Above The Sea

By Saturnarian

430 17 28

This is a lesbian rewrite of the little mermaid. A lot more detailing in the plot so please give it a chance! More

Chapter 1 - Audrey
Chapter 2 - Uri
Chapter 3 - Audrey
Chapter 4 - Uri
Chapter 5 - Audrey
Chapter 6 - Rose
Chapter 7 - Uri
Chapter 8 - Audrey
Chapter 9 - Audrey
Chapter 10 - Eve
Chapter 11 - Audrey
Chapter 12 - Eve
Chapter 13 - Audrey
Chapter 14 - Eve
Chapter 15 - Audrey
Chapter 17 - Uri
Chapter 18 - Audrey
Chapter 19 - Eve
Chapter 20 - Audrey
Author's Note

Chapter 16 - Audrey

11 1 1
By Saturnarian

"What..." I responded, not believing what I had just heard. I turned to face Eve, a solemn look on her face.

"Can we talk about this in private please?" She asked, glancing at Cherry. Quickly, Cherry nodded and hurried away, not wanting to be a part of whatever is about to happen, "Let's go to your room." This time I nodded, Eve clearly upset by something. I took her hand and brought her back to my room, sitting down and making small circles on the back of her hand with my thumb.

"What's going on Eve? Why do we have to be married in 2 weeks?" I asked, slightly afraid to hear the answer but knowing Eve needs to talk about it.

"Well, as you know, my coronation is soon. And apparently, I have to be married before I can become Queen. So it doesn't have to be you who I marry, but I would really like it to be. I know that we just started dating and you just said you weren't ready for something like this, but we also know it's true love and I really don't want to mar-" Eve rambled, stressed about how I would respond.

"Of course I'll marry you. I know what I just said, but you make good points. We know it's true love. And honestly, I don't think I would be ok if you got married to someone else. Plus, this way you get to become Queen. It's a win-win situation. Thank you for telling me about this now though." I interrupted, making sure we were looking into each other's eyes. Tears filled Eve's beautiful blue eyes as she leaned into me and cried. Knowing she didn't need words, just comfort, I rubbed her back and held her close to me. Not saying anything, I waited until she was ready to talk.

"Thank you so much Audrey...I was terrified when I learned about this. I wish they had told me sooner. I'm just happy I get to marry you instead of a stranger." Eve said, pulling away from me a little so she could look me in the eyes.

"Of course Eve. I love you and if this is what you need, so be it. I know for a fact that I will be ready when the time comes to say 'I do'. I'm glad I get to share this experience with you." I responded, smiling and kissing her cheek. I felt her relax in my hands and my heart melted at the sight.

"Why don't I call Gale and the two of us can just stay here for the day, cuddling? We'll have all your royal duties moved. I know that you've already had a taxing day and it's still early. If you keep going, you might work yourself to the point of illness." I suggested, already reaching out for the button I could call Gale with.

"But I have a lot to do and now with a wedding to plan, I-" Eve began, anxiety filling her gaze.

"Don't worry about it for today. I will plan the wedding and anything else I can do to help you. It's what future wives are for, isn't it?" I smiled, pulling her into a laying down position, not allowing any argument. Eve sighed but snuggled closer, her eyes drifting shut.

"What did I do to deserve someone as perfect as you?" She whispered.

"You were you. You are the one who saved my life, you know. Twice. Plus, I think I'm the lucky one to have you. You're so caring and gentle with me. I love you so much Eve." I replied, brushing stray strands of hair out of Eve's face.

"I love you too Audrey." Eve mumbled, sleep overtaking her. I kissed her forehead and then shut my eyes, letting my mind wander off.


Over the next few days, I did my best to plan a good wedding. I made sure to hire a marriage officiant, a live band, and invite guests. I even got a venue for the reception! Eve was constantly stressed so I did as best I could to make sure she was comfortable when we cuddled together at night. However, Eve didn't show up some nights. When she didn't show up, I would go searching for her, often finding her slaving away at her desk. From there, I would convince her to leave work for another day before leading her back to her room. We would get in bed together and I would make sure she fell asleep before I fell asleep myself.

One sunny morning, I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I opened my eyes to see Eve still fast asleep next to me. Smiling, I carefully got off the bed and made my way to the kitchens. I grabbed some breakfast from the kitchens before setting it up on a nice platter. Waiting for Eve to wake up, I took a new book and sat myself in the bay window, losing myself in the story.

When I was just getting to the good part of my book, I heard the bed shifting and looked up to see Eve rubbing her tired eyes. Quickly, I set the book down and brought the food to Eve.

"Hey Love... I know you've been stressed recently, so I have breakfast in bed for today." I told Eve, placing my hand on top of hers.

"Thank you Audrey. What did I do to deserve you?" Eve asked, leaning into me. Chuckling, I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"You may not want to say that just yet." I replied, giving a sheepish grin.

"And why is that?" She questioned, her expression changing from caring to dubious.

"Because I had Gale cancel all your plans for today." I answered.

"Audrey!!!" Eve exclaimed, clearly not very happy with me.

"You've just been so stressed recently and you really need a break. We're getting married in one week Eve. I can't have my future wife miss her own wedding because she overworked herself, can I?" I said, giving her my best doe eyes. Sighing, she curled up, laying down on my lap.

"Then I'm going back to sleep." Eve murmured, her voice muffed. I laughed and placed my hand in her hair, lovingly stroking it.

"Ok Love. We can eat when you wake up again," I whispered, "I love you"

"I love you too..." She responded, her voice quiet as she succumbed to the beckoning of sleep.


Soon, almost too soon, it was time for Eve and I to be wed. The morning of the wedding, we were both getting ready in our separate rooms, not wanting to see each other until the ceremony. Cherry was helping me get ready, zipping up the back of the dress and doing my hair.

"Cherry?" I asked, staring at my reflection as she worked intricate braids into my hair.

"Yes M'lady?" She responded, meeting my gaze, her hands stilling.

"Thank you for this, for everything. You've helped me a lot since I arrived here." I said, giving a soft smile. Cherry smiled back at me, her hands resuming their previous work.

"Of course Lady Audrey. As a guest, well, girlfriend, of her Highness, it is my duty. But also, I have come to consider you my friend. I'm always happy to help." Cherry told me, her eyes focusing on my hair once more. I fell silent, thinking of how lucky I am to have everything I have. I left the only home I had ever known and now I'm getting married to the girl of my dreams. I still have a good relationship with my aunt and I never had to really deal with my father. The only thing I wish I could change was Fin. How I wished I could bring him to shore with me and keep him with me as a companion like he had been my entire life. I knew that it wasn't possible though. Fin was simply a fish and without seriously powerful magic, he would never be able to come on land like I had. While it still took a lot of magic to allow me to get legs, I was at least partly human to start with.

"M'lady!" Cherry's call brought me back to reality, the thoughts of Fin fading to the back of my mind.

"Sorry Cherry, I was lost in my thoughts. What do you need?" I answered, smiling sheepishly.

"It's alright M'lady. I just thought I should remind you that you need to meet with Miss Gale in the Blue Library." Cherry told me, looking over my hair and makeup one final time. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was time for me to meet with Gale.

"Oh! Thank you for reminding me Cherry! I'll see you at the wedding! Good bye!" I called, rushing to the Blue Library, not wanting to be late.

"Sorry I'm late Gale! I got a little distracted!" I said, entering the room a few minutes late.

"It is quite alright Miss Audrey. There is no need to worry. Since you planned a majority of the wedding, Princess Eve wanted to do something special for you. Is it ok if I put this blindfold on you?" Gale reassured, holding a small piece of fabric out. Pushing down my nerves, I nodded.

"Just be careful of the hair, Cherry will kill you if it's messed up." I chuckled, closing my eyes as the soft fabric blocked the light.

"Of course Miss Audrey. Also, you look absolutely stunning. Princess Eve will love it." Gale told me, her smile clear in her voice.

"Thank you Gale. And not just for the compliment, for everything. You are a large reason why I am still here today. You helped Eve save my life. So thank you. I wouldn't be here without you." I thanked her, squeezing the hand I felt on my arm.

"Always Miss Audrey. You mean a lot to Princess Eve and therefore mean a lot to me. You have made her much happier than she has been in a long time. So really, I should be thanking you." Gale replied, squeezing my arm the same way I had. With that, she began to lead me to an unknown destination.

I'm not quite sure how much time passed, but before I knew it, the smell of the sea was all around me. Gale removed the blindfold and I opened my eyes to see a beautiful wooden ship decorated in wedding apparel.
"What..." I whispered, shocked by the beauty of the ship.

"Princess Eve knows your love of the sea so she had the venue changed from the church to this ship. She wanted it to be a surprise which is why you were blindfolded." Gale said, answering my unspoken question. 'I'm so excited I get to marry this woman. She's so thoughtful and caring.' I thought, a wide smile on my face. Not wasting any more time, Gale and I boarded the ship only to meet all the guests that had come. Seeing someone, I ran over to her, as fast as a girl in heels and a wedding dress can run, hugging her tightly.

"Rose!!! I'm so happy you were able to make it!" I exclaimed.

"You can talk now?! That's amazing!" Rose replied, my excitement level matching mine.

"I know! I'll explain the entire story sometime, you may think I'm crazy though," I laughed, pulling away from her, "And I'm sorry about how everything worked out. I never meant to just leave like that. Aun- Uri just made me a little upset."

"Don't worry about it! In fact, I have a new girlfriend! And I'm happier with her than I was with you. Not trying to be rude or anything, you still made me really happy!" She rushed, trying to fix her wording.

"It's ok Rose, I know what you mean. I'm glad you were able to find a new girlfriend. I would love to meet her when we can meet up again." I responded, flashing a smile at the panicked girl. Rose smiled gratefully at me before disappearing into the crowd, finding her seat.

"Ok Miss Audrey, come sit in the cabin now, we are departing. As well, Princess Eve would like your dress to be a surprise to her." Gale requested, leading me towards the cabin. I glanced back at the shimmering water, a twinge of homesickness stabbing my heart. Repressing a sigh, I followed Gale into the cabin.


Before I knew it, I was standing behind curtains, a bouquet of flowers in my hand. I could hear lovely music playing and the gentle breeze of the wind. Taking a deep breath, I plastered a smile on my face as the curtains opened, revealing Eve in all her glory standing at the altar. Even though I had just inhaled, my breath left me as I saw my soon to be wife. She was absolutely gorgeous, the wind making her hair have a windswept look, her skin glowing under the sun.

"Miss, we need to walk if you want to get married." Cherry whispered, ready to walk me down the aisle. Swallowing my nerves, I started approaching the altar and my future wife. The ceremony was a blur. I couldn't take my eyes off of Eve. Finally, the moment we had been waiting for came.

"Do you, Princess Eve, take Miss Audrey to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked, looking at Eve. Eve didn't take her eyes off of me as she smiled.

"I do." Eve responded, tears of happiness rolling down her cheeks.

"And do you, Miss Audrey, take Princess Eve to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest questioned, turning to me. Trying to not break down, I nodded.

"I do." I said, a small giggle escaping my mouth.

"I now pronounce you wife and wife! You may kiss the bride!" The priest announced. Smiling, Eve and I leaned forward and kissed each other, happy to be married. We broke apart, the widest grin on my face. I laughed, leaning my forehead against Eve's.

"I love you Eve. My wife." I murmured, sharing this intimate moment even though we were in fron to everyone we cared about.

"I love you too Audrey. My wife." Eve whispered.

As we pulled apart, a crash rumbled through the ship, tearing the hull. Screams filled the air as cracks spread across the ship. Eve and I were forced apart by a fracture under our feet.

"EVE!" I screamed as I was thrown against the side of the ship. I couldn't see her through the dust and debris flying through the air.

"I WILL GET YOU BACK" A familiar voice boomed from underneath the ship. Instantly, my insides went cold, recognizing my fathers voice. Scrambling to my feet, I made my way to the back of the ship. I pulled a loose piece of wood from the side and looked back at the panicking people. Desperate to find my wife, I scanned the faces. Just as we made eye contact, another large wave hit the hull.

"AUDREY!" Eve's scream faded away as she was tossed over the side of the ship, tumbling into the depths of the water. I froze, stunned. Before I could chase after her, a hand grabbed mine and tugged me into a lifeboat.

"I must get you to safety Princess. We will find and save Princess Eve, I promise." Gale's voice came through the fog in my brain. Processing what she said, I didn't say anything. I realized what just happened and screamed, launching myself back towards the main ship.

"Miss! I know you're upset and hurting, but I can't let you go!" Cherry apologized, pinning my arms against my body. Sobs racked my body as the fight left my soul.

"She's gone...she's gone..." I repeated, my heart feeling like it's shattered.

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