Pride and Promises ✔

By thorns_or_roses

754K 25.6K 12.2K

"You found me as a kid. Now let my adult self grow old with you..." ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
My Questions, Your Questions
Spin Off

Chapter 54

6.2K 258 78
By thorns_or_roses

Heyoo! I'm back with the new chapter! Sorry for the delay, and a HUGE thank you for all the comments! You have no idea how much I loved reading them! I have half a mind to end every chapter in a cliffhanger just to hear your thoughts lol. Jk! Anyways, without further ado, I present you, chapter 54!


"Due to lack of strong evidences claiming otherwise, it is clear that Ms. Evelyn White has willingly signed the contract stating the ownership of her company to Mr. Adrian Stone. I hereby declare that the legal rights of Eva's and Co. goes to Mr. Adrian Stone. The winning party may now begin their processing. A warning is also issued for Ms. Evelyn White to refrain from wasting the time of the court by making false claims. The court is adjourned." The judge stood up and left, effectively cutting off the only straw of hope I was hanging on.

The company now belonged to Adrian. I had lost. Everything I had worked for was now gone.

It was silent in the courtroom, since only the four of us were present- him and Nate, me and my lawyer. Somehow the media wasn't aware of the happenings in my office. There were a few rumors circulating for a few days about the company going through a remodeling or something of the sorts but that was it. I was just glad I had one less thing to deal with.

It was a private courtroom as it was, another thing I was thankful of. I ran my hands through my hair, gripping it tightly as a sharp ache invited itself in my head. Suddenly, my throat clogged up and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I held onto my bench for support and leaned forward, trying to take deep breaths to calm myself down. I closed my eyes, clenching my fists tightly over my chest as I fought to have control over myself. It had been so long since I had had a panic attack that I'd forgotten how it felt.

My hands started shaking and my breaths came out in pants. I couldn't see well- everything around me was blurring right before my eyes. I knew I was trembling, I knew I had to get up and leave before they became aware of my weakness but I couldn't stand. I couldn't do anything except clench my fists tightly and bring them up to cover my face. Please let this be over soon, please. I kept chanting this in my head.

I could hear some murmuring but couldn't decipher the words. I suddenly felt a strong presence beside me before I was encased into a warm embrace, the overwhelming scent of fresh chocolate and mint giving me comfort like nothing before. The arms were gently rocking me and some sweet words were being whispered in my ears but at the moment I could sense nothing other than the scent that felt like home.

After what felt like an eternity, the haze slowly started clearing off from my mind and I finally came back into reality. I could breathe a little easier and became aware of my surroundings. Then I realized that the person holding me was not home at all. He was the very person who had taken away my home from me. How could I have let him comfort me?

I jerkily pulled away from his hold and stood up, ignoring the pain I saw in his eyes that somehow looked real. He must be one hell of an actor since he had been fooling me all this time. I took a step back when he stood up as well. It was then that I noticed that we were the only ones present in the courtroom now.

"Are you alright?"

I snapped my head to turn to the person standing before me with fake concern in his eyes. I let out a humorless laugh at his words. "What do you think?" I hated the way my voice trembled as I let those words out.

He closed his eyes briefly and ran his fingers through his hair, bringing a sense of déjà vu in me, reminding me of the times my fingers did that. I quickly pushed that thought out of my mind just as he spoke next, quietly. "I'm sorry."

I turned away briefly to compose myself. "Are you, really?" I asked equally as quietly as he had.

When he didn't speak for some time, I sighed, shaking my head. "No, you aren't. Admit it, Mr. Stone. You got what you wanted, after all. Now there's no need to pretend anymore. So go on, have a party, enjoy. You've successfully managed to break me. Congratulations." I felt tears threatening to break free from the imaginary prison I'd locked them in. I just hoped that the lock stays strong enough to hold them until I was out of his sight.

He- I couldn't bear to say his name anymore clenched his hands tightly into fists at his sides. I saw his eyes flicker to my hand, which was still encased in a bandage, thanks to Gabriel Perverted Blanchet. His gesture reminded me of something. I searched through my bag and took out the thing that had been mocking me since last week.

I took out the ring he'd given me and threw it towards him. It hit his chest and bounced down to the floor. "Since everything was a lie, I don't see any point in keeping this. I hate having useless things with me. I'll return the others to your place as soon as I get home."


"Ms. White, if you will. I believe you have lost the right to call me by my first name."

He flinched a little but stood silently. I wanted to march right out of the room at that very instant and forget about his existence altogether but something held me back. A question that had been repeating in my head since last week.

"Why?" I asked in defeat.

He looked startled at my question and looked at me with those eyes that used to make me feel like I was the luckiest woman in the world merely because they were trained on me. Now it only served to remind me what a fool I was.

I elaborated when he made no move to answer. "Why did you gain my trust just to betray me in the end? Why did you do all those sweet gestures, act like you cared, when you already had this mission to break me? Have I done something to you that you're taking revenge for? You know I don't remember everything from my childhood. Is that it? Was I so much of a horrible person back then that you hate me to the point of hurting me in the worst possible way one could ever hurt me?"

He shook his head vehemently, looking alarmed. "No! That's... that's not it. I only wanted the company to be mine. I didn't mean to hurt you so."

I smiled bitterly, as a lone tear slipped past its confines. "If only you had asked, Adrian, I would've given my life to you. You knew how important this company was for me. It's all I've worked in my life for. And you took it away from me, all in a blink of an eye."

He closed his eyes briefly before opening them and looking directly above me, not meeting my eyes. I noticed his hand twitching at his sides and for the first time, I saw some angry red marks on the knuckles which were in the verge of fading away. His next words, however made my concerns fly away, to be replaced by rage.

"I'm sorry. I... I'll make sure you are heavily compensated for your loss."

I looked at him like I was seeing him for the first time. I felt nothing but disgust at him now. Never in my life would I have believed he would think his money would matter to me after he took away my very soul from me.

"Compensated?" I scoffed. I couldn't stop the hurt that laced my words when I spoke next. "This is not about money, Mr. Stone. I could be down to a single cent and still live in content. I have my hands, I can work to earn. I have reached so far by working as a mere waitress and doing multiple jobs at the same time, and I'm not afraid to do the same again. This is about my trust in you, which you've completely shattered. You knew that this company was so much more than just a means of income for me. By taking it away, you've taken away the one thing I did for my dad, for my sister. And I'll never forgive you for that. Never."

I took little satisfaction in the way he visibly flinched at my words, as though I'd hurt him- as though my forgiveness mattered to him. I was somewhat surprised when he bent down, picked up the ring from the floor and wordlessly, stuffed it in his pocket.

A thought occurred to me then. "I need you to do one thing for me."

He looked up instantly.

"I want none of my employees to lose their jobs. They should be allowed to work as they have been, with the same wages- if not more. You cannot fire them or cut off their payment without any valid reason. Especially my ass- I mean my ex assistant Leah Brooks. She's currently on a paid leave due to her personal reasons. When she returns, she will be resuming her work per usual."

"You could still work as you have been doing, you know? Me being the owner doesn't change the fact that you are the best person to run Eva's."

I raised my eyebrows. "And be reminded of your betrayal every second of my day? I think not. And that money is not mine. If I take the compensation, as you so eloquently put it, I'll be reminded of what a fool I was for trusting you. And I'd rather die of starvation than live with that. Just make sure the currently working employees don't get caught between this scheme of yours. They rely on their jobs to support their families. Don't take it from them."

He sighed in resignation. "Done. Anything else?"

I met his eyes, letting him know how serious I was. "Yes, don't show me your face ever again."

I turned around, not waiting to see his reaction. Just before I stepped out, however, his words made me stop.

"Despite what you might think, I really am sorry, for everything. I didn't mean what I said."

I stiffened at his words. They were so low, just above a whisper, as if I wasn't meant to hear them. I turned around slowly and let out a harsh laugh. "Oh? Which part are we talking about? Was it the part when you said you have taken away my company? I'm sure you meant every word of it. Or was it when you said you didn't love me from the beginning? This, I'm sure, you meant with every fiber of your being. Maybe you're talking about when you did say that you loved me. I can see that now. I'm just glad that I never lied to you. I never said I loved you when I never did. At least I'm not a liar. And, at least, it saved me from the additional heartache I would've had if I really loved you."

This time, I didn't wait before storming out of the room. It was Nate who stopped me. "Eves, I'm sorry, very sorry for everything. Please forgive me." He said with pained eyes.

I gave him a smile that didn't reach my eyes. "It's alright, Nate. You were only being loyal to your best friend. It is a different matter that his loyalty didn't lie with me. Good day."

I walked and didn't stop until I was inside the cocoon of my car before bursting into tears. I might have told him I never lied, but I knew I had just lied to him as well as myself. The biggest lie being that I didn't love him. Why was my heart so dumb? Why was it beating so hard for that very person who betrayed me?

"Miss, are you alright?"

I was startled by the voice and looked up to see Ed on the driver's seat, looking at me with concern and a hint of awkwardness. He had taken the role of my driver as well as my personal bodyguard ever since the incident in Paris and I was beyond thankful for his presence.

I wiped my tears quickly before giving him a weak smile. "Nothing is right, Ed. I have lost everything."

He said nothing and started driving, taking us farther from the reminder of my loss- another thing I was thankful for. As much as I tried to act strong, I knew I didn't have any more energy left in me to remain a second longer in that court.

Ed drove silently and stopped in front ofy apartment. Once I got off the car, he asked me to wait. I frowned as he took out a paper bag from the passenger seat of the car and handed it to me.

"It's... uh... the hot chocolate and muffins you liked so much in Paris. I found that there's a branch of that café here so I thought to bring them for you. You should eat more, miss."

Despite everything, his kind gesture brought the first real smile on my face. "Thank you, Ed. You've been so kind to me when everything is falling apart." I sighed as I realized something. "Ed," I started, "I think you need to quit driving me around from now on. You know pretty well that I'm not your employer anymore. I've made sure none of you lose your jobs. You'll have to follow the new owner's orders from now on. I thank you deeply for everything you have done."

Ed sighed, as if expecting this. "Miss, you might not feel it now, but everything happens for the best. You remind me of my daughter, you see? She might be a few years younger than you but she has the same determination as you do. She is studying in the university now. It has only been the two of us since my wife died some twelve years ago. Let me tell you what I tell her every time she is going thought a bad phase in her life. You are strong and you will get through this. Just have faith in God and the ones you love."


"Dad! No! No, please! Mom! Please don't leave us! Wake up, mom, please! Dad! It hurts, please!"


"No, they... they're gone, angel. Mom, dad... they... no! No, please come back, please!"


"This is my fault... no... I did this... I shouldn't have... blood... no... I'm sorry... dad... no... please"


I felt someone shaking me until I jerkily say upright on my bed. I breathed in relief when I saw that I was in my room, and it was only a nightmare. My furiously beating heart calmed down a little at the realization.


I turned to my right to see Eva sitting on the edge of my bed with worry lining her features. I remembered she had come for the weekend and to attend Allie's engagement party. I sighed and ran my hands over my face, trying to shake off the horrible images that felt more real than ever.

"Are... are you okay, Evie?"

I nodded at my sister. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Here, drink this." She handed me a glass of water. I gulped it down in one go and placed a hand on my chest to control my emotions which were all over the place from the nightmare.

"You said you didn't have nightmares anymore. What happened, Evie?" I heard my sister ask in a small voice.

I tried to give her a reassuring smile. "Nothing has happened, Eva. I've just been working a lot, I guess. And it wasn't a nightmare, really. I dreamt of Allie having a serious crush and in it, she made me watch The American Conjuring three times! The woman has even haunted my sleep. Thank heavens she's getting married soon! Now, dear sister mine, don't worry and go sleep."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "You suck at lying, you know? Horror movie? Really, Evie? Tell me, which part of it has the dialogues like... mom, dad and angel?"

I groaned aloud. "Gosh, Eva! Fine, I had a nightmare, okay? But it's no big deal. That's all it was. A nightmare, which has gone away the moment my eyes opened. It wasn't even that bad." I tried convincing her- and perhaps myself as well.

"It looked pretty bad to me." Eva mumbled, crossing her arms against her chest. She sighed when I didn't respond. "Evie, we can talk, you know? Did something happen while I was away? Or was it when you were in Paris? Did something happen? Is everything alright in your office? Trust me, I've had my share of nightmares as well since that... that accident. I haven't had one in ages, but I know it gets bad when you're stressed. Tell me what is wrong, Evie. I might not be much help, but I can listen. And I promise I won't interrupt."

I smiled and held her hands, feeling proud of my sister, and at the same time, just realizing how quickly she was growing up. Mom and dad would have been proud of her. "Eva, I really am fine. There are some minor issues at the office. I've just been over thinking, that's all. And nothing happened while you were away, other than I finally got some peace without your constant chatters."

I chuckled when she huffed in offense. Thankfully, she decided to drop the topic and went back to her room. I let out a breath once she was gone. I didn't want to tell her about the incident in Paris, Adrian and the company, nor the fact that the nightmare was, in fact, very bad this time. She should only be worrying about her classes and her assignments, not about her sister.

I checked the time and saw that it was nearing three in the morning. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to sleep again, I decided to check my bank balance, and think what I was going to do now that I no longer had my company. There was no way I would even touch the compensation money.

It was past eight in the morning when I got out of my room after spending hours doing nothing but laying down on my bed and staring at the dull white ceiling. I was surprised to see Eva on the couch watching TV. She turned when she heard my footsteps.

"Oh! You're awake! Did you sleep well? You didn't have any more nightmares, did you?" She inquired immediately.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Yes, mom! Now, how come you're awake so early?"

She shrugged. "It's become a habit, I guess. I usually have classes at eight and when I didn't, I've been working on making us dresses for tonight. So I woke up at the same routine and wasn't able to sleep."

Eva had taken it upon herself to design dresses for Allie, me and herself for tonight's engagement party and Allie's wedding dress. I told her there was no need to design one for me, but she wanted to 'showcase her talent' as she put it. "Are they done?" I asked.

She nodded, looking proud of herself. "Yeah, I've completed and sent Allie's dress. Oh, Evie, you're gonna love yours! It's my favorite out of the three. I knew it was made for you. You have no idea how I had to persuade Allie to allow me to design hers. She was so adamant on making it a short one. "

"Okayyy... am I going to see this dress anyt-" I stopped when something caught my attention.

I walked closer to the TV which was currently showing some news. It showed a person with swollen lips and uy blue bruises all over his face.

Popular French businessman and CEO of GlamAds, Gabriel Blanchet has been arrested from his office today on charge of sexual abuse. Apparently, he has been making untoward sexual advances to his staffs since long and has threatened them to be quiet. One of the victim who wants to remain anonymous, has given their statement that the business tycoon Gabriel Blanchet has raped them and three other staffs of his office as well as residence. The police found him trying to flee the country. However, judging by the ugly marks on his face, it seems like someone has reached him before the police did and made him pay for his actions- although it is far from enough. Now we'll just have to see what the court punishes him with. This news has come as a shock to everyone, although not many of his acquaintances are surprised as they have confirmed his behaviors towards his female staffs. We will keep you informed more about the case, stay tuned.

"Woah, how can a person be that disgusting?! And such a popular businessman at that!" Eva's voice pulled me out of the trance I was in. I had decided to let the matter go without filing a case against him because I didn't want media hovering around me. But now it seemed like he was finally being punished for his actions. I sent a quick prayer of thanks to whoever was strong enough to stand up against him. I finally felt a little relaxed that one of my demons had been slayed.


Eva was right. The dress she made for me was, indeed, lovely. It was a shimmering golden colored floor length dress with boat neckline that fit me snugly. The sleeves were of quarter length adorned with strings of pearls from the shoulders all the way down to the sleeves. I decided to leave my hair in a simple messy bun and be done with it. I had to put some extra layers of concealer to hide the dark circles around my eyes. I felt bad for not being excited for my best friend's engagement but at this point, I just wanted this to be over soon.

Eva's dress was a beautiful black off-shoulder lace with spaghetti straps holding it. The dress was knee length at the front and flowed down to the floor length at the back. She looked pretty in it with her hair left down in soft waves.

We reached the venue and immediately spotted Allie, who was the most beautiful of all the women there. She looked every bit of a happy bride-to-be in her floor length red off shoulder dress that flowed downward from the waist to the floor like a princess ballgown.

She spotted us just as immediately and beckoned us over, running over engulfing me in a giant hug before I had even reached there.

"Woah! Calm down, tiger! I didn't know you'd miss me so much." I joked once she pulled away and hugged Eva.

"Of course I missed you, Eves! How can you be so late at your bestfriend's engagement? I've been waiting since hours!" She exclaimed, making me give her a dry look.

"Als, it's barely been two hours since the party started, so you haven't been waiting for hours. And technically, you are already engaged. This is just the celebration." I pointed out and she rolled her eyes muttering 'whatever'.

"Anyways, congratulations Allie-Ballie! I'm so happy for you! And look at you, you look so beautiful!"

"Thank you! Oh, that I do, don't I? I feel like a princess in this dress! Eva, you, are the world's best designer and you will make my wedding dress. Thank God, you managed to convince me into wearing a full length dress. This is perfect!" Allie grinned and did a little twirl in her dress. It suddenly made me wonder if this was her first time wearing a floor length dress. I had never seen her wearing anything past her knees in all the times I'd known her.

"Of course I will! I'm already working on your wedding dress. And please, I know I'm the best!" Eva made a move of flipping her hair and I rolled my eyes. I suddenly felt a pang in my heart when her gesture reminded me of a certain big headed person but I pushed it away as soon as the thought occurred to me.

"Phew! About time that you arrived, Eves. She nearly bit my head off!" I turned to see a handsome Jake dressed in a black tuxedo grinning at me.

I hugged him briefly. "Hey, Jake! Congratulations! And condolences. This creature," I said, pointing to my glaring best friend, "is about to torment you for your entire life."

He laughed. "Thanks. I know, right. But I guess it's too late to back out now. I just happened to fall deep and hard for this adorable creature." He looked at Allie with so much live in his eyes that almost made me break down right there as the hole that had formed in my heart started growing bigger. I controlled my emotions with great difficulty.

The couple were soon whisked away by more guests coming to congratulate them. I saw Allie's parents approach us and smiled at them, introducing Eva to them. As always, my sister soon fell into ease conversing with Allie's mother while her father asked me about business. I tried my best to not show any emotions as I answered him as casually as possible, changing the subject very soon.

Just when I thought I could act happy standing there, watching my best friends in love and talking about business with people, my heart was out into test when he walked in, looking good as ever in his gray suit.

I saw him look around the hall before his eyes landed on me. I couldn't decipher the emotions I saw in them before I turned around. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible in fears that my heart would not be able to take it anymore. I hadn't told about his actions to anyone so Allie must have invited him as well.

He walked towards where Allie and Jake were standing and I saw my bestfriend hug him briefly and smile at him as he said a few words to her. He then shook hands with Jake who looked like he had just seen his God walk towards him. I walked towards a corner, trying to blend into background so that Allie wouldn't call me over. I just wished the night to be over soon without having to look at him again.

It turned out, fate was against me. Or rather, my bestfriend and my sister were against my fate. An announcement was made requesting the newly engaged couple to start the night with a dance and soon everyone was joining in with their partners. I heard someone call my name and watched in horror as my sister came towards me, dragging him along with her.

"Evie! See, Ruby is here! Now, you two should definitely dance! Come on! The next song is starting!" She squealed and pushed me towards him. I was so caught off guard that I'd have stumbled had a pair of arms not held me. I cursed myself internally as I put some distance between us, almost deciding to tell Eva and everyone about how the very man they all worshipped had betrayed me. But something held me back and I faked a smile at her before taking his outstretched hand and joining the dancing couples.

I tried to ignore the tingles I felt when his one of his arm held my waist with the other still holding my hand. I tried to ignore the overwhelming scent of mixed chocolate and mint that were fogging my senses. I wasn't concentrating on anything else other than trying not to be so affected at his presence.

"You look beautiful tonight." He spoke first, breaking the silence between us. I didn't deem him with a reply and opted in looking anywhere but him. It angered me when I saw his ring still on his finger. He must've put it to fake his care in front of Allie and Eva so that they wouldn't suspect a thing. I also saw the fading bruises on his knuckles that were barely noticeable now.

"You look very tired, Eve. You need to take some rest." He tried again after some time.

My eyes flashed at his words. "Just drop the act, Mr. Stone. I'm not fond of small talk, especially not at the moment and not from you. Just let me endure this dance and get out of your face." I said in a low voice so that only he would hear.

He sighed but said nothing. My eyes briefly met Allie's, who was happily twirling around with her fiancé. She winked and wiggled her eyebrows seeing me dancing. I humored her with another fake smile before I heard him speak quietly.

"Do you really despise me so? You can't even stand my presence around you for a few minutes?"

I looked at him briefly before averting my eyes. His eyes held so many emotions in them- emotions I didn't want to interpret. "You know, ever since I've known, I've been praying to Gods above to give me my memory back just so I could remember every moment we shared. But you know what I wish now?" I stared into his eyes again as I spoke next. "I wish the lord takes my remaining memory away. I wish I had died that day with my parents. That way, my memory of you wouldn't have been tainted. That way, I wouldn't have regretted meeting you again. Because I do, I regret the very day you came into my life."

I didn't care what people thought. I left him standing there among the dancing people and stormed off to wherever my legs would take me.


What do you think? Are we judging Adrian too soon? Or does he deserve all the hate Eves has been bestowing and more? Do drop your thoughts please? And also a vote if you like the chapter?

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