Deaths Apprentice

By nightmare840

122 24 0

Fritz Lopez was the ordinary kid, till he faced Death in the face, literally. The night the Grim Reaper was j... More

1: Oh Hello There
2: Preparation
3: A 'Warm' Welcome
4: Training
5: A Waiting Game
7: Sparing
8: Knife to a Gun-Fight
9: Far from Space
10: Long Story
11: The Real Job
12: No Day of Rest
Death 13
14: Little Meeting
15: Is It a Sin?
16: Beach Break
17: Knowledge
18: Art of Annihilation
19: Part of the Job

6: Judgement

4 2 0
By nightmare840

"HUH!! HOLD UP!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!" Fritz screams from the top of his lungs flying through the air.

"Is it that strong!? It wears all that clothes, but Death is just bones no? How can it just throw me like that? Throwing 135 pounds around like a pebble." He thinks as he spirals towards the yellow light in the sky.

Getting closer, the pillar keeps getting bigger. With that, so do the little white lines in it.

On the ground, a girl looks up to see a man flying in the air. "Mama, Mama, look look, it's a flying man!"

"That's nice hon."

"Mama, really, look look!!"

"Alright, fine." The woman said, looking up to see nothing. "It was just a bird, sweetie."

"No, no, he disappeared."

At the time the woman looked, Fritz flew right into the pillar of light.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  OOOFF!!!" Fritz slams into the ground right on his face. "Ow, that hurt."

He pushed himself up and looked around. It was a plain field with a white sky and ground, with a yellow fog and mist surrounding the area.

"Hello! Is anyone there!? Fuck I'm alone. What now?"

"I am here my child."

"AH!! WHO ARE YOU!?!?" Fritz screams and falls down.

"Are you ok child?" A man asks looking down at Fritz. He was a handsome young man with hair reaching his shoulders.

"Um, yeah. I'm fine. Who are you?" Fritz says picking his nose.

"I am an Angel."

"An Angel? Like, God's little helpers?"

"You can call me that if it helps you understand."

"Alright, so, what is this place? I know the name, but, what do I do?" Fritz asks still looking around.

"This is Judgement like you know. Here is where you will receive Grace. Just a description on it, Grace is a special ability given to Reapers." The Angel states in a soft voice. "You are a Reaper now, so this is your time to receive Grace."

"I see, so, will this like, take too long?"

"It varies on the person. You have a very strong soul, so it should not take too long." The Angel says giving Fritz a smile.

"Ok, well, let's get started. Oh, what is your name?"

"I am the Archangel Raphael, the Healing Angel."

"That sounds famili- wait wait wait, so, you're telling me that Catholics were right!?!?"

"Well, no, not exactly, but none of the religions in your world are fully correct." Raphael says looking down.

"That actually makes a lot of sense though. They're a bit messed up."

"No one is perfect Friedrich. You did not believe in God yourself. You still have trouble believing that you met Satan."

"Heh, I guess you have a point there. Anyways, let's get this started!" Fritz says cracking his neck.


"De- Um, Lord Death, how long will this take? I hate being up here." Liz says still holding the needle on the Empire State Building. "It's been an hour already!"

"Just be patient. Grace isn't given quickly. There are trials that he must pass before he can leave Judgement."



"AHHHH THANK YOOOOUUUU!!!" Liz says kneeling on the ground. "So Lord Death, do you have a Grace power?"

"In fact, yes, but not quite. You see, I'm one of the most powerful Beings in creation. It goes, God, Satan, and me."

"Liz, Lord Death is one of The Palatinate Trifecta. As Lord said, God and The Devil are a part of this, and they are the most powerful Beings in existence." Morgan explains fixing her hair from the wind.

"So you are a part of this, and you can still get grounded and made to sit at home?"

"That's different." Death states.

"Ok, but how did you play Morgan's Dad before? You were here no?" Liz asks sitting down.

"You see, I used one of my many abilities. It's called Waypoint Movement. I can set a teleport waypoint on an object. So, when you came to our house, you really just teleported to Death Manor." Death says

"Oh wow. So, when you snap your fingers, that activates it? Like when you make things appear in the Manor."

"No, actually you can do that yourself." Death says sitting next to her.

"You see Liz, Death Manor is a WDS as well. It isn't just a normal house." Leo states looking over at Central Park. "My Lord, I would have like to go with him. He isn't the strongest."

"That is the point, Young Leo." Death says looking back at Judgment. "Your Master is weak, and this is one way to make him stronger."


"So ah, is this going to hurt, cause I think I will actually turn this whole thing down if it will."

"Friedrich, now that you have entered Judgment, you cannot leave without going through this." Raphael says looking back at Fritz.

"Well isn't that great to hear." Fritz says as he scratches his head.

They walk straight. Fritz looked around and around, but he realized something.


"Do not worry Freidrich, we have almost arrived." Raphael says not looking back this time.

"Ok sure, but where am I going to go?

"Right now, you cannot see much in Judgement. This is a place where the Angels can pass quickly where they wish to be. Reapers also have a passage for themselves, but to get there they must have Grace, so you came here."

"Ok but how come I don't see any souls?"

"As I said, this is a passage for Angels."

"So I'm an Angel."

"Sorry no, that's not how that works."

"How do I become one?"

"Would you like to be an Angel?"

"No, not really."

"Um, then why ask?"

"Muhm just wanted to know."

They walked in silence again. Needless to say, this is one of the more unusual walks Raphael has been in.

"So see," Raphael starts up, "there are different ways for someone to become an Angel. For Reapers, however, it is much easier. Transfiguration is the quickest way, but I heard you are not interested in that. You wish to be a Human Reaper, am I right?"

"I guess you heard right then. The Devil shit talked me and Lord Death, and I guess I kinda did something dumb, but in the end, if I was using my head, I would have still joined his competition." Fritz says looking at his hand, then clenching it into a fist.

"I see, you are that type of human. Well, I wish you luck on your journey as a Reaper and that you can reach all of your goals."

"Heh, thanks Raphael."

"In any case, we have reached our destination. You cannot see it, but in front of you, there is a wall. Walk forward and enter, and in doing so you will be put through a trial to determine your Grace." As Raphael finishes, he bows his head.

"Thanks again Raphael. You may not see it or believe it, but I'll be a Grim Reaper sooner than later. It's just a matter of time." Fritz says cracking his knuckles, smiling.

"I see, a Grim Reaper. Heh heh."

"WAS THAT A LAUGH!!!" Fritz yells getting off balance.

"HAHAHA!! Please, please forgive me, Friedrich."

Fritz look at Raphael who was wiping a tear from his eye. "It's that outlandish huh."

"No no, that is not it. You see, when Reapers receive Grace, they have gone through vigorish training. For some, it breaks them. Some do not know what to do when they achieve the title Reaper, but some, some power-hungry. They want to fight and that is what they do. They do not care about the job or title Reaper is, or the heavy weight that is put on them. However, you are different, very different."

"How so?" Fritz asks seriously.

"You have a goal, and the determination to go with it. You fall not under those categories, but a third one, one I hardly see from any Reaper. One with a Goal can do anything if they put their mind to it. That is what the people in this category live by. You, Freidrich Lopez, can become a Grim Reaper." Raphael says holding his arms out.

Fritz looks at the Archangel, and grins like the Devil himself, "Heh, that's what I like to hear."

The Human took a step forward, and the air started to wrap around him, and like that, he was gone.

"I have to say, Humans seem to surprise me every time I see them. However, it is rare to see a real human, let alone one with such determination. I will have to keep an eye on that boy for myself to see where he goes in life. I hope God has mercy on him." Raphael says standing in the empty land, turning around, and walking away.


"Lord Death, I'm getting tired of waiting!" Liz says, upside-down on a park bench.

"Liz this will take time." Leo says leaning on a park lamp.

"How much time though? It's been hours! It's already 6:00 in the afternoon, IT'S BEEN 6 HOURS!!" Liz whins as she falls and hits her head.

Morgan sat down where Liz once was. "We know, but in Judgement, time works differently. Right Lord Death?"




"Lord Death?"





"WWAAAAA!!! Oh, it seems I fell asleep."

"YOU THINK!!!!" All three yell.

"Daddy, look, crazy people."

"Come on, let's get going son."

"AH! CRAZY?!?!"

"Liz, did you forget Lord Death is invisible to humans. Just like Judgement, humans can't see it." Morgan explains.

"Oh, right, so I do look crazy." Liz says sitting on the ground.

Central Park at this time was mostly empty. Leaves fall down as the wind picks up.

"Mmm well he better hurry up, I'm tired."

"He did it as fast as he could ok." Fritz says limping over to the group.

"Wait whhaaaat?!?" Everyone, even Death, shouts.

"Hey, I'm, kinda tired." Fritz says taking a step forward, then falling to the ground.

"OH MY GOD IS HE OK!?!?" Liz shouts covering her mouth.

"Master, what happened!?" Leo yells shaking Fritz.

"Leo stop he's knocked out cold!" Morgan says hitting Leo's head.

"Lord Death, please help him!" Leo shouts holding Fritz in his arms.

Death snaps it's boney fingers and they were back in Death Manor. Leo puts Fritz on the table and looks around. "What do we do?"

"First we should tell his parents he won't be home. He might wake up today but in his condition he won't be going anywhere." Death says looking at Fritz.

"We said he'd be at my grandparents place, so be like an old man!" Leo says pulling out his phone.

"I'll deal with this, Tanda, take care of Friedrich in the meanti-"

"Ahh, Ah." Fritz groans holding his stomach.

"MASTER!!!" Leo yells towering over Fritz.

"IDIOT DONT CROWD HIM!!" Morgan yells in return, pushing Leo off him.

Tanda puts a cold towel on Fritz head. "All we can do right now is to be here for him. All the other Reapers go through this transition when receiving Grace, so it's normal."

"Ok," Liz says walking over to Fritz. "Hey, do you need something? I'll get you anything." She says in the nicest, softest voice she has.

"I, I,"


"I, want, food."

"Well I see now how serving you all my life will be like." Liz says looking down at him. She didn't know what he would ask for exactly but it wasn't food right off the bat.

"ANYTHING YOU NEED I'LL GET IT MASTER!!!" Leo states promptly running out of the room.

"Well, he's sure in a good mood, huh." Fritz musters out holding his growling stomach.

Morgan walks to the table and sits in a chair. "Well you have been gone for a while. We don't get to go with you which is something that as new weapons doesn't happen often."

"What does that mean?" Liz asks tilting her head.

"With new weapons, there must be a bond forged early on so the weapons can work more properly later."

"That, makes sense." Fritz says trying to lean up.

"Lay back down, your not going anywhere." Tanda says pushing him back down.

The door bursts open. "I COME WITH A MEAL!!"

Fritz shoots up, but is dragged off the table and onto a seat. Leo puts food down in front of him and the damage boy starts eating. "Mmm this is really good. I'm starving."

They watch him scarf down the food in front of him. He didn't have any expression on his face as he ate.

"Um, Fritz, are you ok?" Liz ask sitting next to him.

He continued eating and as chewing said, "Yeah I'm good. Just hungry."

"Master, what ability did you get?" Leo asks moving a plate out of the way.

"He won't know." A voice overlapped Fritz's mumbling. It was Death.

It walked into the room and stood at the head of the table. Everyone looked at him, even Fritz who was still eating.

"When you receive Grace, you don't just automatically get grace. The reason you're tired is because it is filling your body with more power when what it can hold. Tomorrow it will settle, and then you will know what you can do. Then we can work on using it then." Death says looking at the boy.

"So, what did you see there?" Liz asks another question. Instead of eating more, Fritz's fork hit the plate as he stared forward.

"I, I can't explain it." He mutters, looking down.

"That is also something common. Later he will get flashbacks from his time in Judgement. It is said that you see nothing there, but some say you see everything. You feel everything. But that is just speculation. Weapons and myself cannot enter Judgment unless we are accompanied with a Reaper or if God wants us to."

"Wait Death, why do you have to listen go God and all? I thought you were as strong as him?" Liz asks raising her hand.

Tanda walks by and answers the question. "Lord Death is not welcomed into Heaven. Death's story is long, but he killed an Angel when he was one of them. God sent him to Hell, and Death went on a rampage around Hell, killing several Demons. Banished from Heaven and Hell, It was wondering Earth where Death found It's calling to help lost souls and the dying."

"Well, that's interesting. It wasn't the story I heard. I thought you were always a scary creature. Though I didn't really think you were real too so yeah." Liz talks to herself.

"Anyways, all of you should rest up. Go to your rooms." Death says walking away. "Well, seeing that you can't walk, I'll just take you there."


The room changed as the group looks around. Fritz was laying on the floor as Leo, Morgan, and Liz were around him. Leo picks him up and puts him on a couch.

"This, room, seems bigger for some reason." Fritz says looking around. "Last time I was here, it was small."

"That's because the more energy you have, the more bigger it shows here." Morgan says sitting next to him. "For now do t worry about anything. You need to rest up for now."

"Alright, I can do that." Fritz says falling right to sleep.

"Will he be alright?" Leo asks sitting on the floor.

"Lord Death said it is normal for this to happen, so I think so." Morgan says looking at the boy.

"I keep wondering what he saw. I know it was hours, but he seemed so worn out. Something must have happened to him in there." Liz concludes with a worry tone.

Leo get up and pats her head. "If Lord Death says it's ok then it's ok. And believe it or not, the man you see here past out is strong. I mean, not anyone would say they would kill the Devil."

"I think that was just stupidity." Morgan adds.

"Yeah you're going to have to full me in on that."


Fritz leans up. Instead of a couch, he was on a king size bed. "Definitely not my home." He thinks to himself looking around.

The room was big. No windows but the room was lit well. Fritz looks to his right to see an alarm clock that read 14:21.

"14, 21? so, it would 2:21, P.M. HOLY SHIT IT'S BEEN THAT LOOOOONNNNGGGG!!!!" Fritz screams kicking off the sheets and hops out of bed. He looks down to see he was only in his underwear. He looks at the foot of the bed and sees clothes. After putting them on, he opens the door.

Fritz looks ahead, down a hallway. After taking a couple of steps, he was in between two doors. The doors were both the same, dark oak wood with golden door knobs. He continues walking the hallway and sees a door only to his left, and none on the right. It was the same door as the rest. Not wanting to see the insides of any of them, he keeps walking till he reaches another door ahead of him.

He grabs the door knob and opens the door to see, no one. It was a mix of a living room and a kitchen. There was a flatscreen TV with a long L-Shaped couch with a dark wood flooring. Fritz walks to the kitchen that had hard tile with all the usual utensils.

"Where is everyone?" Fritz questions out loud, "Where am I, and why does my head hurt so bad?"

He leans against the counter and closes his eyes. "Last I remember, I was somewhere, but, where exactly? I ate something, and I can't remember after, damn, where the hell am I-"

"Fritz? Fritz, are you ok?" A voice calls out. Suddenly Fritz feels someone's hand rest on his shoulder. He quickly opens his eyes to see Liz. She was wearing a white shirt with black shorts.

"Hey. Good morning. Well, this would be afternoon right now so good afternoon." Liz says smiling at her own stupidity.

"Wh-where are we?" Fritz mutters out.

"In your room, at the Manor. I have to say it is quite nice in here. My room is really big, bigger than the one in my real home." She answers genuinely.

"What day is it?"

"Oh it's Sunday, and around 2:30 right now." Liz answers.

"So, it took me a day to get myself together?"

"Seems like it. So, how ya feeling? Any better?"

Fritz looks at his hands, that were shaking. "I'm tired, but, also not tired."

"Well that's not confusing at all."

"I know right. Is everyone else here?" Fritz asks looking around.

"Yeah everyone is. I can get them if ya want."

"Please do. We should tell Death what's up. I know my power."


"Ah, I'm glad to see you are standing now. How are you feeling?" Death asks sitting down.

"Yes thank you." Fritz answers standing at the foot of the table.

"So, Grace did you receive."

"I have, the ability to teleport." Fritz says standing straight.



"It would be helpful."

"Wait wait wait, how do you know that?" Liz asks turning around.

Death answers for all of them. "Reapers for some reason know what their power is when they revive Grace. So, teleportation."

"Teleporting can really be useful." Morgan says putting her hand on Fritz's shoulder.

"Aww yeaaa!! Can you take me to Paris, I always wanted to go there!" Liz says jumping up and down.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now. We hasn't even used it once yet, let him get use to it before such long distances." Death cuts in calming Liz down. "Well, let's get a spar going."


The sun rains down on all of them. Fritz puts his hand up to block it out. He looks around to see that they were in an open field with grass and small hills in the distance. Feet away from the group, there was a tall man in a black suit standing there.

"Hey Lord Death, you called for me."

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