Hot Sugar

By BubblegumBlood45

254K 5.3K 6.2K

18+ NO MINORS THIS STORY ISN'T FOR YOU Bakugo x F! Reader College Quirkless AU More details on the "info"page. More

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8.7K 222 505
By BubblegumBlood45

Reaching the restaurant, the three of you walked in and found a small booth.

Bakugo slid into the booth first, and you took the one opposite from him. You felt someone bump you and saw Kirishima squeezing himself into your booth, forcing you to slide over.

"Oi shitty hair, you tryna crush her in that seat?!" He growled at Kirishima.

Shitty hair? His hair isn't that bad.

"What? I like a lot of room okay? She's smaller than you are." He explained like it was obvious.

"Just sit over here." Bakugo rolled his eyes but he was speaking to you.

"Uhm, I'm okay, really. I still have room." You assured him but his eyes only narrowed at you.

"Tch. Whatever then get crushed." He snatched up a menu from the table and began looking it over, causing you to do the same.

You decided on your order as soon as the waiter came up to the table.

"What can I get you today?" He was your age, probably went to the same college as you three.

"BBQ Pork ramen, please, with a green tea." Kiri politely ordered with a smile.

"And for the lady?" He looked at you with a soft smile, and you heard Bakugo scoff from across the table, making his smile falter.

"I'll have water and the spicy ramen please." You laid down the menu and smiled in politeness at him.

You felt Bakugo's eyes on you as you ordered.

"Same as her, make it extra spicy." He ordered.

The waiter wrote down his order and nodded quickly as he scurried off to put it in.

"You like spicy food?" Kiri asked, looking down his shoulder at you.

"Yea, I mean not 24/7 but it's hard to pass up spicy ramen." You shrugged.

"Bakugo loves spicy food, I'm surprised his asshole isn't a volcano." Kiri spoke but also leant away as he did as Bakugo's hand came over the table to swat at him predictably.

"Shut it shitty hair! My ass is just fine!" He yelled at him, causing a few looks from the other patrons.

"Yea it is." Kiri wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Bakugo rolled his eyes, snapping them over to you when you let out a quiet chuckle.

"Something funny?" He was ready to rage.

"No I just like seeing you two interact. I didn't really have a lot of real friends before so, it's amusing seeing you two together. Since your kind of opposites and all that..." you trailed off, growing nervous when they both quieted down to listen to you.

You fumbled with the paper straw wrapped in your hand as your nerves grew more, making you feel like you said something wrong.

"Well we're your friends now! You can laugh at us anytime." Kiri gave you a thumbs up and you gave him a half smile in return.

Bakugo just watched from across the table, quietly observing you.

Soon after the food arrived and as the waiter set your plate down he gave you a wink and told you to be careful since it's hot.

You cringed a little but before you could say anything Bakugo beat you to it.

"She's not fucking blind she can see the steam coming from the bowl." He growled at the waiter, who quickly nodded with a nervous look and took off again.

You gave Bakugo a quick smile in thanks and began to eat.

You were all finishing up your meal when Kiri's phone went off.

"Hey Denki. What? Why are you stuck in the cabinet?" You looked at Kiri on the phone with furrowed brows.

"Fine. I'm on my way." Kiri hung up with an amused sigh.

"Denki snuck into the office cabinet to scare Sero and it locked him in and he heard Sero leave. I gotta go let him out, thanks for the food Bakubro." Kiri smiled at him and gave you a fist bump before leaving.

You smiled at his back as he left then looked forward again, facing Bakugo as you slid further over in the seat now that you had room.

"You heading back to your dorm?" He gruffly asked, stacking his trash into his bowl on the table.

"Yea I'm done with classes for the day." You nodded and began standing from the booth.

"I'll walk you." He offered but before you could fight him on it he was walking up towards the counter to pay.

You sighed but also let a small smile pass your lips at his stubbornness.

You both headed towards your dorm in comfortable silence. You liked that Bakugo didn't always feel the need to fill the air with words when there was a lull in the conversation.

After a short walk you found yourself in front of your door with him again.

"Thanks for walking me. Again." You looked into his eyes as he stared back down at you.

"Are you coming to the LAN party?" He suddenly asked, throwing you off.

"I'm not sure. I told Kiri maybe." You replied with a shrug.

He studied you for a moment, debating his words carefully.

"You should come. So I can get revenge for beer pong." He smirked at you, making you return the gesture.

"Is that so? I hate to break it to you but I spent a lot of time playing games growing up. Lack of friends and all that." You waved your hand dismissively.

He let out a short laugh, before smiling deviously at you.

"Prove it. I'll see you there." He turned on his heel and headed back towards the elevator without another glance.

You smiled after him and unlocked your door to step inside. You leaned back against the door and let out an exhale.

I think I'm starting to like him.

The rest of the week passed slowly.

You didn't really interact with Bakugo much besides his simple greetings in your first class together.

The closer it got to the party, the more nervous you became.

Eventually, the day arrived and you were standing in front of your closet, debating your options.

It was a small gathering, so you didn't want to dress up too much but...Bakugo would also be there.

You couldn't help yourself from thinking he was attractive. And the fact he had walked you home twice now only intensified your infatuation for him, and your subtle want to impress him.

I think I want to just keep it casual...if I dressed up too much no doubt he would likely say something since it's such a small party.

You decided to go with a pair of denim shorts that were old and torn up on the edges and a faded black t shirt.

Laying the clothes out on your bed, you also laid out a pair of lacy black panties and a black bra to match.

Just in case...

You hurried through your shower routine and spritzed some perfume onto your wrists before getting dressed and heading out the door to Kiri's.

You walked up the few steps leading to the porch where you already heard a chorus of chatter coming from inside. You knocked a few times on the door and heard the sound of shuffling coming closer.

The door swung open with Sero giving you a wide grin.

"Come on in! We're still getting everything set up." He gestured you inside with a wave of his arm and you nodded at him while you stepped in.

Looking around you saw the living room had been rearranged. The couch was shoved to the side in front of a large tv, with a game already hooked up and loaded on the screen.

Towards the middle was a twin set of bean bag chairs placed in front of another monitor that was currently being hooked up by Denki.

You heard a familiar voice and turned your head to look at its owner.

"Dumbass! Are you colorblind?! The red one goes there." Bakugo was currently berating a flustered Kirishima who was trying to set up another gaming station at the table pulled into the living room.

You smiled at them and noticed Mina bustling around in the kitchen and made your way over to her.

"Hey, Mina." You waved at her and set your bag down on the counter.

"Hey! I'm just finishing getting everything out together in here." She gestured to the various bowls of chips, dips, and sweets placed throughout the island counter.

"More like taste testing everything." Sero said from behind you as he reached around to grab a chip.

"Why don't you go roll a blunt scotch tape!" Mina snickered at him while he rolled his eyes but nodded and walked away to do as she said.

"Scotch tape?" You asked curiously.

"Oh it's a long story, it's a nickname from when we were younger. Bakugo called him that first." She explained giggling.

I'm not surprised.

"Are you drinking tonight?" Mina asked while beginning to set down bottles onto the counter from the top of the cabinets where they were stored.

"I think so. I got my homework finished early this week so I don't have anything else I need to be sober for." You replied with a chuckle.

"Great! Oh and by the way there is a spare bedroom upstairs, if you wanted to just crash here. I'm sure one of the boys wouldn't mind you borrowing some of their clothes to sleep in." Mina winked at you and you felt the tips of your ears get hot at her suggestion.

I can't deny the first person that came to mind when she said that...

As you and Mina continued chatting, the boys eventually got all the games set up and began getting their own drinks.

"Alright, we have Halo on this tv, COD by the bean bags, and Street Fighter on the table. Pick your poison!" Kiri exclaimed with an excited clap.

You grabbed a drink and wandered over to the couch where Halo was set up. Not even a minute later the couch dipped beside you and you saw ash blonde hair from the corner of your eye, making you smile.

"Ready to get your shit rocked?" Bakugo sneered at you competitively.

"In which way?" You said flirtatiously, smirking at him as you turned on your controller.

"If your good, in every way." He didn't miss a beat on his reply and you choked on your drink some as you slipped it, causing his smirk to grow even wider as the back of your neck heated up.

You both settled into the couch, you sitting cross legged, your knee bumping into his leg but he didn't seem to mind.

The first match started and you focused, not wanting to let Bakugo have the satisfaction of winning the first round.

You glanced over at him and saw him concentrating as well, his face in his normal scowl and his eyes darting over the screen as his hands moved the controls.

You landed a kill shot on his player and you chuckled as you heard the low growl that came from him.

"Want to make it more interesting? Loser takes a shot." You asked him without looking from your part of the screen.

"Your on." Was his short reply before he took you out, causing your player to respawn.

The game came to an end, with you being the winner just barely. You cheered in victory, and looked over at Bakugo who was grumbling to himself.

"Alright, let's do your shot." You walked up to head towards the kitchen to pour it for him.

He followed you in there and you felt the room warm up as you realized you were both alone since everyone else was still playing their games.

You grabbed the glass and began to pour the liquor in, trying to keep your hand steady as he sauntered over to your side, the warmth from his body seeping over to yours as he stood close by.

You finished pouring and handed the glass over to his hand resting on the counter.

He grasped it, grazing your fingers lightly, making you meet his eyes.

He didn't look away from you as he downed the shot, licking his lips after.

You were speechless for a moment, lost in the fantasy of him licking his lips after something else instead.

"Round two. Let's go." He said smirking at your obvious reaction to his little antics, and walking back towards the couch.

You shook your head and exhaled as you resumed your usual cool demeanor and walked out to join him again.

Smut incoming next chapter 😏

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