Tensura - Revise

By Fffa12354

83.7K 1.9K 947

Rimuru Got Power And Apperance Of Veldanava That Merges Within Him At The Last Fight And He Got Bored And Res... More

Rimuru Status
Chapter 1 - Restart
Chapter 2 - Goblins
Chapter 3 - Dwargon
Chapter 4 - Shizue
Chapter - 5 Orges
Chapter - 6 Lizardmen And Orcs
Chapter - 7 Orc Lord
Chapter - 8 Jura Forest Alliance
Rimuru Status Card 2
Chapter - 9 Jura Tempest Federation
Chapter 10 - Insectar And Demon Lord Millim Arrival
Chapter - 11 Champion
Chapter - 12 Wedding
Zegion Status
Chapter - 14 Eurazania And Dwargon
Chapter - 15 Ingracia Kingdom
Chapter - 16 Children And Spirits
Chapter - 17 Encounter
Authors Note

Chapter - 13 Charybdis

2.7K 83 34
By Fffa12354

(Rimuru Pov)

I waked up after hell of a night. yesterday i never thought that ciel could be so aggressive. she was leading me in the night.

So anyway back to the story
Im currently stroling around the town with ciel after our wedding. many people still greeted us.

I greeted them also.Gazel is still here. His currently at the training grounds having a mock battle with hakuro.

He probably trained again after i defeated him at dwargon.

He also teach Youm sometimes. since i no longer need to train under hakuro. Gazel junior is now Youm.

Youm life is quite hellish right now than the original timeline.and theres also Fuze

Fuze Complimented The Town How easy life here and the only problem is the danger moving in and out the town.so i told him that i will build a road towards blumund in exchange for their support. and he accepted the offer

Althought i doubt that we will need their help.

So at that time my busy life became busy again.


After A Week I Am Currently At My office And then i felt Charybdis revival so any second now Tryra might appear at town reporting Charybdis revival.

So i got up and walked around town.
i saw milim with the trio. they are hunting monster everyday.

and i felt trya pressence. Milim jumped backwards and looked behind kabal back

"Who Are You?" Milim asked

Kabal group look confused

"Im Kabal"

"And im Gido" Gido And Kabal Replied

But this question wasn't for Kabal and Gido. It was for the person behind them.

"Its been quite a long time, my leader" it was Trya the little sister of Treyni

"Sure has been. but why are you like that?  your aura has killing intent in it" I said then she kneeled at me

this is also the reason why milim reacted becuase of the aura of killing intent

She then told me about Charybdis Revival.and told us to prepare an aerial war power

Her fatigue was clear on her face as she explain

Fuze reacted to Trya " A Dryad?!" but when the name Charybdis was brought up his gear changed again.

"Charybdis?! Oh man thats really bad if she have revived. unlike demon lords you can't talk to this one. his Dsaster level was Calamity-Class but his power was full scale Disaster-Class. the only reason she was labeled as Calamity-Class was the lack of thinking"

Well his not wrong Charybdis power was a Disaster level. but for me Charybdis is a small ant. but this might a good chances to see our war power

Looks like its time for Charybdis. I Then told Benimaru that we will held a meeting.

We then started the meeting.
After our discussions were nearly finished Fuze finally spoke.

"...You aren't going to run?" he finally asked , clearly worried for all of us.

"What would running accomplish? I'm the strongest dude in this nation and I am pretty sure that Benimaru would be able to Burn that flying fish to ashes."

Plus, since I am the strongest in the Alliance, nobody's running as long as I don't lose. Though no one else would be able to beat a threat that can defeat me I thought about saying that, but I found it a little too embarrassing.

"Sir Rimuru are you sure about that because Charybdis is a being on par with the demon lords."

"Yea I am a hundred percent certain that my subordinates alone would be able to take out that thing all alone. Either way If there's absolutely no chance of winning, then sure, I'll run away and think up another plan. If not, though, then it's important that I go right in front of our foe and gauge how strong he is with my own eyes, isn't it? but for that flying fish my subordinates are more than strong enough to take it head on."

"...Ah. That's what being a leader of monsters means, I suppose?"

"Yeah, well, this isn't the kind of nation that would crumble after losing its king anyway."

"Still, it strikes me, Sir Rimuru, that you think quite a bit like we humans do. You don't seem like a monster at all. Plus, it's just so strange, having a slime be the most powerful being in the realm"

I Just Brushed Off That Question And Moved On.


We are standing at the midway point between the capitals of Dwargon and Tempest.

It is about time for Charybdis to appear. I thought

《Danna-Sama Mjurran is watching over the battlefield 》

"Isn't she suppose to be the future wife of Youm? "


"I see. So can we use some illusions to show the events that played out last time without being detected i dont want to scared Clayman Shitless. And Change his plans"

《That is a very easy task Danna-sama》

"I knew that I could always rely on you Ciel"

《Fufu you can praise me more master 》

I Praised Her While Patting Her Head.

Anyways I brought along 25 people with me.

The group consisted of:

Benimaru, Shion, Soei, Soka and the other four Dragonewts who were under Soei, Hakuro, Ranga, Geld and three other orc generals, Gabiru and three of his strongest subordinates , Ciel, Gobuta and four other goblin riders. Akamaru Wasn't here becuase his responsebility now are the Citizen

Our strategy is to take care of the megalodons first, then Zegion would Destroy Charybdis. My Subordinate Din't Meet Zegion Only Treyni Know About Him So His Basicly A Suprise

While I am waiting for Charybdis to arrive I am trying to stop Milim from joining the fight.


Eventually, my Senses picked up a group of fourteen monsters approaching us.

Those were Giant sharks, over sixty feet in length, gracefully swimming across the sky. Bodies protected by solid, stiff dragon scales.

Why does a fish even have dragon scales? brushing aside that thought I again took a look at those massive sharks and the humongous one hundred and fifty feet long gigantic dragon.

The creature indeed worthy of being called a Calamity, exuding a weird, ominous sort of beauty

"All right. Let's follow the plan: Break them up and take each one out." I boldly declared.

Heeding my order, they all spread out to their positions along with their teams. which were:

Geld and Gabiru working together along with their underlings.

Hakuro and the Goblin riders.

Shion and Ranga.

The shadow squad, aka Soei and the gang.

Each shark was an A plus rank monster so fighting them should provide them with some pretty decent experience.

To sum up, those sharks were offensive and defensive powerhouses, but their speed in battle wasn't that much of a threat. Based on its speed the megalodon wasn't that astonishing of a monster. Of course, a single strike from one could still easily be lethal.

I had my command post set up on a slightly elevated hill, so I could see the action unfold below me.

Geld's and Gabiru's teams were the first ones to initiate the assault. Gelds men themselves ranked a solid A plus one and Gabiru's men were just under the rank of Special A. 

Even still if I had to bet on who would win out of these two groups I would vote for Geld's team, simply because there overall control over magic and really high defences paired with Gelds unique skill {Gourmet} makes them an immovable wall.

Using the trees as cover, the force began trying to entice the megalodons to come closer so Gabiru's men could strike.


And it was a success this time. Also Geld just ripped apart the jaw of one of the megalodons, and Gabiru finished it off.

Lethal combat was breaking out elsewhere as Geld commenced his attack. Gobta, following Hakuro's orders, was using his Case Cannon to strike at megalodons.

It had opened a gash in the megalodon's stomach, about half a yard in width. but all that did was add fuel to its anger.

"Hey, uh, I dunno if this is gonna work!"

"Hoh-hoh-hoh! Of course it won't. I lured it over here so I could have all of you defeat it."

"Gahh! You're just bullying me, old man!"

What transpired next was a game of tag in the forest. Ending with our one and only casualty. I'm sure he's not dead, though, so I'll just believe that he's still all right

Up in the sky, things were getting pretty explosive.

Soei was there grappling with a megalodon in mid-air.

"Monster Puppet String!!"

It was a secret move, letting the caster fully control monsters that lacked intelligence. Special bewitching string was used to tap into the neural network that carried messages from the brain, replacing them with fabricated orders instead.

He used these puppets sharks to kill other sharks. It was such a brilliant, dazzling display that you almost forgot those sharks were supposed to be A plus rank.

After a little bit, when the megalodon-on-megalodon fighting grew more intense, the four dragonewts under Soka began their attack. Soka stayed high above, giving out orders for the others to follow.

It worked. Despite the slight difference in rank, they were bringing the sharks down. And thus, Soka's team bagged four confirmed shark kills for themselves.

looking closely above one of the shark you could see a person riding some kind of creature descending down hundreds of feet's from above it and cutting it into two, while Ranga used black lightening was able to completely incinerate one of the megalodon.

"Ehh Rimuru Let Me Deal With The Huge Fish!" Milim Moaned

"I Said No. I Already Told Someone To Deal With Him" I Said

"Who?!" She Asked Then.




Someone Approached Behind Us. With Heavy Footstep.

When I then look At him. It Was Zegion. I told Zegion to test his strenght to Charybdis. He was being guided by Ciel how to use his new power. Ciel Could have teached him how to do martial arts. but i will let Veldora do it.

Milim then look at him

"Ehhh?! An Insectar Specialy Humanoid?" She yelled

"Yes He Is Zegion" i replied

I Then Turned Around To Zegion

"Zegion If You Please."

"Hai. Rimuru-Sama"

"And also dont kill the person inside Charybdis"


Then after he replied i then told my subordinate to retreat.they already defeated all megalodons. and they return behind me.

Benimaru was first one to spoke.

"Who will deal with Charybdis Rimuru-Sama?" He asked

Then I Pointed At The Sky.
"Him" i said

They then look up the sky and saw a dark figure covered it Armour

"Who's That Rimuru-Sama" Benimaru Asked

"Thats Zegion. His Currently Strongest Subordinate Among You Guys" I Spoke the truth Zegion is currently the strongest subordinate among them. becuase he have an ultimate skill

"Strongest? I never heard from you Rimuru-sama"

"Its becuase his my trump card and i also want to see his current strenght after being teached by Ciel" i said

"Ohoho. so the person who teached that guy was Lady Ciel. no wonder Rimuru-sama said that he was the strongest" Hakuro Spoke

I nodded and look at Zegion

Zegion is currently Approaching Charybdis

"Your The Perfect. Testing Dummy For My Current Strengh" Zegion Then Smiled And Punched Charybdis

This Punch Shattered All Charybdis Body Except The Core Where Phobio Was At.

I Was Shocked That he clearly one punched Charybdis but look at him arm it was coated with <Turn Null>
I then asked Ciel

"Ciel Did You Teach Zegion How To Borrow <Turn Null> From Me?!"

《Yes. Zegion can currently handle <Turn Null> Energy so i teached him how to use this energy》

I Know it. This Guy Will Do Anything. If it means to get stronget.

After Zegion Punched Charybdis. This also proved to the world that Zegion control over magicules completely overpowered this monster's.

A monster rivalling the Demon lords in terms of power.

Zegion Then Went Infront Of Me and kneeled

"WOW SO COOOOll!!!!" Milim and the other were cheering loudly after that attack.

"That was Awesome!!!!" 

"SO COOL!!!"

I could hear the people saying these things behind us.

"Man that was a really nice attack you got their." I honestly commented.

"Well done Zegion-dono" Benimaru commented

"Nicely done Zegion" Ciel also added practically beaming with happiness.

"well i still have stuff to do. Saving that Phobio and all." as I said that I teleported everyone to the location where Phobio was falling.

I flew over to the magic-born, grabbing him before he smashed against the ground. He was alive, if barely, which meant I got what I wanted.

"What are you doing with him?" Milim questioned.

"Just watch. We can't let Phobio go free, right? I figured we better take care of him right now. Fully."

with that I began my work of fully separating Phobio from Charybdis. 

《Report. The magical core of the individual Charybdis has successfully been separated from the individual Phobio. Consuming the magical core of the individual Charybdis Successful. Analysing core Successful.》

Now all I had left to do was give some healing potion to the nearly dead Phobio.

Now to wait for him to awaken


"Ngh... Where—where am I? What happened to me...?"

"Hey there. You up? Do you remember what you did?"

I spoke slowly to the bleary-eyed Phobio, who was gradually regaining consciousness at the sound of my words. Then he jumped up and, incredibly suddenly, prostrated himself before Me.

"I—I am sorry! I mean, I deeply apologize to you! I've done something horrible to you. I've put so much trouble upon all of you a second time!"

Before I could say anything Treyni asked another question.

"How...did you know where Charybdis was sealed away? Because I highly doubt you merely stumbled upon it."


To his credit, he didn't hide any of it and fully explained what happened to him—the request he made to the two masked agents of the Moderate Jesters.

"A pair of strange-looking masked clowns? But that location is secret— only we knew where it was, and it was the hero herself who told us. A formidable foe, indeed, if they were able to track it down... And masked, you say?"

"Was one of the masks asymmetrical, perhaps? Drawn to look like they were making fun of you?"

"N-no. There was a girl whose mask made it look like she was crying, and then a fat man with an angry mask. They called themselves Tear and Footman."

Gabiru Then Spoked Up That The Face Treyni Drawn. Was The Person Name Laplace.

Then After Discussing About The Clown Gotta Deal. Thia Guys Behind The Tree.

"Yoo demon lord Carillon, How long do you intend to just stay there?"

This Event led again to the formation of a non aggression pact between the Jura Tempest Federation and the Beast kingdom Euranazia


Author Notes

Ahhh! 3 Chapters In 1 Days? Well
This Quite Troublesome. Got too much free time so i began working. Well hopefully you enjoy this chapter. I work so hard in this i need to look at ln multiple times to get references.

Well again hopefully you vote after finished reading this chapter. And like always. See ya in the next Chapter

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