catgirl ! crushed (nightwing)...

By lucyluhvs

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3rd book in the main catgirl series ─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── summary: After things g... More

«chapter one: a new team»
«chapter two: run-ins and rescues»
«chapter three: keeping the peace»
«chapter four: santa prisca»
«chapter five: companions»
«chapter six: shadows»
«chapter seven: questions»
«chapter eight: friends»
«chapter nine: trust»
«chapter eleven: what now»
«chapter twelve: the past»
«chapter thirteen: the team»
«chapter fourteen: thanksgiving»
«chapter fifteen: bad ideas»
«chapter sixteen: brooke's plan»
«chapter seventeen: meta-brawl»
«chapter eighteen: anti-life equation»
«chapter nineteen: family annoyances»
«chapter twenty: getting under someone's skin»
«chapter twenty-one: memories»
«chapter twenty-two: anti-life»
«chapter twenty-three: bedlam»
«chapter twenty-four: revision»
«chapter twenty-five: starting over»
«chapter twenty-six: a celebration»
«chapter twenty-seven: more problems»
«chapter twenty-eight: one of ours»
«chapter twenty-nine: a caged cat sings»
«chapter thirty: complications»
«chapter thirty-one: game night»
«chapter thirty-two: rescue and search»
«chapter thirty-three: date night?»
«chapter thirty-four: ego and superego»
«chapter thirty-five: zenith and abyss»
«chapter thirty-six: over and out»
«chapter thirty-seven: back in gotham»
«chapter thirty-eight: consequences»
«chapter thirty-nine: waking up»
«chapter forty: making moves»
«chapter forty-one: getting him back»
«chapter forty-two: going after him»
«chapter forty-three: empty threats»
«chapter forty-four: slipping away»
«chapter forty-five: its over»
«chapter forty-six: belle reve»
«chapter forty-seven: she's back»
«chapter forty-eight: the letter»

«chapter ten: the circus»

1.1K 47 154
By lucyluhvs



(one year and a few months ago)

I keep my hands on his as I walk backwards, looking back every so often to make sure I don't run into anything.

He laughs as I remind him not to peek, and I can't fight the smile on my face.

He has been blindfolded for about twenty minutes now, and although he knows we have the circus rented out, he doesn't know it's tonight.

Well, knowing him be probably pieced it together and is just trying to act surprised for my sake, but I can't wait.

"Okay stop here," I say and let his hands go. He waits patiently, a grin in his face.

"Is it okay if I-"

"Hold on, hold on," I instruct before I take a deep breath, and say, "Dă-o jos."

It means take it off in Romanian. Romanian that up until now, I haven't been able to speak.

His body freezes, and I can't stop my full on smile as his somehow gets even bigger.

"Say something else," He says, forgetting about the blindfold.

"Te iubesc," I mutter, telling him I love him, and then repeating, "Dă-o jos."

He does, his eyes meeting mine, shining with so much emotion that I could drown in them.

"Și eu te iubesc," He mutters back, his hand reaching out for me. I let him grab me and pull me closer, my arms wrapping around his neck as his wrap around my waist.

"Aniversare intarziata fericita," I whisper, telling him happy late birthday, which only makes him hold onto me tighter.

He pulls back and presses a kiss to my forehead before he looks down at me and starts asking a lot of questions, "Cum poți vorbi brusc românește? Te-a ajutat Bruce? De cât timp lucrezi la asta?"

I blink at him, "I only had the chance to learn a little bit of it, I'm still not fluent, but-"

"I said how can you suddenly speak Romanian? Did Bruce help you? How long have you been working on this?" He supplies, laughing at my expression.

I smile, "Bruce helped a bit, and I thought of the Romanian thing this week, so I haven't had enough time to master it." I explain before I poke his chest, "So no speaking in it so I can't understand you."

"Desigur, nu aș visa la asta," He grin innocently, causing my to narrow my eyes at him.

"You are so close to losing your other surprise, Mister Grayson," I tisk as I step out of his reach.

He raises his eyebrow at this and follows me as I move to the ladder that will lead to the perch we are going to swing off of tonight.

"Miss Travis, what are you up to?" He questions, mocking that I called him 'Mister Grayson.'

I turn and lean on the ladder, my face suddenly more serious.

While it was personal for me to speak Romanian with him, this was much more personal and I wasn't sure how he would take it.

"I learned some of your families tricks, some of their routines... I know you love coming here and I... I just wanted you to be able to be up there with someone. To know you aren't alone." I explain, watching for his reaction.

We have performed the trapeze together before as Daisy and Dan Danger. It was a mission that happened to involve the circus so Dick couldn't say no when he found out.

He had already helped out before when he was a teen and brought Artemis, Will (who was Roy back then), Conner and M'gann.

When it happened a second time, the same team went but M'gann was needed more on another mission so she suggested me to sub in. And thanks to Artemis I was his wife.

This was the time where we hated each other and we didn't have much trust between us. But he taught me and we saved a group of kids. And this was the place where we started to realize there was more to each other. This was a whole other world for us and it was one that I didn't realize I didn't want to leave until I came back that night and he sided with Rogue over me.

Obviously, things are different now and they worked out, but this was an important part in our relationship weather we knew it or not.

He slowly walks to me, and I keep my eyes on him, but he keeps all of his emotions hidden until he is standing almost chest-to-chest from me.

He grabs my chin gently and angles it up as he kisses me, his hand sliding to the back of my neck as he holds me there.

I feel my heart beating faster than before when he pulls away, my eyes barely opening as he mutters, "O să mă căsătoresc cu tine într-o zi."
(I am going to marry you someday.)

Before I can ask what it means, he pulls me in for another kiss, his free arm wrapping around my waist as mine snake up from his chest to he back of his neck, pulling him closer.

"I told you," Haly says, and Dick jumps away from me.

We both turn scarlet red. If it were anyone else I am sure one of us would be embarrassed and the other would think it's funny, but this is Haly. Being caught making out by him makes you feel like a teenager doing something wrong.


"It's okay, young love and all of that," He smirks, "I'm just glad you two figured it out."

Dick filled me in on how Haly knew him and knew we weren't actually married as well as him hinting that he supported I relationship.

Because of that very reason, I called as asked if this would be possible.

"Us too," Dick says, recovering faster than me as he wraps an arm around me.

"Zitka is going to be so excited to see you both," He shakes his head, "I am too, but the elephant has top priority."

I smile, "I'm glad to see you on your feet. Last time you were being rushed to the hospital."

"Thanks to you," He reminds me, "You saved my life that night. Don't think I forgot you going back in to save this old ring leader." He walks to us, putting a hand on Dick's shoulder. "You caught a good one."

"I think she might have caught me," He grins, his arm tightening around me, "Maybe it was a mutual catching."

"Whatever it was, I'm glad you have each other. And your parents would be so proud, Dick." He says and it's then that I wrap my arm around Dick, letting him know I'm here for him.

Dick smiles at Haly's words, "Thank you, Haly. That means a lot."

"It's the truth," He says, patting his shoulder a few times before he looks to me, "And I think they would have loved you. Fiery spirit and all."

The comment makes me smile, and emotion pools in my stomach as Dick rubs his thumb across my skin affectionately.

Dick has taken me to talk with them before, and he seemed so excited to do so, that I felt honored when he first did. It was a few weeks after things with Ra's al Ghul had died down, and he introduced me to them, talked to them and then let me talk to them.

It was one of my favorite memories with him and it was something that made me feel so much closer to him. I appreciated it so much that a week later, I took him to meet my parents and my brother.

"Thank you, Haly." I mutter, sincerity filling each word.

"Of course. Well, the place is yours. Preferably to do trapeze," He adds, and we both blush again, causing him to chuckle before he says, "Have fun, bc just let me know when you leave."

With that, the man starts walking to an opening in the tent before he turns and says,"And Dick? Happy late birthday."With that, he turns and leaves.

I bury my head in Dick chest and groan as he cackles.

"He did not just walk in when we were-"

"He did," He cackles, his chest shaking under my head as he wraps his arms around my shoulders and holds me there, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I close my eyes, trying to remember the feeling of this moment, the emotions I'm feeling. Safe and secure and loved.

I love him so much.

"Are you ready to fly, Miss Travis?" He asks, his mouth close to my ear, sending a shiver through my body.

"Yes I am, Mister Grayson," I respond before he lets me go and he starts climbing, me following him.

Though I wouldn't mind being called Mrs. Grayson someday. I don't say this out loud though, because there is a chance Dick would quite literally fall off the ladder if I did.

When we make our way up, he grabs the bar and hands it to me.

"You learned the moves?" He questions, making sure he heard me right.

"I did, I figured you probably remembered them," I confirm, setting myself up as my arms extend over my head.

Dick comes closer, his arms pressing against mine as he grabs the bar too, his back chest pressing against my back as he presses a kiss to my neck.

"Only trapeze up here, Bird brain," I remind him, though the action sends my stomach into a frizzy.

He chuckles against me before we both push off and are suddenly flying through the air.

I don't wait for him as I flip two times and catch the other bar, replacing my hands so that I am facing him.

He nods, and I know to let go at the peak, both of just doing the same thing as he does four flips and I do three, switching spots in the air.

A smile makes its way on my face as we do it again, ending up back in the same place we were moments before.

I know which move he is doing, which part of a routine, before I even realize I do, my body reaching in sync with his.

We flip through the air, we catch each other, we turn outside upside down, and flip backwards into each other, never once falling or stumbling as we latch onto each other or the bar.

By the time we call a quits, we have been flipping for three hours, both of just exhausted as our chests heave up and down. Despite being tired, smiles are on our faces, our hearts beating rapidly as we land on the perch.

Dick bows to me as if we are performing, causing me to shake my head teasingly, "Dork."

"Your dork," He says, winking at me as he hangs the bar and grabs my hand.

He pulls me to him, kissing the back of my hand, his electric blue eyes staring at me so intensely, so passionately, I feel my stomach grow uneasy.

He brushes some of my hair that fell out of my braid out of my face, tucking it behind my ear, "What did I do to deserve you?" He questions, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I ask myself that everyday," I mutter back as he rests his forehead against mine.

I kiss him resting our intertwined hands on our chests before I pull away and say, "We should probably go home."

He nods, "Biscuit is probably pissed, I didn't leave a window open for him."

I shake my head as I start to climb down, "He holds a grudge, I would watch it if I were you."

Dick follows me down before I says, "I know, yesterday I found him clawing at my side of the bed. Only my side."

"He loves you," I smile as I place my foot on the ground before I step out of the way so he can.

"He shows it in weird ways," He says before he laughs, "Sort of like you."

I punch him playfully, lightly in the shoulder, and he mutters, "Ouch," causing me to roll my eyes.

"I mean this," He says, gesturing around him, "You not only learn a bit of Romanian for me, but convinced Bruce to buy out the circus for the night so that Haly wouldn't lose money, but we would still be alone, and you learned my families old tricks." He pauses, shaking his head in disbelief, "You just did my families old tricks because you thought it would make me happy."

"Did it?" I ask, suddenly worried he didn't like it as much as he seemed to.

He shakes his head, a grin on his face, "I loved it. It's the best gift I've ever gotten, Brooke. And that's saying something because Wally once got me a-"

"Don't finish that sentence, It was good by itself," I cut him off, smiling.

"Noted," He smiles, "You made this incredibly hard to top. How am I going to top this for you? You learned a bit of Romanian for crying out loud!"

"I do know one more thing in Romanian," I state, getting his attention, his eyebrow raising.

"What would that be?"

"Indiciile lui Blue," I smirk, as I say it, making he is going to love the fact that I learned Blues Clues in Romanian.

He stops walking, causing me to stop too as he stares at me.

He shakes his head, "Of course." He mutters, and I start to laugh before he does too.

"I had to."

"I know you did."



a break from the regularly scheduled sadness to finally get this cute scene i mentioned in my one shot book.

gentle reminder this was right before she left ;(

how are y'all feeling?
did you love this little scene or did it just make you guys hurt more?
fav part?
thanks for reading, don't forget to vote & comment !!

xoxo, author

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