DVG part 2

Von RedSnow1997

88 0 0

Same as before Mehr

Nightmares galore
Happy birthday here's to the future
Convince her to stay
Don't do anything dangerous
This can't be happening
Try to remember
Secret's out
If you scream I'll come for you
Our story is ending now nobody can drag me down
And the walls came tumbling down
The condition

Don't celebrate me

7 0 0
Von RedSnow1997

So you'll let your other brother and his family give you presents, but not me? Edward don't start, I didn't want him to give me presents either, but he's in some ways more forceful than you. I can't get him to do anything, where as with something's I can get you to do things that he can't or won't. You're more go with the flow, he's just more.... Stubborn. And hot headed. Your personalities complete each other. As much as I hate to admit.... No hate to admit it so I'm not going to, now come along let's go. What about you? Same question. Because I don't have anything to give back to you, now like you said we should be going.

Girls you give me everything just from the breath you breathe. Suddenly a preppy hyper voice is calling out to us, with her silent but deadly friend. Happy birthday ladies. My sister Alice says with my brother Jasper trailing behind her. Sh! Myself and Bella whisper. Alice just rolls her eyes. Alice I thought we agreed no presents! I whined. Oh hush! Take it. I *sigh* in defeat as we are both given a box. You both are gonna where these tonight and guess what you love them.
Farrah you picked yours out yourself I just bought it and put it in a box. I rolled my eyes. Oh kiddo, I too have something for you, but.... I can see this is a bad time. So uh happy.... Never mind. We both turned to Edward playfully gently hitting him with the boxes. As Bella rolls her eyes walking to class, and I move to his side reattaching my hand to his own, as he twirls me a couple times. You can't trust vampires, he points out. Trust me. *Ug* I whine, squeezing his hand, as he shifts to the other side. And you get away with such things because it's your birthday.

I use my strength to pull him down to my level of height, be glad I did what I did otherwise you'd be a laughing mess at my mercy. I whisper playfully in his ear. Now let's not be late for class shall we. Oh Bella wait up. I call looking back behind me smirking slyly at my brother's even more pale than usual face. I giggle running to catch up to my sister, thankful of the perks given to me on such a day.

We were watching R and J in class today, we three in back whispering to ourselves. We were talking about the movie, and how dumb Edward thought it was, and how my sister was agreeing with him on the stupidness on some of it, but I on the other hand was enjoying it, I love Romeo and Juliet, and then my brother said something that I wish he hadn't.

There is one thing I do envy him of though. Yeah and what's that? I think I know, is Juliet because its clear that she is more beautiful then any and she is flawlessly perfectly beautiful. To that I will never be able to compare, even when I do have Rosalie's powers. Farrah no don't say that, he whispers into my hair playing with it as Bella was sitting next to him and sat in front of him on top of the desk top. I moved my head away, my eyes brimming with tears, he turned my head to see my face and whipped my tears away putting back my hair behind my ears.

You don't need powers to be beautiful, Juliet doesn't even hold a candle to your beauty. You have to say that, you're my brother. I'm sure your sister agrees with me, as would anyone else who ever laid their eyes on you. Please just stop, now you sound like a boyfriend. I said trying to hide my smile and laughter evident in my voice. You're smiling though aren't you, then I've done my job. And didn't have to touch you to do so.

But no dears not the girl, the suicide. For you see a little bit of poison , or a dagger to the heart, when there are yet so many other options. Why, why do you say that, what on G-Ds earth would make that ever cross your mind? I ask him. Word to the wise never ask questions you don't want answers to. Because I had to consider it once.

When? My sister asks him. I didn't know at the time that I would even get to you either of you when it happened, flashes of our previous battle with James, and Jack going through our minds. As my eyes start tearing up again with tears. I knew I had to come up with some form of plan. Which was what? Bella asked him. To fly to Italy, and provoke the Volturi. With each word more tears came and couldn't stop, that's when I closed my eyes and had my fists clenched standing up from where I had sat and shouted louder then I thought I did, the one word that made all the difference.

NO! I cried. The teacher pausing the movie, everyone's eyes turned to me. I knew I had to come up with an excuse, and one that worked for the movie to prove I had been paying attention. So I had. Our teacher called on my brother to recite the last words spoken to prove we were all paying attention to the film, he did in perfection. He took my hand in his own, as I couldn't stop crying, as he pushed back the hair that had fallen in face, wiping my tears away. Kissing my forehead finishing the lines he was told to recite, and then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me towards him, the teacher told everyone to keep their attention on the movie and everyone else kind of just rolled their eyes and turned back to the movie.

Back at home we were getting ready to celebrate my birthday, as tradition Jake got to come over and hang out. I got into the little black dress (outfit 11)that Alice got me. Then I heard the engine of a motorcycle and looked out my window. Jake was there looking up at me from below tossing a dog toy up and down in his hand, I watched wide eyed, tugging on my necklace to become a puppy, since as my wolf form a toy so small I'd probably choke on.

But before I did that I ran full force in wolf form toward him knocking him down, licking his face, as he gently started pushing me away off of him. Easy girl easy down, down. I got off, and he stood back up and pet me, he starting tossing the toy up and down again in the air. See the ball, girl, he asked making sure my eye focus was on the toy, and threw it a good distance away. As I chased after it in my puppy form.

Then I heard a whistle and came back, but I knew it wasn't Jake's whistle, cause his was more of a short whistle, but this one was more of a longer higher pitched noise, just it wasn't even a whistle anymore at that point it was a noise a really annoying noise. I figured the only person that would ever do something like that was Edward, and I was right. I came back and whimpered at the loud high pitched noise laying down to cover my ears with my paws. Jake was off to the side covering his own ears like his own were in pain, but even when he couldn't morph he could still hear very well the pitched noise only dogs could hear.

You could just see his sly smile on his face. She's here, she's here, you can stop now! I decided since he didn't stop, that I was changed into my wolf form leaving the ball where it was, to run and pounce on him. Boy was he not expecting that. Ok, ok I stopped, I stopped. Yeah that's the thing about wolfs, and dogs they might turn on their master, but they'll never turn on each other, they stick together.

This wasn't a wolf thing though this was just, an ok you need to stop thing. I transformed back to my human form, and dusted myself off. Everyone was so dressed up, it was nice really. We went out to the (backyard) where everyone had been standing waiting. My father took me by the hand as music started playing

it was one of those dances where I went between each of the guys and they stood hands overlapping each other waiting in a line like in the old dance movies, where I ended where I started, and then

started and we just danced together here, like a father daughter dance. The only difference being that when in the last song, my father and brothers looked sad like as if something was gonna separate us, like a foreshadowing and Edward looked the most sad during it, like as if, if he let me out of his arms like I would just disappear. Then a song came on that I once again went through everyone which was

then I was passed to Jacob and then this song started

 just whenever a love song comes on just forget about the words or the message, we're just all family here, and we're just dancing to fun nice songs. then I was passed between both of them when

came on, and ended with me in Edward's arms and then this song came on.

when all the dances were over Bella came over and we went upstairs while he explained the Volturi to Bella. They were staring up at the picture from long ago, when Bella pointed out Carlisle. He told her that they were a very old powerful family and the closest thing to royalty or the government that our kind had. He explained to her that our father had been part of their little group before he became the person he was now, that they had no respect for human life, at the very least respect for the arts and science. And how we had very few laws, that there was only one that we all enforced regularly which was to keep our existence a secret, so that we don't make spectacles of ourselves and that we didn't kill conspicuously, unless of course we want to die.

At that, I ran to his side where I was before and clung to him tightly never letting him go. Yeah she's right, even if she didn't say anything she didn't have to, we really have to stop talking about this, its clear that neither of us could even think of anyone hurting you. If they do I'll be sure to rip their head off. I cried angrily into his chest. He let out a nervous chuckle petting my hair. Sure kiddo sure.

Bella you girls are the only thing that can hurt me, and then there's nothing for me to be afraid of. Yes there is! Victoria! Naw, she and Jack will come for us one day and when they decide her or Alice will see when she decides. Then we'll be ready. I could protect you if you change me, Bella says to him.

Yeah I nod, change me Edward, make me fully one of you, then I can protect YOU instead of the other way around. I cried, hugging him so tight, and wouldn't let go. He rested his head on mine rubbing circles on my back to try and calm me down. Loosen your grip sweetheart I'm not going anywhere, I promise, at least not for now. What's that supposed to mean? Nothing right now, but I'll let you know if things change.

I don't want them to change you have to stay here. Sh, sh ok, ok I'm staying right here. It's ok, it's ok. Besides girls you already protect me, you're my only reason, to stay alive if that's what I am to you, but my job is to protect you, not the other way around. To protect you from everyone except Alice.

It's time, it's time, it's time! Alice runs up to grab us. We come down watching Alice pull out a camera from Bella's bag. Oh Farrah that reminds me, Alice there's a something for Farrah from our parents in that bag for her. She pulled out a blue leather (jacket)  That one is from dad, he thought you could use a little extra color for your black look, and these (vampire earrings) they were bat earrings with one winking at me, for obvious vampire joke reasons.

She got me a pair too. They're adorable. Emmett said he already installed Bella's gift in her car, and for me he got this (skateboard) I *gasped* in shock. Emmett?! You're horrible, I laughed. You know you love me squirt. Rosalie got Bella one necklace that Alice helped pick out, and then she gave me a (snowflake bracelet)  Oh RosaIie cried running up to hug her. It's so beautiful. I figured even if he's evil now you'd still want something to remember him by. I love it thank you. Then Jasper gave me his gift OMG Jas, thank you, its so beautiful. It was a beautiful (skull) made of the material Jasper. You know why I got that for you right?

Well for one its a skull so I love it anyways, but hold on let me guess, it has something to do with the stone right? It's made of me. No way get out! I gasped. OMG really? I charmed it. See look, I have a smaller one draped over my neck on a keychain so whenever your in trouble, and your not stuck onto Edward's side, you know like always, like you are now, call for me through it, and we'll come running to you.

See watch I'll show you. Say something. Ah help! I pretended. A sound wave was seen emitting the one around his neck and he stepped closer to me. Even if you aren't holding it and he yell for help I can still hear you. That's amazing. Thank you so much Jas. When Bella tried to open the one from Esme and Carlisle though I ran to put everything away. Not to break. Because as soon as Bella cut her finger on the box, he smelled it and went nuts. Edward tried to protect us, but Bella flew back into the glass, and some glass scarped me too.

Edward went with the others to calm him down, Carlisle took us to his office to fix us up. He gave us the dreaded lecture about Edward's soul and how our kindness toward them all was very refreshing, Bella made a comment about how that was the reason why he wouldn't change us. Carlisle asked us to see things Edward's way.

That night we went home, Bella went home, I was in my room. Everyone was asleep except us two. Myself and Edward. I tossed and turned trying to sleep, couldn't get my mind off what we were told earlier that evening. I heard a knock at my door. I looked up and saw Edward there. C-can I come in he stuttered? I nodded my head. I patted the spot next to me. Edward you don't have to ask. I could tell he was worried or sad about something.

Are you alright? I asked him, running my and through his hair as he laid down beside me, like usual. Yeah I'm ok. He lied through his teeth, but I didn't press, or push for answers. You know you can tell me anything. I know he *sighed* playing with my hair, he wrapped his arms around me never letting me go. Safe in his arms I slept soundly, but Edward just laid there, tears starting to cloud his vision after he had discussed something horrible with Carlisle, about us leaving, he really didn't want to have to do this, to say goodbye this way, but it would be the only way we'd ever let the other go.


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There is a new version being created Please comment :) I would like to improve my writing skills.
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