Justice Is Sweet

By whatsgood_

50.9K 1.3K 110

I recently fell in love with Sons of Anarchy and it has just been blissful going on an all out binge. So I de... More

Sweetie [New Part]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Nineteen

1.3K 40 2
By whatsgood_


I think after twenty pushes that a baby should just pop out especially with everyone around me yelling for me to push and Tig damn near crying while I'm over here cursing. Finally I felt like the little kid had enough of wasting time and decided to just slide out. I screamed at how much pressure was put on me as I pushed one last time and my child decided to come out screaming for all the world to hear.

"She's bleeding too much. Give me some room guys," Alessandra yelled as she was my doula and the person overseeing my home birth. I panicked slightly as my baby was handed over to Stasi who cleaned them up and did everything that Alessandra instructed.

Mickey was cooing softly and letting the baby grab her pinky.

I felt lightheaded and suddenly the room went dark.


"He's beautiful," Mickey showed me my newborn son after I awoke to soft crying. He was dressed in his onesie and I smiled.

"Hi, Josiah Flynn," I greeted my sleepy son as he yawned cutely.

"What about baby sis?", Stasi brought over my adorable daughter who they say had come into this world calmer than her brother. "Miss Kaylani Jules. She's so precious."

The two women were so infatuated with the tiny humans that they had basically held them since they came into this world.

Where my lovely husband was, I had not one clue.

"Brain food!", Tig came in yelling.

"Be quiet! Don't wake the babies," Mickey snapped as she rocked Josiah who was stretching with a grumpy look on his face.

Stasi rolled her eyes but decided that she needed to get the babies settled in for some rest so that I could eat and possibly rest after damn near four hours of labor.

"Mom said we had to let them lie on your chest for the bonding process. You were out cold but we can try to let you feed them in an hour."

I agreed.

After they went into the other room with the babies, I grabbed ahold of the tray that Tig had carried in and started taking the biggest bites ever. I didn't really care too much for onions on my burger but it didn't matter. I think I had passed out giving birth to Kaylani and I remember feeling them laying the babies on my chest but I personally can't remember anything else in between that time.

"It gets sicker each time I see it," Tig spoke and I quirked a brow mid bite.


"Giving birth. I've seen my daughters Dawn and Fawn born and it just gets crazier each time. Did you know we were having two?"

"Little mama must have been hiding because I only saw one baby each ultrasound. They probably were in sync?"

I had chosen two names if I was having a boy or if I was having a girl. Stasi just remembered and clearly you could tell that they now preferred my children over me.

"They're so beautiful. They look like me..."

"They look like two undercooked potatoes," I joked on my babies.

No for real, my babies were so beautiful to me that I couldn't even imagine that they were mine. Josiah had a birthmark on his chin that looked like a mini heart and Kaylani got her daddy's big blue eyes. Josiah's eyes were more muddy like blue mixed with hazel brown.

"They haven't told me if the took care of Pope yet but I want you guys to move back in to our house. We've been staying here for nearly three months and it's nice but you have a home," Tig stressed as he handed me my lemonade which had been a big craving the last part of my pregnancy.

"You know I want to go home. We've had this talk many times before, sir. I want to make this work and I would love to go back home but you've made that impossible while being Clay's ass."

"Hey, I needed a family when I had no one! They were the family that I never had..."

"What are we, Tig? Me, your son, your daughter? I know that they were here first but they won't be here forever. That club is corrupt and you know it!", I feared that if given the chance to choose, Tig wouldn't choose his family.

He wouldn't choose me or the kids.

Every man that was apart of that club couldn't see how much pain and suffering they put on their women and their families as a whole. Gemma, the old hag, was the only one willing to stay and try to control everyone to keep them close. Nobody just let themselves live a normal life.

"Alexis, I love you. I love my babies and I love my daughter but it's not that easy. I just lost one of my kids because of my mistake. You think that this stops just because you or I want it to."

"Fine! Go be with your precious club but I'm not holding back. My children will never see the harsh side of this bullshit. I will leave you here if ever anything were to happen to me or my babies again. Do I have to die for you to realize that this club is nothing but evil?!", I asked. I was genuinely curious as to what he thought about me being hurt multiple times because of his bullshit and this club.

Before he could answer, Stasi knocked on the door and brought in the twins.

They were whining with their lips poked out so I knew they had to be starving.

"Mama's gonna feed the babies," Stasi cooed softly as she settled each baby in my arm and I was kind of self conscious so I pulled my shirt up on the sides to only enough to give them access to my boob.

My stomach had yet to go down.

"Tig, I need to tell you something. Give her a minute to feed the babies," Stasi got his attention and pulled him out of the room even though he clearly wanted to stay.

I sighed but let the babies feed for as long as they wanted to.

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