By VanRahdBooks

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what happens when she sneaks her way into his cold heart and makes him feel things he has always denied himse... More

Writers Note.


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By VanRahdBooks



I'm in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. That means everyone else excluding Khawula cause I woke up alone after he cuffed me again and fuck me senseless. God it was so amazing. Trusting him with my body and letting go was so freeing. I want to do it again although my pussy is sore. I have no idea where he went cause I blacked out again and woke up with him gone. I could ask him where he is but I don’t want to cause what he said keeps playing in my mind. I have no idea if he meant it or he simply said it because he was in the moment. He always said that he wants to marry me first before mating with me but then temptation won so I guess he meant it when he asked me to marry him but I want him to ask me while I’m sober and not drugged by the things his body goes to me.

Khawula knows what he’s doing in bed and I love that dominant side of him. It makes me melt and want to say yes to every thing. I wonder if he would ever take me to the club. I am going to ask him. Just thinking about it makes me skin break out in goose bumps. I can just see him looking all serious and so damn sexy. Would he let people watch us as he does things to me? God. I shake my head. Let me not think about that. I focus on making sure my boyfriends brothers her breakfast when they wake up. I think I’m going to need some help in this house cause it is big. I’m dicing apples for the fruit salad when I hear

“ Good morning MaMdluli ” He says kissing my cheek. I cut myself. Fuck!

“ Good morning ” I say running to the sink opening the faucet.

“ I’m sorry I startled you. Where’s the first Aid kit? ” Karabo says.

“ uhm can you check on that draw over there.” I take the paper towel and cover my finger. He looks got the kit then finds it. I sit down and he comes with it.

“ let me help you ”

I move my hand out and party that the wound doesn’t quickly close it self while he’s watching cause he’ll probably freak out. He cleans it then takes the Elastoplast and covers my fingers 

“ Thank you bhuti.” I get up but I see that he’s looking at the bruise around my wrists. I get up but he holds my hand and moves my top up my arms. Just a little bit. He takes my other hand and looks at it too.

“ Did he do this with your permission? ”

“ Yes he did. It doesn’t  hurt honestly and I didn’t mind.” He nods.

“ Did he put some cream on it? ”

“ He did bhuti cause my hands smelled of it when I woke up.”

“ he’s not here? ”

“ No he left. I think he went to see sbu.” He nods. “ breakfast is ready”

“Thank you ” he says sitting down

“ you’re welcome.”

Kane walks in looking jolly.

“ Morning Fam. I had the best sleep in years. Sis you need to take me to the shop where you bought that stuff cause it is amazing ” he says kissing my cheek. “ Papa se seun ( my father’s son )” he say sitting down after brushing his brothers head. I chuckle.

“ I made them. I'll make some for you before you leave ”

“ Are you serious? ”

“ Yeah. I use one of the rooms in the cottage but it’s small. So I need a bigger space.”

“ we have space at the company building. You can hire some people will help you make this. Bro? Do you know what this means? ”

“ Uh no? ” karabo says.

“ It means we stop buying from that company. We have our own maker here. We but from her all the oils, candles and everything else from her for the clubs.”

 Older brother grins. My inner goddess sighs. Kabelo's older brother is something else. He has that thing that I can’t pin point what it is exactly. But it’s there. It’s intense and it makes him… ok let me stop talking about my future brother in law like that.

“ The clubs? You mean the sex clubs that you all run? ” they look at me surprised.

“ He told you? ” Karabo asks me..

“ Yes he did. I know all of you are Dom’s and I know who’s the leader here. It’s you bhuti.”

“ So you are okay with that? ” what?

“ I am very okay with that. Why wouldn’t I be? I mean this is you. It’s who you are.” They smile

“ Angel I love you” Kane says grinning.

“ I love you too Kane ” I say chuckling.

“ I will talk to Khawula and hear what he says. I make all types of candles and they have different scents. When poured on the skin they melt and so they can rub it. They lift moods and some enhances.”

“ Wow. We didn’t know we needed you until you came to our brothers life. Thank you angel ” big brother says.

“ Thank you big brother. So you better get your money ready cause I don’t come cheap. ” I say eating.

“ we’ll just let our brother ask for a discount in different ways. Like lasy night” I get red.

“ Shut up fool” bhuti reprimands Kane. It feels so wrong to call this man by his name.

“ Sorry ” I chuckle.

“ It’s okay Kane. He can ask for it but he’ll do allot of begging.” I say grinning. They chuckle.

“ As soon as you have set everything. Lease met us know so you can start making money.” Kane says and I nod. His phone and he excuses himself.

“ So you are like him? ” he knows that he has another soul living in him but he doesn’t really have a nice of what his brother really is.

“ You can say that.” He nods.

“ Your skin is cold Angel but not ice cold. Is it always like that? ”

“ It has been always like that. You know that in this world there are things that live with us. Things that a human naked eye can not see but only a person ones can see.”

“ I know that. Before I really understood what kabelo was, we used to perform exorcism bat church. Sometimes I ask myself if those people were really possessed or it they were like my brother. I blame myself when I think about it cause deep down it’s like I knew they needed he’ll and were like my brother.”

“ Don’t blame yourself bhuti. You were also scared and confused. It didn’t help you cause Khawula also hid that part of himself from you. Had he been open, you would have understood.”

“ He was also scared angel. He didn’t know how to deal with it.”

“ But he can be open to you know and show you who he really is. I know he trusts you and knows that you can never betray his trust.”

“ That goes for you too. You can trust me. I have always taken care of us before we went to live with our grandparents. He might have powers and do things but to me. He’s my little brother that I have to always protect from anything or anyone that wants to hurt him. I love them and they are my everything. My whole family is too and that includes you too now”

“ Thanks you bhuti.”

“ But warm me please if you’re going to change or do something. I don’t want to have a heart attack.” I chuckle. He might look big, strong and very sexy. A very dominant man but deep down he’s a very good, caring and loving man. His dominance is nothing compared to that of Khawula. He is everything about BDSM.

“ Since were having open conversation. Can I say something? ”

“Yes you may. ”

“ I can feel the stress and responsibilities it comes to leading so many people. They look up to you as their leader and you’re always expected to always be this perfect man who doesn’t do anything wrong or make mistakes and it’s getting to a point where it’s hard for you. Sometimes you feel like you can just walk away from all of it. Am I right? ”

“ Yeah you’re very right. I’m afraid to let people know that other side of me cause I’m afraid I’m going to be judged. Called names because I want and crave this.”

“ And it’s making you lonely.”

“ Yeah it does get lonely.”

“ When are you going to start living for yourself?. You have done everything that was expected from you so when are you going to live the life you want and be happy? ”

“ I don’t want to disappoint my grandfather.”

“ Your grandfather will understand. You are not getting younger bhuti and you can’t run away from love.”

“ Yeah I know I’m not getting younger but I don’t think I want children.”

“ You won’t be like your parents. Don’t be afraid of wanting to have a family of your own cause of the fear of being like your parents. I mean the three of you are not fuck ups” He chuckles

“ I took a vow of celibacy angel ”

“ You were young. You thought the things you liked and wanted were wrong. You thought it goes against everything your grandparents taught you. You thought by going to Bible School and growing in the church will make all these things you want go away but they didn’t. They got worse instead. That why you and khawula chose to start the club. Where you are most free.”

“ I love going to church. I find peace in there too.”

“ That’s your home too. Nobody said you can’t have find peace in there too. It’s time you put yourself first. The church will be fine. It will grow because it has all of you. Your cousin is young and he’s going to do amazing.”

“ Thank you angel. I feel better now. I think I needed to hear that.”

“ You should talk to her.”

“ Who? ”

“ The one who’s on your mind. Approach her.” He looks at me surprised.

“ What are you angel? ”

“ I am a goddess ” I say smiling. He chuckles and shakes his head.

“ Like you would tell me.” He says drinking his juice. He doesn’t believe me.

Kane comes back and sighs as he sits down.

“ What’s wrong? ” I ask him

“ Girlfriend trouble. She’s doesn’t believe me that I’m here with you guys. She thinks I took my other girlfriend for a vacation.”

“ You have another girlfriend? ”

“ No Sisi. I don’t. She’s just feeling jealous and insecure. She stresses me man.” I giggle.

“ You always have girl trouble.” Bhuti says shaking his head.

Mpume walks in carrying my baby. I was looking for him then I realized she took him last night when khawula called her. Mpume is the the girl Athena sent after taking Mira with her. I like mpume better than Mira. Kane whistles as she walks in. Mpume rolls her eyes.

“ Good morning everyone. This little person has been busting me but when I said I’m bringing him to you he stopped.” I take him from her and I can hear him sighing. He missed me.

“ Why are referring the wolf as a person and not an animal? ”

“ cause it’s a human being Kane. He’s also a human too and his name is Shadow.” Kane gets up and stands far from the table. Mpume bursts out laughing.

“ That’s not funny Sisi please ”

“ I’m serious Kane. Don’t be surprised next when you come here you find a little person running around the house. He’s in his wolf form cause he’s still scared.”

“ What? Are you like that too? ”

“ No I’m not ” I chuckle.

“ Ok but don’t let him bite me. I wouldn’t want to hurt him.”

“ Don’t hurt my baby Kane ”

“ Ok. Ok I won’t ” he eats his food..

“ Did he eat? ”

“ some milk only.” Mpume says taking a seat.

I take my plate and dish for him the food on the table and he eats. I smile. I know he won’t eat this food for long. He’s going to want fresh meat with blood. For now though I’m just happy he is gaining weight cause he’s eating. I just wish he would be in his human form so I can really take care of him. Shadow please baby. Transform for mommy.

We finish breakfast and surprisingly Mpume and Kane offer to do dishes. Bishop tells us he’s going to the club to check how things are going. I pick shadow and walk with his outside. I put him down to see if he'll get up and follow me. I walk from him and stand just a few metres from him. I can see him clearly and I see the panic on his face. He gets up looks at my direction. I waive at him.

“ Come on Shadow. I know you can hear and see me. Come to mommy. Come baby”

He takes a step towards me then falls. He trues again then falls again. I worry cause it seems like there’s something holding him down. I walk towards him and pick him up. I put my hand on his head and close my eyes. A spell was performed on him to not walk or transform to his human form. My God. She was going to use him to just be her thing she will use at night on people. Where and how did he get you.

“ Angel? ” It’s Khawula. He’s mind-linking with me.

“ Honey?” I feel him smiling.

“ Is it okay if Khwezi comes and stays with us for a while until sbu deals with things? ”

“ Yeah it’s okay. I’ll prepare a room for her? ”

“ she’s going to come with her little sister. Is that also okay? ”

“They will be safe here baby. It’s okay ”

“ Thank you love. I’ll see you when I come back.”

“ Where are you though? ”

“ In volkrust.”

“ Ok be safe.”

“ I will. Please make sure your phone is close cause sbu is going to call to make sure if you agreed.”

“ ok.”

“ I love you ”

“ of course you do ” he chuckles. “ shadow and I love you more.”

“ How is he? ”

“ Lesego's mom bound him to a spell”

“ Yeah I felt that when I picked him up. I’ll fix it when I come back. Don’t worry okay? ”

“ Ok.” He cuts off our connection.

I walk back to the house and find Kane and Mpume playing a play station. We have one?. They begin to argue and I leave then there and go to my bedroom. The phone rings and I talk to the king and tell him it’s okay. His queen can stay with us until everything has passed. I go the bedrooms and begins to leave prepare them. I dint know if they are coming today or tomorrow but I have to make sure everything is perfect before they come today or tomorrow.

After hours of making sure everything is fine. I think of making lunch but I feel tired. so I decide to take a nap on my bedroom. I look shadow and he’s looking at me. I wonder if giving him my blood will make him okay. I close my eyes and let sleep take over.

I feel kisses on my face and a bread. He smells so good. I moan and turn my head facing up. He chuckles. I smile.

“ Hey sleep head. Wake up ”

“ I’m tired ”

“ you’ve been sleeping for hours. Wake up ” I open my eyes.

“ When did you come back? ”

“ Three hours ago. ” I sit up and Shadow’s not here.

“ where is shadow? ”

“ My Shadow? ”

“ Not you Elson. The wolf my Shadow? ”

“ Oh Mpume took him outside for a walk.”

“ we have to help him or he’s always going to be stuck like that. I know you can recite spells. Please help him.”

“ you really care for him don’t you? ”

“ I do. Maybe us finding him wasn’t a coincidence. Maybe we were meant to find him cause maybe I can’t give you kids.” He cubs my cheek.

“ I thought I told you I don’t want to hear you say that. We will have kids of our own.”

“ I’m vampire khawula.”

“ You’re half a vampire and half a goddess angel. We will have children okay.”

“ What if we can’t. What if Shadow is the only baby we get to have? ”

“ Have faith angel please. I believe and I know we will have children. As many as we want. Stop thinking about what if. Don’t. If we can’t have kids then we’ll see what we can do but I will make sure we have children no matter what. I will give you the life you want.”

“ I know you will Khawula.” I sigh and wipe my face but I feel something cold on my finger. I look at it then look at him.

“Khawula what is this? ” He smiles then kneels down.

“ Thobela Lukhele. Goddess of Ice. Daughter of Goddesses. Daughter of the First Vampire to ever exist. Will you marry me Kabelo Ntanzi and make me the happiest man alive? ”

“ Are you sure Khawula? ”

“ With everything I am ”

“Even if I can’t give you children? ”

“ I love you still the same. Please say yes angel. I love you.”

“ yes I’ll marry you. Yes ” he smiles then throws his body on me and we kiss.

I love this man very much and I’ll do anything to give him the family he wants even if it means I have to sell my soul. He will be a father.

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