Jujutsu Kaisen

By Katsumi_Senju

70.4K 1.8K 162

Asumi Itadori is the wife of Gojo and older sister of Yuji. She is also the other strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer... More

Ryoumen Sukuna
For Myself
Girl of Steel
Curse Womb 2
After Rain
Small Fry and Reverse Retribution
Idle Transfiguration
Kyoto Sister Exchange Event Battle Group 0
Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event Group Battle 1/3
Jujutsu Koishen
The Origin of Blind Obedience
The Origin of Blind Obedience 2
Hidden Inventory
Hidden Inventory 2
Hidden Inventory 3
Hidden Inventory 4
Premature Death


339 6 0
By Katsumi_Senju

Third POV.

"Kugasaki! Don't let that blood touch you!" Yuji yelled as they both watched him.

"You think I don't know that!" Nobara yelled back and moved her head quickly to the left as a bloodshot to her. As he was now in the air he looked down at them.

"Run away, with your backs to me." He said sending a blood attack with a bunch of tendrils going after them. They both immediately started running and dodging at the same time. Asumi started running with them to watch over them.

"Kugisaki, can you run any faster?" Yuji asked looking over his shoulder. Nobara was slightly behind him and answered.

"No way!" She dodged the next tendril coming her way but she ended up tripping. They were heading her way until Yuji picked her up and ran.

"I've got your back." She stated hanging over Yuji's shoulder.

"Thanks." He said before thrusting his foot to the ground to boost himself.

"Huh?" She was shocked at how fast he was going while dodging the blood tendrils. Asumi saw how he flew leaving her in his dust.

"He's faster than before..." She said smiling before catching up to him with her speed. Back to Nobara, she was still shocked at how fast they were going.

"Huh?!" The curse watched as they ran off.

"What speed... While carrying someone, too." He sent more after them but Yuji was faster.

'Tsk... They'll get away. Well, no matter.'

Yuji ran till they reached the freeway but crash-landed on its railing. They both stood up regaining themselves. At the same time, Asumi jumped over the freeway without them noticing and landed on the trees.

"Okay, we're out of range now," Yuji smirked at the thought.

"Well done. You have my compliments." Nobara said walking towards the woods.

"Yeah, yeah."

"I'm kidding. Thank you." She thanked him. The other curse pulled up behind Yuji and threw up blood at them. Yuji realized what he had done and pushed Nobara away from the blood. It got all over him and started burning him.

'It took the shortest route and got ahead of us?' He thought now facing it. Nobara turned around to help.

"Itado-" The curse tendrils from before slashed her arm. She clenched her fist.


"You don't need to worry. My younger brother's blood doesn't have the same quality as mine. And even mine won't kill you unless your entire body's bathed in it. However, it will hurt like hell. This is where our technique starts." The older curse explained.

'Rot Technique: Decay.' He thought to himself lifting his pinky and activating his technique. All of a sudden roses appeared all over Yujis and Nobara's faces.


"My blood, and my brother's blood, is absorbed through wounds and membranes, and once any of us brothers activates the technique, it begins to rot you away from the point of incursion. I'd give that young man about fifteen minutes. Ten minutes max for you, young lady. By morning, nothing but bones will remain." The older brother explained. Asumi was now curious about how they would handle this situation.

"Now all they have to do is make them release it..." Asumi watched as they all stood their ground. As she continued watching the fight her phone buzzed. She took it out and saw Nitta calling her.

"Sorry Nitta," Asumi said smiling declining her call.

With Nitta-

"Come on, pick up the phone!" Nitta yelled in her car trying to contact Asumi. She was only met with the voicemail beep.

"Why aren't you picking up Asumi?!"

Back to the fight-

'If it's a technique, we just need to make them release it!' Yuji thought to himself.

"So it is poisonous." He confirmed.

"The result is essentially a poison, but our technique is purely "decomposition." The older curse said.

'I've finished revealing our technique, Now they'll die even faster.' The older curse stared down at them.

"So, what will you do now?"


'At the beginning of the Meiji Era, a girl with a unique trait allowed her to bear a cursed spirit's child. She conceived a child with no recollection of how, and the criticism she endured from her parents and relatives was extreme.

She fled with the corpse of her baby in her arms, ending up at a temple run by a certain jujutsu sorcerer. However, that was where her luck ran out. Kamo Noritoshi. Among all of jujutsu sorcery's cultural legacy, he's remembered as the most vile of sorcerers and a disgrace to the three major clans.

His intellectual curiosity was captivated by the possibility of a child born of a human and a cursed spirit. Nine times, he impregnated her. Nine times, he aborted her. All records of how he did it and what happened to her afterward were destroyed.

The Cursed Wombs: Death Paintings One through Three became cursed objects powerful enough to be classified as special-grade. Perhaps the origin of that power was the mother's resentment, or...'

Back to the fight-

'I have no memories of a mother. Humans and sorcerers... It's not that I hold any specific grudge against them. For 150 years, we remained sealed away with nothing but each others' existence to rely on.' The older curse thought to himself. Just then Eso had a flashback of what his older brother had said.

'We'll side with the cursed spirits.' A mysterious curse said.

'Are you sure? They seemed shady, Elder brother.'

'The future those cursed spirits painted is more convenient for us. That's all there is to it. Forget about owning them for our manifestation. Now listen, brothers. Eso, you live for Kechizu. Kechizu, you live for me. And I'll live for you, Eso. We three are one.'

'I live for my brothers. If it is what my brothers desire, I will give my life to grant it for them.'    

 "If the suffering is too great, would you like me to end you right away?" He said smugly until he looked at them.

"A technique that guarantees victory once it hits... You two are strong. Too bad for you, though. That makes me the worst match for you!" Nobara pulled out a nail and ran it through her arm.

'Straw Doll Technique: Resonance!'

Both curses staggered as it affected both of them.

"Let's play a game of chicken! You don't like pain, do you? Then start crying and release your technique." Both brothers started nervously sweating.

"You really are crazy Nobara..." Asumi said letting out a sort of sadistic grin.

'A technique to turn the curse on the user? A game of chicken... So unless I release our technique, this will continue?' Eso thought to himself trying to figure out what to do.

'Straw Doll Technique: Resonance. It's a technique that deals damage to the target's main body by driving cursed energy through an effigy and a lost portion of the target. The technique's range is broad, and the effect varies with the difference in strength between us and the value of the lost portion. As far as the Straw Doll Technique is concerned, blood isn't very valuable. But Resonance uses the link to its target. And their blood that's inside me now is strongly linking us and their rot technique together! It's a nice surprise that it also worked for the younger brother. If I'm going to die here anyway, then I'll keep hammering Resonance into them!'

'That's quite intense, but no matter how many times she does it, it won't end our lives. As long as we hold out, you'll be the ones to die! Not to mention while Decay is active, the pain and poison will keep you from moving-' He stopped thinking to himself when he saw Yuji with a divergent fist going to his brother.

'How are you able to move that well?' He grunted as both he and his brother got hit by Nobaras' nail again.

'Resonance!' Yuji took advantage and punched the younger brother.

'Yuji is the vessel for Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses and Deadly Poisons. So he has resistance to all forms of poison. The result is essentially a poison, but our technique is purely "decomposition." He's probably feeling pain from the decomposition, but the resulting poison doesn't affect him. And if it's just pain... Itadori Yuji... won't stop!' Nobara thought to herself watching Yuji send out a fury of punches to the brother.

"Kechizu!" Eso yelled. Just then Nobara stuck another nail in her arm.

"Shut up already! Resonance!"

"That's nothing!" Suddenly Yuji and Nobara switched sides.

'He switched! With the woman close to death, putting her against my brother, who's closer to death! Does she think she can stop my movement forever!'

As Yuji and Nobara ran towards their new opponent Asumi knew exactly how it would end... With them winning of course.

"Just like the others...." Asumi muttered to herself as she saw the youngest brother get impaled. As the fight continued and she was lost in thought about the curse Nanami and Yuji told her about, Mahito, she didn't notice the incoming pickup truck.

"Shit..." Asumi cursed now running towards the truck that the curse jumped on harming the passenger in progress. Just as she was about to jump down and help them Yuji handled it using a black flash. As she watched the last interactions any of them would have with the brothers she jumped down.

"Good job you two!" She yelled startling the both of them.

"Asumi?!/Sensei?!" Yuji and Nobara yelled. Asumi gave both of them a hug and pats on the head. They both stared at her in shock, before realizing that she had been watching the whole time, giving no help.

"Were you here the whole time!" Nobara screamed at her grabbing her by the front of her shirt. Asumi didn't say anything but looked to the side sheepishly smiling. That ticked her off and Yuji gawked at the fact. Yuji dragged Nobara off of his sister, Asumi fixed her shirt and looked at them with pride.

"I'm proud of you guys, you three managed to exorcise the special grades." She looked at them as they both held grins. She smiled back and pointed in the direction where Megumi was with her thumb.

"You guys should head back to Megumi, I'll meet with you in a bit." Asumi smiled and waved at them bye until they were no longer in sight. She stopped and turned to the older brother who was now deceased.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to your brother..." She picked him up bridal style now walking towards the younger brother.

Once she reached the younger brother she put them side by side, staring at them. She felt sorry for them when she realized that the older brother just wanted to protect his younger brother. She knows what it's like to want to protect your sibling.

"I'm sorry..."

With the trio-

"Hey! You three!" Nitta called from the bridge getting the attention of. They all looked up to her.

"What have you three been doing?! And where's Asumi?!" She was now furious at them for not calling her.

"Oh, Nitta-san," Yuji said acknowledging her. Just then Asumi came into view waving her hand at Nitta.

"Nitta calm down! Everything's fine!" She said now standing in front of her students.

"You!!! Why didn't you answer your phone?!! Do you know how many times I tried calling you?!" Nitta yelled leaning over the bridge. Asumi waved her off.

"I'll make it up to you, let's go get drinks tomorrow night, just me and you!" Nitta continued yelling at her telling her to do better at her job. Asumi just laughed when she turned to Yuji.

"So what happened to the finger I left with Megumi?" She said smiling at him knowing the answer already since she felt it. The three of them looked at her. Megumi and Nobara both pointed at Yuji.

"I didn't eat it! Sukuna did, with my hand!" Yuji explained pointing at his hand. Asumi rested her hand on her chin in thought for a second.

"Well, it should be fine then... Now who's hungry!" She clasped her hands together saying walking up the hill to Nitta. Nobara was the first to speak up.

"I wonder if there's a Splendid Sushi around here."

"Splendid Sushi's bullet train was awesome, wasn't it?" Yuji said as the three of them followed his sister up the hill.

"Shut up."

Time skip-

"Man, it wasn't just a cursed spirit with a finger when we analyzed the corpses, what a surprise! It was the manifestation of other goods. They each took out one special grade! This year's first years are the cream of the crop! It must be Asumis and my skill as an instructor." Gojo said mixing in sugar to his coffee talking to Utahime on the phone.

'I don't want any long chants with you on my day off. You're calling about arrangements for the drinking party, right?' She asked in the streets in casual clothes.

"Well, find any candidates?"

'None. Everyone's busy, even myself. What now? Should I try asking the students, too?'

"I'm a lightweight, so I don't mind if the party's alcohol-free. I'm counting on you to keep reaching out to people." Gojo hung up his phone twirling it in his hand thinking.

'We never know who might be listening around Utahime, after all. I don't want to think about one of the students being the traitor.' He thought to himself sending money to Mei.

"This is such a pain. Well, I'll leave the rest to you, Mei-san." Right when he said that Asumi walked in with a troubled look on her face, he noticed and scooted over for her to sit.

"What's wrong?" He asked worried full attention now on her.

"Just thinking about Yuji and the future..." Asumi sighed, resting her head on his shoulder, he put his head on hers now.

"Remember what we said, we're not going to let the higher-ups execute him," Gojo reassured grabbing onto her hand and intertwining them together.

"I know..." He noticed that it looked like she was going to say more but she refrained. Deciding to keep to herself she changed the subject.

"So, found anyone for the party. I hope it's just us adults, we haven't gone out for drinks in a while." She hinted hoping that it's not a student that's the traitor. Gojo got what she was asking and answered.

"I'm not sure, I told Utahime to continue asking around. But I wouldn't doubt that it could be alcohol-free."

"Hm." She hummed out lost in thought of the news until she received a notification. Asumi pulled out her phone and smiled.

"Ne, Satoru, wanna go see a movie?"

"Which one?"

"Earthworm 4."


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