This can't be happening

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Because things were about to get bad. Like really bad! Bella had asked her friends and Jake to go see the movie Face Punch, but then it ended up only being her, Jacob and Mike. By the time the movie was over, Mike was feeling sick to his stomach and Jake was wearing off his werewolf morphine. He didn't know what was happening to him, but he knew it couldn't be good.

A few minutes earlier.... I was at home skateboarding to Jake's I tried to get ahold of him, but he wouldn't answer the phone. Voice Message: Jacob, hey it's me, I'm back I'm worried about you and the morphine, please don't do anything stupid, I'll be at your house in a couple of minutes. I hope nothing bad will happen. Next voice message: Jacob, your "sister" again, please answer your phone, where are you, are you ok? Call me back Jakey, please, I'm almost at your house. Recent message: Jacob, I'm really freaking out, you never don't answer your phone, are you hurt? What happened to you, Jacob please come home, I'm at the house waiting for you, no one else is here, no matter what happens, just remember as your "sister" I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you, please call me back.

I was waiting in his room, snuck in from the window. My wrists were cut, and bleeding, but my emotional pain still hurt more then the cutting. I knew I didn't want Jake or the guys to see me like this. Then I heard the door to the house open, and I hoped it was Jake. Jacob? I cried out. Farrah? Well damn girl aren't you a sight for sore eyes. Sam and the boys agreed when they came to hug me. Whoa, wait, what is that smell?

It's probably me, you know. I mean vampires stick, we sorta smell like death, Vanilla, and blood, well sometimes. Or maybe it's you guys I mean you just came back from a hunt right, maybe it's you guys, I mean or it's just you in general I mean guys smell bad pretty much all the time. Speaking of guys, where is he? He won't return any of my calls, I came for him, and he's not even here!

Calm down Cullen Jacob's fine, he just went to go see a movie with Bella and her friends. OMG I hope I'm not to late, I hope he hasn't transformed yet, that would be bad. I hope he's ok. Calm down! I think that might be him pulling up. Yep that's a motorcycle engine. We'll leave you alone, if you need us we'll be at the cliff. I nodded my head and they left.

I looked at my wrists and made the blood clot stopping the bleeding, as I pulled my sleeves down to where my wrists weren't showing. Except brother's can see right through you, especially older, even if Jacob is younger than me, especially when one is a vampire and the other is a werewolf. I was surprised by both times that neither my other siblings or my "dogs" didn't figure it out.

*Ug* what is that smell. Oh Farrah's board is by the lower window, she must be here. He came in the house and came to hug me. Oh I missed you loca! Snow you're back! Thanks for doing this. No problem. What are sisters for? Something seems familiar about this scene in front of us. Hey nice outfit (outfit 12)by the way. Ok, I sense something sharp and fresh blood.

Well I smell the morphine wearing off so let's get to it. I just need to go get something. Where are you going? To the medicine cabinet, but please tell me you're not hurt. I could ask the same question. Farrah?! Fine, give me your hand. No, why?! Don't you trust me? With my life. Then give me your hand. Just go get the kit.

He *sighed* Farrah? Let me see. Please? He begged getting worried. I rolled up my sleeve. Oh kiddo what happened? Don't worry about it, my emotional pain hurts more. No, see that's the thing, your my sister. You're one of us. You're hurt, let me help you. Jacob you can't fix this I did it to myself. I know, I just don't know how you got the knife in your pocket on the plane both ways, or that your vampire siblings didn't catch you. 

Besides, after all you've been through I'm sure you just need a little love, even when it's just from your brother. In other words I will help you and explain through song, in order to speak your language. He got out the stuff he needed to help me from the kit. 

he sprayed the healing stuff on my cuts and I was surprised that it didn't even sting, he took the bandage things and wrapped them around my cuts. Since my clothes smelled like blood he had me use my powers to change clothes. So I snapped my fingers and did just that, into . He was in the kitchen making me something to drink and snack on. 

But when I came back, I watched him flinch, and drop everything. I snapped my fingers to fix the broken items. I came up behind him, my hand reaching out for him. His hair started to get shaggy, it slowly started to grow all around him and on him. Farrah get back! He yelled worried. Turning to warn me, but it was too late as he turned to tell me to get back, his left hand was already a claw and I was too close. He turned full werewolf on me. 

His claw had scratched me in the process, accidentally. I screamed when it happened, it hurt almost as much as cutting did. Hearing my screams, the boys started on their way home, all jumping off the cliff. Swimming to shore. I wasn't afraid of Jacob or angry or scared that he scratched me, I would heal. I was only afraid because my dream kept coming true. 

I got on my skateboard, and road off to La Push. Jacob realizing what had happened, ran off to get away. Go into a form of hiding. He was scared for me, scared that I would be afraid of him. Angry that he hurt me when he couldn't control himself when he changed for the first time. Since the morphine. I didn't think he would've transformed so quickly. 

The boys saw me. They came to me. Farrah is everything ok? Are you hurt? Sam asked me. I'm fine! You're not! What happened? Jacob transformed! Say no more come with us! We went back home, but Jake was nowhere to be seen, so we had to go look for him. We all changed into our wolf forms. They all split up. I was left alone to search for myself. 

MT: Jacob where are you?! Please Jacob I'm fine, I'll heal, I want to help you, that's why I'm here! Please come out! 

I got no answer. I was about to give up for the night and decide that if he wanted to be found he'd come back. But he wasn't gonna give up on me, so I wasn't either. I had one more spot to check. The meadow. I sniffed around to try and find him. I sensed him close by, and shrunk to my dog form. I went out a puppy cry. Me: I found him guys go back to house, that I'd meet them there and with Jacob.

I saw a much bigger form, in the trees. Me: Jacob please?! I'm ok, you didn't hurt me, I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid that my dream keeps coming true. Jacob: Please Farrah, just stay back. I found him and he didn't move to afraid to hurt me again. I walked over, gently tugging on his ear to move his head down closer. I licked his face, nudging up against him. Me: I'm ok Jacob, I'm not afraid, I knew what I was getting myself into. Jacob: Why are you doing this? Why didn't you run away?! I hurt you!

Me: Yeah, but it hurt a lot less then cutting, your scratch was all that it was, a scratch and scratches heal. Come on change back and let's go home. Jacob: Farrah IDK how I transformed, so how can I go back to normal? I transform back. Not normal, just human. Jacob: You say that like its that easy, but I gave you the necklace for a reason. Fine, but please let's go home the pack is waiting for us. We went home, he jumped through his window. 

I went to the guys. How is he? Worried about me. Of course he is. He also can't figure out how to become human again. He'll have to sleep it off and you can start training in the morning. Where do you want me? Go sleep in his bed he's not using it tonight. Fine. I went to get in the bed. Jacob walked over to me circling around like a dog trying to go to sleep, laying down on the foot of the bed, on the floor. I ran my hand down his back, to pet him, he moved his head under my hand to keep my hand there. Goodnight Jakey I love you. Jacob: I love you too sis, sweet dreams.

DVG part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora