The 7 Royal Warriors

By JazJP20

165 44 4

Prince Lukas, heir to the throne of the kingdom of Lexia, must find a wife before he can be crowned king. He... More

Chapter 1: The royal ball
Chapter 2: Picnic with a prince
Chapter 3: Sneaking in
Chapter 4: Inner power
Chapter 5: Invasion
Chapter 6: Almost time
Chapter 7: Last day
Chapter 9: A royal ending
Message from the author

Chapter 8: Wedding trap

11 4 0
By JazJP20

Two weeks later

It was the date of the fake wedding. Princess Twilight went to Azariah because she asked Princess Ashley to help her with her outfit. They sat in Princess Ashley's room and talked.

Twilight: So this skirt is supposed to cover my fighting outfit, right?
Ashley: Yes. So we can do a dramatic skirt-rip when it's time to fight.
Twilight: Awesome! I've always wanted to do that.

Alex came and stood at the door.

Alex: Any longer and you're going to be late.
Ashley: Okay. Twilight, I think you look great.
Twilight: Thank you for the help. We can go now.
Alex: Great- Wait! Ashley, why are you wearing the necklace Mother gave to you?
Ashley: The crystals will come in handy. Let's go before we really are late.

As they were on their way outside, they met Cassandra in the hallway.

Cassandra: Oh, hello your Highnesses. I see you're on your way outside, correct?
Twilight: Yes we are.
Cassandra: Please be careful.
Alex: We've got powers, I'm sure we'll be fine.

Prince Alex and Cassandra hugged and he kissed her cheek.

Alex: But just in case I don't come back, just know that I love you Cassie.
Cassandra: Don't talk that way. But I love you too.

They went to the carriage and Prince Alex took them to Lexia.

At the palace in Lexia

The 7 of them, Prince Lukas, the king and queen were talking outside in the garden.

Lexia: Are you certain that the illusions will look believable?
Twilight: Yes Queen Lexia.
Dahlia: It was only us that got the invitations to this fake wedding, right?
Darrell: Yes, we made sure only the 6 of you got them.
Lexia: And we have to act like it's a real wedding until Nate attacks Lukas or something like that, correct?
Lydia: Yes.
Alex: How long is it until the wedding?
Lukas: Half and hour.
Alex: Okay, thanks.
Twilight: I'll make an illusion of the wedding now and in 20 minutes I'll use the other potion to make illusions of guests.
Darrell: Derek, why don't you accompany Princess Twilight?
Derek: Yes Father. Let's go Twilight.
Twilight: Alex, do you want to come too?
Alex: Sure.

Princess Twilight, Prince Alex and Prince Derek walked to where the "wedding" was going to take place.

Lukas: I'm going to check on something inside. I'll see you guys soon.
Lexia: Darrell and I are too. Make sure you all rest a bit.

They nodded. Prince Lukas smiled at Princess Lydia and him and his parents went inside the palace.

Mia: So what should we do ladies?
Lydia: I don't know. Something relaxing?
Ashley: Did you have something in mind?
Mia: No I didn't.
Dahlia: We're just bored.
Ashley: Same here.
Lydia: I can't wait to have a chance to punch your ex's face Ashley.
Ashley, Dahlia and Mia: I know right.

They all laughed together.

30 minutes later

Soon, Nate arrived. He greeted the king and queen and sat down next to Princess Ashley. Nate and Princess Ashley were whispering to each other.

Nate: Nice to see you again Sweetie.
Ashley: You're getting on my nerves, so stop.
Nate: Don't be so serious. It's a wedding, you're supposed to be happy.
Ashley: How can I when-
Nate: It'll be over sooner than you think. But still remember our little agreement.
Ashley: I know, you don't have to say it twice.

Everyone looked behind them and Princess Lydia walked down the "aisle". Everyone smiled as she stood with Prince Lukas, hand in hand.

Darrell: We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Prince Lukas and Princess Lydia. Lydia, you may say your vows.

She took a deep breath and looked at Princess Ashley and back at Prince Lukas.

Lydia: Prince Lukas, I promise to stay by your side, for better or worse and through sickness and health, forevermore.
Darrell: And Lukas, you may say your vows.

Nate grinned.

Lukas: Princess Lydia, I promise to stay by your side, for better or worse and through sickness and health, forevermore.
Darrell: Before we continue, does anyone object to this marriage?
Twilight: King Darrell is really getting into it.

There was a few moments of silence before Princess Ashley stood up.

Ashley: I object!

Princess Lydia looked at her and Princess Ashley winked at her.

Nate: Why Sweetie?
Derek: This dude has a death wish. No one except me can call her "Sweetie"!
Ashley: I think you know why Nate. That's-

Suddenly, dark green vines threw Princess Ashley to the side. Vines sprouted from the ground and wrapped around her wrists, keeping her from getting up. They expected Nate to be doing that but it was Lukas controlling those vines.

Derek: What are you doing Lukas?!

Prince Derek tried to get to Princess Ashley but he blocked his path with a thorn barrier.

Lukas: Let's finish this, without distractions.

Prince Lukas looked at Princess Lydia, who was a bit scared.

Lukas: Say "I do" or your friend dies right now.

He made poisonous thorns come out from the ground around Princess Ashley a little and gave the vines around her wrists thorns, which pierced her skin.

Lukas: Don't be scared. Just say "I do" and she'll be fine.

Princess Lydia looked at the others, then at the king and queen, and then at Prince Derek. She looked back at Prince Lukas.

Lydia: I...I...I...

She looked at Princess Ashley.

Lydia: I don't!

Princess Lydia pushed him down with a wave of water and did the same to Nate. As she did that, her hair and eyes glowed blue. They all saw that instead of Prince Lukas on the ground infront of her, it was Nate. And instead of Nate by the others, it was Lucinda.

Lydia: Dahlia, Mia, go help Ashley.

They nodded and Princess Dahlia and Princess Mia burnt through the thorn barrier and helped Princess Ashley. Together, they burnt the vines and thorns. As they did, their hair and eyes glowed gold.

Ashley: Thank you.
Dahlia: Your wrists are bleeding badly.
Mia: Twilight, we need a healing!
Twilight: Got it!

Princess Twilight was about to heal her when Lucinda attacked Princess Twilight. Prince Derek restrained her with vines, and as he did his eyes and hair glowed green. Princess Twilight then healed Princess Ashley and as she did, her eyes and hair glowed purple.

Ashley: Thanks, again.

The 3 of them ran back to the others. Nate was slowly getting up.

Lydia: What did you do with Lukas?
Nate: He should be the least of your worries!

Nate tried to attack Princess Lydia with dark vines but Princess Ashley struck the vines with lightning. As she did, her eyes and hair glowed white. Princess Ashley and Princess Twilight looked at each other and did the skirt-rip they were planning to do.

Twilight: That was so cool!
Ashley: It was!
Alex: Girls, focus please
Ashley and Twilight: Right.
Nate: It will take more than fighting clothes and fancy powers to stop me.
Ashley: Oh, we know that already.

The 7 of them stood behind Princess Ashley, in a pyramid form.

Ashley: That's why we have a special attack for you.
Lucinda and Nate: The Warrior Flow...
Nate: I didn't come this far just to fail now. Lucinda, now!

Lucinda nodded and she threw smoke bombs at them. Nate then trapped them in balls of vines.

Princess Twilight's ball

Princess Twilight was trying to break through the ball with her magic.

Nate: Ah, Twilight. The warrior of magic. I wonder, what would a princess from Darkiyia fear?
Twilight: You won't find that out anytime soon.

Just then, Princess Twilight could see her family in their palace.

Twilight: Mother? Father? Starry?
Hailey: Do any of you hear that?
Magnus: Hear what?
Hailey: I think I must be going insane.

Princess Twilight gasped and ran towards them.

Twilight: Can none of you hear me? I'm literally right here.
Starlight: Mommy, I'd really like a sister. That way I wouldn't be alone when you and Daddy are busy.
Twilight: Starry-

Princess Twilight put her hands on Princess Starlight's shoulders.

Twilight: I'm right here. I'm your older sister.
Starlight: Mommy, Daddy, this stranger is touching me!

King Magnus pushed her and Queen Hailey pulled Princess Starlight behind her.

Magnus: Who are you?
Hailey: What do you want with our daughter?
Twilight: Mother, Father, I'm also your daughter. Don't you remember me?
Magnus: Don't come near us again or I'll have you taken to the dungeon.

Princess Twilight started crying as she watched her family walk past her.

Twilight: No, no, this can't be happening!

Princess Mia's ball

Princess Mia tried to break through the ball by bending light but it wasn't working, because there wasn't much light to bend.

Nate: Mia. The first warrior of light. What's your darkest fear?
Mia: Let me out of here!

Just then, Princess Mia found herself in a very dark room.

Mia: If I had Dahlia's powers I'd be able to light up this room.

Princess Mia then felt a gust of wind. She started hearing noises all around her.

Mia: *scared* Who's there?!

She didn't hear an answer but continued hearing noises.

Mia: Stop hiding in the darkness and face me.
Nate: Face the darkness before you fight anyone else.

Princess Mia was scared, even though she sounded brave. She got more scared every second she was in the darkness, and the noises and wind made her more scared.

Princess Dahlia's ball

Princess Dahlia created light around her and she increased the temperature of the light to try to burn through the vines. Unfortunately, it also wouldn't work.

Nate: Princess Dahlia. The second warrior of light. Is your fear just as dark as your sister's?
Dahlia: Let me out of these vines!

Just then, Princess Dahlia was on a small island which was surrounded by water. In the water, there were sharks and other animals swimming around the island.

Dahlia: Is this supposed to be a joke?

She noticed that the island was becoming smaller. She watched closely and saw that the island was sinking into the ocean. Princess Dahlia panicked and ran to the middle of the island as it continued sinking slowly.

Prince Alex's ball

Prince Alex was trying to burn through the vines too but he couldn't.

Nate: Prince Alex. Crowned prince of Azariah. The warrior of fire.
Alex: You better not have hurt anyone, especially my sister.

Prince Alex was in a field and he saw Princess Ashley in the distance.

Ashley: Hey Alex.
Alex: Ashley?

Princess Ashley started running towards Alex. He also started running towards her. Just as they were about to reach each other, Princess Ashley was shot with an arrow.

Alex: Ashley!

Prince Alex sat beside Princess Ashley and hugged her tightly.

Alex: No, don't leave me Ashley. Please.

Princess Ashley closed her eyes and stopped breathing. Prince Alex checked her pulse, hoping she was still alive, but he couldn't feel it. Prince Alex cried as he hugged Princess Ashley's body.

Princess Lydia's ball

Princess Lydia was trying to use water to break out of the ball but the vines were too strong.

Lucinda: Princess Lydia. Future queen of Lexia. The warrior of the ocean. I hope your prepared.
Lydia: Prepared for what?

Suddenly, Princess Lydia was on the shore next to the ocean. She saw Prince Tristan swimming in the ocean.

Tristan: Hi Sis. Let's race around the coral.
Lydia: Okay, sure.

Princess Lydia jumped into the ocean and kept her head above the water. She expected her legs to turn back into her tail but they didn't.

Tristan: Where's your tail?
Lydia: I don't know. Maybe I need to submerge my while body in the water.

Lydia did that but she still had no tail.

Tristan: Seriously, what's going on?
Lydia: I-

Lydia realised that she couldn't breath under the water. Prince Tristan helped her back to the shore.

Lydia: I can't swim through the ocean anymore.

Prince Derek's ball

Lucinda: You're not even trying to break out?
Derek: I've tried but it's no use.
Lucinda: Let's see if there's another side of you that nobody knows about.

Prince Derek was in the royal garden. He saw Princess Ashley sitting by the fountain with someone...and that someone was Prince Lukas. He saw Prince Lukas kiss Princess Ashley, and that she kissed him back. Prince Derek felt himself tear up.

Derek: Ashley, what are you doing?
Ashley: I'm just spending time with the one I love.
Derek: Isn't that me?
Lukas: As if someone like Phoenix would love you.
Ashley: I don't feel the same way about you. I truly have eyes for Pegasus.
Derek: Princess, I fell so hard for you and you told me you felt the same.
Ashley: Well, things change. I hope you have a good life.

He watched Princess Ashley and Prince Lukas walk away holding hands and cried.

Derek: It won't be without you Ashley...

Princess Ashley's ball

Princess Ashley was trying to break the vines with lightning but they were too strong and thick.

Lucinda: Ashley. The warrior of lightning and The Pillar of Power.
Ashley: I still don't get why you're doing all this, and with Nate! Out of all people, why Nate?
Lucinda: I doubt you'd understand.

Princess Ashley then found herself in her bedroom in Azariah.

Ashley: This is some sort of illusion, isn't it?

She tried to open the door to leave but it was locked. She struck the door with lightning to break it down but it also didn't work. She rushed to open the window but suddenly, the window was covered with bars. She looked out the window and saw her parents.

Ashley: Mom, Dad, what's going on?
Raya: You will not be allowed to leave your room again, unless you are with a royal guard.
Ashley: What?!
Jeffrey: The world is too dangerous for you to roam around freely.
Ashley: You can't keep me locked up in here!
Raya: Sorry Ashley but it's for your own good.

Princess Ashley struck the window with lightning again, hoping she could break it, but it didn't. She punched the wall and sat on the floor.

Princess Twilight's ball

Princess Twilight used a telepathy spell so they could all communicate through their minds.

Twilight: What do a few of you see in your balls?
Lydia: Not having a mermaid tail anymore.
Mia: I can't see anything but darkness.
Dahlia: I'm about to drown or become food for hungry ocean animals.
Twilight: What do those have in common?
Derek: Those are their fears, right?
Twilight: Yes.
Alex: So we have to conquer our fears.
Derek: *sarcastically* That's easy.
Twilight: I know it's tough, but we all have to be brave.
Ashley: Okay, thanks Twilight.

The spell wore off. Princess Twilight used her magic to continue breaking the ball of vines.

Princess Mia's ball

The wind blew again and she heard louder noises which scared her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Mia: I won't fear the dark. I won't fear the dark.

She repeated the thought a couple of times. The more she did, the lighter the room got.

Mia: I'm not afraid of the dark!

The room was completely filled with light. She was surrounded by balls again and tried bending the light around the vines to cut them.

Princess Dahlia's ball

Princess Dahlia was now standing on a small piece of land, surrounded by the ocean and the animals.

Dahlia: How can I get out of this without drowning or being eaten by these animals?

Dahlia was panicking about what she should do, when she had an idea. She increased the temperature of the light over the ocean, causing the water to evaporate.

Dahlia: Haha! You won't be eating me predators! And sorry about draining the water but you're all illusions.

Princess Dahlia was surrounded by vines again. She used her power to try to burn through the vines.

Princess Lydia's ball

Princess Lydia and Prince Tristan were sad about losing her tail, but she smiled.

Lydia: Being human isn't too bad, I think. I'll get the hang of living above the sea.
Tristan: Are you sure?
Lydia: Yes. I'll miss the ocean but I'll still come see you.

Princess Lydia was surrounded by the vines again. She used water to break down the vines.

Prince Derek's ball

Derek: How do I face my fear of being heartbroken?

Prince Derek thought for a while and decided to focus on a positive future with Prince Ashley. He imagined their future together and then he was surrounded by the vines again. He used his powers to try to part the dark vines.

Princess Ashley's ball

Princess Ashley tried to break down the door with lightning again but it didn't work.

Ashley: Freedom can't be taken away from anyone. So I won't let my freedom be taken!

Ashley stepped back from the door and used her lightning to break down the door again. This time the door broke and she was surrounded by the vines again.

Ashley: It worked!

She used lightning to try breaking the vines again.

Prince Alex's ball

Prince Alex looked at Princess Ashley's body.

Alex: It's not real. Ash is not dead.

Prince Alex repeated the thought in his head and soon enough, he was surrounded by the vines again. He was relieved and used fire to try burning out of the vines. Soon, they had all broken out of their balls.

Nate: H-How?!
Ashley: We're stronger than we look Nate.
Alex: You can't win Nate. Both you and Lucinda know that.
Nate: Then finish us. Do it since you're so powerful.

Nate smirked evilly. Prince Derek tied Lucinda up with vines and Princess Ashley prepared to strike Nate with lightning. Just as she struck the lightning towards him, Nate trapped her in a ball of dark vines again and Princess Ashley got struck with the lightning instead. The vines fell from around her and she collapsed. Nate tied her up with dark vines. They all stepped forward but froze when Nate started choking her.

Nate: Take one more step and she gets it! If you give up your powers to me I'll let her go.
Twilight: We're not giving you our powers Nate!
Nate: Your choice.

Nate choked her further but she broke free from the vines and struck Nate with lightning. Princess Ashley tried her best to stand up and they stood in the pyramid form.

Ashley: We have to do this now.
Twilight: Let me heal you first.
Ashley: We don't have time. We have to do this now!
Alex: But you'll die.
Ashley: I'd rather die than let the world suffer.

They didn't want to but they had no choice. They knew that they had to do the Warrior Flow. Each of their eyes and hair started glowing and blasts of light from each of them went to Princess Ashley. Princess Ashley's eyes and hair glowed white. They all channelled their energy to her and Princess Ashley blasted all the energy to Nate. That was the Warrior Flow! It defeated Nate and took his powers away. Their eyes and hair stopped glowing.

Lydia: We did it!
Mia: We actually saved the world!

Prince Derek made sure to tie Nate up with vines to.

Twilight: It's finally over.

They then saw Princess Ashley lying on the ground. They rushed to her side.

Alex: Ashley, please say something.
Ashley: Well done guys, we did it. We defeated Nate.
Twilight: If we didn't have each other we wouldn't have.
Dahlia: Yeah.
Ashley: Guys, promise me that you'll live your lives to the fullest and that you'll always use your powers for good.

They all promised that. Just then, the spirits of the past Royal Warriors appeared.

Liliana: You did it!
Aaron: We're all really proud of you guys.
Akita: Ashley, are you okay? You don't look too good.
Delilah: You look the same way Akita did before she...

Princess Ashley felt a sharp pain in her chest. Prince Derek pulled her closer. Princess Ashley kissed him and he kissed her back. Prince Derek cried as he felt Princess Ashley's body drop.

Derek:, no, no, no!
Alex: Twilight, you have to save her.
Tyler: You're the only one that can. You have to try.

Princess Twilight hurriedly performed the healing spell on Princess Ashley. They were desperate to save her...

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