The Scottish Thistle and The...


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Chibs/OFC. Boo Trager is an author from England, Clay is her father but Tig is the one she considers to be he... Еще

Chapter 1: Introduction: Welcome To Charming
Chapter 2: Patching In and Patching Up
Chapter 3: Fearing And Leaving
Chapter 4: Reliving Painful Pasts
Chapter 5 : Filip
Chapter 6: Telling Tales
Chapter 7 : Haggis Eating Bastard
Chapter 8: Time To Make A Choice Tig
Chapter 9: Heartache
Chapter 10: Confrontations
Chapter 11: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 12: 1am
Chapter 13: All That Glitters
Chapter 14:Take What's Yours!
Chapter 15: Are You Dead Yet?
Chapter 16: Brutal Honesty
Chapter 17: Proof That You're Mine
Chapter 18: A Cruel, Cruel Woman
Chapter 19: Fears, Fighting And Fucking
Chapter 20: Trouble And Strife
Chapter 21: Infidelity And Lies
Chapter 22: Where are We?
Chapter 23: Pressure
Chapter 24: Blissful Hysteria
Chapter 25: Lullaby and Goodnight
Chapter 26: Disappointment and Hope
Chapter 27: Pornstar
Chapter 28: Forgiveness and Smite
Chapter 29: Fly, Fly, Precious One
Chapter 31: Fear and Loathing
Chapter 32 : Lift Me Up To Knock Me Down
Chapter 33: Don't Fear the Reaper
Chapter 34: Darling Take Me Home
Chapter 35: Miñas Nenas
Chapter 36: Lie to Me, Die For Him
Chapter 37: Cry because it's Over
Chapter 38:Revel In The Moments
Chapter 39:Tomorrow Is Only A Day Away
Chapter 40: Pay The Reaper In Love Only
Chapter 41: A Great Joy Is Coming
Chapter 42: Keep Calm and Carry On
Chapter 43:Naoidhean Bhig Ar Righinn Go
Chapter 44: Epilogue Season 4

Chapter 30: My Irish Fiends

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"Hey Hen." Chibs sighed happily as Boo came into his room wearing clean clothes and looking very much refreshed; her eyes once again were bright and blue, her cheeks warm and pink in colour. She looked very much like herself again and Chibs couldn't be happier for it; he knew she was going to be okay. The evening after he'd awoken he'd sent Boo home, knowing that the only sleep she'd gotten in recent days was the few hours she'd had curled up at his side, knowing that she'd barely eaten in all the time she'd been at St Thomas. He'd had to practically beg her to go, to get herself a decent nights sleep and a decent meal in her. She'd agreed on the promise that she'd return at once if his condition changed. "Did yeh get some sleep at home, somethin' teh eat?" he asked as he shifted to the side and patted the space next to him. Boo smiled and perched on the edge of his bed, pressed a kiss to Chibs' scarred cheek.

"I didn't get much sleep... I couldn't settle without you there." she admitted. Boo had spent the night curled up on the couch with a glass of wine, a takeaway, chocolate and a pile of funny films; Tillie curled up in her lap. As the night wore on she'd found herself feeling better and better; the combination of chocolate, wine and the comedic nature of the films she'd chosen to watch loosening bit by bit, the tight hold grief had on her heart. She still ached for her lost child but she felt so much better for having gone home and taken her mind off of things. However when she'd taken herself to bed she'd found herself unable to sleep; the bed felt too cold, too big and empty without Filip at her side and no matter how much she tried, Boo found she couldn't drift off for more than a few minute's at a time. Not even hugging Tillie too her, or burying her face in Filip's pillow helped.

"Oh darlin', yeh didn't just sit up all night and fret about the miscarriage did yeh?" Chibs asked sadly, taking a hold of Boo's hand and giving it a squeeze. He'd sent her home to give her a chance to feel better; not so she'd agonise over what had happened all over again.

"No I..." Boo said with a shake of her head and an odd sort of laugh. She trailed off without finishing and fished around in her bag for a moment before pulling out a Tupperware box, a broad grin on her lips. "I spent all night baking actually... it really made me feel better." she said as she opened up the box and held it out to Filip. The box was full of muffins. Chibs didn't take one, just stared at them warily, eyebrow cocked, a smirk on his lips. "What?" Boo asked, slightly offended by how reluctant Chibs was too take a muffin.

"Yeh can't bake darlin'." Chibs chuckled affectionately with a shake of his head. His Hen tried, bless her, she really did, but she'd never been nor would she ever be much of a baker. Her cakes always ended up burnt, her cookies became shapeless blobs of uncooked dough and her pastry was always a soggy mess.

Boo chuckled too and nodded in agreement; he was right, she couldn't bake, no matter how much she wanted to be the sort of Ol' Lady that baked wonderful, delicious treats for her man. It had taken her 2 trips to the store just off the free-way, endless amounts of sugar, flour and chocolate chips and 11 attempts before she'd managed a decent batch. Boo didn't care however, that it had taken her all night and 11 attempts to make a decent batch of muffins for it had kept her mind occupied and active, had given her purpose and a distraction from her miscarriage. It had been just what she'd needed. The fact that she'd managed to do something nice for her poor Filip whilst he was laid up in a hospital bed only made her feel better still. Boo resolved to keep busy, to keep her mind occupied; it was the best way for her to get past the grief of her miscarriage and the agony of knowing Chibs was in hospital, still not well enough to come off the critical list.

"I know I can't, why do you think I was baking all night?" Boo chuckled, sitting the Tupperware box on Chibs bedside table before pulling one out and taking a bite, as if to prove that it was indeed eatable. "These muffins were my 11th batch..." she added, cheeks flaming. Her first batch had been... well, she couldn't even begin to try and describe the lump's of mushy crap that came out of the oven! The next three tries had all come out burnt, the ones after that hadn't risen... Boo was just an awful baker; but she was also determined and in the end, her 11th batch had come out quite well. They weren't anywhere near as good as Bobby's – which is what she'd been aiming for – but they were better than she ever believed she could make."I wanted to make them like Bobby's, I know how much you love them." Boo said as Chibs tentatively took a muffin and gave it a suspicious sniff. The muffins smelled rich and chocolatey so Chibs took a bite – if only to please Boo! After all she'd spent so long trying to make the damn things for him, he owned her that much. "Thought they'd cheer you up some." Boo added just as Chibs was hit with the taste of the muffin she'd made for him. He was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't the usual doughy, flavourless products of Boo's baking (that Chibs always tried to eat no matter how bad they looked or tasted... the things he did for love!) but a light, chocolatey muffin that, although nowhere as good as Bobby's, was still rather delicious. There was hope for Boo's baking skills yet!

"Aye darlin' they have, but only cause yeh went teh so much effort to make them fer me." Chibs grinned at Boo as he took a bite out of his muffin; taking the time to savour the sweet, chocolatey baked good.

"They any good?" asked Boo warily as she watched Chibs eat. He seemed to enjoying the spoils of her hours in the kitchen but Boo couldn't be certain he was; after all she was terrible at baking and although she thought her last batch of muffins had tasted good there was a good chance they'd only tasted that way to her because she'd tried so many worse batches before that.

"Better than Bobby's Hen." Chibs lied. The muffins Boo had made him were good, there was no denying that, but were nothing in comparison to Bobby's. Chibs wouldn't be surprised if the man had sold his soul to the devil in order to be able to make the worlds best muffins.

"Liar." Boo chucked with a roll of her eyes, knowing without doubt that Chibs was lying to her; she almost always knew when he was lying to her. She liked that he'd lied to her though, that he was doing it to make her feel better and she could tell that he really did like the muffins she'd made for him – even if they weren't as good as Bobby's. "You are just trying to get into my pants Filip Telford." Boo grinned as she waved a finger in Chibs direction as if scolding him. Too often, Chibs complimented Boo just so he could get himself laid. Not that Boo minded too much; she rather enjoyed getting laid herself!

"Aye maybe." Chibs chuckled as he grabbed a hold of Boo's finger before pulling her hand closer and pressing his lips to the palm of her hand. Boo giggled and so he did it again before jerking her closer, so she was practically sprawled across his chest, and wrapping his arms around her, his bandaged forehead pressed against hers. "But Hen yer forgettin', yeh like it when I'm in yer pants." he chuckled as he pressed a quick peck to her lips and his hand roamed up and down her back. Boo giggled once again and gave him a playful slap across he arm. Chibs pacified her by kissing her again, pressing a linger and lazy kiss to her lips with a contented sigh. Boo rested her head atop of his chest a moment later, cuddled up to him and closed her eyes with a deep sigh. She was tired now, the lack of sleep she'd had of late finally catching up with her. She just wanted to rest for a little while, just nap for a few minute's... Chibs however, misunderstood. When Boo cuddled up to his chest and sighed he assumed the worst and believed her to be upset. Determined to put a smile on her lips, the Scotsman tucked her curls behind her ear and pressed his lips to the lobe, nipping on the soft subtle skin just a little before murmuring "And hell, while I'm layin' here without my pants I might as well get laid." in what he believed to be a dry and sarcastic manner. Boo however, took his words far too literally and rolled off of him, jumping out of bed an instance later, eyes filled with tears, her face contorted as she scowled and tried to keep her anger and her anguish to herself.

"Haha." she drawled, folding her arms tight across her chest. She couldn't believe Filip had the nerve to even dare suggest such a thing! She'd only just lost their unborn child days previously and he was still in critical condition! How could he think about sex at such a time? How could even begin to believe for one second that it;d be a good idea? "Filip you have a major head wound and are still in critical condition and I... I just lost a baby." Boo drawled slowly, stammering slightly as her emotions got the better of her. Her eyes remained glued to the floor; she just couldn't bring herself to look at Chibs. She was just outraged with him for daring to suggest they should have sex in his hospital bed simply because he was laying there without his fucking pants on! "Neither of us are in any condition to have sex." she added bitterly with a shake of her head, a vile, disgusted undertone to her words.

Chibs scowled, annoyed with himself for making Boo so upset. He hadn't been at all serious in what he'd said! Christ how could Boo think that he was? He knew damn well that she wouldn't be in any condition to be having sex any time soon; after all she'd just lost their baby was probably still bleeding... The Scotsman wanted to give her all the time she needed to be ready to sleep with him again and he didn't care if that took weeks, months, or even longer. He'd wait because he could see just how pained and tormented Boo was by her miscarriage and he didn't want to force her into doing something she just wasn't ready to do. Besides, in the state he himself was in, a good round between the sheets might just finish him off. Chibs reached out and took a hold of Boo's hand, held it tight and firm before gently pulling Boo closer, his thumb running across her knuckles softly the entire time.

"Hen... shit I'm sorry darlin', I was just tryin' teh put a smile on yer face, I didn't mean teh make yeh upset." he explained hastily, pulling Boo's hand to his lips to he could press a kiss to the back of her palm. Boo flushed slightly and gave an odd sort of chuckle. Of course he'd been making a joke, how could he not have been? Jokes about their sex life... that was his way, that was how he made her laugh! Boo couldn't believe she'd let herself think he'd been serious.

"No, it's okay." she said, finally looking up at Chibs and forcing a grin. Boo was glad that Chibs was trying to make her laugh, that he was trying to get them to fall back into some sort of sense of reality by cracking the sort of joke he normally did every day. Boo wanted things to be normal again, she wanted them to both just be okay, back home and past all the drama and horror of the last few days. "I just wanna move past this and for things to be back to normal... and you're normally trying to get into my pants so..." she explained, managing to give a small giggle. Chibs grinned and pressed another kiss to the back of her palm.

"That's because I love yeh darlin', yer my world." he muttered against the soft skin of her hand. "I want to be with yeh all the goddamn time." he added, his eyes wide and warm, full of love as they gazed into Boo's bright, sparkling blue ones. The Scotsman didn't want to be without his girl every again; being in the hospital without her curled up at his side was hard enough. When he got out he was never going to let her go again, he was going to keep her at his side always and he was going to make sure that she was safe and happy.

"I love you too." Boo said, leaning down to press a kiss to Chibs lips. He pulled her closer before she could pull away, wrapped his arms tight around her waist as he deepened the kiss. Boo giggled against his lips and considered protesting for just a moment, but nevertheless parted her lips and allowed his tongue entrance. They lay there kissing for a long while, the kiss slow and sensational, tongues dancing and lapping up the taste of one another, teeth nipping at each others lips, soft moans filling the air. It was only when they stopped, when Boo rested her forehead against Chibs' bandaged one that she sighed heavily, sadly, and told him "But I'm afraid you might have to be without me for a while..." in a solemn voice. Chibs scowled, eyes narrowed in confusion. Why was he going to be without her? Where was she going?

"Why's that?" he asked, sounding far more worried than he wanted too. He wondered if Boo was going out of town for a few days to get over the miscarriage... while Chibs thought that that was a good idea he'd rather she waited until he had been discharged so that he could go with her. Chances are Zobelle would be more than happy to jump on the chance to go after a vulnerable woman of SAMCRO when she was all alone, unprotected, especially once that had so many ties within the club, one that was connected with almost every key member in some way or another.

"My novel about Elizabeth 1st, it went straight to the top of the New York Time's best-seller list." Boo said hurriedly, grinning to reassure Filip when she realised she'd worried him. Boo had gotten the call the night before. It was her editor calling to congratulate her on her second novel – which had been released in America at the start of the week - catapulting straight to the top of the New York times best seller list. Boo had been astounded by the news; sure her first novel had sold very well indeed, but it had started off slow and hadn't even entered the New York Times best seller list for a good few months. Having her second novel go straight to the top of the list was a dream come true for Boo and she still couldn't quite believe it was really true... despite the fact that she'd checked the internet a dozen times that morning alone. "My publishers want me to do some interviews, a signing... it'll meaning going to New York for about a week." Boo explained to Chibs. Boo didn't normally do signings, nor did she do much in the way of interviews, something her publishers had no real problem with, however since her book had done so well they wanted to jump on the chance to get her name out there even more so, to give her work even more publicity. Boo had agreed on the understanding that her real name wouldn't be revealed. Boo didn't want the fame that came with being a best selling author, the people at her door, hounding her in the streets... and so she would remain to her readers, Alexis Telford. The brunette was rather thankful that it'd been her right shoulder that had dislocated – which was still rather heavy and sore, but doing a lot better now that Boo had taken off her sling and was using it more, much to Tara's annoyance – as she was left handed. She planned to spend the entire flight to New York practising her 'Alexis Telford' signature.

Chibs beamed wide at Boo's words, so proud of her he could barely form words. Her novel was top of the New York Time's best-seller list, and this time as soon as it had been released! It was what she had always wanted and the Scotsman couldn't be happier for his girl. He also couldn't help but think the news couldn't have come at a better time – going to New York, celebrating having a best selling novel, meeting her fans... it's be the the distraction she needed after her miscarriage. And by the time she was on a flight home, chances are Chibs would be out of hospital and there to greet her as she got off the plane.

"I'm so proud of yeh Hen." Chibs cried, eyes filled with tears of pride as he kissed Boo again and again. Boo giggled happily but still looked doubtful; obviously she wasn't too keen on the idea of leaving him alone after everything that had gone down of late. It was also obvious however that she really did want to go to New York, that she wanted to meet some of the people that read her books and thank them for making her work such a success. "You go teh New York Hen, it'll help yeh feel better, get yeh past what happened." Chibs said as he tucked Boo's curls behind her ear, his eyes never once leaving hers, proud smile still firmly planted on his lips.

"Really?" Boo asked sceptically. As much as she wanted to go to New York and lose herself in her work, in interviews and signings, she didn't want to leave Filip's side. Not with Zobelle gunning for the club and the threat of Jimmy O coming state-side. Without the club free to protect him, Chibs would be alone and vulnerable."I don't like the idea of leaving you all alone in here after everything that's happened recently." she sighed, lacing her fingers with Chibs'. "Zobelle really wants to bring you guys down..." she added with a scowl. She didn't want to add that it seemed like Zobelle would succeed, that he'd already torn the club to the brink of complete destruction and that all it would take is one more tiny thing to push the club over the edge...

"The lads will be out soon Hen, Gem's working on trying to get their bail together." Chibs assured Boo. Gemma had been by that morning to check in on him and had informed him she was on her way to meet with Eliot Oswald to discuss the clubs bail and beg him to help out the club by fronting enough cash to get them out. The matriarch seemed stressed and worried and was clearly under a lot of strain trying to hold everything together. Chibs really hoped she was able to get the bail together; without her family around her, Gemma was nothing. And to make matters worse they were probably being torn up inside and tearing each other apart too...

"She went to see Oswald this morning but he wouldn't help." Boo said dismally with a shake of her head. She was quite annoyed at Oswald for saying no after all the club had done for him of late, but understood his point of view on the matter. He couldn't trust that the club would behave themselves – and nor could Boo if she was honest with herself – and he'd lose a hell of a lot of money if they broke the terms of their bail agreement. "Between us, selling Gemma's house, Tara's dads place, our apartment... we can't even come close to raising enough." Boo added. Selling up would get three of the guys out on bail, maybe four... but not all of the club. Which meant selling up was no option; it was either everyone out or no one, the club didn't leave members behind. Selling Tig's apartment would get them closer to getting everyone out but everything was in Tig's name and so legally, Boo couldn't put his apartment on the market. Opie couldn't sell up as he hadn't finished paying off the mortgage, and his repayments were already so high that a re-mortgage was out of the question. "They're going to get torn apart inside and we can't do anything about it..." Boo cried, tears suddenly filling her eyes at the thought that Tig would end up like Juice – stabbed multiple times in the yard because he didn't have any protection. Only in Boo's mind Tig wouldn't be as lucky as Juice – if he was stabbed inside, Boo was certain he'd die of his wounds.

"Oswald will cave, he doesn't like the be on the wrong side of SAMCRO." Chibs assured Boo, patting her hand. He was certain Oswald would cave; after all if Clay and the others did get out on bail and found out that Oswald had refused to help them there'd be hell to pay. Oswald would know that for a fact and it'd eat away at him until he caved. "Now you go teh New York Hen, do yer interviews, meet yer fans..." Chibs grinned, bringing Boo's mind back round to her best selling novel in an attempt to distract her from the miserable state the club was in. "Then come home and crawl in teh bed with little old me again." he added with a saddened sigh, as if he thought his beautiful wee Hen would forget all about him now she was a big, famous author. Boo burst into laugher at once, shook her head as she wiped tears of mirth from her eyes.

"Filip Telford there isn't anything little about you!" she cried as she leaned in to press her lips to his once again. Chibs laughed along with her, pulled her close and held her tight as he deepened the kiss and allowed himself to be consumed by the sweet taste of his beautiful wee Hen.

Before she left, Chibs made Boo agree to having an escort whilst in New York – Gunn, the Sergeant at Arms for the clubs Manhattan charter. Gunn had been a prospect with SAMBEL when Chibs had first patched SAMCRO and the Scotsman trusted the lad with his life – more importantly, with his Ol' Lady – he was fiercely loyal to the club, had been from day one, and it was more than apparently he'd lay down his life at a moments notice for any one of his brothers whether he'd met them or not. He'd patched SAMMAN two years previously to be with his new wife and on his first day in the city, he'd thrown himself in front of a bullet that was intended for the head of the VP. He'd been made Sergeant at Arms at once... or at least, a month later when he was released from hospital. Chibs knew he'd keep Boo safe from Zobelle or any danger that came her way.

A few hours later, Boo was boarding a plane to New York safe and happy in the knowledge that Oswald had caved in and bailed out the club. She was looking forward to the trip, to meeting the infamous Gunn and to the signings she had with her fans. The whole trip was a welcome distraction from the heartache of her miscarriage and Boo couldn't wait to throw herself into everything with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. As the plane started to take off, Boo felt a strange sort of unease, she shivered as if cold despite being warm and comfortable in her seat and felt herself become filled with a strange sense of dread. The author put it down to the flight – she had never been keen on flying – but had no idea that at the same moment her plane took off, an older, dark skinned woman with fly away dark curls flecked with grey was walking in to St Thomas and asking where she could find Filip Telford.


Chibs was certain he was seeing things when he awoke from the nap he'd taken after Boo had left for the airport, was certain he was still dreaming. She couldn't be there, at his bedside. There was no way, Jimmy O wouldn't let her anywhere near him... let alone be alone with him...

"Fiona?" he muttered confusedly, eyes never once leaving his estranged wife. He rubbed his eyes in the vain hope that she'd disappear or that he'd suddenly wake up and realise he'd been dreaming. But it wasn't to be; Fiona really was at his bedside. She got up after he spoke, smiled warmly at him and came to be at his side. Chibs turned away from her; he didn't want to see Fiona, not now not ever. They were in the past, she had left him for Jimmy O and shattered his heart, had almost killed him... It had taken him a long time to put Fiona in his past and get over her. Now finally, he was happy once again, in love with a wonderful young woman that was more precious to him that Fiona had ever been. He didn't want Fiona screwing with his head and messing up the wonderful life he'd created for himself in Charming. "Jesus.. What the bloody hell are yeh doin' here?" he mumbled softly, not bothering to hide his hatred for his estranged wife. Fiona either didn't care that her husband hated her, or didn't notice the bitter hatred in his voice for she smiled at him lovingly, like she'd done in years gone by. Chibs didn't return the smile, in fact he scowled all the more so. How dare she turn up after everything that had passed between them and just act like they were still what they once were!

"We were worried about yeh." Fiona said softly, her voice sounding far more mature than Chibs had remembered it. She ducked down and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to Chibs cheek before the Scotsman could make a protest. "That's from Kerrianne." she informed him. Chibs gulped... Kerrianne.... his sweet wee baby girl... Oh god she'd heard about what had happened to him, his poor little lassie was probably worried something fierce; she always was a worrier, right from day one, panicking over every little thing... Chibs felt his heart pound, his eyes fill with tears at the mention of his beloved daughter. He'd never missed her so much as in that moment; he wished it was her by his side and not Fiona so that he could let her know that he was okay and that he missed her so much it hurt him physically just to think about her. And that he couldn't help but think of her every single day... Jimmy O would never allow such a thing though; letting Fiona visit him was one thing – it would fuck with his head and make him miserable, something that would no doubt delight Jimmy – but letting Kerrianne visit him? Oh no, that was far too much of a risk. Kerrianne had always been a daddy's girl, right up until Chibs was forced out of her life, and Jimmy wouldn't risk her coming state-side to see Chibs – no matter how much it'd fuck with the Scotsman's head - on the chance that she'd decide to just stay in Charming and live with her da. If she decided that, she'd have the protection of SAMCRO and Jimmy O wouldn't be able to get her back again.

"Yeh shouldn't be here." Chibs said emotionlessly, eyes narrowing as he glanced at his estranged wife. He wished that she'd just leave him be, that she'd go and never come back. Surely she knew he didn't want her in his life anymore? How could she even begin to think otherwise after all she had done to him? Fiona didn't leave though, she instead perched on the edge of his bed and took a hold of his left hand, eyes ablaze and narrowed when she caught sight of the ring that adored his finger.

"I wouldn't have thought bigamy was yer thing Filip."she spat piercingly, a scowl on her lips. Fiona had heard Filip was with another woman, a woman that was more than half his age but had never believed it was anything serious. She'd believed he'd found himself a young little thing to keep him amused in the bedroom, a girl that was still tight and curvy with everything pointing up. Fiona was certain he'd grow bored of her before long; after all how in the hell could he have anything in common with one so young? The ring on his finger however, told a different story. Filip wouldn't put a ring on his finger for any girl; he'd only do it for someone he loved, someone he loved with his entire heart, body and soul. It was the way he'd loved Fiona when they had wed... A love he probably didn't feel anymore.

"I'm not married to her, I wear that ring to symbolise that I see her as my wife."Chibs spat as he pulled his hand away, crossing his arms a moment later to hide the ring out of sight. Fiona still didn't leave, despite the fact that Chibs was now refusing to look at her. She tapped her foot impatiently and cocked an eyebrow.

"I'm yer wife." she snapped irritably. Fiona didn't like the idea that she'd been replaced, even if she and Filip had been separated for years. She wanted Filip to still be madly in love with her, wanted him to want her back, wanted him to want to move back to Ireland to be with his family once again... Fiona had long ago stopped caring for Jimmy O. Once Filip was out of the way and they were together, Jimmy had became less and less interested in the cause and more interested in profit, in making money. He wasn't the man Fiona had believed him to be and she knew he had used her to get further ahead in the IRA just so he could earn himself a few million. Of course it was neither here nor there that she'd used him too; to get rid of the husband she'd believed herself to have grown tired off, and to get herself in even deeper with the cause – she may be third generation IRA but she was still a woman and her word counted for very little. By the time Filip had left Ireland for Charming, Fiona had realised her mistake. She still loved Filip, even if he didn't care about the cause like she did and wanted him back but it was too late; he was gone and there was no escaping Jimmy O who was becoming more and more dangerous by the day. Fiona had hoped the explosion that had nearly claimed Filip's life would be enough to bring them back together... She'd be under the protect on the Sons then – and so too would Kerrianne – and Jimmy would be unable to get to her. It was obviously to Fiona however, that it was far too late for that; her sweet boy had moved on. She'd have to play an entirely different game now to win Filip over and escape from Jimmy O...

"Yeh were." Chibs said simply with a soft shrug of his shoulders, his words still very much emotionless. It was as simple as that as far as Chibs was concerned; Fiona had been his wife but she no longer was, not after everything that had passed between them. The betrayal, the pain, the years... Boo was his wife now and he loved her more than he had ever loved Fiona. Nothing was ever going to change that. "Yeh gave up that right when yeh got in teh Jimmy's bed." Chibs added bitterly, practically spitting out the words that still hurt even after all the years since Fiona's betrayal had happened.

"You and I both know I had little choice in the matter Filip, yeh don't say no to Jimmy." snapped Fiona, whose stomach contorted painfully at Filip's words. Yes, she had gotten into Jimmy O's bed but Filip wasn't stupid – he knew what Jimmy O was like. It didn't matter that Fiona had chosen to be in his bed, what mattered was that if she hadn't have wanted to be there, she would have been there anyway. It was dangerous to say no to Jimmy O. Her sweet husbands scarred face was proof of that. Fiona reached out to trace the deep scars on Filip's cheeks, surprised at how well they'd healed. From what she understood he'd been left on the brink of death, bleeding out in the street and screaming in agony... she'd expected his face to scar horrifically but he'd been very lucky. The scars suited him and made his cheeks even more defined than they already were...

"I'd rather say no and die that betray the one I loved." Chibs said pointedly, glaring into Fiona's eyes as he swatted her hand away. He didn't understand how Fiona, hell how anyone, could betray the one they loved in the way she had. If some woman, some man, anyone even, came up to Chibs and said 'be mine or die' he'd much rather die. He'd never be able to betray his beautiful wee Hen like that - cheating on her on runs was bad enough and he still felt guilty about those affairs to this day - but leaving her completely for someone else? No, he couldn't and would never ever do that to her. At least if he was dead his poor girl could have some closure, could move on... if he was alive she'd be very much in the knowledge that he was out there alive, with the very person he'd left her to be with. That was a pain far worse than his death could ever bring her and he knew it...Besides, if Chibs couldn't be with Boo he' rather be dead. He was nothing without her.

"Yer heart was always yeh weakness Filip." Fiona sighed in amusement with a shake of her head. His heart had gotten him where he was today – if he'd just left Ireland to start with, just walked away from her and Kerrianne his face wouldn't have been cut open. And hell, if he hadn't loved his daughter so damn much in the first place – more than Fiona, more than the cause – then maybe she wouldn't have left him for Jimmy O! He knew right from the start that the cause was her world, her entire existence and yet once their daughter was born he'd decided he didn't give a damn about a united Ireland. Stupid boy; why did he have to have such a big heart? "Tell me, do yeh love this girl?" Fiona asked, eyes very much fixated on Filip's face so she could see his reaction. She needed to know just how much this girl meant to her husband so she knew where she stood, so she could work out what she had to do to win Filip over and escape from Jimmy O. Filip had loved her once and probably still did deep down – he was just denying it to himself Fiona was sure – so Fiona knew she could work herself back into his heart. It was where she belonged and it was the only way she could see to escape from Jimmy O and his greedy ways and just return to a simpler time where she could focus on the cause and nothing more. Not making money, recruiting young boys barely out of childhood for missions that would surely kill them and staying out of Jimmy's bad books.

"Aye I do, I really fuckin' do." Chibs nodded without hesitation, his voice warm and full of love, lips curving into a soft grin as he thought of his girl. He couldn't put into words how much he loved that girl, how much she meant to him – at least not in a way that Fiona would understand. His estranged wife didn't need words though, she saw it all in his eyes. The love he felt for his girl was strong, Fiona could see that, it had a complete hold on him and was not letting go any time soon. His eyes had practically melted at the thought of his new 'wife', wide and warm they'd glittered and shone with so much love that Fiona had had to look away. Filip had never looked at her with so much love, had never talked about her with so much emotion and love in his voice. This girl was something special to him alright and Fiona knew she had one hell of a job getting back into Filip's heart. Still knowing this gave Fiona a sense of what game to play to win back her place in her husbands heart; she'd act like she'd given in, make him believe all she cared about was his happiness – even if him being happy meant he was with someone else – and he'd start to trust her again. Just a little bit. But that was all Fiona needed... She could play on that little bit of trust and make it deeper, make Filip realise he still loved her. Once he realised as such he'd do whatever it took to get her away from Jimmy O, would do whatever it took to keep her and Kerrianne safe... It wouldn't be long before Jimmy O was taken out by the council the way he was going, and then Fiona could return to Ireland, to her daughter, with her husband and go back to focussing on a united Ireland.

"She's young isn't she? Not much older than our Kerrianne." Fiona asked causally, trying hard to hide her disgust at the fact that her husband had shacked up with some girl just a few years older than his own goddamn daughter. It didn't matter to Fiona that he loved this girl, that there was obviously a deep and meaningful relationship between them! At the end of the day Filip had gotten into bed with a child and that made him no better than her as far as Fiona was concerned. Fiona knew she couldn't have hidden her disgust very well at all for Filip scowled all the more so and rolled his eyes.

"I don't give a damn about her age, I love her and that's all that fuckin' matters." he spat, unsure of why Fiona was bringing up Boo's age, or why she was even bring her up at all. Boo had nothing to do with Fiona, nothing to do with them – what was left of them anyway. Chibs guessed that the questions about Boo were questions Jimmy O wanted answers to. The McBastard had gotten wind that Chibs was happy again and wanted to ruin that happiness, the Scotsman was sure. After all making his life hell was what Jimmy seemed to love best, was something he seemed to get some sick thrill out of. Chibs was just thankful he'd made sure Boo was protected in New York – Gunn had always hated Jimmy O and the cause and wouldn't let that Irish prick harm a hair on her head – Fiona could ask all she wanted and he'd give her the answers just to get rid of her. Boo was safe from her, from Jimmy... that's all that mattered."What do yeh care fer anyway?" Chibs asked, despite already knowing.

"Because I love yeh Filip." Fiona whispered softly, which was not the answer Chibs had been expecting. He didn't think Fiona loved him anymore, not since she'd shacked up with Jimmy, and often he wondered if she'd ever loved him. Sometimes he let himself believe that she had, long ago, but more often than not Chibs believed Fiona had only been with him for so long because of Kerrianne.

Fiona of course had told Filip that she loved him because she still did love him, or rather she liked to believe she did – she wasn't sure if it was love she felt or just a desperate desire to get away from Jimmy O – and because she knew by telling Filip that she loved him, she'd get inside his head. It didn't matter if he believed her or not, what mattered was that her words would weigh heavy on his mind and he'd not be able to clear his thoughts of her.

"I stopped lovin' yeh the second I clapped eyes on Boo." Chibs explained solemnly, eyes lighting and filling with warmth at the mention of his Ol' Lady, lips curing into a faint smile. The Scotsman had made a point of letting go of Fiona before he'd boarded his place to Charming. He'd left his wedding ring and picture at the bar, had allowed himself the luxury of falling in love again. A love he'd found within hours of getting off that plane at LAX, even if it had taken him years to see it... Boo was fate, was meant to be at his side until the day he died, this Chibs knew. She'd come into his life just hours after he'd let go of Fiona and his love for her... they were always meant to be together. "Now go and tell that teh Jimmy, I know that's the real reason yeh were diggin' around in my life." Chibs informed Fiona darkly, turning from her again and giving a wave of his hand that indicated that he wanted her to go. The Scotsman wanted to sleep now, his mind was in overload because of Fiona's sudden appearance and he had a horrid, pounding headache as a result.

"I don't need teh tell Jimmy shit Filip, yeh know that." Fiona sighed with a soft shake of her head. Jimmy had known about this Boo for quite some time – he was of course, the one who had told Fiona all about her – but he wasn't overly bothered by her at the moment, not with all the shit that had gone down since McKeavey had died. He'd soon worry about her once things state-side were sorted though; he wanted Filip to be miserable and Fiona knew he hated that the Scotsman had found love and happiness once again."He's known about that girl of yer's fer months." she added, making it sound like she was very much concerned for this Boo's welfare.

"If he touches a hair on her head I swear -" Chibs began, panic rising up inside of him at the knowledge that Jimmy O knew about his beautiful wee Hen. If the Irish prick knew all about his Ol' Lady, and had done for months, then why hadn't he done anything about her already? Was he bidding his time, waiting until Boo was alone and vulnerable? Was he waiting in New York for Boo, or had he sent some of his goons after her knowing damn well that she wouldn't be well protected? Chibs shot up at the thought that Boo might be heading

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