Above The Sea

By Saturnarian

430 17 28

This is a lesbian rewrite of the little mermaid. A lot more detailing in the plot so please give it a chance! More

Chapter 2 - Uri
Chapter 3 - Audrey
Chapter 4 - Uri
Chapter 5 - Audrey
Chapter 6 - Rose
Chapter 7 - Uri
Chapter 8 - Audrey
Chapter 9 - Audrey
Chapter 10 - Eve
Chapter 11 - Audrey
Chapter 12 - Eve
Chapter 13 - Audrey
Chapter 14 - Eve
Chapter 15 - Audrey
Chapter 16 - Audrey
Chapter 17 - Uri
Chapter 18 - Audrey
Chapter 19 - Eve
Chapter 20 - Audrey
Author's Note

Chapter 1 - Audrey

53 1 1
By Saturnarian

Glancing down the corridors, I kept a careful eye out for the pesky stalker. Dad wouldn't leave me alone and always had Sal watching me. Obviously, I figured it out pretty quickly. Sal wasn't the smartest, nor sneakiest, crustacean in the cove. Nowadays, I always had to get rid of him before meeting up with Fin. Fin is my best friend and the only one I can really trust. There's Aunt Uri too, but she always just seems spaced out. I'm not really sure, she just doesn't give me the right vibes. Seeing nobody, I took my chances and swam through the corridor, trying to make it to the door before someone spotted me. If I was seen sneaking out again, I would be grounded for a month! Dad is really strict sometimes. He only ever seems to have it out for me though. I don't get it. My other sisters aren't perfect either. Yet I'm the only one to ever get in trouble. Luckily, I made it out of the castle without being spotted. Excited to see my best friend again, I made my way to our little cave. "Fin!! Sorry, it took me a while, I had to lose the crab!" I called, entering my safe space. Looking around, I smiled at the many different things I had collected. There was everything, pins to flags. All of its pride. Nobody down here understood pride. There wasn't anyone who was openly gay or anything else. I was all alone in that sense. But I knew I wasn't really alone when I heard Fin's voice. "Hey, Audrey! Don't worry about being late! I took some time to explore and I found something else you can add to your collection!" Fin replied, swimming into view. "Show me the way!" I answered, excited to see this new addition. Fin nodded and started swimming off to where this treasure was located. Not wanting to be left behind, I quickly followed him. The journey didn't take as long as I thought it would. Before I knew it, Fin had stopped swimming and was looking at me excitedly. I looked behind him and there it was. The greatest thing I had ever seen. It was a full sized lesbian pride flag. Before now, I only had small parts of flags that I tried to piece together. But Fin, incredible, wonderful Fin, had found a perfect one. Quickly, I swam over to it, trying not to get my hopes up but failing. I grabbed it off the ocean floor and brought it around me, wearing it like a cape. I couldn't hide my excitement. Swimming back to Fin, I pulled him into a tight hug. "Thank you so much Fin!!! You're literally the best ever!" I squealed, spinning him around. "Of course Audrey! I know how hard it is to be yourself with your dad and all. I found this and knew you would absolutely love it!" Fin replied, smiling as much as a fish can. Not wanting to be seen out in the open, Fin and I headed back to our cove. I spent the next hour or so rearranging the cover to make enough space to hang up my brand new pride flag. Then, Fin and I just hung out together, enjoying our time together. I love being with Fin. I don't have to hide when I'm with him. I can be my true lesbian self. Sighing, I flopped onto my favorite chair. "Everything ok Audrey?" Fin asked, looking over at me. "Yeah, I'm ok. Just thinking." I replied, looking at the surface through the hole in the roof of the cavern. "About what?" Fin said. "Life. When will I be able to be who I really am? And not just in here, out there too. I want to love who I love. I want to show my pride. I want to show the kingdom who Princess Audrey really is. I want to show myself who I really am" I answered, not taking my eyes off the shimmering sky. Fin swam over to me and nuzzled my arm, showing his support. "It may not be now, but I know you will be able to in the future. Things will change once Princess Armene becomes Queen after King Trevor. You'll probably be able to come out then!" Fin answered, his words only slightly reassuring me. "I doubt it'll change Fin. Armene has spent her entire life with Father. She's so excited to get married to a Prince and let him rule. She's said it before. Men are better at everything. Even though she's been raised to rule, she'll step down for a man. Simply because those are my fathers views. I'll never be able to be who I truly am down here. Sometimes I wish I could live above the surface. But I love living under the surface. I feel so free down here!" I said, the truth hurting my heart. I really do wish I could live on the land and not under the surface. At the same time though, I adore living in the water. The weightlessness feelings, the beautiful coral reefs, my family, everything I've ever known and everyone I've ever loved. Not wanting to worry Fin, I don't say anything else on the topic. "I should get back to the palace before they notice I'm gone. Although they probably already have, I've been gone longer than normal." I said, getting up. "Ok Audrey. Remember, if you ever need to talk, I'm here. I know who you really are. And I'm your best friend. I'll always be by your side." Fin called out to me as I swam away from my true self. I swam back to the palace in silence. 'I hate having to hide myself for everyone else. It's getting really tiring lying to everyone about who I love. Father is going to start trying to marry me off to some random prince before long. I don't want to marry a prince. I just wish I could be who I really am. But that's never going to happen. I will never be accepted down here.' I thought to myself as I snuck in the castle. "And where exactly do you think you were?" King Trevor said as soon as I got back into my room. I slowly turned, facing my Father. "Hello Father. I was just going for a swim. I wanted to calm my mind." I replied, immediately putting my perfect smile on my face. "LIES!" He shouted at me, slamming his trident on the floor. I winced and braced myself for whatever he was going to say and do next. "I don't know what you're talking about Father. I was simply swimming and looking at the coral." I said, trying my best to keep my voice steady. I knew I wasn't getting out of this though. My fathers eyes were full of fire and fury. "You may have thought you eluded Sal but you didn't. He saw where you went. He knows what you are. And he told me." He said, staring into my soul. I froze. I couldn't say anything. 'He knows...He knows I'm a lesbian. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he's just mad I got away from Sal. I can't outright tell him yet. Not until I know for sure.' "I'm a bit confused. I surely didn't mean to lose Sal and if he was following me, he would've seen me by the coral." I answered. I couldn't tell him. Not until I was positive. "If you were by the coral, THEN WHAT IS THIS!?!?!" He screamed at me throwing my brand new pride flag at my face. I couldn't move. It was now full of rips, the beautiful fabric forever ruined. "Who have you told about this....mistake." He asked, anger still clear in his expression. "No one except Fin. Nobody knows I swear!" I rushed to get the words out, terrified. "You will put all this trash behind you. You are not gay. You will marry a prince and let him rule the kingdom. You are a weak female who can't lead or make her own decisions. Understand?" He said, a petrifying calmness in his voice. Too scared to talk, I nodded, still gripping the flag so tightly my knuckles go white. "Good. You tell nobody about this. You are a disgrace for ever thinking this way." My Father said to me before exiting my room. I let out a relieved breath, flopping down on my bed. 'He knows. He actually knows I'm lesbian. I can't stay here now that he knows. There's no way I'm safe here. One of my sisters knowing, I can handle that. I can't deal with Father knowing. He can control my entire life. I have to leave now.' I realized, dread washing over me as I figured out how to run away. That night, I gathered my things. Slowly opening my door, I saw Sal watching me. I closed my door, hoping he didn't alert my Father. I couldn't just give up though. Making a makeshift me in my bed and turning off my light, I slipped out the window, swimming into the darkness of the night. I didn't know where I was going but I knew I was going as far away as I could. I realized that I only regretted two things. I didn't have the chance to tell Fin or Aunt Uri where I was going or what happened. I knew Fin would support me and stay by my side. I could only hope that Aunt Uri would. It's not like I would figure that out though. She'll never know. I would just become a myth. Father would convince everyone I wasn't real. He would make sure anyone who spoke about me would receive a harsh punishment. I would become a legend of Atlia. Nothing more than empty words and hushed whispers. As long as I could be who I was, I was perfectly ok with disappearing. I didn't need anything more than my own truth.For hours, I swam. I simply wanted to be out of reach. I wanted to live my own life. I wanted to love whoever I wanted to. I wanted to not be controlled by anyone. I wanted my future to be my own choosing. Finally, as the sun began to rise, I found a small cove, seemingly abandoned. I swam in and wasted no time in sitting down. There were no chairs but I didn't mind too much. My tail was hurting from how much I swam. I was finally free though. Away from all the problems in the castle. My thoughts were filled with endless possibilities as my eyelids slid shut and I fell into a deep sleep. Before long, I was very rudely awakened. Coral, fish, and water were speeding past me at a speed I had never seen before. Then I realized they weren't going ridiculously fast, I was. 'I should've realized this as soon as I opened my eyes. I might've been able to do something to prevent it. I can't though. Once King Trevor catches you in his currents...you're stuck there until he releases you.' I thought to myself, accepting the inevitable. I closed my eyes once again, the speed making me sick. After what seemed like hours but was surely only minutes, I felt my speed slowing. I kept my eyes closed, afraid to see what I know is facing me. "Welcome back daughter." King Trevor said, his words kind but his voice laced with venom. I didn't reply, determined to show I wouldn't cooperate willingly. "I see you are staying silent. Not responding to your King can be seen as treason you know." He continued, wanting to entice a response out of me. I know what he wanted to hear but I refused to give in."Then kill me dear Father. I would rather be dead than in a world where I'm forced into submission and a life I don't want." I snapped, opening my eyes. I knew they weren't, but it felt like my eyes were flames. I was finally showing my true self to my father. Surprisingly, it felt good. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. I had to hold back laughter as I watched his reaction to my words. He was absolutely furious."Guards, escort her to her room. Place guards at both her window and her door. Do not let her leave unless I am there." My Father said, glaring at me. I stuck my chin up and turned, swimming to my room, not bothering to wait for the guards. My room was nice but after who knows how long, it was boring. There was nothing to excite me anymore. I had checked multiple times and there was always a guard at both my window and my door, just like Father had ordered. The silence was overwhelming. Nothing but my thoughts all day and night. I heard a door creak open but I was positive it was my imagination so I ignored it. "Wow, not even going to acknowledge your favorite aunt?" Aunt Uri's voice rang clear through the room. Smiling, I got up and swam over to her, hugging her tightly."Hi Aunt Uri. How did you get in here?" I asked, letting go and backing up slightly."I convinced my dumb brother to let me talk to you. What in the world is going on? Why does he have you locked up like some kind of criminal?" She replied, worry flooding her eyes."Because in his eyes, I am a criminal. Sorry, I think he used the words 'disgrace' and 'mistake'." I muttered, looking at the floor."Audrey, what happened?" She said, her voice kind but firm."Well, um...I suppose it can't get worse. I thought I lost Sal but I didn't and he saw my secret cove and told Father and my secret cove was full of lesbian pride stuff and now Father knows I'm lesbian and I tried to leave but he used his powers to bring me back and I've been locked up ever since and I don't know what to do and I'm hoping you accept me because nobody else down here will." I said, unable to stop both the words and the tears. I could barely breathe, the tears streaming down my cheeks. "Oh honey..." She said, pulling me into another tight hug, this time, not letting go."Of course I accept you for who you are. You can't help who you love. And if it makes you feel better, I'm actually lesbian myself. Trevor has no idea of course. I'm sorry he found out about you. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself though and trying to remove yourself from a possibly abusive situation." She reassured me. I looked up at her smiling face and gave a tiny smile back."Well my plan didn't really work, did it?" I laughed, trying to hide my pain. Aunt Uri knew me too well though and pulled me closer."You still tried and that's what matters. I'm so proud of you. I love you little pearl." She told me. I smiled at the nickname she gave me when I was a small girl. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. "Aunt Uri, you have powers like my Father, right?" I asked."Yes, I have a magic shell like Trevor has his trident. Why?" She responded, still rubbing my back."I have a favor to ask of you." I said, hoping she says yes."You can ask anything of me." She answers, smiling at me. I remove myself from her arms so I can look her in the eyes. "Is there any way you can give me legs so I can go to the surface?" I ask warily. She stills, not saying a word."Aunt Uri, please. You said you're lesbian! You've known my Father much longer than me. You have to know the struggles. And now he knows I'm lesbian, he's going to try and force it out of me so I can marry a prince and not be a disgrace. The only place I can go where he can't reach me is the surface. Please..." I said, rushing to get the words out before she said no.Sighing, she placed a hand on her forehead, "Ok, I'll do it." My eyes widened in surprise."Wait, really?!" I exclaimed, not wanting to get my hopes up. She simply nodded. "We'll have to figure out a time for you to leave your room without Trevor knowing. There will be a price to the spell though. In order to get legs, you'll lose your voice. Are you sure you still want to do this?" She asked me, wanting to give all the information to me. "Yes, I'm sure. Not having a voice is worth it. I can be my true self even without a voice." I replied."Ok then. I'll start planning a way for you to be able to leave. You'll have to be close to the surface when you receive your legs because along with your tail disappearing, your ability to breathe underwater will too." She mumbled, more talking to herself than to me."Aunt Uri, one more question." I said, interrupting her monologue."Yes?" She answered, still in a trance-like state."Is there a way to get my voice back or will I lose it forever?" I asked, just wanting to gather all the details."Yes there is. If you kiss your true love, you'll be able to speak again. Until then though, no. And you have to be prepared for the possibility you may never meet your true love," She said, now looking directly at me, "Which means you'll never be able to use your voice again." Even upon hearing this news, my decision didn't change, I still wanted to go to the surface. "I'm going to do it. Thank you so much Aunt Uri. This means a lot to me." I told her, smiling widely. In return, she gave me a smile."Of course Audrey. You are my niece and I love you. I'll be back in a few days to get you. I have to get Trevor and the guards away first." She replied warmly."Ok, I'll see you then. Thank you, again." I said."Anytime." She answered and then she left me alone in my room once more. Unable to contain my excitement, I swam all around my room doing random spins and flips. 'I can't believe it! I'm really going to the surface! I can be my true self! I can finally show my pride! I can finally find someone to love! Oh, I wonder what she'll be like. I know she'll be beautiful but also smart and funny and charming and kind and, oh I can't wait!'

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