Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

By WasabiSword

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With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... More

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!
Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!
Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!
Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!
Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!
Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!
Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!

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By WasabiSword

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Piccolo had arrived just in time to face Frieza. However, something was different about him. It wasn't until after his fight against Frieza's second form, he revealed that he had absorbed Nail, causing him to become stronger than ever! Piccolo seemed to be gaining the upper hand, until Frieza gave a shocking announcement. It seems as though Frieza wasn't using his full power! Piccolo then removed his weighted training gear to give him an extra boost in power, but unfortunately, it still wasn't enough. It was then that Frieza made a horrifying statement, he still had two more transformations! Frieza then began to transform into his hideous third form in front of Piccolo! Will Piccolo be able to defeat Frieza and avenge his people or will his training with King Kai all have been for nothing.


Frieza's Demonic Assault!


"Y-You, vile freak!" Piccolo yelled, before slowly backing away from Frieza.

The tyrant's transformation made him appear more demonic than alien. Frieza's sight alone would make even the most ferocious of warrior's quake in fear. In the air, the others looked down, horrified.

"H-He looks like something out of a nightmare...!" Ruby quivered.

"How the Hell are we meant to fight this monster," Pyrrha asked. "You all heard it yourselves, he has one more transformation!" Pyrrha exclaimed.

Vegeta clenched his fists in anger.

'D-Damn it,' Vegeta cursed to himself. 'I believed I had grown stronger than Frieza during my time under him, but the bastard STILL has more power he's hiding! If only I could become a Super Saiyan, then maybe, just maybe I'll be able to defeat this beast!' Vegeta thought to himself.

Down below, Frieza began to give Piccolo a wide unnerving smirk.

"Oho ho ho," Frieza laughed. "Come on, what are you waiting for? You seemed to have had quite a bit of confidence in your speed earlier, as I recall. So, why don't we start by putting that to the test, hmm?" Frieza chuckled.

Frieza then jumped high into the air, the speed of which caused Piccolo's eyes to widen in surprise. Frieza then began his descent downwards, bringing his foot down. Piccolo dodged the attack by flying back, only for Frieza to fly after him. Piccolo turned around to see Frieza slowly but surely catching up to him. The Namekian then attempted to quickly dash away at speeds that would seem impossible to the naked eye. As Piccolo tried to gain more distance, he would occasionally look behind him.

'That added bulk he's gained can only slow him down,' Piccolo thought, seeing his opponent's gained muscle mass would only cause him to move slower. 'I don't care how much power he's gained; he'll never get close to me to even use it!' Piccolo theorized.

Piccolo then turned his head forward, only for his eyes to widen and to immediately stop. Floating in front of him was Frieza, who was currently crossing his arms. Piccolo quickly brought his guard up.

'What the Hell,' Piccolo thought, baring his fangs.

Frieza chuckled.

"It's about time," Frieza taunted Piccolo. "How nice of you to finally join me. You don't want to be late to your own funeral, do you?" Frieza chuckled.

Jaune couldn't believe what he'd seen.

"W-Whoa," Jaune exclaimed. "D-Did you guys see that?!" Jaune said.

"I didn't even see him move!" Weiss shivered.

Piccolo growled in anger and attempted to strike Frieza, but no matter how fast Piccolo would strike, Frieza would effortlessly dodge his attacks. Frieza then disappeared from Piccolo's direct line of sight, the reappeared right behind him! Before Piccolo could turn around, Frieza kicked Piccolo's back, sending the Namekian forward. From there, Frieza landed blow, after blow, after blow upon Piccolo, never giving the Namekian a chance to fight back. Frieza's last blow came when he kicked Piccolo across the face, knocking him back.

"Well, this has been fun, but playtime is over" Frieza said.

Piccolo glared back at Frieza.

'Damn,' Piccolo cursed to himself.

Frieza began to cackle to himself.

"Now that you realize your precious speed is of no use against me," Frieza said. "That feeling of helplessness I was hoping to inspire must be settling in nicely. Let's see if we can add some terror to the mix." Frieza smirked.

Piccolo stood there, waiting for Frieza to make a move. When suddenly, he felt a stinging pain hit him on his left kneecap. Piccolo groaned in pain and saw that there was a hole in his Gi pants, and his knee looking scorched. Eye's widening, he looked over at Frieza, who had both arms at his sides. Upon closer inspection, his right index and middle fingers had a trail of smoke leaving them, indicating that he's fired a Ki blast. Beads of sweat began to pour from Piccolo's head.

'H-He's fast, I didn't even see him attack,' Piccolo thought to himself.

Frieza then brought up both hands, each holding out both index and middle fingers. Before Piccolo could even move, Frieza began to pelt the Namekian with beams of Ki, each time they made contact with his skin, it felt as though someone was repeatedly prodding him with a red-hot iron. From the sidelines, Ruby felt her anger rising. Seeing her friend and mentor being tortured like this began to make her blood boil.

"It's like a swarm of angry bee's," Ruby growled. "Piccolo doesn't stand a chance!" Ruby yelled.

Deciding now or never, Ruby charged. Everyone else tried to call her back, but to no avail. Weiss, Pyrrha, and Fasha then flew after Ruby. Jaune attempted to fly after them, but Vegeta caught his leg, preventing him from going after his friends.

"Hey," Jaune yelled. "I have to help them! Let go!" Jaune said.

Vegeta growled in irritation.

"Do you fools honestly think you can help your Namekian friend," Vegeta said.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing!" Jaune replied.

Vegeta then grabbed both of Jaune's shoulders and looked him dead in the eye.

"Listen carefully," Vegeta instructed. "You have only one chance of saving your friends. You have to attack me, like you mean to kill me!" Vegeta demanded, confusing Jaune.

Frieza continued his vicious onslaught, until he heard Ruby give out a battle cry. Turning around, he saw Ruby flying towards him, readying a kick. Frieza dodged out of the way and slammed Ruby across the face with his fist. But then, Frieza felt someone kick him back. Looking behind him, he saw that his assailant was Fasha. Frieza began to charge an attack but noticed two Ki blasts were being fired towards him. It was Wess and Pyrrha! Frieza attempted to block the attack but was surprised when Ruby and Fasha joined them! The four combined their attacks into one, as Frieza met their attack head on. Frieza held their attack, while feeling himself being slowly pushed back. Growling with irritation, Frieza began to gather Ki into both his palms, and fired their attack right back at them! The four girls stood there in shock as their combined attack was shooting straight towards them. However, Piccolo quickly shot a large Ki blast at the attack heading towards Ruby and her friends. The Ki blast rammed into the side of the ball of energy and caused it to fly directly into the sky, causing the attack to explode mid-air.

Ruby glanced down at Piccolo and rushed to his side.

"Thanks Piccolo," Ruby said, while helping him stay afloat in the air.

"You're welcome, Ruby," Piccolo said, his eyes never leaving Frieza.

Frieza began to slowly descend onto a small island and looked up at his opponents with a look of irritation. With Vegeta, he grabbed Jaune by the scruff of his under suit and pulled him closer.

"Do I have to spell it out to you," Vegeta growled. "Every time a Saiyan recovers from a near death experience, they receive a Zenkai boost. My power will increase! We could use this to our advantage!" Vegeta yelled.

Jaune stood there dumbfounded, while trying to process what Vegeta was saying to him. This reluctance caused Vegeta's anger to rise.

"What are you waiting for," Vegeta yelled. "Hurry, before he has time to perform his last transformation! I need you to blast me, don't think about it, just do it! It won't work if the injury is self-inflicted, get it!" Vegeta demanded.

Jaune began to shake.

"B-But I can't," Jaune said. "I wouldn't even be able to scratch you!" Jaune replied.

"Don't worry," Vegeta replied. "I'll lower my defenses to the bare minimum, so any one of your puny attacks should do plenty of damage." Vegeta said, glancing over towards Dende.

"Then, with the Namekian brat's healing abilities, I'll be restored to full strength." Vegeta explained.

Jaune grabbed Vegeta's gloved hand and removed it from him.

"As much as I would love to cave your skull in," Jaune said. "It wouldn't be right." Jaune remarked.

Vegeta let out an irritated growl.

"Besides," Jaune began. "We just have to hold out for a few more minutes before Oren is fully recovered." Jaune explained.

"In a few minutes we could all be dead," Vegeta tried to reason. "Besides, my little brother is low-class scum. He's already reached his peak with that Kaio-whatever it is! The only way for me to defeat Frieza once and for all is to become a Super Saiyan!" Vegeta exclaimed.

Back on the ground, Frieza looked at his right fist, then back upwards at the rest.

"I believe it's time to obliterate you inferior insects once and for all," Frieza announced. "It would be a relatively simple matter for me to exterminate you all in my current form. But rather than do that, it will be far more satisfying to leave you with one final vision more terrifying than death!" Frieza shouted.

Jaune and Vegeta quickly turned around to look at Frieza.

"I got a bad feeling about this," Jaune said.

Frieza extended his arms out.

"Consider this my parting gift to you all," Frieza shouted. "A nightmare beyond even the horrors of Hell! WITNNESS, MY TRUE, ULTIMATE FORM!" Frieza announced.

Everyone began to shiver at Frieza's words. Frieza hunched over and began to groan in pain as a purple sphere covered his body. Vegeta quickly turned around back towards Jaune.

"There's still time to attack me now! Do it," Vegeta demanded.

Jaune continued to shiver, both out of fear of Frieza, and because of his unwillingness to attack Vegeta.

Vegeta anger was finally reaching a boiling point.


Jaune tightly closed his eyes and yelled as he unleashed a Ki blast into Vegeta's abdomen. Everyone quickly turned around, and saw Vegeta falling towards the ground, and Jaune with his arm outstretched. Vegeta began to smirk as he neared the ground.

"A-At last," Vegeta spoke weakly. "Now I can truly become, a Super Saiyan," Vegeta said.

Pyrrha couldn't believe what she had seen.

"J-Jaune, what did you do," Pyrrha questioned.

Everyone began to slowly descend onto the ground. Ruby held Picolo up as he groaned in pain. Ruby began to look for Dende, hoping he could heal Piccolo.

"W-Where's Dende," Ruby asked. "We need him to heal Piccolo." Ruby said.

Dende was currently standing before a heavily wounded Vegeta, who was slowly walking towards the Namekian child. Vegeta was applying pressure to the large gaping wound in his chest.

"W-WHAT," Vegeta yelled. "What do you mean you won't heal me!" Vegeta growled.

Dende looked defiantly into Vegeta's eyes.

"You heard what I said," Dende replied.

"Surely you were able to heal the others," Vegeta growled in pain. "So why can't you heal me?" Vegeta demanded.

Dende closed his eyes and turned away from Vegeta.

"After what you did," Dende said. "So many of my brothers, murdered by your hands. Someone as evil as you doesn't deserve second chances!" Dende said, clenching his fists.

Vegeta was beginning to lose his patience.

"Y-You ignorant little brat," Vegeta spat. "Unless you don't heal me quickly, Frieza will kill us all!" Vegeta explained.

Dende shook his head, as he ran past Vegeta.

"No, I won't do it," Dende yelled, flying toward the others.

Vegeta's knee's felt weak, and he fell to the ground.

"Y-You... Little... Bastard!" Vegeta gasped.

Ruby looked up and saw Dende flying over towards them.

"Dende," Ruby called out. "Over here!" Ruby waved.

The Namekian child descended onto the ground and made his way over to Piccolo. Piccolo weakly opened his eyes to look at the small Namekian child.

"Th-They said, you have the power to heal others," Piccolo said. "I-Is that true?" Piccolo asked.

Dende placed his hands upon Piccolo as a source of green energy began to surround his body. After a few moments, Piccolo's wounds were healed. Ruby and her friends began to smile as they saw Piccolo sit up. However, Dende's healing abilities didn't go unnoticed. While in the process of transforming, Frieza happened to glimpse at Dende healing Piccolo.

'So,' Frieza thought. 'That's how these pests keep coming back.'

Piccolo stood up.

"Incredible," Piccolo exclaimed. "Do all Namekian's have this ability?" Piccolo asked.

"No, only those of the Dragon Clan have that ability."

Jaune walked behind Dende.

"Never mind about that," Jaune said. "Vegeta's in bad shape over there, and he needs your help."

Dende bowed his head and clenched his fists.

"Look," Jaune began. "I know he's not a good person, but we need him to help us defeat Frieza. We can't win without him." Jaune explained.

Dende tried his hardest to keep himself from tearing up.

"Th-That Saiyan, he's just like him, like Frieza," Dende said with venom. "How many of my brothers did he murder in cold blood!" Dende exclaimed.

Everyone knew what they wanted Dende to do was hard. To heal the one who also had a part in his race's extinction. Eventually, Piccolo placed his hand upon Dende's shoulder.

"Do it for me Dende," Piccolo spoke softly. "But Jaune's right. I hate to say this, but Frieza is far stronger than I am. And the only way for us to beat this bastard is to heal Vegeta. Don't worry, I'll deal with him after Frieza." Piccolo reassured.

What Piccolo didn't want Dende to know, was that he was lying. Piccolo was loathed to admit it, but Vegeta was far stronger than he was. His only hope was for Oren to arrive in time to defeat him. At that moment, Frieza let out a mighty yell as the ground began to shake.

"Damn," Piccolo cursed. "Frieza has completed his transformation!" Piccolo growled.

"Why didn't we mask our powers and hide when we had the chance!" Jaune exclaimed.

"You think that would stop him," Fasha said. "Without the Dragon Balls, he has no use for this planet anymore. More than likely, he'd destroy it." Fasha said.

Smoke began to cover the small island Frieza was transforming on, completely hiding himself in the dust cloud.

"H-His power," Piccolo gasped. "It's enormous!" Piccolo exclaimed.

Pyrrha turned over to the Namekian child.

"Dende," Pyrrha said gently. "I know this is hard for you, but please, heal Vegeta. It's the only way to stop Frieza." Pyrrha pleaded.

Reluctantly, Dende flew back to Vegeta's location. Fasha then called for everyone's attention.

"Look sharp," Fasha said. "He's coming into view."

As the smoke cleared, a lone figure could be seen. Frieza's skin was white as snow, his head had a purple jewel-like object upon it, and his height was shorter than before.

Meanwhile, Dende was in the process of healing Vegeta. After the procedure was finished, Vegeta stood back up to his feet, and looked at his hands. Vegeta then turned his gaze towards Dende and let out a vicious snarl.

"You wretched little bastard," Vegeta growled.

Vegeta raised his fist and brutally backhanded Dende, breaking the boy's nose in the process. Dende cried out in pain and held his nose as he fell to the ground. Vegeta placed his boot upon the child's head.

"After Frieza is finished," Vegeta snarled. "I'll personally take my time in killing you slowly!" Vegeta threatened.

For good measure, Vegeta kicked Dende out of his way. The Saiyan then looked over towards the small island and saw Frieza's final form.

"So," Vegeta said. "That's Frieza's full power? At last, we'll finally see what we're up against." Vegeta said to himself.

Vegeta then took a step forward and smirked.

"Not that it matters," Vegeta said confidently. "For I have become, a Super Saiyan! I am second to no-one!" Vegeta said to himself.

Everyone looked at Frieza's new form in awe, and confusion.

"W-Wait," Jaune spoke up. "THAT'S Frieza's ultimate form? It looks...Tiny." Jaune remarked.

"Fool," Fasha scolded. "An opponent's power has nothing to do with their outer appearance. Frieza's previous forms were tame compared to this one!" Fasha said.

Everyone froze when Frieza lifted his finger in their direction.

"Bang," Frieza spoke, his voice a higher pitch.

A thin magenta beam shot out of his finger towards the group.

Everyone's heartbeat hastened when the beam neared them, but to their confusion, the beam flew past all of them. It wasn't until poor Dende let out a terrified gut wrenching scream that everyone knew who Frieza was aiming at. The beam met Dende's flesh and was met with an explosion. Both Ruby and Pyrrha's eyes widened in horror. Both girls turned around and saw a small cloud of smoke where Dende once stood. Vegeta turned around and looked behind him.

"What," Vegeta wondered aloud. "Why him?" Vegeta asked.

When the cloud of smoke dissipated, the two horrified girls were met with the sight of Dende's charred corpse.

"DENDE!!!" Both Ruby and Pyrrha screamed.

Back inside the healing chamber, Oren felt Dende's power drop.

'Someone just went down,' Oren thought. 'But who? Who was it? Damn it, I'm sick of waiting!' Oren angrily thought to himself.

Outside, everyone continued to look at Dende's charred remains.

"B-But why Dende," Weiss said to herself, as a single tear fell from her eye. "He wasn't even fighting." Weiss said.

(End Song)

Both Ruby and Pyrrha were shaking with fury at the sight of Dede's body.

Ruby stood there wondering: Why? Dende was only a child! He couldn't even fight back!

Frieza gave out a taunting laugh.

"You know," Frieza spoke. "I couldn't help but notice the little shit having healing abilities. Well, we can't have that now, can we? Besides, thats one last pest to deal with." Frieza smirked.

Ruby began to grind her teeth and began to lunge forward.

"Y-YOU BASTARD!!!" Ruby yelled.

However, before she could move further, she felt someone grab her shoulder and pull her back. Looking behind her, she saw it was Vegeta.

"Don't waste your breath," Vegeta said, pulling Ruby back. "To be honest, I was going to kill the little shit for his refusal to heal me. But it seems for once, Frieza did me a favor. Besides, it'll be better to have an audience anyway. For you're all about to witness the power of a Super Saiyan!" Vegeta spoke, his voice laced with egotism.

Vegeta then began to make his way over towards Frieza, stopping a few feet in front of him. Vegeta raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist.

"You're in for it now Frieza," Vegeta smirked. "For you are about to be killed by the very thing you've feared for all these years...A Super Saiyan!" Vegeta announced.

(End Chapter)


Vegeta: Frieza! Prepare yourself, for you are facing a Super Saiyan!

Frieza: Really, this again? I believed I told you I don't appreciate your jokes.

Ruby: Incredible, his power, it's awesome!

Weiss: Vegeta might stand a chance after all!

Fasha: N-No! It's still not enough!

Oren: Next Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?

Vegeta: I-Is this my limit?

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