Amphibia x reader One shots...

By broken_chipshardslol

27.7K 561 219

Jus some one shots with the amphibia characters I do not own like any characters lol More

Marcy Wu/ Strange dreams(in amphibia)
Anne Boonchuy/Jealous? (Not in amphibia)
Preference/you wear their shirt?
Marcy wu/Butterflies (in amphibia) PART ONE
Preference/What you guys would argue about
Marcy wu/truth or dare (in human world lol)
Authors noteeee😎😎😎😎
Preference/ your first date with them
Hey hey😈
Marcy Wu x Fem reader| Secret relationship💗
Prefrence| They sneak out to see you
Preference|How you met
Ok, actually important, kind of 😍😭!
I love u guys ❤️❤️
Preference: jealous. {AGED UP?}

Sasha Waybright/diary(in Amphibia)

1.6K 32 11
By broken_chipshardslol

I realized I haven't made a Sasha one yet 👹
This takes place in the beginning of season 2.. I think idk Lol
this one is long
Sorry if this chapter sucks lol

Gender neutral pronouns :)
(I tried at least)

Y/n's pov:
Dear diary, I haven't left my house today. well not my but mine while I'm in this weird place anyway.. I live with an adoptive frog family.. they are definitely tough cookies lol. It was extremely hard to adjust to especially since I didn't know where any of my friends were.. but there's one who hasn't  left my mind the past few days.. Sasha

It's weird, I never really thought about her like.. how I am now.
Lately I've been writing about my little crush on her, it started a week before Anne's birthday.. And I've already filled about 30 pages...

A blush starts to creep onto my face right as Amaya, my frog best friend, and basically sister, jumps out from nowhere and scares me.

I shut my diary and blush harder.
"Woah, Y/n.. what was that about."She says, smirking.
"It's nothing.. it's just something I did back home"I say, and put my diary in my backpack and hide it. "Is it like a novel or something?"Amaya questions.
"You could say that."I laugh. "So what are you doing here?"I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, you and I have a secret mission..."she says, whispering the last part. "A... secret mission?"I say raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, we have to go into the woods and get flowers for mom, and also there is a secret mission too."She says, and I'm confused. "You guys keep flowers?"I questioned her.

"Y/n I don't know what you mean, of course we do."She says
"Okayyy then.. let me get ready."I say and she nods and walks out.
I get ready(just Imagine however u wanna look like lol)
And walk out the door with my backpack.

"So, Amaya.. what's this secret mission?"I say, kinda not wanting to go. "If I told you it wouldn't be secret." She says and I'm dumbfounded. "You know if I'm going on the mission too I need to know what I'm doing."I say. "Just follow me."She says, I roll my eyes.

We take a long path in the woods that feels endless, and at some point I look down at my feet not feeling them anymore from the endless walking... until I hit something, and I fall over with my stuff dumping out on the floor from my bag.

Sasha's POV:

Today I woke up, and had to put this gel the toads made for my scratches on my face and arms that occurred after my fight with Anne...
Lately I've been dreading the future between us.. what will happen? Will she forgive me.. but also, Anger.
How dare she do that to me? Actin like I'm the bully...
Am I?


I walk to find grime sitting down watching suspicious island.. that's all he's been doing since the tower fell.

"Lazy weirdo." I think to myself and yell to him as I walk out "I'll be back, grimesey.. I need to visit Percy to get my hairbrush back.. which I don't even know why he needed it?" I say, questioning his motives.
All he does is a lazy motion with his arm while staring at the screen and I roll my eyes and close the door. I think he was staying somewhere in the woods.
I promptly walk deeper into the woods, cutting branches in my way with my sword. After walking awhile I get stuck in my thoughts once more.

I wonder what my friends are doing right now... I wonder what... Y/n is doing... I blush as that crosses my mind.
Tbh I've been low key crushing on them for a year before I came here.. I wonder if they even transported... I mean, Anne did so... they think about me. I blush once more..

Y/n has always been such a pretty person in my eyes, I've even been jealous of them.
Suddenly I hear someone talking... a young girl? And I accidentally bump into someone and they fall. "Hey, watch where you're going."I say, then looking at who it was... Y/n

Your POV:
"Hey, watch where you're going." A familiar voice says, and I look up to see Sasha! "Sashie?!"I say, tearing up a little.

"Y/n!!"She says and helps me up off the ground
First she looks around me almost like she expected me to be a hologram or something then she pulls me into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much, Y/n, you have no clue."She says, holding on me tightly .
"I have a clue, because I missed you just as much."I say, trying not to sob like a little baby. She pulls away, and I wipe a tear away. "Wow I can't believe it's actually you."She says then she looks down and spots something.

"What's this?"She walks past me and picks up my diary off the floor.
"Oh, give me that."I say, snatching the diary from her hands and blushing.

"Woah, Y/n.. I'm your best friend... since when do we keep secrets?"Sasha says, in a offended tone. "Idk since I started to write about my big fat crush on you in very detailed ways in here." I think to myself rolling my eyes and putting the book back in my bag. "Wow, I feel like I'm being completely ignored"Amaya says, kinda kicking a few rocks in an awkward manner.

"Oh! Sasha, this is Amaya."I say, trying my best to introduce them.
"Oh. Hi Amaya."Sasha says, looking down at Amaya seemingly uninterested in her completely. "Anyway... her and I are on some sort of secret mission, if you want to come."I say and smile at Sasha. "Of course! I wouldn't miss the chance to hang out with you! It beats whatever I had going on today anyway."She says returning the smile.

"I don't know, Y/n.. I didn't invite her."Amaya says, annoyed. Well.. it is kinda rude.. but I haven't seen her in months and she's my best friend.. but Amaya has been my best friend since I got here.

Sasha takes notice of me at a loss for words and gets angry .
"That's because you're selfish, 'Anaya', and if you really were a good friend you would know this is an emotional moment for Y/n."She says, rolling her eyes and turning her head.

"FIRST OF ALL! It's Amaya, not Anaya. Secondly, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? I've been here for Y/n since day one, and I heard stories about you from your world.. You're definitely one to talk about being a good friend now are you?"Amaya says yelling at Sasha and at first Sasha has a shocked expression, which then turned into anger.. and after a moment of her thinking it turned into more of a softer anger look.

"Whatever, I'm leaving. Have fun on your mission."She says, whispering the last part with a hint of sadness in her voice and she starts to walk away.

I'm at a loss for words and overwhelmed. I look at Amaya who had a look of anger on her face, and then I look at Sasha who was becoming more and more out of sight as she walked. "I'm sorry, Amaya.. I'll be back."I say running after Sasha. "Y/N!!!"Amaya yells, with some betrayal in her voice.

I chase after Sasha and catch up to her, she stops when she hears me out of breath. "You know what, Y/n..."Sasha starts, and I'm standing right before her.
"Amaya is right, I'm a terrible friend... you should just forget about me"She says, and she turns her head a little and I see tears running down her face.
"Sasha.. please.. It's not true, she was just frustrated.."I say feeling my heart sink to my stomach.

"Y/n, I had a fight with Anne..."She says
"That's okay, friends always fight."I say tears starting to fill my eyes
"No, Y/n.. like with swords."She says, and my eyes widen from shock.
"Don't worry, she won... but maybe it made me realize some things."
"Sasha..."I start.
"I have to go. Goodbye."She says and runs away.
It can't end like this? It just can't.

I walk back to Amaya telling her I want to leave and that we can do the 'mission' another day, and she agrees and we head "home".
I walk into my makeshift room and lay down just to start sobbing.
I grab my backpack to get my diary..
Huh.. it's gone?! No... NO. I'll look for it tomorrow... I'm exhausted today.
I say and get ready for bed.

Sasha's POV:
Gosh, why did I say that? Maybe I should go back there.. would they even be there? Probably not but it's worth a try. I sneak out past grime since he was passed out on the couch and head outside in the dark..

I brought a lamp with a candle in it so it would light my way. Is it dangerous to be out here at night? Doesn't matter because I'm even more dangerous. I smirk to myself 😏 know I'm da 💩 but anyway...

I get to the spot I left them at... yeah of course they're  gone, this was a stupid idea. I kick the ground in anger, but I hear something knock back.
I go to see what it is.. Y/n's Diary? I mean.. it wouldn't hurt to read..
I grab the book and make my way back to the place grime and I were staying and walk past him.

I head to my 'room' and shut the door. (If there is a door lol)
"Okay, let's read.."I say out loud to myself then pause
"I shouldn't do this."I think out loud to myself once more and put the book down. One page couldn't hurt though.. I pick the book back up and start reading. Wow I did not know Y/n felt that strongly about people eating their food.

"A couple of more pages wouldn't hurt..."I say to no one in particular waving my hand like it's no big deal and flip through pages until I find an interesting one. Hm. What's this?
It's dated a day before Anne's birthday...

Today I avoided Sasha in the hallways because every time I'm near her my heart starts beating fast and I start to stutter..
I feel stupid, and I know she would laugh at me.
Maybe I shouldn't say anything? I wouldn't want to change the way things are between us and our friends.
Sasha's hair smells so nice... not to be weird or anything.
Eh it's my diary, I can be as weird as I want.
Sometimes I wonder if maybe we could be together one day.. or even... kiss? Oh I have to go, Anne is calling me
Talk to you soon diary.

My eyes widen in shock... Did Y/n actually feel this way about me...
My face gets really red from blush. They like me? I mean, who wouldn't, but... y/n likes me... Ugh now I'm just smiling like an idiot.
I should probably get to bed now.. and I'm sure Y/n will look for their diary tomorrow so, I'll place it back before they get there.

Time skip

I ended up not being able to sleep.. I just couldn't believe it..
I should get going before Y/n wakes up.. Good thing I know their sleeping schedule is terrible. I get up and find grime is still asleep..

I should work on a plan to motivate him... but that's a problem for future Sasha.
I try to fix my hair to the best of my abilities.. man sure wish I had that brush right about now. I roll my eyes.

"Grime you better wake your lazy butt up! Or I'm getting a water bucket."I say and he snores in response. At least I warned him.
I go outside and grab a bucket conveniently filled with rain water and walk back in and splash him.

He falls out of his chair on the floor and I laugh hard
"I warned you."I say, waving my hand in a downward motion.
"What was the purpose of that?"He says angrily standing up.
"Oh calm down, you baby."I start. "I was just going to tell you I'm leaving, but I'll be back soon."I say.

"Hm? For the second day in a row.. seems like you've found something to do.. or someone?"He says and I blush
"Yeah, well it's not like there's a lot going on here right now."I say, crossing my arms in defense. "Wow, I sure struck a nerve"He laughs.
"Anyway, I'm going now.. bye"I say, just trying to leave. "Tell whoever it is I say hello."He laughs, and sits back down.

I roll my eyes and slam the door. I wish I had a watch right now, I have no clue what time it is. I head back to the middle of the woods.. it seemed like a much shorter path yesterday yet today it's so long and tiring.. or maybe my lack of sleep is catching up to me. I let out a yawn and then continued to search for the spot I found the book at.

Just as I was searching I hear a familiar voice, and the young girl voice as yesterday... Y/n and Anaya... or whatever her name was.
Ugh why does Y/n even hang out with her. I'm so much better..
I cross my arms as Jealousy takes over my thoughts and they spot me.
"Sashie! It's you!"Y/n says running over to me, and I embrace them.
My bad thoughts start to fade.

Y/n's POV:
I see Sasha up ahead and she looks a little mad... I hope she isn't still mad about yesterday... whatever I'm just glad I see her again and she didn't leave me for real

"Sashie! It's you!"I say with tears welling up in my eyes, but I try not to let them fall so I don't seem weak. I run up to her and hug her and she seems to be more at ease than before.

I sniff her.
She smells so nice for being in a swamp, heheheh.

"Y/n..."She says, stepping back and her head looks down, is she blushing?
"Uh- Can we talk in private."She says and looks over at Amaya who was standing there crossing her arms. I look at her with a "pleaaaseee" look on my face she rolls her eyes. "Fine, but don't try anything."She says to Sasha, and Sasha just rolls her eyes in response.

Amaya promptly walks away somewhere in the forest. I look back at Sasha who was blushing very hard.. I've never seen her act so sheepishly.
"What did you need to talk about"I say as my heart beat quickens.. we are still very close to each other even after we departed from the hug.

"Y/n, do you like me?"She asks, quite bluntly and I am taken aback.
A blush forms on my cheeks and I try to speak but nothing comes out.
She smirks at me, already guessing my answer from my reaction.
"So it's true."She says and steps closer to me.

Is this really happening... "Sasha..."I say in a whisper
"Y/n?"She says, leaning in towards me.

We kiss, and it was incredible.
I feel a thousand fireworks explode in my stomach
I pull away.

"What was that for?"I ask "I just wanted you to know that I like you too... like really like you, Y/n."Sasha admits and butterflies go off everywhere in my stomach. "I like the way your hair falls in your face, I like the way your clothes fit you perfectly even the oversized ones."She says going off on a rant

I didn't know how to react so I just kissed her... again
As we are kissing I feel her start to smile.
She pulls away. "Now, what was that for?"she asks, mimicking my question from a few moments earlier. "Because, I really like you too."I says smiling
Just then we both hear sniffling from behind a tree and we look over and Amaya walks out crying.

"Are you okay?"I ask. "Yeah this is just so cute."She says, and I blush from embarrassment. "How much did you hear?"I ask, and she looks at me with a smirk. "All of it."She says, and looks over at Sasha.
"I will murder you if you hurt Y/n's feelings ever again."she says then walks back over to her tree. "Ok, sorry continue."She says hiding behind it once more.

"Well that was awkward."I say, then look back at Sasha.
"Y/n.. will you be mine?"Sasha asks seemingly out of nowhere.
"Of course! I've been waiting since before Anne's birthday for you to say that!"I say with excitement. I can't believe this is happening.

"Yeah I know.. I read your diary."She says and hands me my diary with an evil grin. "SASHA!! You read my DIARY!!?"I say with anger, and she laughs
"I mean if I didn't we wouldn't be together would we?"
Well, she has a point.

"So, Is this where you ask me on a date?"I say to Sasha
"Well, I know this place where we can have a picnic."She says, and holds her hand out towards me. "Don't mind if I do"I smile at her, and say goodbye to amaya as I go on my way with Sasha


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