By ollieneedshelp

297 19 4

although the chapter are still up, i am rewriting the few chapters i have. โ๐™”๐™ค๐™ช'๐™ง๐™š ๐™จ๐™ค ๐™—๐™–๐™™ ๐™›๐™ค๐™ง ๏ฟฝ... More



71 4 0
By ollieneedshelp

  Although Dylan was excited about moving in with her Aunt and cousin, she couldn't help but feel nervous about the fact she was moving away from her whole life in less than four hours. She got into the front seat of her dad's car, waving goodbye to her friends as they drove past their apartment complex. She sighed and pulled out her phone, looking to see who texted her.


Hey, can't wait for you to get here, see you soon.

She smiled at her cousin's text before typing a response of her own.


See you soon Demi!

She smiled. She knew Demetri had always hated that nickname, which is why she called him that. She sighed as she put her phone away and she closed her eyes. She sat with her dad in complete silence as the sun rose behind them.

"So, you excited to be living with Stacy and Demetri?" Her dad turned to her and asked. She nodded in excitement.

"Yeah, I haven't seen him in a couple years, so it'll be nice to see my little cousin again." She said. She knew she was already going to pester him about that, to which he would reply with the same snarky comment he always does.

"Well, you know Stacy works long hours so there won't be a lot of parents around, so just promise me you won't do anything too stupid alright?" Her dad said as he turned and looked at her in her eyes. She sighed.

"Yes dad, I won't do anything stupid." She said rolling her eyes at him. Her dad was not too keen on the idea of his daughter staying with his baby sister for at least a year, knowing she won't be there to keep an eye on her because of work schedules. Her dad distracted himself by turning on the radio. He let Dylan have the AUX cord, in which she played one of his favorite songs, Come Sail Away by Styx. They both sat in silence as they drove down the highway. The airport wasn't a bad drive away from where they lived, so when they got there her dad parked and got her stuff out of the trunk. She tried to pack almost all her belongings with her, and ended up taking two giant suitcases, and one small carry on backpack. Her dad sighed and placed the suitcases on the ground and she grabbed one and he took the other. They walked in and stood in line to get her ticket. When they got her ticket, they both walked to security, where they would be saying their goodbyes.

"Please be careful alright? Once I get stationed somewhere, we can try to talk on the phone." Her dad said and she nodded. She and her father weren't always the closest with him being in the army, but ever since her mom left them a few months ago and him finishing a mission overseas, they became closer once he came home. She stood on her tiptoes and hugged him, hiding her teary eyes in his shoulder. He pulled her back, examining her face as her tears were getting harder to hold.

"I promise dad, I love you." She said and he bent down to kiss her forehead. She sighed before going into security. She looked at her dad one last time when she was finished, and grabbed her carry-on and walked away. Once they were ready to board, she got up and walked into the plane. She found her seat, thankfully getting one by the window, and putting her backpack on the floor and pulling out her headphones. She played a song but didn't even care to listen to the lyrics,  being drowned out in her head by all her nerves. She closed her eyes, letting the plane start to go up.

      Dylan could feel her heart-beat in her head as the pilot announced that the plane had landed. She texted her Aunt letting her know, waiting for the time to get out of her seat. She felt gross, sitting in a humid plane always made her body feel sticky. She threw her bag on her back, walking out of the plane. The airport was bigger than she remembered, she started to panic, not finding her family. She starting tapping her fingers together, searching the crowd before her eyes landed on a familiar lanky, dark haired boy, with his mother who looked just like her dad. She smiled at the two of them, before walking towards them and embracing them in a group hug.

"Demi, you're so big now!" She said as she pulled away and realizing she had to look up at him, his eyes rolling as she did so. The last time she had seen him, she was taller than him.

"Yeah, I guess, You're just same old Lyn." He said and smiled. She rolled her eyes playfully at the nickname he gave her when they were young as she gave her aunt another hug. She and her aunt talked the whole way to the baggage area, where Dylan and Demetri both grabbed one of her heavy suitcases (to which Demetri complained about having to carry all the way to the car). When they got her suitcases in the car and settled in, the sun began to set. She hadn't seen a California sunset since she was a young girl. Her aunt pulled out of the parking lot and getting on the road, heading to her new home.

   When they drove to the house, she smiled. The memories flooding in her head remembering the Christmases she spent with her family almost every year as a young girl. They all walked to the front door, before opening it and walking in. She smiled, looking at the photos on the walls and seeing a few with Demetri when they were younger next to their other cousins. Then seeing a few of all their family at a family reunion, even with her mom. She had a bittersweet feeling in her, before walking away from it and following Demetri into her new room. It was simple, white walls with white bedding and few decorations, but she knew that with the money her dad had given her before she left, she could decorate it on her own.

"Okay kids," her Aunt said as she walked into the room with them, now in her scrubs "I have to go to work. It's so great seeing you again sweetie. I'll see you guys tomorrow." She kissed Dylan's head along with Demetri's (making him bend down), and walking out. Demetri looked at her and smiled, before speaking.

"I have a friend coming over soon so you're good right? The bathroom is just down the hall by the way. I'm getting a pizza too so I'll let you know when it's here." He said. She simply nodded in response. Demetri closed the door and Dylan looked around the room. She sat down on the bed and texted her dad letting him know she was there, before realizing she needed to shower. Bad. She smelled her tank-top, wrinkling her nose. She knew she smelled bad from the flight, but she didn't realize how bad it was.

"Gross." She said to herself as she grabbed one of the towels laying on the bed and grabbing some of her toiletries. She locked the door and turned on the shower and stepped in, letting the warm body hit her skin. She sighed and washed her sticky body. She washed her hair too, before stepping out and looking at herself in the mirror. As much as she wished she didn't, all she saw was her mom. While her father, her aunt, and Demetri all had the same dark brown hair and similar lanky figures, she had her mother's facial features, along with the same dirty blonde hair and short, squatty body. She hated that for herself, especially for her dad. As much as she hated thinking about the woman, she missed her everyday. Her mom pretty much dropped off the face of the Earth when she left, not trying to even contact her only daughter. She sighed, trying to make herself stop thinking about the woman. She finished drying off and went to grab her new clothes in the mess left on the floor.

"Shit." She mumbled to herself as she realized she forgot her clothes in her room. She grabbed her clothes from the floor, and unlocked the door, making sure the coast was clear before quickly walking towards her room. It was more down the hall then she remembered, having to walk in front of the living room to get back to it. She was staring down at her feet, so she wasn't watching as she bumped into someone. She felt her face turn red in embarrassment of her towel almost dropping, before looking at the boy she walked into. She remembered him being the boy who would be hanging out with Demetri when they were on the phone, and one of his only friends, Eli. He didn't realize who he bumped into, and when his eyes met hers, his face turned a deep red, before mumbling 'sorry' over and over, putting his face closer to his mouth, hiding something that looked like a scar.

"Don't worry about it, I didn't see you either." She said before quickly walking away towards her room, feeling his eyes on her the whole time. Eli, who was more embarrassed about the situation than her, sat back down on the couch, with Demetri seeing the whole thing. Eli's face was red, feeling bad for the girl.

"Jesus Eli, she was just in a towel. It's not like you saw anything." He said rolling his eyes and hitting play on their movie again. Eli simply just turned back to the tv. Overthinking about the situation again and again. The movie had progressed some before the doorbell rang, Demetri got up and answered the door, seeing that the pizza was here. He handed the delivery person some money, then closed he door, putting the pizza on one of the end tables in the living room.

"Pizzas here!" Demetri shouted at his cousin who was a few rooms away. She stopped unpacking, walking out of her new room with a t-shirt and some sweatpants on. She sat down on the couch next to Eli and Demetri on the other side of her on the floor. She watched as Eli leaned and grabbed a slice. He turned to her. She looked him in the eyes, not noticing how blue they were before.

"Do you want a slice?" He asked her. She nodded and he grabbed her a plate with a slice on it. She quietly thanked him, as she turned to the movie. When he focused back on the movie, she looked at him out of the corner of her eyes. She didn't take time to see his face when they bumped into each other a couple of minutes ago. He looked the same but older from when she last saw him, seeing the small scar above his lip, now remembering the scar he had from his surgery that he was always insecure about. She didn't think anything of it though, he was pretty cute.

"Sorry about that, by the way." He said quietly, making her snap out of her head.

"Don't worry about it." She said giving the boy a small smile. He gave her one in return, before both of them turning to the movie. She smirked at the movie on screen, seeing marvel character's on the screen, knowing her cousin didn't pick this. He was a die-hard DC fan. Gross.

"This doesn't even make any sense, so you're telling me that Odin just thought it would be better not to explain to him he was adopted, and then went on the mistreat him his whole life? That's just plain idiotic." Demetri said. Dylan knew he was probably rolling his eyes at this.

"Tell me about it." She said in response. Causing Eli to look at her.

"You like marvel?" She heard a familiar voice say to her. She was met with those blue eyes staring at her.

"Hell yeah, who doesn't?" She said and flashed him a smiled Demetri only scoffed at her words, before going back to the movie, commenting throughout. She realized more and more each time she'd ask for another piece, Eli would try to hide his scar before looking at her., She frowned at his, before asking him.

"Why do you do that is much?" She asked him. It caught him by surprise and he turned to her.

"My lip." He mumbled before turning away from her. She only frowned and continued talking.

"I think it's really cool, show's you're a badass." She said before turning back to the movie. Eli only stared at her a bit longer, before watching the movie again. Demetri overheard their conversation, not sure whether to be happy or pissed about his cousin semi-flirting with his friend. He shook it off though, just happy she was enjoying herself.

   When the movie finished about an hour later, Eli left to go home, and it was just Demetri and Dylan left. She said a quick goodnight to her cousin, before heading to her room and closing the door. She laid out her clothes for tomorrow, and changed into some pj's, and crashed into the bed. It was comfy and the sheets were soft. She buried her head in it, checking her phone for texts.

"Goodnight kiddo, we'll try to call when you get out of school ok?" Her dad texted her. She replied back and shut off her phone, closing her eyes, tossing and turning, before finally going to sleep after what felt like hours later.

      Dylan woke up before the sun did the next morning. She groaned, realizing today was her first day of school in the Valley. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom, brushing her teeth, her hair, and did everything else before heading back to her room. She put on her planned outfit of some jeans and one of her favorite tops, then going to the bathroom again to put on some simple makeup for the day. She headed to the living room and was greeted by Demetri eating some breakfast. She sat down with him and got some cereal and milk. Dylan already knew that Demetri wasn't a morning person, so they just mumbled a few words while they ate, before grabbing their stuff and walking to the bus stop. She sat with her cousin on the bus, then pulling out her phone to text her dad.


"Good luck on your first day. Make me proud."

She smiled at his text, closing her phone and looking out the window. She felt her nerves getting the best of her again, which Demetri could tell from her tapping her fingers together.

"As long as you keep your head down and try to be invisible, you'll be fine." He said. She nodded. She knew that he had issues with one group of guys at school, another reason why she wanted to move here. She wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Got it, and if they bother you let me know okay? Your older cousin can help you out." She said giving him a cheeky grin and ruffling his hair. He swatted her hand away and fixed his hair, giving her a glare, she laughed.

"You're only older than me by two months. If anything I look like the older cousin. You look like you haven't grown since you were thirteen." He said. She laughed, knowing that was the response he was going to have. When the bus stopped they both stood up and got out and were greeted by a nervous Eli by the front door.

"Hey Eli." Dylan said and gave him a small smile. He quickly smiled, before rushing away down a hallway.

"Don't mind him, he just likes to make sure he can get a seat in the back of class before anyone gets there. We'll see him at lunch," he paused as he noticed she was looking around frantically, clearing his throat and speaking again, "which class do you have first? I can help you out." He said. She began to tell him, feeling a little bit better knowing that they had a few classes and their lunch together. She waved him a quick goodbye, before going off to her class.

When she got to lunch, she searched the crowd of people, looking for her cousin. When she spotted him, she walked towards their table. She sat down, seeing another boy she had never met.

"Finally, I was wondering when you'd get here. Lunch is pretty much over by now." Demetri said a she sat down. She rolled her eyes, she got lost in the school and couldn't find the cafeteria. It pissed her off being in such a big school. The boy looked at her curiously, before Demetri spoke again.

"Oh Miguel, this is my cousin Dylan." Demetri said as he looked over to her. She gave the stranger a small smile, before reaching out her hand to shake his.

"Dylan. I'm new, and older by the way." She said and smirked at Demetri. He rolled his eyes, giving her the reaction she wanted, before looking at the brown haired boy in his eyes. He looked like a friendly kid. The same lanky nature as Demi, just not as tall. They all sat and talked, before the boys turned and watched three girls pass by. The one in the middle flipping her blonde hair before they all sat down. She rolled her eyes at the boys gawking at them, seeing through the girls act.

"Dude, don't torture yourself. Those are the rich girls." Demetri said to Miguel as his eyes still followed the brunette girl. She looked out of place with them, but Dylan ignored it.

"Do you ever talk to them or...?" Miguel asked him. Eli just quietly sat and tried his best to hide his lip. Dylan frowned at this, but didn't say anything.

"Oh, yeah, all the time. We hang out after school. Make out, give each other hand jobs. Eli here is the homecoming king. Gets laid more than anyone. Isn't that right, Eli?" Demetri said as he reached over and patted Eli's back, making the quiet boy smile. Dylan quietly chuckled at her cousins humor.

"Do you ever try to talk to them?" Miguel asked him. Demetri looked at him like he was crazy, before replying with a snarky comment.

"You do realize what table you're sitting at right? You've pretty much signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college." Demetri said. This make Dylan laugh more than chuckle. Demetri was always known for his 'no filter' comments. The poor kid probably thought he was being a dick to him.

"Oh shit, Yasmine's looking at us. Probably just making fun of me." Eli said before trying to turn his head away from the group of girls. Dylan turned her head around seeing the girls staring at him. She rolled her eyes at them and turned her head back around to the boys at the table.

"I don't think she's making fun of you." Demetri said. Still watching Yasmine.

"I mean, just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean." Miguel said agreeing. Dylan turned to Eli. Grabbing his shoulder.

"I used to know girls like that at home, don't let them bother you. They probably just have nothing better to do than pick on you." She said turning around and glaring at them. The blonde glared back, before breaking the stare and loudly talking to the other girls. She heard what they were saying, so did everyone else at their table. She sighed, before turning to Eli and giving him a half smile. He only looked down and fiddled with his hands, embarrassed at the situation.

"I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school, I'd kill all three of you just to get her to spit in my face." Demetri said eyeing the three. Dylan rolled her eyes at her cousin. Typical.

"Yeah, well, if you don't make a move, you're never going to have a shot with her." Miguel said still eyeing the same girl from before. Demetri only rolled his eyes (again).

"True, but I'll also never suffer a humiliating rejection. I'm at peace with my depression, the last thing I need to be is suicidal." Dylan sighed at her cousins overdramatic, sarcastic remark to the boy just trying to give him some confidence. She looked over at Eli who was just watching the two talk, not trying to say anything.

"You should talk more," Dylan said and the boy looked at her, "I like hearing what you have to say." She said and smiled. The boy gave her a genuine smile.

"Y-yeah, but half the time it's hard to try to get a word in with Metri." Eli said quickly. She chuckled at his comment.

"I know right? I feel like all the does is talk, but Demi's not Demi without non-stop talking. I remember him being like that when we were little too." He nodded in agreement. She knew that her cousin and the boy went way back, remembering the first time she met his many years ago while visiting during spring break. They both turned their head towards Miguel, who was getting up out of his chair and walking towards the "popular" table. They all watched as the brunette's eyes met his, before a guy with an awful haircut (to who Dylan already knew was the ass who picked on Eli and Demetri), slid in between the two girls and stared straight at Miguel, greeting him with a weird nickname. He walked back in defeat, before sitting back down at the table with his back slumped. She turned to the table again, and was greeting by the guy giving her a small smile and winked. She looked at him and gagged, before turning to her table.

"So, how'd it go?" Demetri said as soon as he got to the table, trying to hide a smirk forming on his face. All of them heard the bell ring, signaling them to their next class before he could respond.

     When they day ended, Demetri and Dylan grabbed a ride from Eli, who drove them both back to Demetri's house. Demetri got out of the car first, walking into the house to get started on his homework. Dylan got out and walked to the front door, looking at Eli one last time before heading inside. Eli looked at the girl as she walked to her door. He liked the way her long hair flowed as she took each step against the wind. When she turned to him one last time, she gave him a smile that made his chest flutter a small bit. He smiled at her in return, before pulling out of the driveway and going home. Dylan closed the door, smiling to herself as she took of her shoes and walked to the kitchen. She made herself a sandwich, before going in her room and doing her homework.

hey everyone! thank you so much for checking out this story. i like writing longer chapter, but what do you guys think? should they be longer or shorter? anyways, i think i'm going to plan on making them a little bit more slow-burn, just because i like the angst. also, the towel situation actually happened to me one time with a guy friend, so i knew i wanted that to be the way they met haha. i hope you all enjoyed, see you soon! <3

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