give u the moon (lil peep x r...

By swallowtailedmoth

1K 47 14

a new chapter to the lovers life. new places, new people, new experiences. book 2 of "the light in the shadow... More



221 10 2
By swallowtailedmoth

The first week of waiting was the hardest, but the second week felt like an eternity.

Gus would still call everday, so of course that allowed for some time to feel like it could pass. But this second week he wasn't calling as much, he still had to make sure that he had everything he needed and was keeping in touch with his new-found friends to discuss the mixtape.

Y/N had already cleaned majority of the apartment, it's not like she had much else to do while she waited for her boyfriend to get into Cali. She spent most of the days cleaning, listening to the small amount of music he had released to keep herself entertained, and then cleaning some more.

After so many days of boredom cleaning though, you start to realize how tedious it is. She was starting to get tired of getting up everyday just to attempt to wipe off a spot on counters that was never going to come out, or scrub stains out of the carpet that have definitely been there for longer than she had been alive.

She truly did not know what to do with herself anymore.

What else was she to do? She still had about 5 days until Gus would be there and she had cleaned every nook and cranny of the apartment. Her mom had done her part too, reaching up with a duster to wipe down the tops of the cabinets and the tops of the ceiling fans.

She sighed, giving up on trying to scrub the stain out of the carpet and throwing her rag to the side while simultaniously throwing herself onto the floor in exhaustion.

Jackson ran out from the kitchen, mouth dripping with water and tail wagging with excitement. He immediately rushed towards her, beginning to lick her face.

"Jackson, no, no, no, mister, you stop that."

She giggled, attempting to weakly push him away from her face.

He came back with more force each time, nearly jumping on her a few times, before he finally got tired of fighting her and just laid next to her panting and looking around the room. She smiled at him, lightly scratching behind his ears before groaning and sitting up.

She stood from the floor, grabbing the rag and walking into the kitchen to throw it onto the counter. Once that was done, she just stood there, unknowing of what to do next.

The apartment was spotless now (mostly), there was no more work for her to do. The boredom had set in once again.

Jackson waltzed into the kitchen, standing at her feet and seemingly smiling up at her. She looked down, puffing up her cheeks.

"What am I to do, Jackson, my dearest boy?"

Jackson tilted his head to the side, letting out a weak bark in response.

"No, silly, I've already cleaned the entire place multiple times, I've got to find a new passtime activity. What're you thinkin'?"

He barked again, louder this time before spinning in a circle.

"You are not full of the brightest idea, little man."

She walked out of the kitchen, Jackson hot on her heels, and made her way back into her bedroom for what seemed like the millionth time today.

She kinda missed when the days would just pass her by, when nothing would make her check the date and time every 2 minutes of her life.

She flopped down onto her bed, groaning loudly into her pillow before rolling onto her back and picking up her phone. She had checked it multiple times today, still hearing nothing from Gus since 2 days ago.

She pursed her lips, pulling up his message thread and beginning to type.

"everything okay? haven't heard from u in like 2 days, lol."

She stared at the message for a moment, contemplating it, before ultimately deciding to just hit send and see what he would say.

She opened up Soundcloud, clicking and scrolling through until she finally found what she had been looking for.

As time had went on and Gus started slowly releasing more songs, she was sure that she had become his number one listener. He didn't have much out currently, but that didn't change her devotion to listening to them.

In a time where she couldn't have him physically there with her; his music had become her safe space. She listened to it often times to go to sleep, whenever she would take a shower, and anytime she missed him and couldn't talk to him.

He, of course, gave her sneak peeks of his songs before releasing them. Though whenever she would ask to hear more, all her would respond with was a simple smile and 'guess you'll have to wait until it comes out.'

So she did. Though it could be annoying to wait at times. All his teasing of the songs didn't help either.

He was incredible with his words, nobody could deny it. Everything he wrote and put into music always had some type of emotion behind it, which is one of the biggest reasons that she would listen to them so much.

She loved hearing him put his thoughts into words, something he always seemed to be better at than most people (including her). She loved knowing that he could put so much emotion into music, so much power behind his words.

She stared at the ceiling, his voice flooding her ears as she slowly closed her eyes and let him fill her head.

She didn't know when she fell asleep, but when she had opened her eyes again the music had stopped and the sun was no longer out. She blinked a few times, adjusting her sight to the room around her before rolling onto her side and lifting her phone off the bed.

'8:43 PM'

She huffed, opening her phone and immediately clicking on the messages from Gus.

'im all good, baby. packin n shit. its so boring.'


'did u go to sleep, it's like 4 pm there'


She rolled her eyes, clicking on his contact and facetiming him. It took a couple of rings, but after it stopped and the answer tone rung she was met with the sight of him laying on his back on the floor, a pout on his face.

"You literally slept for so long, I thought you died."

Y/N smacked her lips a few times, trying to rid the dryness from her mouth.

"If only, sadly, I was just napping."

Gus' mouth pressed into a line, an immitation of annoyance on his face.

"I am literally gonna be there in like 4ish fuckin' days, and you're really gonna say you wanna die before you see me again. Rude. I'm gonna block your fuckin' number."

"Sure buddy."

"I'm not playin' with you."

She rolled her eyes once again, shifting her body to get more comfortable.

"I don't wanna die, dumbass, I'm bored. I have nothing to do. I have cleaned this apartment from top to fucking bottom and have no source of entertainment at this point. I am so bored that I definitely COULD die."

Gus sat there for a moment in silence before a mischevious grin formed on his face as he sat up off the floor. She could see more of his room now.

"What're you wearing?"

"I am not having phone sex with you, whore."

He groaned, throwing himself back onto the floor dramatically.

"But then you wouldn't be so bored!"

"Not gonna happen."

He pouted, his bottom lip quivering.


She kept a straight face, trying to avoid the smile that was begging to come onto her face.

"Absoloutely not."

He stopped pouting, instead choosing to stick his tongue out and spit at her.

"Boo, you're no fun. What did California do to you?"

The smile finally forced its way onto her face, not being able to fake annoyance at him anymore.

"I am to fun! I am so much fun. I can't believe you would say that to me."

Gus scoffed, rolling his eyes before pointing a finger at the camera.

"As if, you're the leader of the fuckin'... no fun police!"

"You're such a drama queen."

"If you insult me one more time I might just cry. In the span of this call you have called me a whore and a drama queen. Imma have to qualify that as cyberbullying."

"What're you gonna do about it?"

Gus' eyes narrowed.

"You'll just have to see whenever I get to California."

The smile was still sticking to her face, almost broadening whenever he brought up that he was coming.

"I'm excited for you to be here."

"You shouldn't be, I'm mad at you now."

"Seriously, Gus, I miss you. I'm excited to get to see you again. You're my boy."

"Apparently I'm also a whore and a fuckin' drama queen."

Y/N groaned, rolling over on the bed violently to lay on her other side.

"You know what, nevermind, don't come here. I hate you."

A look of mock offense spread across Gus' face.

"I hate you more! You're mean to me."

"No I am not!"

"Yes you are!"


"Uhm, yeah actually!"

It went silent for a moment between them, each one staring at the other. The annoyance didn't last for long before they were both cackling.

At the end of their laugh fest, they were both staring at their screens smiling at eachother.

"I miss you too, baby. But I'll be there soon, and you know that. Things can only get better from here."

"I know, Gus. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Y/N. With my heart and soul."

The silence set in again, but it was far more comfortable this time, both simply enjoying eachothers presence.

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