


| Y/n |

'You are my life'

I love him. Fuck I love him so much it hurts.

He crushed me, ruined me and all he has to say is that and there's no doubt in my mind that I would allow him to return the moment he wants to.

"Here are your discharge papers." The doctor said. I grabbed the clip board and started filling everything out

Jungkook sat in the same chair that he had been sleeping in for the past week.

"So what does this mean?" I asked him as we reached his car.

He looked at me confused while putting my bag in the trunk

"What are you talking about?" He asked

I got in the passenger side, buckling myself. Jungkook doing the same I did.

"We both have jobs. My job requires me to travel. We'll never be together like we were." I said to him.

"Y/n, I'm not leaving you. I was waiting to tell you this but I applied to work for your team. I got the job"

A sudden urge of happiness came over me. "You really did that?"

He nodded.

"You left me last time. You chose her over me" the happiness was soon ruined by my overthinking. My big mouth always bringing up the past.

"I was young and stupid. I couldn't see who was the real one I loved. In my mind I loved Her. But my heart ached every second I was without you."

"You're the girl of my dreams. The love of my life."

He smiled at me like he could see how happy I was.

"I hate you." I replied. His smile disappeared instantly, he thought those words were real "I'm just kidding Kookie" I smiled

His smile came back the moment he heard the word 'Kookie'. A nickname only I've called him. A name that only sounds right coming from my mouth.

It's been forever since that word even left my mouth. Since I mentioned him without a pain in my heart.

"Let's go on a date" Jungkook suggested.

"I don't exactly look my best for a date" I said to him.

He looked at me, The bruises and scars on my face, It's obviously I got my ass beat.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He questioned me, the vibe completely changing.

I gave him a nod with a faint smile "It's just another day."

"Come on y/n. You got raped by your brother." He said

"No. I got raped by a killer whom I've never met before. He didn't even get far before I got him off me. He wasn't even inside me for more than a few seconds."

Jungkook placed his hand over mine "How about we recreate our first date. Movies, food and ...."

"You really wanna have sex with me when I look like this?"I laugh

He nodded with a proud smile "I miss you. Every part of you"

I rolled my eyes and removed my hand from his "Whatever."


We went back to his place. I quickly showered, and changed into sweats with a crop sweater.

I walked into the living and see Jungkook placing food on the table in front of the tv "Really?"

"Come on. I wanna have a night where it's just us. No friends, nothing." He smiled


I sat down beside him. He placed a soft blanket over us and pressed play on the tv.

We sat there for hours just talking. So much has happened to us in these years. No matter what happens to us, we ended up back together.

Jungkook is mine. He belongs to me.

All these girls he's tried to use to forget me never worked. His mind always wandered back to me.

"Wait" I laughed "You moaned my name while sleeping with a girl?" I continued to laugh

"Wasn't my best moment." He laughed "Come on don't laugh."

"How did she react?" I asked, I tried to hold in my laughter but the more he spoke the louder I laughed.

"She was pissed and the sex stopped."

He Leaned in closer, his hand on my thigh

"Does it still hurt?" He asked me, his finger tracing my cuts and bruises

"Not really. Not unless you put pressure" He pressed down a little causing me to sigh in pain "Why would you do that?"

"Let's go to my room" he smiled

"I look filthy. No way" I said to him. He rolled his eyes and grabbed onto my hands

His eyes stared me down with such dominance. All Jungkook cares about right now is dominating me, my body.

"Do you not want to?" He asked, slightly pressing his lips against my bare skin

I glance down as his hands slides between my legs, starting to rub on my underwear "Have you always gotten wet this easily?" He questioned

"Fuck off" I said with heavy breaths

"I'll happily fuck you." Jungkook picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, my arms around his neck

He smiled knowing I'm not longer going to fight. I want him and he wants me.

We need each other, we need to feel each other or we might die.

We've spent years separated from each other touch, from just seeing one another and somehow we ended up back together.

No way are we letting this slip.

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