Artificially Abandoned || Loo...

By kimthelip

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Jo Haseul's children Yeojin and Heejin were in a summer break so they decide to invite some friends over. Viv... More

Chapter 1: Invitation
Chapter 2: A Tall Tale
Chapter 3: Paranoid
Chapter 4: Risky
Chapter 5: Confession
Chapter 6: Together Once Again
Chapter 7: Abuse
Chapter 8: Lost
Chapter 9: Struggles and Issues
Chapter 11: Safe House
Chapter 12: Finding Secrets
Chapter 13: Matter Resolved..?
Author's Note

Chapter 10: Disney World

389 24 12
By kimthelip

Choerry was crying on the floor of their kitchen. She just witnessed the biggest fight that she has seen her parents do. She needed a distraction.

"Hey hey it's the only other rich girl i know! Can't believe you made it" Hyeju said teasing her friend Choerry

"Hyeju be quiet" Chaewon said "I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING OFFENSIVE??" She aggressively replied but only got a "shush" from the other girl

They all got in the car with Hyunjin as the driver and away they went to Disney Land.

While they were all sleeping since it was gonna be a very long car ride, Hyeju and Chaewon decided to share some things about themselves.

"Hyeju, i'm trying to get my PhD in Psychology. You mind answering some of my questions?" Chaewon asked

"Do i mind you not letting me sleep? Sure" Sarcasm. She made it clear that it was sarcasm and yet the other still replied "Ok great. Sit up straight"

Hyeju slapped her hand to her face regretting not just pretending to be asleep "Go ahead. Make it quick"

"I'm gonna tell you a few senarios and you're gonna tell me your opinion on it alright?" She said as she prepares what she's about to read on her phone

Hyeju nodded

"Let's say girl A has a crush on girl B but the problem is, girl B is giving girl A mixed signals"

Chaewon asked as she prepares to write down whatever Hyeju is about to say

"Well clearly, they need to get to know each other more. But most importantly, girl A should try harder since she's the one who had the crush in the first place" She said

"Well what if girl A doesn't know how to impress girl B because girl B has probably seen everything?" Chaewon said making the other think

"She doesn't have to show girl B anything. All she has to do is make girl B know that she cares, loves, and cherishes her"

"Really?" Chaewon asked

"That's what i'd want if i was girl B" Hyeju said cooly and went back to sleep.


"What." She said menacingly

"We're still not done with the interview"

"Oh son of a bitch." The other complained

Jungeun and Jinsoul were talking to each other about their situation from a few weeks ago. And they were also waiting for a few people to arrive.

"That's not what i'm saying, i'm saying you should ask me first befo-" Sooyoung was cut off as they entered the room that Jungeun and Jinsoul were in

"Hey Jungie!! Jinsoul, i am deeply sorry for bringing my dumbass of a wife" Jiwoo said with a sweet smile

"I did nothing???" Sooyoung said still confused about what Jiwoo's mad about

"Ok...ay? I don't know what the fuck is going on with you two but i'm glad that you called Sooyoung dumb" Jinsoul said as she left to go back to she was doing

"What's happening between you two?" Jungeun whispered to Jiwoo

"Oh there's nothing going on. I'm just trying to find out if asserting a certain emotion would get her to behave more." Jiwoo chuckled "So far so good so"

"You are.. so strange"

"Hey don't look at me like that. I got the idea from you" Jiwoo confidently claimed


"Well i was trying to see how Jinsoul always listens to you and thought what if it wasn't Jinsoul? Since, y'know you're already scary enough on your own"

"That is highly offensive" Said Jungeun clearly still not getting why Jiwoo is doing this

"THERE'S A FUCKING HUGE ASS RAT!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" Yeojin screamed as she pointed at the Mickey Mouse mascot

"We don't know her" Heejin smiled at the strangers walking by and staring

"Hey Heejin! Wanna ride space mountain?" Hyunjin kindly asked "Sure let's go"

"Why not just start having sex in public? Get a room you two" Hyeju said as she walked away from the people she knows, bumping Hyunjin's shoulder on the way.

Cheawon followed her to have a little bonding time "Your sister cr and Heejin are very..."

"Disgusting? Yes I know"

The other chuckled "No silly. I was gonna say cute"

"Ew you think that's cute? You must have bad eye sight" Hyeju sarcasticly said

"Oh c'mon. The way Hyunjin smiled right after Heejin agreed to go on a ride with her was so cute"

"Miss Chaewon are you.. perhaps... in love with my sister?" She teased

"Good lord no. I mean yes.. but no. Heejin has already very clearly claimed her" Chaewon said defensively

For a few seconds of starting in to the others eyes Hyeju realized how Chaewon has this gummy smile and also laughs at all her jokes.

And in that moment, Hyeju got an idea "Do you wanna go ride the carousel and push some kids off while their parents aren't looking?"

"Uhhh kinda weird but sure"

"Okay, now that we're all here, we can all begin. Welcome to operation DELTA" Jinsoul said very cooly expecting everyone to get chills but instead got a disgusted look from Jungeun

Haseul and Vivi already arrived a few minutes earlier and was also cringing at Jinsoul's poor attempt of making this feel like a Tom Cruise movie

"Fine if you wanna take the fun out of it, we're gonna try to figure out who and what the hell Mobius is"

Jungeun stood up "Here's all we have." And showed a bunch of research that the two of them did along with some of the stuff Jiwoo sent them

"God damn that is very little information" Sooyoung said while she was cooly sitting on the table

"Well then buckle up you hag. We're gonna be here till we get a lead" said Jinsoul

Choerry and Yeojin were walking to their next destination in Disney Land when they overheard a couple talking about some teenagers pushing their kid off of the carousel.

"50 bucks says it's Hyunjin." Yeojin immediately said right after they overheard the couple's conversation.

"I say it's Hyeju. Out of all of us the twins are the most aggressive" Choerry

They walked over to where the carousel was and saw Chaewon and Hyeju at the side eating ice cream but someone else was pushing kids off the ride. Who might it be? Choerry thought

"We saw a kid crying with a scraped knee on the way here" Yeojin said explaining the reason why they approached them.

"Ah. Yeah at first it was us two but..." Hyeju licked her ice cream letting Chaewon complete her statement "we saw Heejin and Hyunjin together and forced them to push one kid off"

"We really thought they'd stop at one but nope. They got addicted." The twin said while sarcastically proud looking at her sister from afar.

"Well guess we owe each other nothing." Said Yeojin "Jin, I already know that you're broke. You don't have to hide it."

"I don't know what you're talking about Choerry." The other said as she saw a kid going to his parents to tell on them "I'm gonna go get Heejin. I can't have her going to jail for child abuse"

"Aren't you gonna stop Hyunjin?" Choerry asked "Nah"

Chaewon gave Hyeju a mad look and hit her arm "Go get your damn sister"

"Ok ok ok what if it's psychological?" Jiwoo stated "Jiwoo i love you but no." Jungeun immediately said right after

"No, no wait she's on to something" Haseul butted in as she gave some thought to Jiwoo's theory

"What if it was hallucinations?" They all looked at her confused "We were all tired. We haven't got the time to eat before leaving. For all we know, the place we went to wasn't even real"

"Haseul are you describing schizophrenia? We do not have schizophrenia. None of us do" Sooyoung said

"Well Jinsoul what do you think?" Haseul asked

"It's the only lead we have. Let's just check on it" She said and went searching for what might be the cause of them hallucinating

"The invites. What about the invites? That can't have just been in our heads right?" Jungeun suggested and looked through her bag. "See? How do you explain this?" She asked Haseul while holding up the invitation

"Okay yeah you got a point there."

Vivi felt her phone vibrate and saw her daughter's text message. "Can we continue this tomorrow? I still have to cook some food for Chae when she comes home"

"Isn't your daughter 17?" Vivi nodded "She still can't cook?" Asked Jiwoo

"Oh she can. There's just a very high risk of the house burning down" she answered

"That reminds me, Jinsoul, i'm sorry but i have to go home. Heejin would get mad at me if I don't come home early" Haseul said while preparing to leave with her things

"Are all your children out?" Jungeun asked them "Yeah they're at Disney Land" Sooyoung answered

Jungeun put her hand on Jinsoul's shoulder and shook her a little bit to get her attention "Where is our child?"

"I thought you knew?" Her wife answered "Jinsoul i told you that you need to take care of her this week."

"You did?" The other cluelessly said "JINSOUL!"

"RIGHT! Indefinitely did not forget about that."

Haseul and Vivi went towards the door since they were about to leave "Jungeun, Choerry is also with them so you don't have to worry"

"Keep the marriage intact" Sooyoung said and left with Jiwoo

Hyeju and Cheawon were on the Ferris wheel as their last ride there.

"Is it weird that I don't want this day to end?" Chaewon said suddenly as their ride slowly continues "It isn't if you admit that you have a crush in my sister" the other teased

"For the last time Hyeju, i do not have a crush on your damn sister" she said with her voice slightly raised

"Sure.." she chuckled "But no, it's not weird that you don't want this day to end. I would describe it as a very special day"

"Should we take a picture?" Chaewon asked "Yeah c'mon"

And as soon as the camera flashes, Chaewon took her chance to kiss Hyeju. It was perfect. The place was perfect. The kiss was perfect. Hyeju even kissed back.

The only thing that ruined the moment was the ride stopping and the people that they're with saw EVERYTHING.

They all looked at each other. Hyeju not taking her eyes off of her sister.

"I AM SO TELLING MOM ABOUT THIS!!!" Hyunjin said in a teasing way as she took a picture of them

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