My Beautiful queen


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"My beautiful Queen." He whispered the last part against my lips. My glare never faltered as he let go of my... Еще

The letter
Diagon Alley
I'm better.
End of year
The Return
The blood stained walls
Flipped switch
Sudden death?
The plan
Back again
The Hippogriff
The start
Standing shot

First day

155 1 0

At breakfast, the next day all of us are sitting in the same spot we did the night before, in the great hall. Taking a bite of my muffin I talk with Blaise about Quidditch when our head of house, professor Snape, walks over to our group. He has been a long-time friend of my dad and I can recall the multiple occasions he has come to our castle and taught me many things about potions. "Hello, Professor." I greet him, even though I would normally call him uncle Sev. "Hello Nisha," he hands me and the rest of my friends a slip of blank parchment then takes out his wand tapping it on the sheet making our timetable appear. "I have high expectations for you Nisha." He drawls and turns to give timetables to the rest of the house. "No fair you're going to be his favorite," Blaise whines grabbing my timetable to see we both have potions first. "Your whining to the wrong person, Blaise, she's the one who's benefited you're not getting any sympathy from her." Daphne cuts in. "Daphne you make me out to seem heartless." Blaise's eyes light up. Does this mean you'll put in a good word for me?" "Oh no I still don't care, I was just saying," I respond with an amused smirk on my face. Blaise's face falls. Daphne chuckles and takes my timetable to compare it to hers. "We have most of the same classes just transfiguration, DADA and herbology are different." "Good." I nod finishing off my muffin and standing up with my bookbag. "Let's start going to class it's almost time," I tell Blaise as he and Daphne follow in suit. "You have potions first?" Draco asks. I nod in response and look to his right to see Maven giving me an evil smile. "So do we."

All the Slytherins sit on one side of the class while the Gryffindors sit on the other. My whole friend group.. and Maven, sit together at a table. Blaise was on my left with Daphne on my right. Draco on Blaise's other side and Maven on Daphne's. Matteo sits across from me between Draco and Maven. Suddenly the door slams open and the entire class becomes quiet. Snape struts in and begins talking. "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class, as such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and art that is potion-making, However, for those select few who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle flame. Brew glory. And even put a stopper in death." I found myself on the edge of my seat very interested in what my uncle had to say. He knew how to make potions sound very engaging though that's never been a problem for him to do at least with me. "Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not. Pay. Attention." He slowly says grabbing Harry's attention who seems to be writing something. "Mr.Potter. Our new celebrity. Tell me what would I get if I added powder root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry shakes his head no. "You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr.Potter, would you look I asked you to find me a bezoar?" A bushy-haired girl raised her hand looking at the professor in desperation. Harry glances at her before replying, "I don't know sir." "And what is the difference between munkswood and wolfbane?" The girl's hand is still in the air while Harry utters the same response as before. "Pity, clearly fame isn't everything is it Mr.Potter?" Harry begins to glare at him while some of the Slytherins chuckles at his stupidity. "I'm not the only celebrity in this class! Why don't you ask those two I bet they don't know either!" He points at us and a smirk makes its way to my lips. Oh, I love when people underestimate me. "Potter, I'm the future Queen of the wizarding world I learned all this when I was 6, but if it would please the almighty Harry Potter,  asphodel abs wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the drought of living death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. Finally, monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant which is also known as aconite." I wore a proud smirk on my face as I stood. "You grew up in the wizarding world that doesn't mean anything." I scowl at Harry. Just how pathetic and petty must this child be? Although he is a Griffindor. "Your little Weasley friend also grew up in this world and he wouldn't know the answer if it was in the question." Harry glares at me. "Ron is just,-" he pauses and I chuckle darkly. "Stupid? An idiot? I believe those are the words you're looking for. My, my no loyalty to your friend. Weasley, you might be better off with other friends." Weasley now glares at me too. "20 points to Slytherin. Potter let this be your only warning we do not undermine other students for the sake to feel better about ourselves."  Harry still had a glare on his face but muttered out, "Yes sir." I sat back down, Harry was in for it now. We were tasked with brewing a simple potion and somehow Maven and I started a competition. No words were said, no bets were made, yet I found myself attempting to brew the potion as fast and efficiently possible. I had just added the last ingredient when Maven threw one extra dragon scale throwing the proportions off balance. "Maven!" I yelled before quickly balancing the poison as to not cause a reaction like the Griffindor kid who, I heard, was prone to blowing things up. After balancing it I stirred 3 times clockwise and raised my hand at the exact moment Maven did. Snape comes over and peers at both of our potions. "10 points each, well done. I'm... impressed." I smiled proudly I was a way better potion maker than Maven. Once snape was away from our table I stormed up to Maven and punched him in the stomach. "Potion making is very important to me so don't you dare mess it up." He bent over in pain his face contorting before he recovered. He glared down at me before wheezing out, "Thanks for letting me know." I just groaned and turn to Daphne to help her with her potion, refraining from punching Maven again.

Walking with Matteo to DADA I felt someone shove my shoulder while walking, it was Maven. "Hey mate." He says doing a handshake with Matteo. I just roll my eyes while Matteo slings an arm over my shoulder. "Come on sis, it's a class about dark arts don't let Maven being an arse get you down." "I heard that mate. Plus it's not me that's being the arse, at least not first anyway." I roll my eyes I couldn't count the number of times he started things if I used every finger on everyone in my class. Walking in we take a seat near the back. I already hated this class because I only have Matteo, meaning I may have to socialize with Maven. The class starts and the stuttering bumble of a professor starts going on about how safety is key and to read a chapter about wand safety spells. I swear I am so close to cursing this teacher. "This is the most boring class ever! I swear professor Bins is more lively than this idiot and he's dead." The two boys sitting next to me chuckle. "Is there anyone who would like to read the next page out loud for the class and come up to answer the questions at the bottom?" I just groaned hitting my head on the desk my brain hurting from being in such a class. "Sir," my head shoots up as Maven begins talking as it's normally never good for me. "Nisha here would love to she's a bit too shy to say so herself." Maven gave me a wink and an enthusiastic thumbs up. Matteo got ready to grab me in case I lunged off the table and started strangling him. "You twat!" I whisper yelled. If looks could kill oh he'd be more than six feet under. "Well, Nisha can you start at the top of page 223?" With one last glare at Maven, I begin reading. "In order to produce the spell a proper stance is required. The most efficient one being the shoulder length and bent-knee stance with the wand arm outstretched and a firm grip on the wand." Maven then coughs. "Sorry, Nisha can you please repeat that last one I didn't hear." I give him a sickly sweet smile. "Maven please follow along with the book it's there to help daft students like you." And without a second glance, I go back to reading while a few chuckles rang out throughout the class. After I was finished I got up and made my way to the front of the class, picking up a piece of chalk, I begin writing the answers to the questions.
1) bent knees
2) firm grip
3) shoulder length apart feet
Then I made my way back and took a seat. "Very well done miss Pendragon. 30 points to Slytherin." Despite the absolute torture, it was I was proud I was able to obtain a collective 60 points for Slytherin in just half the day. That was until I felt my shin get kicked.

At lunch, I sit with Draco conversing about the coming up flying lessons after lunch. "The only thing I'm even remotely worried about is the quality of practice brooms. I've heard they're ghastly." He nods along taking a bite of his green apple. That is when I look across from him where a girl with a bob cut sits. She's staring at Draco before quickly looking away when she notices I saw. Brushing it off I continue talking, knowing Draco was much admired as a young nobleman. "Krum caught the snitch before anyone even got a point!" I chuckle watching my cousin get worked up and 'calmly' explain to Blaise that Bulgaria is better than Ireland. Quietly I watch with amused eyes as Draco begins emphasizing every word he speaks and hovers above his seat a bit. I cast a silent spell to make green fireworks explode over Blaise's head. This only fueled Draco's anger. "You can't tell me any different! Bulgaria wins every game!" But Blaise bites back "They hardly ever win against Ireland! They have the better players in every aspect of the game besides seeker. They win quite bloody often so don't say they're better if they have fewer wins." Draco huffs and looks away in annoyance. I chuckle and take a sip of my pumpkin juice as Draco turns to me. "Don't talk Nyx you clearly aren't on my side." "Actually, I agree with both of you. Bulgaria has the better seeker but every other aspect, including more wins, goes to Ireland." "Ha Ha! see even Nyssa agrees with me!" I roll my eyes. "I said both of you, Blaise." "I don't care, she agrees with me on more things, you know your place Draco." Draco glares at Blaise, taking another bite of his apple.

Flying lessons had me and my friends, excluding Daphne, bursting with excitement. All of us had a burning passion for flying as well as quidditch, unfortunately, Daphne isn't allowed to fly due to her being a lady. Women who grew up in high society houses are not allowed near a broom as it is frowned upon on noblewomen. I nearly wasn't allowed myself but my mother agreed to allow me to play. Madam Hooch then showed up her hands on her hips and her face relaxed. We were instructed to stand next to the brooms the school provided and call them to us. Draco looked at him with a frown inspecting it to see if it would break into twigs in a few moments. I raised my hand and the broom shot straight into it. I smirk and see the rest of my friends have the same reaction towards it. Looking ahead I hear Ron yell at his broom and in turn, it came up and hit him in the face. Everyone burst out laughing and he just scowled holding his nose. After a small lecture on broom flying basics, madam hooch let us get on our brooms and told us to hover for a few seconds then land. A Gryffindor kid named Longbottom kicked off early and wasn't able to get down. He flew into the school and fell off his broom getting caught on a statue on the way down slowing his fall. He still ended up breaking a wrist and was taken to the hospital wing. "Feet firmly planted on the ground." Madam Hooch orders walking away. Of course, no one listens to those much. I kick off my broom as fast as I can, the rush of wind, deafening my ears, give me a feeling of ecstasy. The smile never left my lips as I pushed the twig I rode on faster till I honestly believed it would snap by the speed. Doing a barrel roll in the sky I faintly hear Draco yell, "Nyx catch!" And throw something at me. I catch the sphere with ease inspecting it as I do a sharp 180 turn. "What are you doing with a rememberal Draco?" I question as he is now in the sky as well. "Give it here Pendragon." Hovering on the spot I look over my shoulder to see Harry. "I don't think I like your tone." I scold. My other friends take to the sky and hover around me while Daphne watches from the ground. "It's not yours!" Harry yells. "I don't very well believe it's yours either." I retort. Harry glares while Weasley comes to the sky, a pile of rocks in his hand. Maven and Matteo grab large branches off a nearby tree and both hover at my sides. "Potter you sound desperate, why don't you come to take it from me?" He glares and propels himself straight at me but I shoot up instead making him go straight and need to stop and go up. Flying came naturally to me as if it was second nature. So the sharp turns and maneuvers came easily while Harry struggled. I would give that he is naturally gifted.. just not enough to beat me. Weasley then begins to throw rocks at me while Matteo blocks them sending a few back to Weasley. I see Blaise hovering under the spot I'm about to pass and I drop the ball. Blaise catches it quite nicely and zooms off the other way. Harry had to curve to turn, it slowed him down a lot. I hover watching Blaise when I sense something coming my way. Diving a bit with my broom I notice it's rock although Weasley is too far away for it to be him. I look around and spot Maven holding two rocks in his hands. He throws one in the air and hits it with his branch. I move to the right but it's like he predicted it because I was able to dodge the first one but the second one is the front of my broom making it spin. I was able to gain control fairly quickly and shoot straight ahead. More rocks come raining down with a lot of precision that it was quite difficult to doge. "Nyssa!" I hear and immediately look up to see the sphere shooting through the air towards me. I catch it and dive down doing a barrel roll to avoid getting killed by a rock to the skull and then exit my dive landing on the ground. "Good game, Potter, just know we won," I say tossing it in his direction into the air for him to do a dive and catch. He glares at me and lands returning to Weasley and Hermione, the bushy-haired girl. "Why'd you give it back?" "Mr.Potter!" Professor McGonagall yells strutting out onto the grassy field. "Come with me." She eyes me and the Slytherin's before leaving. "Ah. That's why." Draco says shrugging his shoulders and turning around to head back to the group. Although I was skeptical toward the professor taking Potter and not us when normally Slytherins would always get in trouble regardless of the situation.

Later that evening I was with my friends in the common room when Matteo and Draco burst in fuming to the point where I was surprised steam wasn't shooting from their ears. "What happened to have you lot so pissed off?" They both yell at the same time, "Potter bloody got in the Gryffindor team! He's their latest seeker." My heart dropped. "What?" I seeth there was no way Potter was allowed. I had wanted to play for the longest time to make history as the first and youngest female Quidditch chaser in Slytherin history, only to find out that a boy who got famous for killing my uncle took that spot. "Why does Dumbledore give him such special treatment, you're the royals!" Blaise states a scowl on his face. "The only thing that makes him special is that his parents are dead. Nothing else. He's not academically gifted he's just a Gryffindor. My mother told me about the bias the school had towards our house but I never believed it to be this bad. Looks like it's up to us to make Potter pay for making the team." I say a frown still on my face but an evil glint in my eyes. The boys all smirk and look ready to kill Potter. It could be arranged...

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