Casino Cups: A New World, New...

By Madison000430

210 8 0

Madison Rose Tidwell, a normal 19 year-old female human, wishes for excitement. She can't seem to find a job... More

A little excitement
Welcome class, to Pokernomics can't be

43 2 0
By Madison000430


I slowly poke my head outta the opening of the sack. I gasped muffled, to see the Devil, Cuphead and Mugman!

'No...i I gotta be dreamn'! Yeah that's it, you're dreaming, Madi!' "Cuphead?...Mugman?" I said with my mouth still gagged, by the cloth that covers it.
The boys look at me confused. Cuphead looked at me with a 'what the f*** did she say' face, and Mugman looked at me with a confused expression.
"What'd she say, Mugs?" Cuphead asked. "I dunno, um...Mr.Dice, I think you should take off the gag, so she can speak properly." He said with a concerned tone in his voice. He did just that! And as soon as he did, I gasped for air! Mugman looked at me in sympathy and rushed over to me!

He attempted to touch my face, and I let'em. 'HE'S TOUCHING ME! MUGMAN IS ACTUALLY TOUCHING MY FACE!' I'm shaking still from shock. "A are you alright, ma'am?" he asks me in a soft voice. I can only nod, for I have no words. And then...he gently wraps me into a hug! 'OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH! HE'S HUGGING ME!' I hesitate to wrap my arms around him, not wanting to ruin the moment. He realizes this, and hugs me tighter! "It's okay, you can hug me back. I'm not going to hurt you." He says in a hushed voice. I slowly wrap my arms around him, and then he starts to rub circles on my back. I close my eyes, from the comfort i'm feeling. 'I'm in the arms of one of my crushes! I'm so happy and scared at the same time.' The hug lasts for only a few moments, but it felt like hours.

As we broke the embrace, I open my eyes to see that his porcelain cheeks are a rosie, light pink! He let's go of my arms, and rubs his neck blushing with a goofy, sweet smile. "Heh heh...s sorry, ma'am. I didn't even introduced myself. My name is Mugman, but you can call me Mugs." He said sweetly. 'I already know who he is, so I'll just pretend I don't know him or his brother. I don't wanna look suspicious.'

He extends a hand to me, and I shake it. "It's nice to meet you, Mugma-Mugs." I stop myself from calling him by his full name. He pulls me up from the floor. I then start to feel warm in my checks! 'Oh s shit...i'm blushing! He'll think i'm a weirdo! I can't let em see my blush!' I quickly try to say my name, to change his attention, but was stopped by King Dice saying, "Mugman...Cuphead, I'd like ya to meet, Miss Rose Mint Tea!" I turn to look at him, with a 'what the heck' face. 'What?! He knows that's not my name right?!' He looks down at me, and sleazily smiles at me. "Y yeah, i'm Rose Mint Tea! It's nice to meet you." I say looking at the cup bros. Cuphead walks over to me, and then smiles mischievously. He extends his hand to me. "Hiya, Rose Mint, it's nice to meet ya." he said. I accept the gesture, forgetting he likes to prank people. I then feel a sharp pain in my hand that he's holding! I jittered around, as the pain got stronger! He bursts into hysterical laughter, holding his stomach while laughing. "Hahaha...y you fell for tha' ol hand buzzer trick!" He said laughing, falling backwards, laughing harder. I grab my hand and rub it. I give him a glare, then roll my eyes. 'I fell right inta that one, didn't I?!' Mugs was also glaring at him, crossing his arms. "That wasn't nice, Cup! I know you enjoy a good prank now and then, but seriously?" He said with a frown. He turned to face me. "My apologies, miss Mint. My brother does this to everyone when they're new to the casino." He said. "It's alright, Mugs. As a matter a fact...I enjoy a good prank too." I said with a mischievous grin.
Cuphead stopped laughing, and got up from the floor. He had a 'what's she gonna do to me' face, with wide eyes. I look at him with a 'you're mine bitch' face, crossing my arms. He sighs in defeat, and smiles. "Sorry, Ms. Mint, I couldn't help myself. You're reaction was hilarious." He chuckled. I roll my eyes, then smiled. "It's okay, Cuphead. Just watch your six, cause i'll be your fifth." I warned him playfully. He giggles at my come back, and shakes my hand again. "I can tell we're gonna get along just fine." He said with a closed eye smile.

"Well then, with introductions outta the way, I understand you probably want to know why you've been brought here?" the devil said, with a devilish smile.

One long explanation later(spongebob narrator voice)

I look into a mirror, shocked to see that i'm not human anymore, but in cup form.

"So...the reason I'm here, is because you want me to work here as a waitress?" I asked happily.
He nodded, and smiled. "When do ya want me to start work, Mr.Devil?" I asked politely. "Can you start, tomorrow?" He asked. "Absolutely, sir!" I beamed. "Good, now run along, and get some sleep. You'll need it for tomorrow." He said with a smile. "Yes sir, I'll go rent a hotel room, see y'all in the morning." I say walking outta the room. "W wait, you don't need to rent a room!" Mugs said stopping me. "Why? I gotta sleep somewhere, don't I?" I chuckled. "Ms.Mint, before I sent Dice to fetch you, we've made arrangements for you to stay with someone." the Devil said. "We agreed that you'll stay with me and Cup." Mugman said smiling sheepishly, blushing a darker pink than earlier.

I can't believe what is happening, I'm gonna be staying with my crushes! From what I remember from the comic, their apartment only has two beds!
Guess I'll be sleeping on tha couch. "O oh? T thank you, you didn't need to do this." I said thinking I would be nothing but a nuisance to 'em. "No problemo, doll." Cup smiled with a wink, and I couldn't help but blush. We bid Dice and Devil goodnight, and began to walk to their apartment.

I understand why the boss asked Mr.Dice, to bring her here. I just can't understand why he had to do it in rude way. When I saw her poke her head out of the sack, she looked frightened. I don't blame her, honestly. When I heard her gasp for air, I realized just how scared she was! I rushed towards her, and sat on my knees. I put a hand on her face gently, to not startle her more than she already was. I don't blame her, honestly.


When I hear her gasp for air, I realize just how scared she is! I rush towards her, and sit on my knees. I put a hand on her face gently, to not startle her more than she already is. Even though I don't know her, I gently pull her into a hug. When I realize that she's hesitant to hug back, I hug her tighter. "It's okay, you can hug me back. I'm not going to hurt you." I say in a gentle voice. She slowly wraps her arms around me, and then I start to rub circles on her back. Her hug feels so warm, and loving. I close my eyes, from the comfort. The hug lasts for only a few moments, but i swear it feels like it's lasting for hours.

As we broke the hug, I start to feel slightly warm in my cheeks! I let go of her arms, and rub my neck blushing with a nervous smile. "Heh heh...s sorry, ma'am. I didn't even introduced myself. My name is Mugman, but you can call me Mugs." I said.

I extend a hand to her, and she shook it. "It's nice to meet you, Mugma-Mugs." She stops herself from calling me by my full name. 'I think that's cute. Wait what?! Did I just call her cute?! No just met the girl!

I pull her up from the floor. I then see her blushing as well. She was going to say something, but was stopped by King Dice saying, "Mugman...Cuphead, I'd like ya to meet, Miss Rose Mint Tea!" he said with a sleazy grin. "Y yeah, i'm Rose Mint Tea! It's nice to meet you." she smiled. Cuphead walks over to her, and then smiles mischievously. I know that grin, all too well. 'He's gonna pull a prank on her, isn't he?' "Hiya, Rose Mint, it's nice to meet ya." he said. But before I can warn her, he already pranked her!

He bursts into hysterical laughter, holding his stomach while laughing. "Hahaha...y you fell for tha' ol hand buzzer trick!" He said laughing, falling backwards, laughing harder. I see Ms.Mint grab her hand, rubbing it. I glare at him,crossing my arms. "That wasn't nice, Cup! I know you enjoy a good prank now and then, but seriously?" I said with a frown. I turned to face her. "My apologies, miss Mint. My brother does this to everyone when they're new to the casino." I said. "It's alright, Mugs. As a matter a fact...I enjoy a good prank too." she said with a mischievous grin.
Cuphead stopped laughing, and got up from the floor. He had a 'Oh shit' face, with wide eyes. She gives him a 'I'm so gonna get you for this' face, crossing her arms. He recognizes defeat, and smiles. "Sorry, Ms. Mint, I couldn't help myself. You're reaction was hilarious." He chuckled. "It's okay, Cuphead. Just watch your six, cause i'll be your fifth." she warned him playfully. He giggles at her come back, and shakes her hand again. "I can tell we're gonna get along just fine." He said with a closed eye smile.


Me and the cup bros, chat while walking to their apartment. "So...Ms.Mint, what do you like to do in your spare time?" Mugs asked. "Oh, I like to draw, sing, play games of any kind, and read." I say with a smile. Mugs eyes widen, after I said the last word. I know he likes to read. "Really? You like to read too?" He beamed. "Yeah, especially when it's about fantasy or romance." I say smiling. "Oh com'on, you know love ain't real right?" Cup said with a 'for real' face. I suddenly frown, hearing this. "Cuphead that was rude! I'm sure love's real."
Mugs said, he apparently saw my frown. He looked at me, and walked right next to me. "Don't listen to him, he thinks that, because he hasn't found the one, for him yet." he said touching my shoulder. I tense up, but then relax. I nod to reassure him, that I understand.

I turned my head to look at Cup, to say something, but was cut off by Mugs. "Well, we're here, Ms.Mint. Home sweet home." He said turning the key. I stood there, waiting for them to walk in. "Ladies first." Mugs said, gesturing for me to walk in. "Such a gentleman, thank you Mugs." I say walking into the apartment. "You're welcome, Ms.Mint." I knew he was just being respectful. "Mugs, you don't have to call me Ms.Mint. Call me Rose, okay?" I say smiling. "Okay, R Rose, your name is really pretty, by the way." He smiles rubbing his neck. "Thank you, Mugs. That's really kind of you." I smile rubbing my arm. "You're welcome, Rose." he replied. "I better go ahead, and start cooking dinner." He said walking into the kitchen. "Would you like me to help?" I asked. "No thank you, it's ok. You can go talk to Cup, while I make dinner, okay?" He said, picking up a skillet. "O oh, okay. I wouldn't wanna bother him though." I say touching my pointer fingers together. "You won't be bothering him, trust me. I think he'd like the company." he says smiling chopping some carrots. I nod, and walked into the living room.

I see Cup on the couch. 'He's not looking at me, thank goodness.' "What ya standn' up for? Come sidown, with me." He said, patting the spot next to him. I walk up to him. "O okay, C Cup." I stuttered, sitting down next to him. He scooted closer to me. "So ya said ya like to play games?" he asked with a smirk. "Mmhm, why dya ask?" I asked feeling nervous. "Would ya be interested in a quick poker match, with me?" he replied. "I w would love to, except...I don't play poker." I replied in embarrassment. "Don't worry bout that, doll. I'll teach ya everything I know!" He said in cockiness. "Oh...okay, Cup! Teach away!" I beamed in interest.

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