由 cobrakai1971

85.9K 1.4K 99

It all started with a few little white lies. Besides lying is more fun than the truth. But Haley Marin learne... 更多



2.1K 34 1
由 cobrakai1971

"Okay, I need to ask you guys something and I need you to be completely honest with me," Hanna said as she turned to face the girls after staring at herself in the mirror.

"Of course."


"Is this side of my face fatter than this side?" Hanna asked as she turned for the girls to see both sides.

"No," the girls assured her, almost synchronously as they all compared the sizes.

"Okay, good," Hanna said as she rubbed her hands over her cheeks to feel them for herself to make sure she wasn't going crazy.

"Is that Ian?" Aria asked as her eyes travelled behind their blonde friend and over to where the man was shaking hands with one of their school's coaches.

"Yeah. I hear he's the new hockey coach," Emily told them.

"Does Melissa know he's back?" Haley asked.

"I don't know why she ever broke up with him," Hanna spoke up.

"She didn't. He broke up with her," Spencer explained as Mona walked over to the girls, holding a stack of black envelopes with a yellow ribbon tied around them.

"Hey, the first one's for my bestie," Mona said as she passed one of the envelopes to Hanna before giving one to the other girls. "And one for each of you, my bestie's other friends."

"Oh, uh, what's this?" Aria asked.

"Oh, nothing," Mona started to explain. "Only an invitation to the most awesome birthday party ever. Camp Mona."

"Camp Mona?" Aria questioned as all of the other girls looked at each other nervously, minus Hanna who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Don't let the camping part scare you," Mona told them. "It's glamping, not camping. M is for Mona and massages, not mosquitos.. Oh, Naomi, Riley. Hey, wait up."

"Why is Mona inviting us to her birthday party?" Spencer asked as the girl in question ran off to hand out more invitations.

"Well, she knows that we're friends again and she's just trying to reach out to you. She's trying to be nice... So, are you gonna go?

"I know she's your friend, but..." Spencer started as Aria spoke up. "Yeah, but, I- I'm gonna have to pass. I've got this-"

"I've got a lot of stuff to do this weekend," Spencer finished.

"Me too."

"Rocky's getting groome-" Haley stopped herself as each of the girls phones buzzed from inside their bags.

Camp Mona's a scavenger hunt and I'm the prize. Come and find me, bitches.



"It's a bummer, Camp Mona's a girls-only party," Noel said as he sat against one of the tables in the school cafeteria with Haley standing in front of him. "I feel like I haven't seen you lately."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I've just been really busy," Haley lied. Truth be told, she still felt guilty about the Jason situation but she didn't really want to tell Noel and ruin what they had. It's not like she and Jason were going to start dating again. "We can do something afterward like..."

"Laying around being lazy together watching movies all day?"

"With popcorn?" Haley questioned.

"With kettle corn," Noel smirked, knowing it was the girl's favorite.

"I might just have to skip Mona's party," Haley joked. "Sunday?"

"Yeah," Noel nodded as he gave Haley a kiss before the girl grabbed her bag and walked away.


"What could they have found?" Hanna asked as she and the rest of the girls stood together in the hallway.

"I don't know," Spencer told her as Aria walked over to their group. "Hey, what's going on?"

"The cops are here," Hanna explained.

"I heard they found something of Alison's," Spencer added.

"Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Emily Fields, Hanna and Haley Marin.. please come to the office." A voice spoke over the intercom system cutting the girls off from their conversation.


The girls all sat anxiously on the couch in the principal's office as they waited to talk to the detective on Alison's case.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," the woman spoke as she walked into the room, followed by a man who appeared to be of similar age. "I'm Agent Cooper."

"FBI?" Spencer questioned as she read over the woman's card.

Haley look over at her friend as the words came out of her mouth, her anxiety about the situation increasing.

"This is my partner, Agent Randall, and we're here because the bureau was asked by the local authorities to assist in the investigation of Alison Dilaurentis' murder. I want to show you something that was sent to the Rosewood Police Station by an anonymous source," the woman explained as she clicked on the tv. "The family's given me permission to show it to the five of you."

Haley turned to look at the small box in the corner of the room as Alison's face appeared on the screen. She was wearing the yellow tank top she had on the night she went missing, but this time she was wearing a green sweater over it.

"Wanna see more?" Alison asked as she took off the sweater slightly, smiling at whoever was behind the camera. "I know you want to. If the girls knew I was seeing you, oh, my god, they would not stop talking about it. I wish they were more mature, but... we don't have a lot of time. I have to get back before they wake up. I know you wanna kiss me."

"Is there anything you can tell about what you see?" Agent Cooper asked as she paused the video.

"They're at the kissing rock," Emily told her. "It's in the woods behind the lake."

"I think this was taken the night Alison disappeared," Aria spoke up.

"She was wearing that yellow top," Haley added to Aria's words.

"That's not her sweater," Hanna told her.

"Are you sure?" The woman questioned.

"Ask me what's in each one of our closets and I'll give you an itemized list. I know clothes," Hanna assured her.

"I think she's talking to the older boy," Spencer admitted.

"So-called, uh, mystery boyfriend?"

"Alison didn't want us to know who he was," Spencer explained.

"Was he an older high school boy?" Agent Cooper asked.

"She only told me enough to make it a secret."

Cooper nodded at Spencer's words, "Alison liked secrets, huh?"

"She thought sharing secrets kept us close," Emily told her.

"They do, but secrets are made to be found out with time."


"What was that about?" Haley asked as she, Emily, and Spencer walked over to Hanna in the hallway after seeing what looked like a heated conversation between the girl and Mona.

"Umm, A sent Mona a text and I think she just broke up with me."

"A sent Mona a text?" Spencer questioned, making sure she heard her correctly.

"I'm so over that bitch," Hanna voiced as she turned to look back at where Mona was talking to Naomi and Riley.

"I thought you guys were still close," Emily said, confused.

"Not Mona," Hanna corrected. "A."

"What did it say?" Spencer asked.

"It doesn't really matter. It's all lies," Hanna told her.

"Hanna, I'm so sorry. I know that Mona's really important to you," Spencer apologized, despite the fact that it wasn't her fault.

"She was my friend when you guys weren't."

"Well, we're here now, so if you're not going to the party, we're not going either," Emily told her.

"No, no. You're going on that scavenger hunt and I'm going too. A might be playing games, but I'm not," Hanna said before starting to walk away, Haley following after her.

"Wait, so Mona ditched you because of what the text said? Did you tell her it was a lie?" Haley asked, curious about how their seemingly strong friendship ended so easily.

"Of course," Hanna assured her.

"And she still just ditched you?" Haley questioned, looking skeptically at the girl.

"Why do you say it like that?"

"I mean, if she was so willing to believe some stupid text over you, are you sure she's someone you want to be friends with?"

"Are you serious?" Hanna asked as she stopped walking and turned to her sister. "I knew you never liked Mona."

"What? That's not tru-"

"No, you always thought it was weird that we were hanging out. But she is my best friend and she helped me through a really tough time in my life when I had no one, not even you."

"Han," Haley started, feeling guilty about trying to put blame on Mona.

"No, I don't want to hear anything else you have to say," Hanna told her before storming off down the hall.


"You broke up with me, remember?" Melissa reminded Ian as all of the girls walked into the Hastings kitchen, holding the boxes full of camping stuff that they had gotten out of Spencer's barn.

"I just wanna take you out for coffee," Ian told her as he stood in front of her, a considerable distance separating the two.

Melissa scoffed as she turned towards the counter where the rest of the girls stood. "You guys are going camping? Cute."

Spencer put her box of stuff on one of the stools at the island as Melissa started to head up the staircase. "Wait. Hey," Spencer said following after her.

The two talked for a second before Melissa turned to start walking back down the steps. "Coffee. that's it."

"Okay," Ian nodded as Melissa opened the door and he followed her outside.

"Since when are you mending Melissa's relationships?" Aria asked as Spencer walked back over.

"I kind of owe it to her."

"What's she ever done for you?" Emily asked.

"It's more about what did I do to her," Spencer explained as she started unpacking one of the boxes. "I'm the reason she and Wren broke up. We had a moment and Melissa saw us."

"A moment?" Emily questioned.

"Yeah, it gets worse," Spencer sighed as she kept her eyes on the box so she didn't have to look at any of her friends as she aired her dirty laundry. "Yeah, Melissa doesn't know this part.. I also had a moment with Ian."

"Shut up," Hanna said as she listened.

"It was early in the summer before Alison went missing. It was just one kiss, but after they broke up we started seeing each other. I feel like the poster child for poor judgement."

"You could've told us. It's not like we would've judged you," Haley told her.

"Really? Cause Ali knew about the first kiss and she thought I was awful."

"Well, we're not Ali," Aria assured her.

Yeah, and Haley can't really judge you cause if she did she'd be a hypocrite," Hanna bit as the girls looked between the two curiously, sensing the tension.

"Spence, turn the tv up," Haley said when her eyes shifted towards the screen after Alison's face popped up, pretending like she didn't hear Hanna's comment.

"Aurthorities searched the family home earlier today and initial reports have confirmed that a bloodstain on the sweater is a match to the victim's. If you just tuned in, police have issued a warrant for the arrest of missing Rosewood teen, Toby Cavanaugh. He is wanted for the murder of ALison Dilaurentis."

"That sweater is Toby's," Hanna realized.

"No, Alison was not dating Toby," Aria shook her head. "There's no way that's the guy she's talking to in the video."

"Aria, you saw the news. They have proof," Hanna contradicted.

"If it's Toby's sweater, then he has to be the boy at the kissing rock," Spencer told them.

"Is it finally over?" Emily asked.

"No. Toby's been missing for weeks," Spencer said as she looked back up at the tv. "It won't be over until he's behind bars."


"I made a comment about Mona and she got pissed at me," Haley explained to Aria and Spencer as they walked into Mona's party at the edge of the woods, after the girl's had asked her about Hanna's comment from earlier that day.

"Welcome to Camp Mona," Mona smiled as she walked over to the girls.

"Happy birthday," the girls said as they handed her the presents they had bought for her.

"Oh, whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it. And if not, I'll return it," Mona smiled as she turned to pass the gifts to one of the workers, while Haley glanced at her two friends beside her with wide eyes.

"Swag," Mona said as she turned to grab three of the pink bags off of the table beside her and passed them to the girls.

"Oh, thanks," Aria said.

"Oh, it's, um,.. subtle," Spencer told her as she pulled a black sweatshirt out of her bag with the words CAMP MONA written in a large, bold, pink font.

"I like the pink," Haley complimented.

"Okay, tour time," Mona told them as she started to quide them through the area. "So over here, we have the massage tent... the mani-pedi area... the blow-me bar... and the mini-bar."

"Excuse me," Mona said as she walked off to one of the tables. "Umm, did I just see you eat a cookie?"

"Oh, my..." Haley breathed as she watched Mona harass one of the workers.


"He came back to tell me that he's innocent and that he didn't hurt Ali," Emily explained to the girls as they sat in their tent. Apparently, the reason Emily had been late to the party was because Toby had stopped to talk to her and explain what happened the night Alison disappeared.

"He's lying," Spencer debated.

"We have to tell the police," Aria told them, but Emily looked hesitant.

Before the girls had a chance to finish the conversation, Aria's phone began to ring. "It's Hanna... Hey... Oh, she's Mona... Are you sure you're gonna be okay?... Hanna, listen. Emily saw Toby."

"God, service out here sucks," Aria huffed as the call got cut off before she could finish what she was saying, just as her phone pinged with a new message. "It's from A."

"What does it say?" Haley asked as she moved a little closer to try to get a look at her phone.

"You found my bracelet. Now come find me. Good luck, bitches. A," Aria read.

"I think we're supposed to go to where we found Ali's bracelet," Spencer told them.

"That was in the middle of nowhere."

"No, actually, it was 15 steps east of the half-point tree which is 136 steps from the main road," Spencer contradicted.

"What the hell?" Haley spoke up as she turned to look at Spencer, finding her friend's excessive knowledge of the forest to be weird.

"You're a freak and I love you," Aria told her as the girls stood up to head out of the tent, but stopped when they saw Mona walk over to them. "Emily, Aria, your turn to get blown."

"Well, it has to look like we're here for the party," Spencer told the girls quietly as Mona walked away. "So go glamp and we'll be back before it gets dark."


"Okay, it was right around here," Spencer told Haley as they stood in the forest.

"Like, I could be standing on it or we have to walk another 20 feet?" Haley questioned.

"Like you could be standing on it," Spencer responded as she looked around the leaves.

Haley nodded as she looked around the area, slowly moving about the area.

"Hales," Spencer said as she crouched to the ground.

"Did you find something?" Haley asked as she walked over to the girl. Spencer picked up a small jewelry bag off the ground, and pulled out a purple bracelet. One almost identical to the Alison one they found, except for the fact that Jenna's name was stiched onto it.

"Spence, look," Haley told her as her eyes caught onto the small white paper still inside the bag.

"You're as in the dark as Jenna, looking for me in all the wrong places," Spencer read off for Haley.


"Wow," Spencer goggled as she and Haley walked over to Aria and Emily as they walked out of the tent.

"Oh, my god. You guys look like drag queens," Haley marveled.

"Shut up," Aria told the two of them, unpleased with the poofiness of her hair.

"What happens if you touch it?" Spencer asked as she tried to poke at their hair.

"Did you find anything?" Emily asked, not enjoying their teasing.

"Come here," Spencer whispered as she lead them to an isolated area so they could talk privately as she pulled the bracelet out of her pocket.

"Is Jenna telling us that she's A?" Emily asked.

"I don't think so, there's something else," Spencer told them as she passed them the piece of paper.

"You're as in the dark as Jenna, looking for me in all the wrong places."

"Well, if this is the wrong place, then what's the right place?" Aria asked as Haley simply shrugged in response.


"Please, don't tell me we have to leave, I was just about to get a massage," Haley said as she walked into the tent where Spencer and Emily were waiting after receiving a text from the Hastings girl to meet them there.

"We have to go to the Wright place. W-R-I-G-H-T," Specner told her as Haley stared at her blankly. "What?"

"Wright's playground," Emily spoke up, helping Haley come to the realization. "The right place."

Spencer nodded as the three girls headed out of the tent to go to the playground.


"Do you guys see anything?" Haley whispered as they pushed aside the bushes to walk out into the playground, shining their flashlights around the area so they could see.

"Why are you whispering?" Emily asked, also whispering.

"Cause this place is creepy as hell," Haley whispered to her as the sound of one of the swings creaking proved her point. The three girls quickly whipped their heads around at the sound, finding the swing to be empty as it swung. "See? Creepy."

The girls continued walking past the swing as they tried to find any sign of A.

"Guys," Spencer said as she started to walk over to one of the trees at the edge of the playground. The two other girls followed her over as Spencer shined her flashlight over the tree.

Alison's name was carved into the tree but they couldn't see the rest of the drawing because of the moss covering it. Emily crouched down and picked up a stick to clean off the bark. Haley's eyes widened when Emily revealed the rest of the carving. The words Alison + Ian were carved into the tree with a heart drawn around their names.

"Alison loves Ian?" Emily questioned.

"Ian was the older boy," Haley realized as the three turned to each other with shocked expressions. Before they had a chance to think over their findings, each of their phones beeped. Haley's first instinct was to assume it was A, but it was actually a text from Hanna.

S.O.S. I know who A is. Heading to the parking lot.

Haley looked up at the other girls, each of them thinking the same thing as they started to run back to the campground to meet Hanna.


"Hanna," Spencer called as the girls walked into the parking lot, having just been joined by Aria a few seconds earlier.

"Han!" Haley yelled when she saw the girl crouching behind a car.

"We're over here," Aria told her when the blonde turned around to look for them.

Hanna smiled with a sigh of relief as she started to walk through the parking lot towards them, but quickly, each of the girls' expressions dropped when they saw headlights come up behind the girl.


"Hanna, watch out!" Haley yelled when the car started to pick up speed and drive straight for her sister.

"Oh, my god!" Emily yelled as all of the girls watched in fear as the car drove straight into Hanna, knocking her off of her feet as she rolled over the top of it before being left, lying limp on the gravel.

"Hanna!" Haley yelled as she ran over to her sister, dropping on her knees beside her as the rest of the girls ran over.

"Call 911," Spencer said as she crouched at Hanna's side.

Emily dialed the number, the panic evident in her voice as she spoke. "There's been an accident. We're at the Camp Rosewood parking lot. Please hurry."

"She's not breathing," Spencer told them as she lifted two fingers to Hanna's neck to feel for a pulse.

"Hanna. Hanna, come on, wake up," Haley cried as she tried to shake her sister awake.

"Please, no," Emily begged when the girls' phones started to beep.

"She knew too much. A," Aria read off for the girls after picking up her phone.

Haley looked back down at her sister as tears started to roll down her face. "Hanna. Hanna, please, just open your eyes."

"Somebody!" Spencer yelled as she screamed for anyone to hear her cries for help. "Help!"


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