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Haley stood beside her friends as they watched Hanna get lifted into the ambulance, a brace strapped around her neck with an oxygen mask over her face. Haley felt like a piece of her was missing as they shut the doors to the ambulance and drove off, leaving nothing but dirt in its wake.

"We have to get to the hospital," Spencer told the girls as they all stood there silently. "Are you guys okay to drive?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Emily said as Aria nodded before turning to the Marin girl. "Haley?"

"She's not gonna die, right?" Haley asked, her face red with tears. "She can't die."

"No, no, Hales, she's gonna be okay," Spencer assured her as she pulled the girl into her arms.


"What did the doctors say?" Haley asked as she stood up from the couch, seeing her mom walk out into the waiting room where she and the rest of her friends were sitting.

"She's is going to be alright," Ashley assured her as the rest of the girls walked over to them. "She, uh... She has a broken leg and a broken ankle, bruised ribs and, uh, they might have to remove her spleen... What happened?"

"Hanna was coming across the parking lot and this, this car just came out of nowhere," Aria explained.

"Well, the police found the car. They said it was stolen from the campground lot," Mrs. Marin told them.

"Did they catch the driver?" Emily asked.

"No, not yet."

"Well, the cops should be looking for Toby Cavanaugh," Spencer said.

"It wasn't Toby Cavanaugh," Ashley told her. "The police picked him up last night."

"What?" Emily asked, trying to make sure she heard the woman correctly.

"One of the officers told me they found him hiding in town and they were bringing him into the station when they got the call about Hanna," Ashley explained to them. "Oh, you girls should go home. I will call you when Hanna can have visitors."

"Just let Hanna know that we were here," Aria told her.

"I will when she wakes up," Mrs. Marin assured her as she and Haley started to walk away and over towards Hanna's room.

"Are you okay?" Ashley asked her daughter as they took a seat in the chairs outside Hanna's room, wrapping her arm around her.

"Are you?" Haley asked as she turned to look at her mom for a moment before resting her head on her shoulder.

"I'll be okay. I'm just happy you and Hanna are both okay."

"Yeah," Haley nodded as she turned to look away from her mother, but she wasn't sure she actually agreed with her words. Not while A was still lurking, but with any hope, it would all be over once Hanna woke up and told her who A was.

"I can pick up some extra shifts at the Grille," Haley told her mother after a moment. "Help you pay Hanna's medical bills."

"That is very sweet of you," Mrs. Marin told her as she squeezed her shoulder in a comforting manner before sitting up so she could face Haley. "But I don't want you to worry about that. The bank and I have reached an understanding."

"What understanding?"

"They are going to give us a loan. Something to help get us back on our feet," Ashley told her as Haley nodded in understanding.


"Does it hurt?" Emily asked as the girls and Mrs. Marin sat in Hanna's hospital room with her. She had a large white cast on that covered her entire left leg.

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