Bradford Bad Boy

By dalandaneee

663 18 0

Six years, six long years of only seeing him on tabloids, magazines, music videos, interviews. It's been six... More

Chapter 1 - Questions
Chapter 2 - Getting to know You
Chapter 3 - Confusion
Chapter 4 - Realization
Chapter 5 - Surprise
Chapter 7 - Half A Heart

Chapter 6 - Left Behind

54 1 0
By dalandaneee

It's been a year now since Zayn decided to leave again. Why didn't he listen to me? Why did he just left like nothing happened between us. For the love God, I'm still in pain. I am longing for him, longing for his touch. I want him to be with me again. Sleep in the same bed. Have breakfast together. Laugh and just have fun together.

Zach on the other hand was deeply hurt by Zayn's departure. He thought that daddy will stay for good. That daddy will be with him everyday. Each nigh I can hear Zach pray for his father to come back. For his father to show up. For his father to hug and kiss him again. Seeing Zach like this makes me feel guilty. If only I told Zayn immediately. If only I did let him in Zach's life as soon as I knew about my pregnancy.

My now 6 year old son is busy playing with his Uncle James. Since then, James stood as Zach's father figure. Although he was the reason of Zayn's walkout that night, I forgave him. He was also shock when I told him the truth. He just wanted to give Zayn a little lesson for leaving me 7years ago with our son.

Now Zayn, is currently back at the music industry. Though he isn't in the band anymore, he is still one of the man behind the success of the band. He had produced a song entitled I won't mind. The song he has written for me before he joined the X Factor. I know I hurt him. I know that but maybe we're better off apart. Away from each others lives but deep inside I just want him to come back.

"Mum. You know, I heard Zayn's new song. It's good." I nod and he gave me a kiss. I hugged him so tight that he chuckled trying to escape.

"You're growing up way too fast baby. Please slow down love." He just rolled his eyes on me. Mini Zayn, I thought to myself.

James approached me and gave me hug, a friendly hug to clarify things. "So? How are you?" He tugs me with his elbow, I just smiled as I stare at Zach. He's more like his father now. His jet black hair, think and long eyelashes, light brown eyes that I couldnt explain how it changes it's color. He reminds me so much of his father. My only love.

"I think I'm good. Thanks for everything James. For being a father figure to Zach." He placed an arm around me and gently squeeze my arm. "That's the least I can do for ruining your chance with Zayn. I'm sorry El. I'm sorry." His voice is low and I know how sorry he is.

"It's okay. You didn't knew the truth back then. I'll get through this."

"I'll make it up to you." He said to me showing his perfect set of teeth. I smiled and walk over to Zach who is now sweating and dirty of all the playing he has done for the day.

The day went fast and the next thing I know, I'm all alone in my flat. James decided to take Zach with him for he is going for fishing tomorrow. He's with his real-soon-to-be-wife, Jessica. She has a 5year old kid named Jacob from an old fling and Zach is really looking forward to meet him and be friends with him. At first, I was hesitant but James and Zach begged just for me to agree so I did. I'm sure James will look after him and take care of him. He loves him just like his own.

I heard my phone ringing. It's almost 2 in the morning. Who could it be? It's 2 fuckin am and I am in deep sleep. This should be important!

"Uhm Hello, is this Elaine Hilton?" The voice is shaky. Probably a male.

"Yes, who is this please?" I am trying to

"I'm Jake, and I am nurse. I was told to inform you about what happened to your son and your friend. Zach Hilton and James David."

"What happened? Tell me!" Panic attack. What happened to my son?

"They were hit by another car and they were rushed here by a good fella."

I couldn't speak some more. The nurse told me the hospital address then the next thing I know I was at the nurse station looking for my son.

I was sitting at the hallway, waiting for the doctor to come out. My hands are numb. I was crying the whole time. I can't lose my son. He's only thing thing that I have.

"Ms. Hilton?"

As I lift my head to look up at the person who called my name, He greeted me with a blank expression. I just nod, telling him to go on.

"I'm Dr. Taylor. Your son is fine now, we are just letting him rest. Thank God he haven't broke any bone. He is doing fine now. As for you friend James, he had broken his knee but we'll go on operation as soon as his vital signs are stable."

Thank you Lord. Thank you so much. You never fail to listen to my prayers.

"You can go visit your son now."

I immediately walk to where Zach is. As soon as I opened the door, I saw him. The one who took my son to the hospital. He is holding my son's hand. He was talking to him. I could hear any of his words.


"El. Please tell me the truth. Is he my son?" His eyes are bloodshot red, he might be crying the whole time. His voice is shaky. His hair is a mess but in a good way. How could someone look so good at this situation? His hair are much longer now. I can tell he haven't shaved in a while. He looks stunning that I wanted to grab him and kiss him and tell him that yes, he is the father.

"Would it change anything Zayn? Would it fill the gaps in Zach's life? Would you be able to see him smile for the first time like I did? Would it?" I can feel my eyes sting. Tears are suddenly rolling down my cheek. I am breathing heavily that I can feel my hands are shaking.

"No. It wouldn't." His eyes are dark. So dark that it scares me. "The first time I laid my eyes on him, I had thought of him as my son. I tried asking you, you told me no. You've hid him from me El and it fuckin hurts." His eyes are much darker now. Anger starting to rise in his body. The air suddenly felt thick making me dizzy.

"I know. I'm selfish Zayn. It's because you left. You left without any explanations. Why Zayn? Why? I tried calling you but you didn't answer any of my calls. You then cut our communication the week after you left. You're life instantly became better. You were famous and me? As a good ex-girlfriend, I don't want to ruin your career. I don't want you stop anything that makes you happy." Tears still flowing from my cheeks, my heart pounding that any moment, it would explode.

"I came to the point where I made decisions. I decided to forget that you're Zach's father. That you have a good life and I don't want to drag you down from the spotlight just because you've gotten me pregnant. I admit, I waited for you to come back but when I knew that you were engage, that's the time when I made my final decisions. You are not ready to become a father Zayn. You wanted to have fun. To be as young as you could possibly be." I was about to walk out of the room as we heard a tiny voice.

"Mum? Daddy?"

- End of Chapter 6 -

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