His To Love And Theirs To Pro...

By aamelia

1.3M 45.4K 1.9K

Alena Brown is half witch, half human but that doesn't mean she isn't as powerful as her mother. Alena just w... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two.
Chapter Thirty Three.
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five.
(Last) Author's note.

Chapter Ten.

37.7K 1.4K 54
By aamelia

Chapter Ten.

"No more, please." Alena begged as she placed her hands on her knees and breathe heavily, desperate to get some much needed air into her lungs.

Alena had found herself being shaken awake at five this morning by her mum who had given her only half an hour to get ready, and what she meant by ready was to get dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, Alena had also chosen to wear Samuels jumper that she had yet to give back. She hadn't known why she had been woken up so early but she had been too tired to question it at the time, now she wished she had because then she could've said she wasn't feeling well and hopefully have missed the intense training she was currently participating in.

"They won't stop just because you're tired," Aurora said as Alena looked up to see that she was breathing calmly with a black expression, but she could see it the oracles blue eyes that she didn't like hurting Alena.

"That's exactly what they will be waiting for. For you to get tired and weak so that you will be easier to take down." Aria was a little out of breath but not a lot as she shook out her body.

"One more round and we will call it a day; we've been training for a couple of hours now." Adaleigh spoke. Alena had found out that she was the one in charge, or the authoritive figure when it came to the three oracles, she was well respected and the others looked up to her in moments of uncertainty.

"One more." Alena huffed as she stood up straight and shook out her sore muscles.

Alena watched as her mum and the oracles began to spread out, forming a square around her with them being the corners. This was new, Alena thought feeling dread wash over her. For the past three hours they had taken it in turns to teach her how to fight, or rather defend herself from an attack, which mainly consisted of Alena being punched, kicked and often thrown to the floor with their hands wrapped around her neck. She had lost count with how many times she would have died if it had been a real attack and that was just with fists, she dreaded to think what could happened with magic involved.

Alena saw movement out of the corner of her eyes as she spun on her heels to see that Aurora was running at her whilst Adaleigh ran at her from the side. She didn't know what to do as she ducked just in time to miss Aurora who had lunged at her taking out Adaleigh instead as the two went flying to the floor with their limbs tangled together. She quickly sprung to her feet just in time to catch a fist that Aria had thrown her way in the side of the face, she cried out in pain but raised her hand to catch her other fist and used her own momentum against her as she pulled her forward and sent her to the floor and on top of Adaleigh and Aurora who were sent to the ground once again with groans of pain. Alena turned so that she faced her mum who was watching her with a fond expression which hardened before she took off running at Alena, she didn't want to hurt her mum, she didn't want to hurt any of the oracles as she tensed her body and shut her eyes, bracing herself as her mum lunched at her and together the two went spiralling to the floor. Alena landed on the floor with an oomph escaping her lips as she head collided with the hard ground, instantly her mum hand her knees pressed again her throat and chest while the other pinned her hands above her head, she had lost and would most likely be dead if her mother had been someone who wanted to hurt her.

"That was an improvement." Adaleigh smiled as she appeared by her mum's side.

"Let's get you up and run you a nice hot bath." Her mum said softly as she climbed off of her and helped her up. Alena smiled greatly but she knew it was more a grimace as she walked back into the house with the help of her mum and Aria as she limped up the stairs and to her bedroom where she lay on her bed, to tired and sore to more. Her muscles ached and hurt to move, she could feel the many bruises already forming as she closed her eyes.

"The baths ready for you, I used some oils and bubbles, Adaleigh casted a spell that will help you help you recover in now time." Her mum said as she opened her eyes and sat up with great effort to her mum and Adaleigh making their way towards us.

"Thanks." Alena said, really meaning it as the two grabbed her gently by the arms and lead her into her bathroom. The bath, just like her mum had said, was filled with bubbled and the smell of lavender oil filled her nose as she was set down of the toilit seat.

"Call us if you need us." Was the last thing her mum said before the bathroom door was shut and locked from the outside. Alena slowly began to remove her clothing feeling the pull on her already sore body as she lowered herself in to the hot water and sank lower until the only thing above the water was her head as the bubbles hid her naked body that she knew would be black and blue. She quickly grabbed her shampoo and began to wash her hair before rinsing and using the conditions on the side. She lathered up her body wash in her hands before washing her sore body slowly and carefully. She sighed softly once she was done as she closed her eyes and allowed herself to fall asleep.

"Alena, Alena. Wake up." She could hear her name being called as she slowly opened her eyes to see that she now lay in a tub full of cold water with the bubbles gone. She looked down at her body surprised to see that there wasn't any bruising, she wouldn't even have thought that she'd been training a few hours ago had it not been for how tired she felt.

"I'm up," She sighed as she rose from the tub and grabbed a white fluffy towel that had been placed on the sink.

"There's a man downstairs waiting for you," Alena frowned. "Samuel." Her mum sand as Alena's eyes widened as she remember that she was spending her day with Samuel and what was worst was that she mum now knew that she wasn't spending her days with Lucy but rather Samuel an extremely attractive man who was sat down with her dad who would be quizzing him and no doubt the oracles and their husbands. She wasn't embarrassed of Samuel, no girl would be, he was undeniably attractive and gentlemen, the only reason she hadn't told her parents was because se didn't know what her and Samuel had, it could just be nothing and she would have gone through telling her parents and no doubt having the talk with her mum again, for nothing.

"Shit," Alena cursed as she hurried around the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"Language." Her mum scolded her through the door.

"Shoot," She called out around the mouthful of spit and toothpaste she had. "I said shoot." She clarified.

"I'll tell him you'll be down when you're done." Her mum tutted before her retreating footsteps could be heard.

Alena ran a brush through her tangled hair before grabbing an extra towel of the rail and using that to towel dry her hair. Her hair was still dripping at the ends as she left her bathroom and ran around her room, hurriedly putting on her matching underwear and gathering a pair of jeans and a long sleeved top and scarf before heading towards her mirror where she added a little bit of mascara and ran her hand through her wavy hair. If Alena had had more time she would have made more of an effort but she hadn't as she grabbed her coat and purse before heading out of her room. She could hear her dads deep voice floating up the stairs as she ran down the stairs taking them two at a time before hurriedly walking into the living room where she saw Samuel sat on the end of a sofa with her dad at the other end, the oracles and their husbands were dotted around the room as her mum entered the room from the kitchen with a tray of biscuits and tea mugs. Samuel was just as breath-taking as he always was whenever she saw him as she took in jeans that hung to the muscles of his legs and the black coat her wore with a striped scarf around his neck, he was stylish and that made him all the more desirable.

"Ah Alena, I was just telling Samuel here that you feel asleep in the bath." Her mum informed everyone shamelessly as Alena felt every one starring at her; she blushed deeply and starred down at her sheet.

"Leave the poor girl alone," Her dad teased as she peeked through her lashes at Samuel who was staring at her, amusement evident on his face as the two pools of chocolate pulled her in like an unknown force.

"Shall we go?" Alena asked after a moment as she looked hopefully at Samuel.

"Thank you for the tea and biscuits Mrs Brown." Samuel said politely as he rose from the sofa and stood at his full height.

"Your more than welcome dear," Her mum smiled happily.

"Is it all right if I steal your daughter for the day?" He asked hopefully as he smiled at Alena's mum who seemed to blush earning Samuel a glare from her dad.

"Certainly, you kids have fun." Her mum waved them both off.

"I won't keep her out late, promise." Samuel was unknowingly worming his way it Alena's heart and she knew that as soon as she got home from her day with Samuel her mum would be waiting by the door with question after question.

"See you later mum, dad. Bye guys." She smiled at everyone as she waved over her shoulder before following after Samuel who was already out the front door. She gently shut it behind them before she walked after Samuel who was waiting patiently for her a few feet away.

"I'm sorry you had to wait so long as you know I fell asleep in the bath and I'm really sorry if they said anything embarrassing or offending, or if my dad gave you the whole stay away from my daughter speech, I understand if you don't want to go today, I me-" Alena's rambling was cut off as she felt Samuel warm index finger being pressed gently to her parted lips as she looked up at Samuel who was staring down at her with nothing but amusement written across his face.

"Your parents are lovely people, especially your mum. And I didn't get the stay away from my daughter speech but now that you have mentioned it, I'll look out for it." He teased as he grinned down at her. "Also, nothing would make me happier than sending today with you." He smiled softly as Alena blushed at his words.

"Shall we go?" She asked as she looked at his car parked in front of them.

"Of course." He said as he held the door opened for her before helping her inside. Alena had just finished putting her seat belt on when Samuel climbed into his side of the car and started the engine. Alena looked back at her house to see her mum and Aria poking their heads through the curtains of the window with grins on her faces. "Where to?" He asked as he threw her a lazy smile.

"Stay here and I'll go order." Alena said as she pointed to the booth that Samuel sat at.

"Yes Sir." He mock saluted earning himself a mock glare from Alena before she turned and walked over to the counter. The ice cream shop was surprisingly busy for the winter seasons as she looked around at the people sat in the different booths, she noticed a few of them from school who also noticed her judging by the curious looks she was getting.

"Next please." The girl behind the till asked as Alena stepped forward with a smile on her face.

"I'd like the silver platter with six scopes of double chocolate chip on the bottom, five scopes of cookie dough, four scopes of caramel chew-chew and two scopes of honeycomb on top and chocolate sauce on top please." She knew the order of by heart, she and Lucy always came there in the summer ordering the same ice cream and splitting the price, they had never been able to eat it all to themselves but they enjoyed it all the same. The girl behind the till took her order without questioned and Alena handed her the money before the girl turned and began to make her ice cream.

"That is like a mountain." Samuel commented as she set the ice cream gently on the table, she was about to turn and take the seat opposite when Samuel grabbed her hand and gently tugged her hand so that she sat next to him, her hand and arm tingled as she gave him a shy smile with a blue before handing him a spoon and wasting no time digging in.

"I have to admit, this is one of the nicest ice cream I've had." Samuel said he took another spoonful.

"I told you so." Alena teased before she groaned and fisted her hands together before placing them on her temples.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Samuel asked panicked as she turned to see him starring wide eyed at her.

"No, I have brain freeze." She said shaking her head as she giggled.

"Oh." He looked away as Alena saw his cheeks reddened ever so slightly; he looked adorable she thought to herself.

"Why do I feel so comfortable around you?" She asked, more to herself than him as she blushed when his head snapped to look at her.

"It's a secret." He said, she looked up releasing her clenched fists so she could get another spoonful of ice cream. She hadn't expected him to answer and she now knew that there was smoothing being hidden between them a secret as he had said.

"Will you tell me?" She asked hopefully as she paused with her spoon inches from her mouth.

"One day... Soon." He added when he saw the slight frown on her face. She wasn't going to make him tell her, he would tell her in his own time and when he wanted her to know, she didn't care though, there was nothing that would put her off of him.

"Soon." She agreed spooning the ice cream into her mouth.

"You have something here." Samuel said as he pointed to the corner of his mouth, Alena blushed as she quickly wiped it away before turning back to him to see that he was closer that she thought.

"Gone?" She whispered as she got lost in the two pools of chocolate.

Her heart pounded against her chest, as excitement gathered in the pit of her stomach a long with the flock of butterflies that began to spread their wings. She sat very still as Samuel moved in slowly, giving her the chance to pull away if she wanted to before he pressed his lips to the corner of her mouth, his lips barely touching her own as he kissed the spot where he had said she had ice cream. Her skin tingled as her heart ached for more, she wanted and needed more but Samuel had moved back ever so slightly and just out of her reach. She was glad that he had moved before she could make a fool out of herself, she didn't know if he liked her, he had kissed her cheek and very nearly kissed her lips but he hadn't said that he liked her and she wasn't going to be the first to admit her feelings in case he was messing with her. She knew she shouldn't doubt Samuel as he had been nothing but nice to her but he was attractive and out of her league.


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