Not Her

By Adwitiya_Bagchi

231K 12.5K 1.9K

"I don't want to become a mother." This line is a taboo for women in some parts of the world, and so was for... More

1. Meeting ...
2. Hooked ...
3. Choices ...
4. Bells and Lipstick ...
5. Honeymoon Phase ...
6. Sharing ...
7. Plannings ...
8. In-laws ...
9. Lost ...
10. Missing ...
11. Disinterest ...
12. Unsure ...
13. Conflicted ...
14. Discoveries ...
15. Shunned ...
16. Failed Attempts ...
17. Opportunities ...
18. Revelations ...
19. Fighting a Loosing Battle ...
20. Irony ...
End ... ?
21. Loosing ...
22. Unaccepted ...
23. Settling in ...
24. New faces ...
25. Extra ...
26. Absence ...
27. Dumbfound ...
28. Joshi ...
29. Encounter ...
30. Bashed ...
31. Big decisions ...
32. The past ...
33. Overwhelmed ...
34. Family ...
35. Desires ...
36. Destiny ...
37. Falak ...
38. Best-friends ...
39. Convincing ...
40. Judgment Day
41. Realisations ...
43. Goodbye ... ?
44. Thriving ...
Character Aesthetics
To draw the conclusion ...

42. Promotions ...

3.9K 261 35
By Adwitiya_Bagchi

A grumble of frustration was resting at the base of Abhay's throat as he inspected the 5 page long document for the 8th time. Every minute details about the petty robbery case were inked on the page. There was hardly anything worth taking in that house for the robber, but that didn't mean he could go easy on him or not take the case seriously. And some days, he just wished we could vanish for a few days and relieve himself of his responsibilities as the OC of the town.

It was one of the most tiring, frustrating, time consuming and stressful jobs. Abhay knew when he had taken up the position, but every human has his limits. Exhaustion was at its peak and the only thing Abhay wanted was for the day to end.

"I don't understand, what's wrong with it?" he snarled, slapping the sheets of paper on his desk. Kaden, who was twitching in his position, thinned his lips, his throat drying at the furious look on Abhay's face was apoplectic. The IC of the main town just needed a reason to rile Abhay up. The report was inexplicably perfect but he still wasn't satisfied.

"Bade sahib ne bola ki kuch thik nehi lag raha," Manish, a lanky lad, the IC's messenger, who was standing near the exit of the room said indifferently, which riled up Abhay more.

(The elder officer said something is wrong with the report.)

"Why don't you tell your Bare sahib then to tell me exactly what's wrong?" Abhay's rage was hanging on a very thin line. Any second now, and he would detonate.

"He is busy."

"And you think I am lazing around here!?" Abhay's chair made a screeching noise as it dragged across the floor, as he stood up with a flash, his palm slamming on the table. Kaden's heart leaped up to his throat and Manish scurried out of the police station as Abhay bellowed behind him.

"Useless bastards. That man just need a fucking reason to annoy me and waste my time," Abhay's head was pounding with a headache, as he slumped down on his chair and lit up a cigarette.

His eyes went to his mobile which was resting on his table, and inadvertently his hands beckoned towards it. Tapping the screen, the screen lit up and unobtrusively his anger subsided a little at the sight.

It was a picture of Khusi and Yuti, which he had sneakily clicked one day when they had gone out. A lazy smile spread upon his face and just like that his headache lessened a bit. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, reliving the day.

Merely a minute passed when the vibration of his phone caught his attention. He threw away the half burnt cigarette in the ashtray and sat up straight.

"Sir." He received the call.

"Officer Mathur, how are you?" Kabir Verma, the SP of the district, was an austere man. He resented tardiness and idle officers, and was uncompromising when it came to his duties.

Abhay had been in his good books since the day he went against an IC to prove a major mistake in his duties. Since then, the SP had kept a keen eye on every activity of Abhay.

"Doing good sir. Thank you," Abhay clipped, pushing himself on his feet.

"Hmm, listen officer Mathur. I have good news for you." Abhay, who was strolling in his office room, to stretch his muscles came to a halt at the words.

"Your excellent investigation in the case regarding Nitin Joshi has brought you to the spotlight. The authority is very pleased with your work and I had words with the higher officials. And they have granted me the permission to promote you."

Abhay remained silent, his heart beating furiously as an unsure smile hovered over his lips.

"Mr Mathur, you're now a DSP." The SP's words reverberated in his ears as a wide beam broke out on Abhay's lips. He couldn't believe he was getting a double promotion. His legs gave out as he plopped down on the edge of his desk, his fist pushed against his lips, his happiness knew no bounds.

"Thank you so much sir," Abhay exclaimed, his happiness knew no bounds.

"You're worthy of this Abahy. I will see you soon in Shimla."

"Okay sir. Talk to you later." Abhay was way too overjoyed to pay attention to the SP's words.

Abhay jumped up, his heart pounding in joy. He kept the phone down on the table and strode towards the window. Hands on his hips, he looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes to bask in happiness.

A minute later he lunged towards his phone and was about to call Khusi to share the news when a realization dawned upon him. His hands froze and his lips parted.

DSP? That meant ... Shimla?


"Good morning miss." An echo of greeting resonated in front of the staff room as a number of children passed, their eyes fixed on Khusi and the tiny palms rose up in the air to say 'hello'.

Khusi passed them a small smile and brought her gaze down on the planner she was making for the new session. She was trying to work on it for the last 2 days but whenever she would sit down, her mind would drift somewhere else.

Pushing aside the paper, she stood up and decided to take a break. Zeeniya and Mina had their classes and it was Khusi's free period. Entering the canteen she ordered a cup of coffee for herself and went to the backside of the school, which had a picturesque empty hallway.

A number of thoughts were eating her from the insides recently. She felt like she had achieved her purpose of coming to the town. She rescued a tortured soul and had managed to give him loving parents. It was as if she had finally proven to society that despite not wanting to have kids, she loved children and wouldn't hesitate when it comes to their happiness. Even if the child is a stranger. Even when she knew her life could fall in the jaws of a dangerous alligator. She was finally at peace.

When that thought submerged another one poked its head out. She was content with her present conditions. That town has given her true friends, a person who probably loved her selflessly, passionately and immensely, who wouldn't hesitate to lay his life to see her happy, a little girl who almost considered her a mother figure and endless happy memories. The crisp cold weather of the town had managed to truly make her happy.

As if on cue, Harsh Agartala came strolling down the corridors and their eyes met. His face was a mask of cold indifference, but as soon as he saw Khusi, he nodded his head and passed her a small smile. She returned it and sipped on her coffee, realizing that she had managed to break through the stoic demeanor of the apathetic principal as well.

But was she worth all of it? No matter how much she tried to deny it, she knew she wouldn't have been able to help David if it wasn't for Abhay. He played the main cards in the whole investigation. He was the hero, and she was just someone who brought the case into the limelight.

No she wasn't jealous of him, but she felt like she was useless if it wasn't for him. Without him, she would have remained a nobody in the town. How many times had Abhay saved her, protected her, supported her? Was she too dependent upon Abhay?

A shudder passed down Khusi's spine at the thought. She couldn't allow herself to rely on someone else too much. Not even emotionally. She wouldn't become weak and repeat her mistake of trusting a person blindly. Been there. Done that.

And who was she, anyway in Abhay and Yuti's life? They were happy before her arrival as well. Her presence hadn't really changed a lot.

A day ago Khusi had brought the topic of shifting back to miss Archana's house up in front of Abhay but he had refused. A new wave of rage rolled down Khusi's body at the thought of letting a man control her life.

Enough of it. She needed the reins of her life back in her grip. No matter who he was, Khusi wasn't ready to let him dictate her life.

As she threw the coffee cup into the dustbin and decided to go back to the staffroom, the ringing of her phone caught her attention. Her eyes rounded at the caller ID.

"Ms. Archana?"


"May I come in sir?" The room was dead silent as Harsh Agartala's gaze was fixed on his laptop. His fist was clenched as he read something but nodded nonetheless.

"Sit down Khusi." Khusi swallowed a lump in her throat and ambled inside the room with wobbly steps. Since the phone call, her head was in daze. She didn't know what to do.

"I guess you've already got the news?" Harsh's voice was a bit detached, not the one she was coming to terms with since the last few weeks, but the one she was accustomed with for more than a few months.

"Yes sir," Khusi whispered as her eyes welled up at the memory.

"Hello." Khusi was astounded to receive a call from her. They haven't talked since the day she left Shimla, the reason obvious. She didn't want to.

"Khusi! How are you?" Miss Archana gushed as if her happiness knew no bounds.

"I ... I am doing well. What about you?" However Khusi's voice was flat. She wasn't exactly pleased to get a call from her. For some reason, she wasn't having a good feeling about it.

"I am absolutely fine dear. Anyway, I have some excellent news for you."

Khusi gripped her scarf, nervousness clawing at her heart when she heard the words. Her heartbeats accelerated but she kept an indifferent face.

"What is it?"

"As we all know, Nitin Joshi is behind the bars now and he has also lost his seat in the state Assembly. All thanks to you and the OC of the town. You two were on TV, do you know that? What an amazing thing you've done Khusi."

Khusi blinked and released a harsh breath, her lips pursued. She knew some reporters had managed to click her and Abhay's pictures and there were various theories written in the local newspapers on how they played a huge role in the case. But she paid them no heed.

She hummed and waited for Ms. Archana to continue.

"The higher authority has decided to cut off your demotion now, Khusi. You've served your punishment and now that Nitin Joshi isn't there to manipulate the system anymore, they want you back in Shimla now. "

The world seemed to have stopped for Khusi. Her ears ringed and her eyes turned hazy and the words slowly registered in her brain.

"What?" she whispered, her throat becoming dry as desert, her fingers trembling.

"You can join us at the Shimla branch as a highschool teacher again!"

Khusi didn't know how to react to the news? Was she ready to go back to the hellhole where people treated her as a pariah? Absolutely not. But she also felt like she had gotten too comfortable and emotionally attached with the people of this town. Specifically one person. And that thought petrified her. She wasn't strong enough to take another blow, if it ever came.

"Well, it seems like you're unsure of what to do. So take your time. No hurry. I can sign the papers anytime you want Khusi, but ... " At Mr. Agartala's hesitation, Khusi's gaze drifted up at him. His face was a mask of sadness and disappointment.

"We're not ready to let you go Khusi. You're a jewel for this school and our students, an example of how inner strength and willpower can make anyone achieve anything they want. Also, you have impacted the life of a lot of people, not only the children. So I will advise you to think it through." Mr. Agartala's words were piercing Khusi's words deeply. She knew about whom he was talking about but she kept mute.

"But I can't force you to stay here as well, as it would mean you would be rejecting a promotion." Khusi nodded, her head frenzy as she heaved a sigh.

The ultimate decision was on to her now.


"Khusi!?" Abhay's voice resonated in the whole bunglow as he sauntered inside with hasty strides, his voice eager. Khusi, who was sitting on an indoor swing facing a big glass see-through window, jumped down and turned to face him.

"Hey, there you're." He advanced at Khusi in two long strides and pulled her into a toe curling kiss, his fingers wrapped around her nape. Khusi who was in a daze before his arrival, came back to her senses as Abhay's lips molded against hers.

She let go of every thought for the moment and encircled her arms around his neck, pulling him in to savour the kiss.

After a minute of endless passion, Khusi pulled away from his addicted pair and blinked up at Abhay, her cheeks ruddy and his lips swelled up.

"I have got good news, " he mumbled against her lips, his gaze fixed at them.

"Uh huh." So did she. But Khusi couldn't bring herself to say anything else. It wasn't exactly good news, though the first time when she had received the news of her promotion almost a year ago, she had been on cloud nine.

"But I will reveal it at the dinner table, in Yuti's presence."

"Okay." A small smile grazed Khusi's face at his words. Abhay never left Yuti behind for anything.

Abhay noticed Khusi's silence and lack of enthusiasm. He had been noticing it for quite a few days now. She would remain lost, her gaze unfocused as if something was bothering her from within. So Abhay decided to ask her.

"What is it, Khusi? You look a bit disturbed," Abhay asked, cupping her cheek. Khusi's eyes rounded as she realized that her face might have given away her inner trepidation. She knew it was bound to come out one day or the other. But the dilemma she was in was adding to her anxiety. She herself didn't know what she should do.

"Uh, I feel like ... I should leave now, Abhay," Khusi mumbled, stepping back from Abhay's hold. She wanted some space and being in close proximity with him would only weaken her resolve.

"What do you mean by leave?" Khusi's words had accelerated Abhay's heartbeats. He wasn't ready to let her go. He never would be.

"I mean, I should go back to Ms. Archana's house."

"Khusi you're not ... "

"Please listen to me Abhay."

He snapped his mouth shut even if he wanted to protest.

"I don't have a reason anymore to stay here. I needed protection from Nitin Joshi, that's why we decided that I should stay here. But now that he is behind the bars, I shouldn't live here anymore." Khusi's words were mechanical, something Abhay wasn't accustomed with.

"And why shouldn't you? Was he the only reason you stayed here?" Khusi wanted to say no. The reason was Abhay and Yuti, why she loved living there.They treated her as their family, part of their lives. But she stayed mute.

Abhay on the other hand was freaking out on the insides, not ready to let Khusi leave. He couldn't imagine living a life where he wouldn't wake up beside her or see her in their home every minute of the day.

"What would society think of me, Abhay? This is a small town and words spread faster than fire here."

"I got give a fuck about what society thinks Khusi!" Abhay bellowed, his words resonating in the whole room.

Khusi flinched back at the intensity of his voice. She had rarely seen him being furious at her.

"Don't yell at me!" Khusi chastised Abhay in her strict tone which made Abhay pull at the roots of his hair.

"I am not yelling at you Khusi. I'm saying that I don't care about society and neither should you. If we're happy, then they could go fuck themselves," he pleaded, coming upto Khusi. But she took a step back, shaking her head.

"I owe you nothing. Moreover, what am I to you, Abhay? No-one. We aren't even in a casual relationship. Your fling? Maybe that's what I am. A casual fling." Venom was sipping through Khusi words as she didn't herself realize what she was babbling.

"Don't say that Khusi. Why will you even think so? You mean the world to me. I love you and if I need to prove my love to you, I wouldn't hesitate for a single second to marry you right now." Abhya declared, his stance taunt and his words a declaration of her worth in his life.

Khusi's eyes rounded as she stumbled back at Abhay's words. Love? He was in love with her. It wasn't like she didn't know, though he had never openly said it before. But now that she had heard those words she felt like the ground had vanished from below her feet. She was floating in an endless abyss.

And Marriage? Oh God no. This was what she was petrified of. A lifelong commitment. She would never be ready for that.

"I will talk to you later, Mr. Mathur." Khusi muttered and sauntered out of the room with swift steps as if the mere presence of Abhay was disgusting for her.

Abhay stood immobile on the ground, his jaw clenched as his throat clogged in. Snapping his eyes shut, he walked up to the window and stared out of it, blood rushing in his ears.

"Damn it!" He smashed his fist on the wall, and it's loud voice echoed around the house. Yuti, who had walked inside the house a minute ago, halted at the noise near the staircase, hidden from Abhay's eyes. As he sauntered away from her view, Yuti ambled inside the living room only to see an enormous clink on the wall, beside the window.


The night had been restless for all three of them. Khusi couldn't sleep no matter how much she tried. All throughout the night Abhay's words kept her awake. She tossed and turned in the bed, but to no avail. During the dawn she came up with a decision.

Yuti knew something was wrong with her father and teacher. The woman, she had started considering a mother, didn't sleep with her that night, and she was missing her warmth and embrace. After trying to sleep for almost an hour and failing, she jumped down from her bed and trotted towards Abhay's room with her blanket.

But when she found it empty, a sinking feeling erupted in her belly. Rubbing her eyes, she descended down the stairs and peeked inside the room, which usually stayed locked. Her father rarely visited that room, which had a number of enormous patriots on the walls, but somehow she knew he would be there.

And there he was, leaning on an armchair, dozing off. As Yuti padded inside, a strong stench wafted in her nose and she already knew what Abhay was doing. He rarely does that.

Dry tear trails were present on his cheek. Yuti let go of the blanket and wiped them away with her tiny fingers when Abhay's slumber broke. He woke up with a start and gazed at Yuti, his eyes rounding at her presence. He tried to push the alcohol bottle away, but Yuti already knew.

"You were again drinking those bad things, papa?" she whispered, as if disappointed in Abhay.

Abhay remained silent, his face dropping at Yuti's innocent question. Abhay opened up his arms and without any hesitation, Yuti climbed up on his lap and Abhay gathered up her blanket. Sniffing softly, he covered Yuti's tiny body which was resting on his chest.

"Mai thik hu mere nanhe shaitan. Tu so jah," Abhay stroked the back of her head and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.

(I am alright my devil. You sleep.)

"Ap bhi," Yuti ordered in a soft stern voice

(You too)

"Alright." Abhay smiled sadly and closed his eyes again. He was asleep in a minute, physical and mental exhaustion lulling him in.

Yuti's eyes fluttered open when she realised Abhay was already asleep. Her gaze went up to the portrait of a couple which was hanging directly in front of her eyes. They were smiling tenderly down at her and Yuti's lips automatically tilted up.

"Mom, Dad. I will take care of papa, don't worry," she whispered in the silence of the night, overseeing the portrait of Falak and Kaushik Mathur.

~ • • • • • ~

The next update is dropping within 2 - 3 days . Now, I have some beautiful character aesthetics . If you follow me on IG, I have already updated it on my Instagram page.

Made by the talented : PaintAfterDark 🥰




Also, I kept a poll for the new cover picture of NOT HER. I haven't decided yet, but I am leaving the images here 🤭🤭 for you to decide. There are a lot. But right now I am only updating one set. The next set will be in the next chapter.

These ones are made by the lovely maahiyax

Vote and Comment, 🌟💬

if you're liking my story. 😇🥰

See'Ya 💫❤

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