Woman of Intelligence (Book 2...

By Yaksha2000

175 63 3

Riya Moodley is a Police Officer in the Singaporean Defense Force. She and Samantha Lau, her partner, have be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Part 1)
Chapter 4 (Part 2)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Part 1)
Chapter 7 (Part 2)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Part 1)
Chapter 13 (Part 2)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Part 1)
Chapter 17 (Part 2)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Part 1)
Chapter 23 (Part 2)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (Part 1)
Chapter 27 (Part 2)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part 1)
Chapter 30 (Part 2)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Part 1)
Chapter 34 (Part 2)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (Part 1)
Chapter 37 (Part 2)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 (Part 1)
Chapter 41 (Part 2)
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (Part 1)
Chapter 45 (Part 2)

Chapter 20

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By Yaksha2000

Riya was in her room, having her supper. This whole investigation was intense that she was eating a lot now. It also could be that she was eating more vegetables than meat because she was on that diet. She was still eating red meat but not too much. If she ate a lot of red meat then she would feel bloated. She was just eating Pesto Pasta with  cheesy garlic bread and baked chips. While she was eating, she was Skyping Liang. She just waiting for him to answer. Liang's face appeared on Riya's laptop screen.

"Hey Moods, how was your first day at work?", he asked.

"It went well so far apart from John making me pay half a million dollars for his sister's vehicle. I met Sebastian this morning.", she answered then took a bite of her cheesy garlic bread. The cheese was very stretchy. 

"Did he mess around with you?"

Riya bit the cheese and started chewing slowly. "He tried to but I rejected him. The level of disrespect he has for women are too high.", she shook her head. 

"I heard and I have a feeling that he is going to give a hard time. But you can handle it. What you are eating?", he asked.

"Pesto Pasta, garlic bread and baked chips.", she answered. She did not need to show him because her food was showing on the screen. "You?"

"I'm having oats with some berries.", he answered, he showed her his medium size bowl which looked pretty.

"Nice. There is going to be a protest tomorrow. The families of the models are protesting to stop these drugs. Some of the models even filed complaints against the companies they are under."

"Finally, the models are starting to speak up. Don't forget to get the tablets examine.", he reminded her.

"I got them in my bag."

"Okay good. Eish Moods, it's so quiet without you."

"Missing me already.", she looked at him while putting a chip in her mouth.

He was missing her. "Yeah. I do miss the flirty part.", he did not forget that. 

"Oh please don't start.", she laughed. "How's the weather?"

"It's morning right now so it's pretty cool.", he was looking at the weather from his window. 

Suddenly, someone was knocking on Riya's door. The knock sounded aggressive which was scary her. Liang stayed quiet until she checked who it was. Riya took her gun from the table and got up slowly. She was very cautious while walking to the door. The person knocked on the door again in the same manner. She stopped in front of the door and opened a little. She looked through the small gap. Horror appeared in her eyes.

"Mr Rossi?", she asked.

Sebastian looked through the small gap. "Hello Riya."

"Nope, Miss Moodley.", she corrected him. 

"Miss Moodley. I was seeing someone here and I heard that you staying here.", he said. 

"Hold on, how do you know that I live here, in this room?", she pointed on the floor and she knew he was lying that he was here to see someone.  

"I told two of men to follow you. Nice car by the way.", he opened the door wider and entered. 

Riya was absurd by that. "Listen.", she closed the door. "Firstly, I don't want you follow me because that's stalking. Secondly, I strictly told you not to come out of your house unless you are going to work or buy groceries. Lastly, I'm talking to my boyfriend.", she lied. 

Liang was still on the screen when he heard the word 'boyfriend'. He did not react but he was shock. He knew that Riya was not dating anyone at the moment. Sebastian looked at her with some jealously. "Who is your boyfriend?", he asked immediately. 

Riya pointed at her laptop screen. Liang looked shocked when she pointed at him. He was her boyfriend. Sebastian looked at the screen. Liang caught Sebastian's face on his screen. 

"You are dating the owner of The Lotus Flower Hotel?", he asked her and looked at her. 

"Yeah.", she answered. Liang immediately knew what she was up to. A proud smirk appeared on his face. He rested his back on the chair with his arms crossed. He was looking at the screen. 

Sebastian was starting to get slightly jealous. "It can't be. He is in Singapore."

"I also live in Singapore.", she pointed out. 

Liang started laughing at them. Sebastian looked at her. "Seriously?"


"Come on.", he was in denial.

"Now you can't ask me to sleep with you. Plus, you are still not allow to have some fun until this case is solved.", she made it clear to them. 

"Be my bodyguard.", he suggested.

"No! Stop that.", she said immediately. 

Liang was trying to hold his laugh but he could not. He kept his hand by his lips while laughing. Riya forgot that Liang was still on Skype. She looked at him. 

"Baby, tell him that you are boyfriend.", she really hoped that he would say yes. 

Liang raised a brow. "Yes, she is my girlfriend. We have been dating over eight months.", he played his role. 

Eight months ago was the time she and Liang first met. Well, Liang met her first while she was unconscious that night. They officially met when Riya woke up on the third day of being in hospital. Sebastian still did not want to believe her but he left it. If he was going to ask questions, he was going to get the same answer. 

Sebastian looked at Riya. "Okay, I will leave you alone.", he lied a bit.

Riya was surprised by that. "So, what brings you here?", she asked. 

"I just came to see if you are available tomorrow because you need to ask me questions about my case.", he spoke professionally.

"I told you before that I will busy sorting out our office tomorrow. I really don't know what our office is going to be like tomorrow. If it's messy, I don't want you to die of a shock."

Liang loved the way she was speaking in a professional manner. Sebastian had an evil smirk on his face which Liang spotted on the screen. "Fine. Just send me a message when you are available.", Sebastian said. 

"I will.", she answered. 

"I will leave you.", he was being serious.

Riya was so happy that he was did not mess with her any further. He was walking towards the door. He walked out of the room and shut it behind him. Riya went closer to the door to observe. She wanted to make sure that he was not standing by the door to hear her conversation. She could not heard anything so she went back to the sofa. 

"Sorry about that.", she sat on the sofa.

Liang was looking at her with a manly smile. "Not a problem babe, you know how much I'm missing you.", he literally did a kiss gesture.

Riya was looking at him with confusion. "You can stop that now.", she said. 

"He is still standing by the door.", he whispered and he was being serious.

Riya looked the door then back to Liang. "You are joking.", she did not want to believe him. Liang looked at her with an indifferent expression. He was so serious. Riya was starting to believe him a little bit. "Yeah honey, it's so quiet here. I wish you were with me right now.", she started playing her character. 

"Yep. Holding you in my arms, kissing every morning and night. Making dinner together and baking lovely desserts. And going out to explore Singapore. I missing all of that. We should decide which country we should visit."

Riya started laughing and took a bite of her pasta. "When I come back, we can spend most of our holidays together."

Liang laughed sweetly. "You stop now. He is gone.", he said. 

Finally, she could stop acting. That was so difficult. But she still wanted to talk about this whole dating thing. "Wang, do you really think that you and I will ever become more than housemates?", she asked with some hesitation. 

"Maybe. But I want you to finish achieving your dreams before thinking about being in a relationship.", he moved closer to the laptop. He placed his elbow on the table and rested his chin on his hands. 

"I know. But what happens if we do start a relationship? I don't mean now maybe like in a year or so.", she was hesitating again.

"Moods, you mustn't hesitate to ask. I'm glad that you are having this open conversation with me. If we do start with a relationship then everything will remain the same between us. We just be boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Yeah. There is one thing that keeps on bothering me a lot because of my last relationship before I left the make-up industry. Sometimes, I'm finding this case personal."

Liang knew what she was talking about. He remembered the conversation that night she and her friend were having on the call. It had to do with Riya's ex-boyfriend.

"Riya, if there is anything that is bothering you, you can tell me. It will make you feel better if you talk about it.", he was being loving. 

Riya took a deep breath and spoke. "I tell you when it's the right time. All I can tell you that my ex-boyfriend abused me.", she finally said it. 

Liang slightly flinched for the first time. His eyes was filled with shock despite not showing. "What to you mean, physically or mentally?", he asked.

"Both. He was the only who gave me most of the scars on my back."

Now Liang understood why she was always uncomfortable around with men. Being abused made her think that all men were abusive. But Liang could see she was improving because she was comfortable around with him. He looked at the ground first. He took a deep breath and let it out.

"What's his name?", he asked calmly but with some anger. He looked at her. 

"Naveen Perumal.", she answered. 

"He is in the elimination list."


Liang was silent for a moment. Someone would actually give his housemate an emotional scar for the rest of her life. The woman Liang started having feelings for. He remained calm and spoke.

"Moods, when you come back, we will have a proper conversation about this. After Christmas and New Year is over, we will discuss about this. Right now, concentrate on your case. Don't take this case personal. It will make you feel worse, okay."

Riya looked at him. "Okay."

Liang was happy to hear that. His alarm started ringing. "Moods, I need to go for a meeting now. I will talk to you later."

"Okay bye Wang."


Liang hung up the video chat. He closed his laptop and leaned on his chair. He was just looking out of space for a minute. Now everything was making sense to him. Riya became White Jaguar to take revenge for herself and her friends. All those gangsters on her lists were her ex-boyfriend's friends. But she was after the weak gangsters first before she could go to the most dangerous one. But Liang needed to figure out which gangster was more dangerous than Yanwu. Liang did not want to think about it right now. He needed to go for a meeting. 

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