The Risks of Love

By Loneluna01

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"You aren't our biological daughter." "You aren't just human honey, you're a werewolf. Not just a normal wer... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 30

12 3 0
By Loneluna01

Rose's POV

After long hours of driving, we finally arrived in the Bloodlust pack. The previous beta of the pack who is now alpha came to meet us at the border of the pack. It was at least an hour's drive from the border to the pack's headquarters. 

The land was pointless to say enormous, Arthur really had the gut and power to take over weak packs under Jack's eyes. I was planning to strip Beta from his position too considering he worked under Arthur, meaning he might repeat the same thing he did. 

"It's our pleasure to have the Alpha Queen and Beta King visit our Bloodlust pack. We're really honored." The Alpha spoke as he led the way inside where people in maids' uniform were bowing in respect. 

The view was getting on my nerves when I thought about him threatening everyone to be in their best behavior just because he was told I would be visiting. 

As much as I wanted to throw the current alpha off his position, I couldn't because it would be considered as misusing my power just because I am the queen. After all, I have many ways to put him in his position without using my authority. 

I was taken to show around the pack house where everyone bowed their heads in submission and fear. The more jackass talked and boasted about his contribution to the pack, I barely held myself from shutting his mouth. 

I didn't bother to remember his name because he would be removed from this world pretty soon. So, for now, 'the jackass' would do. 

The jackass arranged a meeting for me, not letting me take a break after travelling for long. I didn't have any problem with it except the fact that I didn't want to meet those underlings who thought abusing their power was a cool thing to do. 

Thanks to my and Tyler's extraordinary patience, we managed to listen to everyone brag about themselves throughout the meeting. But at the end of it, I lost it and slammed my hand on the desk, shutting everyone up. 

"Enough! I am not here to watch your drama. Now that you guys know why I am here, you guys are dismissed. And you!" I pointed at the jackass who was staring at me with wide eyes and fear. 

"Take me to the dungeon. I wanna meet the prisoners and their reason for imprisonment." "Yes, your majesty." He bowed as I and Tyler walked out of the room. The moment I came out, a maid who was just passing by, fell to the ground, on her knees and greeted me.

I was quick on my feet and helped her stand up, which she insisted was her fault for not seeing me earlier and startling me. I was so furious, not at her but the poor excuse of Arthur and everyone who did this to poor women and people in the whole pack. 

The maid soon scurried away and I couldn't help myself as I swinged my hand, making the jackass hold his red cheeks from the impact. Shamelessly, he peered up at me as if asking me what he did wrong. 

The look on his face made me even more furious and I wanted to kill him right there and then but everything faded away when a warm hand gripped mine from behind. Tyler's touch was soothing and calmed me down. 

"What took you so long? Lead the way." I seethed and he soon walked infront of me, holding his cheek as he led the way. ]

Before I could even enter another building next to the packhouse, I could smell a filthy and disgusting smell of sweat and blood, making me cringe and stop in my tracks. 

Soon, a hand was outstretched to me from my side and I looked up to see Tyler offering me medicine. 

"It will weaken our sense of smell for an hour and wear this, just in case." He held a black mask in his other hand and I looked at him gratefully. 

"Thank you." I swallowed the medicine and wore the mask and Tyler did the same. 

The effect was almost instant and I no longer smelt the disgusting smell and I was beyond thankful. On the other hand, I could feel the jackass taking a deep breath, making me almost want to puke. 

Is this guy for real? Did he just do what I think he did? He is insane. 

He opened the door which led to a place that looked like an underground; most probably the prison. I wanted to visit the prison because most of them were innocent ones who either went against the previous alpha of the jackass for all these years. 

Whatever their crime might have been for the punishment they got over the years, I am sure most of them have pure and better hearts than these beasts. 

After a long set of stairs, we were finally down and I cringed at the sight infront of me. Blood was everywhere with dim lighting hung infront of the cells. 

I could hear people crying, some screaming in agony at the far end of the room and some groaning in pain. I clenched my jaw as I took every step forward. As we entered, a man came running and stopping infront of us to bow and report for duty. 

The man was holding a file in his hands and he explained the reasons behind everyone behind the cells. The reasons were pretty unreasonable. 

Some were here because they happened to spill damn water on the jackass while they were cleaning or cooking. 

Some were tortured because the newborn pup won't stop crying, disturbing everyone's sleep. 

Some were told they were here, punished every day because they went against the previous and current alpha. 

I asked them about their method of torturing prisoners and I felt so grateful that Harry and Xavier had so much humanity in them not to push us harder. 

Are these people even human? They are of the same species; how could they do those cruel things to them?

As we walked past countless cells filled with innocent people, there was one of them who caught my attention from the description. He's the son of the previous Beta who was beheaded for going against Arthur when he took over his position as the alpha of Bloodlust pack. I was so proud of him when I heard that he was punished for going against them. 

I know that it's very selfish of me to be proud and feel happy but I did. I thought I would have to look around alot to find the right alpha and beta of the pack but it looks like I've met the perfect candidate. 

The jackass kept on talking and I shut him up with my powerful voice resonating throughout the cell which caused some of people inside the cells to gasp upon hearing my voice. 

"Open the door." The guards soon unlocked the door and I stepped inside before Tyler stopped me. 

"The time is about to be over. Take it before you go inside." He offered me another medicine and I took it before stepping inside to take a look at the lump and unconscious boy inside. 

Tyler stood outside the whole time, eyeing the jackass and everyone who stood there as still as a rock. The cell was filled with dried blood, his body full of scars from different kinds of whip, iron rods, daggers and so much more. 

The more I looked at his bleeding, unconscious and barely breathing body, the more I wanted to heal him with my power. But I knew that there were way too many prying eyes for me to do it. 

"Take him out, take him to the pack doctor and get him treated." I ordered and none of them moved. I whipped my head to glare at them and they cowered in fear before getting to work and unlocking the chains that were leaving huge bruises on his bloody wrist. 

It was useless to walk till the very end of the prison so I took the detour and walked out of the prison. I was beyond fuming as I walked out and was greeted with bright sun. 

I couldn't help myself as I grabbed the collar of the jackass when he stepped out of the dungeon. I had him against the wall and he was struggling to free himself from my grasp. 

"I will make sure you and your disgusting underlings get even more painful and agonizing punishment than those down there and it's a promise. I will make sure that you and that pathetic excuse of a living being regret for ever existing." I hissed in anger and he was getting redder and redder with every passing second. 

I tossed him to the ground and ordered my guards to put him into the dungeon instead and I ordered all the warriors I took to go inside the dungeon and free all the innocent lives. Looks like the doctors will have sleepless nights for a few months. 

I was taken to the pack hospital and I looked everywhere for the unconscious man. He was being treated in the ER and I ordered everyone to get out so that I could heal him with my power. Tyler stood by my side the whole time and I smiled at him before raising my hand to heal him. 

The bleeding stopped and his complexion got better. His breathing was much more stable and the crease between his eyebrows flattened. 

When my work was done, I asked the doctors to take good care of him who just stood there shocked to see their terribly injured patient all healed up. 

I looked around with the guards following me and the situation was worse as we walked deeper into the pack. I couldn't control the stroll with my guards as the day was getting darker and I had to go back to the packhouse. 

When I got back, Tyler wasn't there as he was still strolling around with the guards. Thinking that I better handle the situation at packhouse before anything, I gathered all the maids in the hall to have a word with them. 

By now, I am sure my guards have arrived in the kingdom with the jackass and his underlings to get them to the prison where Arthur might be waiting for him. I am sure he would love to see the sight his boss is in because damn, did I plan out an amazing plan for all of them. 

I came out of my room to meet the maids after the shower but the sight infront of me broke my heart. Everyone was on their knees as they waited for my arrival. Their heads were lowered in submission and they didn't get up even when I ordered them to get up. It took the guards to make all of them stand. 

"All of you, listen to me! I am not here to torture you guys or repeat the things those assholes did for you all along. Yes, I am the Queen of werewolves and you guys have to trust me so that I can bring a better future for all of you guys. I don't want you guys to be on your knees every time you see me. I am not them; I have hands and legs to do things on my own. 

You don't have to serve me from now on. I will have my warriors and guards build houses for each and every one of you so that you can live with your family from now on. I don't care how many times you angered your previous alpha and beta because they are no longer your alpha and boss." At my words, some of them raised their heads in disbelief but lowered it when our eyes met and cowered away. 

"As the newly appointed queen of werewolves, I need all of you guys to help me build a better kingdom. I can't build and renovate the kingdom and this pack without each and every single one of you guys' help. I promise that I will do my best to provide you guys with a peaceful and better life ahead. 

It's gonna take some time but I need your help and trust for those things to work. I know that it's going to be hard for you guys to turn a new leaf but trust me, all those miserable days are gone. Arthur and the Beta of yours are stripped from their title for misusing and abusing their power.

I am the Beta King who is here to appoint a new alpha and beta who will devote their lives to the pack. I would like to beg and ask every one of you guys to trust in me and my beta to bring a better future to you guys." I bowed my head to show them my sincerity and all of them gasped as they came crowding in to help me up. 

I smiled at them as everyone crowded by my side and upon seeing their courage to look me in the eyes had me almost crying my eyes out. Looks like it's working. Everything starts with small steps and I am happy I could buy their trust. 

Looks like I will have to work hard to buy their trust and renovate this place. 


I and Tyler were as busy as bees as we were running around the huge pack, trying to get things on track. My guards were busy building houses, the pack hospital was buzzing with patients from prisons.

It took days for us to buy people's trust and even though I've dismissed all the maids, most of them still came to work and no matter how much I tried my best to convince them, they wouldn't listen and I didn't want to use my authoritative voice to control them. They will get used to the new environment soon.

The underground dungeon was demolished to erase everyone's traumatic life there. As days went by, people got used to the guards and warriors working in the pack. Some of the elders, children and young people were seen helping them build the houses.

The man I've healed, Eric gained consciousness two days later and I allowed him to rest for a few days more before I've decided to discuss the topic with him. I had more work to deal with before appointing him as the alpha.

Every single system in the pack was renowned and I finally went to meet Eric a week later, who was walking around sound and well. He thanked me for saving me and seeing him all confident and the glint in his eyes told me that he was living well.

I talked with him for hours, asking him several questions about him being the alpha. He was more than happy that I thought so highly of himself and of saving him.

His pledge and promise to protect the pack members with all his life, along with some heart-touching story about his dream to protect the members made me determined about my choice to appoint him as the beta.

I then introduced him to Logan and Sophia who visited the pack a few days ago to volunteer to be the alpha of Bloodlust pack. To see them with a little kid who took after Sophia in Logan's arms made me smile like crazy when I met them.

It's been years since I've parted with them and I couldn't be happier. The fact that they were willing to work things out in the Bloodlust pack was so much help. I would have nothing to worry about when they look after the pack.

So, I introduced Eric to Logan who sat, talking for hours. He's changed over the years; he was still as childish as he used to be but he became mature in ways it couldn't be explained.

After everything, I had a long meeting with Eric, Tyler, Sophia and Logan about future plans. After all, I and Tyler can't stay here till everything's settled. We've got other packs to supervise.

It's been a month and a half and so much renovation has been made. People were merrier, they no longer cowered in fear when they saw me and found new feelings to protect their pack and love towards their newly developed pack was growing day by day.

After laying out proper plans to build a bigger pack house, pack hospital, a small orphanage for those who lost their parents due to cruel torture, schools, supermarkets, training gyms and so much were on the list.

Those things might take a whole year to be accomplished and I would rest assured as long as Logan and Eric look after the pack. So, after a few more weeks of staying and supervising the huge pack, I left with Tyler and my guards towards our next destination which was across the globe.

During the alpha's meeting after coronation, there were some requests from several packs which requested my and Tyler's visit for the supervision of their pack so they can do better. There were about two dozen packs on the list and I reckon it would take a year at most.

But since none of the packs are suffering from major make-over, things might end faster than I expected. 

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