His little light

By vlm3002

256K 6.4K 749

This is the story is how a sweet small broken innocent three year old girl steals the heart of a mean ruthles... More

before you read!


19.5K 553 99
By vlm3002

Tw: Blood and violence

A/n: you get to see the mafia part of Lorenzo, this chapter is also longer because of the wait!


November 14th

Luca and Marco looked at each other before back at Lorenzo and Lillian, who sat before them. Lillian was looking at Lorenzo's hand, playing with the black and silver ring set on his thumb and pointer finger, not paying any attention to anything around her, at least that was what it looked like.

She was listening. However, she was not going to show it.

"Parla."(speak) Lorenzo said almost in an aggravated tone. The difference in language caused Lillian to look up at Lorenzo, a small frown overtaking her features because she couldn't understand him.

Truth was, he knew something was up, for he strictly remembered telling Luca and Marco not to come by unless it is important.

"Abbiamo parlato con gli avvocati dell'adozione." (We talked to the lawyers about the adoption.) Luca said after hearing the agitated tone Lorenzo had.

Lorenzo sat straighter slightly in his seat, hearing anything that was in any form connected to Lillian. However, if it was important about Lillian, he knew he would potentially have to get violent, or they wouldn't have been here anyway.

Along with sitting up upon hearing about the lawyers, he also tightened his grip ever so slightly around Lillian wanting to keep her near him.

"Che hanno detto?" (What did they say?") Lorenzo replied.

"Non ci andranno." (They won't go for it.) Marco replied knowing that it would piss off Lorenzo even more.

Lorenzo almost growled out in frustration, but knowing that Lillian was there, he shouldn't because she just started slightly trusting him even if it was ever so slightly.

"E perché no!" (And why not!) he asked, his voice getting deeper as he grew angrier.

"Non-pensano che nessun bambino dovrebbe essere nelle tue cure, e non credo che vorresti mai adoptable uno." (They don't think any child should be in your care, and they don't believe you would want to adopt one) Luca replied, looking down, knowing it would only upset Lorenzo further.

Lorenzo hugged Lillian to his chest tight but not too tight, just enough for her to be flush against his stomach.

Lorenzo looked down at Lillian and watched her play with the rings on his fingers, gritting his teeth as he looked up, "Prepara un'auto," (prepare a car).

"Lorenzo, you know they'll...."

"Prepare un'auto," Lorenzo repeated, standing up with Lillian moving her to his side, and walked out of the office and up the stairs into his bedroom.

Setting Lillian down on the bed, gaining a frown, Lorenzo walked into the closet and almost shut the door. Leaving it slightly open so he could hear if Lillian needed him or moved.

Lillian just sat there waiting patiently for Lorenzo to come back.

He was beyond angry, and he for sure did not want Lillian to see him like this. He angrily stripped and changed into a pair of black pants and a black button-up, before putting on his shoes.

Walking the far left corner of his closet, he peeled back a few plain shirts hanging there to reveal a silver wall safe.

Making sure to punch in that month's passcode, changing it each month so that no one can break into it, he opened it to reveal six handguns, all 9mm.

Grabbing the black one, the rest being silver, he quickly placed it into the holster that was attached to the belt that he had put on with his pants, before walking out of the room.

He was a little less angry, but it was still evident that he was angry in the first place. Looking towards the door, Lorenzo noticed another shopping bag that was placed in the one that he had gotten clothes out of the night before. Walking over to it. He picked it up and looked inside revealing more clothes.

Walking back to Lillian he sat it down before looking at the silent angel in front of him, some of his anger vanishing within the second.

"You wanna go somewhere, princess?" He asked in a calm tone. Lillian looked uncertain, but having picked up from the anger Lorenzo had earlier, she did not want to make him any angrier, therefore she nodded.

"Okay little one, let's get you changed." He replied, Helping her stand up before getting her dressed into a pair of leggings, black of course, but he remained careful of the cut on her leg, even though it was bandaged. He also changed her shirt, putting on a blue shirt that had a pretty butterfly on it.

I'm the bag he also found a pair of black shoes, perfectly her size, as well as a pair of socks.

Putting them on her, Lorenzo bent down to pick her up and situated her on the side his handgun was not on, he didn't want her to know his type of life until he needed to.

As he began to walk downstairs, he realized the maids were back to their job, cleaning, just before he walked towards the door, Lorenzo, or Lori for short, Lorenzo's cook, came out.

Lorenzo had always known Lori, she was the cook since before he was born, working for his parents since she was sixteen. She was a small lady, her once brown hair was snow white and she was only four foot and eleven inches.

"Sir, what would you like for dinner tonight?" She asked.

The hearing of an unknown voice made Lillian tuck into Lorenzo to hide, the movement making Lori now notice the little girl in her boss's arms. The woman moved ever so slightly closer, getting a glimpse at the tiny girl, noticing the small bruises and cuts that still lingered on her leg.

She had heard from Oliver, who happened to be her husband, that there was a small child in the house, however, she did not once believe it.

A gasp left her mouth as she took in the tiny girl, making Lorenzo tighten his hold a little bit before bending his head down and whispering to the tiny girl.

"What would you want for dinner, little one?" He questioned, hoping she would answer, but deep down, he knew she wouldn't.

Lillian only shook her head slightly to say no, causing Lorenzo to look up at Lori. "Whatever you like to make." He said, his deep tone coming back, Lori nodded and left the room, taking one last glance at Lillian.

Shifting her ever so slightly to put her weight in the other arm so that he can open the door, Lorenzo kissed Lillian's head.

"Okay baby girl, let's go." He said as he opened the front door and headed down the steps making his way to the black car that was parked waiting for them, Marco and Luca were already seated.

With the door open, Lorenzo saw the car seat that would fit Lillian already placed in the middle seat so that she would be next to him. He had already made sure each of his cars had a safety seat for her for any time there was an emergency, or if they simply needed to go out for the day, they wouldn't have to go through the hassle of moving car seats each time.

Lorenzo slowly got in, using his hand to shield her head from hitting the top of the car, as he got in, he slowly shut the door, before moving Lillian into her seat.

Lillian had no idea where they were going she was entirely confused. Who was that woman in the kitchen, why was Lorenzo talking in another language, and where are they going? TruthThe truth is she was entirely confused as to why Lorenzo was being so nice, allowing her to eat without yelling, or how she hadn't been hit or anything, she just didn't understand anything.

She wanted to fight to have to let go of Lorenzo when he attempted to put her into the seat but chose not to, not wanting to get hurt, just because Lorenzo is nice now, doesn't mean he won't change, if only she knew that Lorenzo wouldn't harm a single hair on her head.

After Lillian was buckled up and safe, Lorenzo sat back into his seat, giving a signal to drive with his hand, and before they knew it they were driving on the long driveway that led to the main road.

Lillian hazily looked at Lorenzo before yawning and rubbing her eyes, still exhausted from the morning, and seeming that eating a larger breakfast than she was used to made her even more tired.

Seeing Lillian yawn out of the corner of his eye, Lorenzo looked down and smiled at the tired child. "Sleep baby, we have a long way." He whispered leaning over and giving her a small kiss on her forehead.

"Guida con attenzione, non voglio che si svegli quando arriviamo, non ha bisogno di vedere questo." (Drive carefully, I don't want her to wake when we get there, she doesn't need to see this.)he stated, getting a firm nod from Marco and Luca.

The next thirty, the car was silent, Lorenzo looking at his phone, which he was going over the next shipment of guns towards one of his partners, to his sleeping girl beside him. Sighing once everything was put into order, and the shipment schedules to take place tonight, he put his phone back into his pocket and looked back at Lillian.

Only then did he realize the life he will put Lillian through. Of course, it was dangerous, she could get harmed, kidnapped, or worse killed, but for some reason, he knew it was right to take her in. He questioned himself if it was worth putting her in danger to keep her as his own.

His car stopped in front of a small four-story building based in the heart of Sardinia, the main city where Lorenzo lived, but he lived on the rich outskirts of the city. However, he owned seventy-five percent of the city, running businesses such as stores, restaurants, and motels, plus more, and he liked having control of everything.

Opening the car door he stepped out of the car, taking one more glance at Lillian before silently and slowly closing the door.

Luca and Marco were already out of the car looking at Lorenzo. "Marco stay here, if she wakes up make sure to get me as soon as she does." He said looking directly at Marco before looking at Luca, "You, with me." he said turning and walking towards the front doors of the building.

Opening the door, the once soft Lorenzo went away, his cold stoic ora darkened the lobby the minute he walked in. The lobbyist, as well as the two other people in the room, recognized him immediately, pure fear written on his face.

Lorenzo wanted to smirk, he loved the smell of fear.

Walking up to the lobby he looked at the woman in front of him whose eyes went from fear to lust the minute Lorenzo stepped up, it made him sick. Out of all the women he knew, he for sure hated whores.

"Garcia, is he in a meeting?" he questioned, a cold dark tone filling the room.

"No Mr. Romano, but if you need an app....." she stopped talking when Lorenzo walked after hearing that the man, now known as Garcia wasn't busy.

He and Luca went into the elevator, the woman coming close to the two, but the elevator doors shut before she could even utter a word.

Luca smirked, himself not being able to contain too strong compare since they were now behind closed doors. Lorenzo looked at the man he called a friend and gave him a gare, shutting up the man in an instant. He could laugh later, it was time to do business.

The elevator's door opened to reveal one large office. A large desk was set on the side, made entirely of oak, paired with two large chairs on the other side.  A wide bar was on the front side of the room facing the elevator, It covered an entire wall. Lorenzo hated Chance Garcia, he loved to show his wealth, and Lorenzo hated the men whom he worked with that were greedy.

The said man, was on the phone, upon seeing the elevator door opening he looked at the elevator to immediately stop talking at the sight of who was standing in front of him. "I-i'll have to call you b-back." he stuttered, hanging up the phone.

"L-Lorenzo what can I-I help you with, if you needed you could have made an appointment," he said greeting Lorenzo.

Lorenzo looked the man in the eyes, "I won't be long." he said watching as the man in front of him grow more scared.

"Sir?" he questioned.

"It seems, that you refused to help me with adopting a little girl, may I ask why, or should I get immediately with making you change your mind?" Lorenzo threatened with a question, undoing the top of his sleeves, beginning to fold them up his arms,  revealing his tattooed bulky arms.

"Well sir, I-I don't think it's safe for the L-little g-girl to be in y-your c-care." Garcia attempted to fight, only angering Lorenzo more.

"I don't care what you think," Lorenzo said beginning to slowly walk around his desk.

"I am the one who helped you start your career as a lawyer did I not?" he questioned still walking, making it to the top right corner of the desk.

"W-well yes," Garcia answered, growing more and more scared as Lorenzo got closer.

"And wasn't I the one who took care of your little problem with the law, regarding your so-called..." Lorenzo paused to bring out the tension. "Gambling problems." he finished.

"W-well I...."

"So it sounds like you repay me a whole lot of favors, hmm." He said, reaching the back right corner, turning to face the man who has swiveled to face Lorenzo as he walked around the desk.

"W-well Y-yess." Lorenzo allowed him to finish.

"So it seems your opinion does not matter, huh?" Lorenzo had now made it in front of Garcia, causing Garcia to stand up, pushing the chair against the wall, making it clear for him to have a chance to run if he needed. However, he forgot that Lorenzo didn't come alone.

"You have never questioned me, so why do it now?" Lorenzo asked.

"W-well..." Lorenzo began walking towards Garcia in an intimidating way, making the said man walk backward.

"So what will it take? A finger? Maybe I might take you to the basement, you of all people know what happens down there." That made Garcia scared, and just like most men when they're scared, they end up doing stupid things.

For Garcia, he tried to run, however, he was immediately stopped by Luca, who had also walked around the corner, knowing that a stupid man like Garcia would try to run.

"Uh-huh," Luca said turning Garcia around.


"It's Mr. Romano to you," Lorenzo said, grabbing the collar of his shirt, and forcing him to spin and sit down into the chair that was pushed against the wall.

"Now..." Right when Lorenzo started to speak, he felt a vibration and his phone started to ring.

He normally would answer his phone doing business but he felt like he should just in case. So he pulled out the phone seeing it was Marco.

"Hold him," Lorenzo said to Luca, changing spots, and making sure to answer the phone as soon as he was free of holding back the scared man.

"What?" he answered.

"She's awake, and crying hysterically but not making a sound, im standing outside of the car, and the minute I start to open the door she panics," Marco said.

"Alright, I'll be right down," he told hanging up and looking at the man.

Switching places with Luca, he landed a straight punch to the man's nose, making it start bleeding immediately.

"Your glad, that the little girl who you refuse to allow me to adopt just woke up, you should thank her, she just saved your fucking life," he told the man, shoving him hard against the wall. The man's face turned into realization, well at least from what you could have seen since his face was covered in a mix of blood and tears.

"I want the adoption papers ready to be signed by tonight, after that all the business I have given you, clients, and even this building that I pay for is gone, you will have nothing, and if you don't get those papers ready, you will be nothing but a dead body at the bottom of the ocean, you know how I play, so don't fucking screw this up," Lorenzo warned, turning around, Luca following.

As the two stepped into the elevator Lorenzo turned looking at the man who was still sitting in the chair, "Are we clear?"

"Y-yes, Mr. R-romano."

"Good," Lorenzo said as soon as the door was about to close.

The two men waited patiently, Lorenzo began to unroll his sleeves back down, making sure to wipe the blood off of his hand before stepping out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened.

As soon as the doors did open, Lorenzo stepped out, a quick step in his pace needing to get to Lillian as soon as possible. Lorenzo flung open the door to the building, walking hastily going down the two steps that were planted by the door, and down the concrete path that led directly t the car, a panicked Marco staring at the window turned round.

"She just started crying she won't calm down, I-I don't know...." Marco tried to tell before Lorenzo made it to the car.

"It's okay Marco, she just isn't accustomed to you guys yet," he replied as he approached the back doors, opening it to reveal a crying Lillian, her cheeks wet with tears, her eyes red from crying.

"Hey, hey Lillian, it's okay, hang on a minute," he replied when Lillian immediately threw her tiny arms up into the sky the minute she saw Lorenzo, wanting to be held.

Lorenzo climbed into the car, unbuckling Lillian as fast as he could, and pulled her into his lap, hugging her tight to himself.

"Shh, shh, I've got you I've got you!/" he whispered as Luca and Marco climbed into the car.

Lillian's silent cries calmed down, her body relaxing against Lorenzo needing comfort.

When she woke up in the car, she didn't see Lorenzo there. At first, she started to just cry, but the minute Marco realized she had awoken, she started to panic when he tried to unbuckle her.

However, as long as she was with Lorenzo she would be okay.

"It's okay sweet girl, how about we get a treat for you being so good hmm?" he questioned after making her look up by gently pushing her backways and using his thumb to push her head upwards.

Lillian looked confused but nodded as soon as she saw the gentle smile Lorenzo wore.

"Okay, okay, home Luca," he told, moving Lillian back to lay on his chest while sitting on his lap.

Home, Lilian thought, what was home?



okay guys here is the update!!

I'm sorry it took forever, I had trouble trying to write and edit, plus proof read with everything that's been going on!!

But i need ideas for filler chapters, so if there is something you guys would want to see, please comment and ill add it!!!

please comment your thoughts or opinion's, and don't forget to vote!!!

thankyou for reading!!!


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