Balance And Control

By eviethescribe

15.8K 383 20

Ereida is the eleventh Eternal, controller of light and dark. More

Story Notes
Mesopotamia 5000 B.C.E
Egypt 1324 B.C.E
Babylon 575 B.C.E
Love and Disdain
Greece 500 B.C.E
Questions and Accusations
Lady Ereida, Greecian Goddess
Secret No More
Rome 44 B.C.E
Death Becomes Him
Jerusalem 35 A.D.
Grim and Numb
Those Who Love Me
The Proposal
Author Note
Gupta Empire 400 A.D.
Anniversary 500 A.D.
Blรกth Orรกiste
Sweet, Sweet Revenge
Lock Her Up
Off With Her Head
Tenochtitlan 1521 A.D.
Betrayal and Abandonment
I Am But A Tree

Celebration of Love

283 9 0
By eviethescribe

The boys went ahead to the temple while we finished getting Sersi ready. The night before, we had found a local artist in a nearby village who was more than happy to decorate our hands and feet with henna, and the floral designs looked amazing on Sersi's delicate fingers as they worked to straighten out her jade headscarf. Thena gently removed her hands and adjusted the fabric herself so it became the perfect veil draped down our bride's back. Makkari was consoling a blubbering Ajak who kept tearily mentioning how her babies were all grown up; Sprite unhelpfully reminded her that we were all the same age.

"Stop being so bitter, or I swear to god I will lock you in your room," I hissed to her, making sure no one else could hear. "If you ruin today for Sersi, you deal with me."

"Down, girl," she replied.


"Fine, I'll be on my best behavior."

"You better be."

"Okay, how do I look?" Sersi asked, turning to face us.

"So beautiful," Thena said.

"Like a goddess," I added.

Ajak cried harder.

"You will be the envy of all," Makkari signed.

"You don't look hideous," Sprite offered, sounding somewhat sincere.

I shot her a warning glance. "Shall we get you hitched?" I grinned, focusing back on Sersi.

She nodded.

I looped my arm through hers and made sure the rest were all in contact before jumping into the shadows, emerging just behind a stone archway inside the wedding venue. The boys were already there with the priest, standing together in their colorful dhoti. The girls were all decked out in a rainbow array of sarees. It seemed us Eternals never strayed far from our assigned colors, even when dressed like normal citizens.

The room was small, but decorated elegantly. Flower petals and dozens of flickering candles lined the altar behind the priest, casting a romantic glow over the room. The air was perfumed with the scents of jasmine and turmeric, an odd pairing but surprisingly very soothing. The room itself was full of vibrant colors: greens, blues, oranges, and yellows.

Ikaris was waiting at the end of the aisle with the priest, looking just as nervous in his blue sherwani as Sersi did in her green and gold lehenga. His eyes grew wide as he spotted Sersi, lips flipping upward in a smile. She blushed madly at the sight of him and I had to stop myself from cooing over them.

"Even after almost a millennium together, he still makes you giddy as a schoolgirl," I giggled, escorting her to stand before him. I kissed her cheek and went to join the others, stopping briefly to talk to Ikaris. "Hurt her and I'll kill you. But I love you, so congratulations," I whispered as I passed. I took my place beside Druig, slipping my hand into his and giving it a squeeze.

The ceremony began with the priest placing necklaces of marigolds around the couples' necks, offering a prayer to Lord Kamadev, Hindu god of love, as he did so.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite this man and this woman in holy matrimony. By the witness of the Gods, do you promise to love and to treasure and to be loyal to one another for eternity?"

"I do," they chorused, not taking their eyes off each other.

"Do you promise to share and to give, to have and to hold, to cherish and to grow, for all eternity?"

"I do."

"Do you promise to care for each other for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for all eternity?"

"I do."

"The Gods smile down upon these promises you have made to one another in front of these witnesses who you call family. You must honor these vows for all eternity. Now that they have made these promises to one another, does anyone have a reason as to why these promises should not be kept? Speak now or forever be in torment."

I sharply swiveled my head to see Sprite, silently daring her to say something. Give me a reason, you imp. She said nothing.

"Forever be at peace knowing those you love have faith in your partnership. Now, do either of you wish to make an additional vow?"

"I would," Sersi said shyly. She cleared her throat, gathering her courage. "Ikaris, from the moment I saw you, I knew I loved you. Your bravery and passion I greatly admire. Your willingness to learn and to help are what I love most about you. We balance each other, and I hope this remains true for as long as we both shall live. I love you with my whole heart, Ikaris; you are my sun."

I heard a sniffle from beside me and had to keep from laughing; It wasn't Ajak this time. "Dru, getting a little choked up?"

"No, there's pollen in my eye," he mumbled, wiping a stray tear with his free hand.

"Softy," I chuckled, pressing my lips to the back of the hand I was holding.

"Shut up. I'm not crying."

"Sersi, I cannot put into words what I feel for you. It is so deep and raw that no language possesses the capabilities to describe it. I'm yours, Sersi, for as long as you'll have me," Ikaris said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"May the gods hereby bond you in matrimony," the priest continued in Sanskrit, bringing the ceremony to an end. "Congratulations."

A crunch distracted me from the sweet moment. "Are you seriously eating right now?"

Druig looked at me with doe eyes, a green apple clutched in his hand, cheeks full and juice dribbling down his chin.

"Oh my god, you are a child," I groaned, wiping his chin with my sash.

The rest of our group started cheering, celebrating the newlyweds first kiss with enough enthusiasm to fill an arena. I felt Makkari clutch my right hand, her dazzling grin almost as bright as the stars. Ajak was bawling again, burying her head on Makkari's shoulder. Phastos was also crying, but kept himself together, leaning against a, unsurprisingly, slightly tipsy Gilgamesh. Thena stood regally beside them, a small smile playing on her face. Kingo looked ecstatic. The only one not enjoying themselves was the jealous little imp; Sprite. She stood front and center with her arms crossed, her features twisted in sour displeasure, but I didn't care. She could be as bitter as she wanted, Ikaris would never be hers.

"Let's party!" Kingo whooped. He signaled to the musicians in the corner who began to play a very lively tune.

Ikaris and Sersi did a very slow dance, a contrast to the fast paced strum of the musicians instruments, but they were in their own world. Phastos grabbed Ajak's hand and spun her around the floor, both of them laughing with enjoyment.

"May I have this dance?" I signed to Makkari, bowing ever so gentlemanly.

"You may."

I took both of her hands and dragged her out onto our makeshift dance floor, whirling and turning every which way. It felt good to just let loose and enjoy the night.

Kingo was trying to convince Sprite to dance, circling her rhythmically and showing off his skills.

Gilgamesh was swaying to the beat, a large mug of something, probably containing alcohol, sloshing in his hands. Thena bobbed her head but showed no sign of wanting to join in.

I danced with Makkari until I was flushed and sweaty, my feet and sides aching. I made my way back over to where I had left my boyfriend: the snack table.

"Hello, sweetheart," I greeted, snatching the sweet from his fingers and shoving it in my mouth. It melted on my tongue, the sweet honey flavor releasing endorphins. "Mmmmm," I moaned, "so good."

"At our wedding, we should just have a huge feast, no need for a ceremony," he said, grabbing another sweet.

"Oh yeah? But then how will we express our undying love for each other in front of all our family and friends?" I asked, encircling my arms around his neck.

"That's not very us. I like that we keep that part between the two of us, intimate," he replied, setting his hands on my hips.

I beamed. "That sounds perfect."

"All the ladies to the floor!" Kingo called, whisking me away from Druig.

I let him drag me away to join the others: Ajak, Thena, a very reluctant Sprite, Makkari, and I formed a circle around Sersi.

"Gentlemen, let's go!"

The boys formed a circle around Ikaris.

"Join hands...good, just like that. Now, go in and lift your hands to the gods."

We ran at Sersi, laughing madly, lifting our conjoined hands to the ceiling, the boys doing the same with less coordination.

"Now disperse!"

We did, moving outwards, cheering and trilling along with the music.

"Ladies, lift your skirts and give us your best twirl!"

"I can't Kingo, I don't have a skirt!" I called back.

"Just twirl, Ereida!"

I threw my head back, arms out, palms raised to the ceiling, and turned along in time with the beat, feet stamping the ground along with the baseline.

"Spread out and pair up, newlyweds to the center!"

I weaved my way through my friends, finding my way to Druig on the outskirts. "Shall we dance?" I grinned, taking his hand.

"Anything you want, milady," he replied.

He spun me under his arm, dipping me so my hair brushed the ground.

"Wow, you sure know how to woo a girl."

He leaned down with a smirk and kissed me.

"Ereida! Druig! Keep moving, you're holding up the circle!" Kingo scolded.

I brought myself back up, my nose touching Druig's. I skipped clockwise, pulling him along with me as the group of us engaged in silly movements, some that went with the music and some that didn't; only Kingo could actually dance. Sersi and Ikaris went back to slow dancing in the middle as we rotated, clapping and screeching with delight. Even Sprite was having a hard time remaining broody, allowing Kingo to lead her along.

"You know what this dance circle needs?" Gil asked, a crooked smile on his face. "Body rolls!"

"Hell yeah!" I cheered.

He started very drunkenly and clumsily body rolling on Thena who stood there, still as a statue, trying not to laugh. I tried to mimic him, more elegantly of course, by moving my hips along with the music, seductively running my hands through my hair.

"Darling," Druig said lowly, "if you keep dancing like that we'll have to leave early."

I smirked. "Will we? I don't think so. We're here for a wedding, we have to stay until the end." As I spoke, I inched closer to him until there was very little space between us.

"Why must you tease, milady?"

"It's fun," I said innocently. I leaned in to kiss him but before our lips connected, I took a step back; leading him on is the best part. "Later, sweetheart. Right now it's all about Ikaris."

He glowered, the vein in his forehead twitching slightly.

I left him standing there, satisfied with my teasing, and approached the newlyweds. I tapped Ikaris on the shoulder, interrupting their dance. "May I cut in?"

Sersi nodded, releasing her hold on her new husband.

"No, not with Ikaris...I wanna dance with the bride."

I swept Sersi up into my arms, filling the position of "the man" with ease. We kept a slower pace as we waltzed and chatted.

"You're married now."

"It doesn't feel real. It's just too..." she trailed off.

"Normal?" I concluded.

"Yeah. I never dreamed I could have a life other than dealing with Deviants."

"But look what you got out of that life. A wonderful man, a beautiful best friend, a loving family. I could watch them all like this for centuries: smiling, laughing, having fun."

"It is quite amazing, isn't it? I don't think I've ever seen Thena show an emotion other than confidence. Even Sprite has been surprisingly chipper."

"Ain't that a miracle?"

She laughed. "I hope we'll get to do it again soon...have a wedding I mean."

"Like renew your vows?"

"No, you idiot, like you and Druig get married."

I glanced over her shoulder at him joking around with Makkari and Phastos, his eyes crinkled in that way that I love. "Maybe. We've talked about it, but I don't know if it's necessary. This celebration of love is perfect for you and Ikaris, but Druig and I prefer to keep the romance between us. We would probably throw a big feast or something for all of you instead."

"That sounds lovely."

I rested my forehead against hers, the fading glow of candlelight illuminating her delicate features. "I love you, Sersi, and I wish you an eternity of happiness. Ut vita tua simul sit longam et plenam felicitatem (may your life together be long and full of prosperity)," I whispered.

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