The Alpha or the Beta

MyBabyBlueEyes द्वारा

27.9K 627 43

Leann Smith is in foster care and has been there basically her entire life. She tried her hardest to make it... अधिक

(1) Going Out With a Bang
(2) His First Reaction
(3) Clouded Thoughts
(4) Make it quick!
(5) At Least you found me
(6) Nighty Night.
(7) Well Aren't You Cute?
(8) Are We A We?
(9) Complications
(10) Cinnamon
(11) Could You Have Two?
(12) Biggest Mistake of My Life
(13) Pack History
(14) Stop Fighting!
(15) Whipped
(16) Kind of Kinky
(17) Death is Never Peaceful
(18) Perfectly Made for Me
(19) A Little Bit Crazy
(20) Flashback
(21) I Love You
(22) Sitting Ducks
(23) And That Was Saying Something
(24) Delainey
(25) Was I Ready For This
(26) Betrayal
(27) I Still Love You

(28) The End is Near

234 11 0
MyBabyBlueEyes द्वारा

Here it is guys...the final chapter of The Alpha or the Beta. I realize that I drug this story out for way too long and should have ended it a long time ago, but I couldnt. This story was kind of a part of my childhood, I have been writing it since 7th grade after all. (I'm a senior now). Thank you all for your continuous support and love!

Liam POV

I looked down at the little boy laying in my arms, the little boy I called my son. He smiled up at me with his big toothless grin. I couldn't believe that I had helped create the precious human being laying in my arms. His giant brown eyes stared deep into my own and I knew I was in love.

What were the chances my son would be born on the exact day my mate had died three years ago? I choose to believe it was the Moon Goddess' way of bringing me joy on a day that had only ever caused me dread. Little Aiden Damon Town was born at 6:53 this morning. He was 19 inches long and weighs 7 pounds 13 ounces. He has dark brown hair, perfectly tanned skin, and the brightest brown eyes I have ever seen.

I smiled at his mother as I noticed for the first time just how much Aiden looked like Delainey. Delainey looked beautiful even after 9 hours of labor. She was the light of my life, and I couldn't believe just how lucky I was to have her in my life. After Leann's death I never thought I could be happy again. But Delainey got me through something that should have killed me. I didnt think that I could ever be happy again. But because of the women laying in the hospital bed beneath me I can truthfully say I am happy again. I no longer wake up in the middle of the night crying. Delainey saved me, and now our son will continue to save me.

"Look at those eyes, you have your mothers eyes." He once again smiled at me with his whole mouth. I couldn't believe just how lucky I was. I not only married my best friend last year, but we now have a beautiful baby boy to start off our family. " I love you so much Aiden, so so so much! You and your mother are my whole life! I wont ever let anything bad happen to you, anything!"

"Honey, will you please go find my nurse and ask her when we can go home?" I slowly handed Aiden down to her and then gave them both a kiss on the forehead. I then exited the room and headed to the nurses station.

"Excuse me, can you please tell me when Delainey and Aiden Town are due to leave the hospital?" She looked up at me a little shocked and then smiled.

"Of course sir, may I please have your name?" I looked at her a little shocked. I knew she was new to the area, but she should know who the alpha was.

"My name is Alpha Liam Town, I would like to check my wife and son out of the hospital please." She looked up at me with genuine surprise. I could tell that she was now intimidated and kept her glance from mine.

"I can check you out now if you would like, the doctors have gave them both the green light to leave about an hour ago. I am so sorry Alpha, I had no idea who you were!" I smiled at her and then quickly signed the paperwork. I couldn't wait to get my wife and son home.

"Ready to go sweetheart?" She smiled up at me while feeding our son. I again thought about just how lucky I was. I was finally happy with my life and there was nothing in this world that was going to change that.

"So ready! Get me out of this place, I'm ready to go home!" Seeing Lainey pregnant was quite the sight. She is already so little and short that seeing her with a full pregnant belly brought a smile to your face every time.

After talking to the doctor, pulling the car around, and helping Lainey get everything together we were finally able to leave. I couldn't get enough of Aiden so I insisted on being the one to carry him at all times. As we were passing the nurses station though the woman I talked to earlier started to chase after me. "Alpha, Alpha, please slow down! I need to talk to you...right now!"

I was already tired of the hospital staff and couldn't be bothered to stop so I ignored her, until she followed us all the way to our car that is. "Liam, I need to talk to you. NOW!"

I turned around and growled at her. When an alpha ignores you, you listen and shut up. You don't continue to follow them and then speak up again! I could tell she was scared because she cowered away from me. "What could possibly be so important that it would be worth disrespecting your alpha?"

"Trust me sir, this is something you are going to want to know! Could you follow me please?" She was still scared but I could tell that what she had to say was very important. I kissed Delainey and my son once again and told them to stay there, I would be back quickly.
I followed her back into the hospital and then back into a narrow hallway. It was barely light and there was no one around, which put me a little on edge.

"This is far enough, what do you want?"

"Today the police found a body in the woods. They thought she was dead so of course they called the corner. She wasn't dead to say the least but she couldn't remember a thing about herself. They have been referring to her as Jane doe since then... I saw her alpha. I may not have been here long, but I know who she is. I'm not sure how it is possible, buts it's her." I looked at her surprised. Today was suppose to be a happy day, but once again this day was putting me on edge. Everything was bothering me and I couldn't quite pinpoint why.

"I would have known about a body being found, and I heard nothing..."

"They didn't want to tell you because today was basically your day off. A day where you were suppose to be happy. But I think you needed to know." I looked at her with disbelief. My men would not keep something like this from me.

"Fine, say I believe you. Who was it." She looked up at me terrified. Who could be scaring this woman so much?

"...Leann, your former Alpha female. And mate..." A million things started happening at once. All of a sudden my wolf started to stir and want out at the thought of our mate being alive. He loves Delainey, don't get me wrong, but he hasn't been the same since Leann's passing.

"She is dead, she died in my arms. I watched her take her last breath and I felt her go limp. Don't you dare say something like that ever again, or I will not hesitate to rip your throat out." I saw her physically shutter and then take a step back.

"Alpha, I wish for your wife and sons sake that I was joking. But I'm not. She is right down the hall. Unconscious and badly beaten up. But it's her. I am 100% sure of it." My wolf started reacting before I did. He had me running, running towards the light of my life.

I could smell her before I could see her. She didn't smell the same, not even close, but I couldn't mistake that smell for anything else. I ripped open the door and wasn't surprised when the door knob came off in my hand.

As I looked down at the hospital bed I saw the frame of my small mate. How could this be possible? I couldn't believe my own eyes. My mate had died three years ago, yet here she was laying there in front of me.

I slowly walked up and caressed her cheek. The sparks that shot up my arm were unmistakable. This was my mate, I wasn't entirely sure how, but this was her. I quickly leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead, then the cheeks, her nose, each eye, and then lastly her lips. I could finally be happy with my life again!

"L...Liam?" And then my heart started to break. I knew that voice. That was the voice that woke me up every day for the last 3 years. That was the voice that brought me joy, even on my darkest days. That was the voice that made me laugh, smile, and cry. That was the voice that said I do, shortly after I said I do too. It was the voice of the woman I loved and it broke my heart to know that she wasn't the only one filling it anymore.

I pulled away from Leann's unconscious body and turned to face my wife. As soon as I let go of Leann my attraction for her faded away. The only part of me that was even thinking about Leann was my wolf, and I hated him for it.

"Honey...I wish I knew how to explain what you just walked in on. But I don't even know. I am so sorry sweetheart! Please please forgive me!" She looked scared. There was no other way to describe the look on her face. She motioned for me to follow her out the door and I quickly obliged.

"That can't possibly be her, can it?" I could tell she was scared, and sad. Very very sad.

"Baby I have no idea. But even if it is doesn't change how I feel about you. You are the one for me, my wife, my soul mate, and the mother of my only son. If that is her, I will not let her ruin what we have. I love you Delainey Town. I always will. Only you, for the rest of my life!"

I quickly leaned down and captured her lips with my own. As I did so my wolf went quiet as he remembered the woman who had gotten us through all of the pain Leann had caused us. "I love you too." I smiled at her and quickly grabbed her up into a hug.

"Now let's go home Lainey, I'm ready to get out of this place and bring our baby home!" I grabbed Aiden who was sleeping in his baby carrier off the ground and started to walk hand in hand with my wife straight out the hospital doors. We made it all the way to the car before anyone stopped us.

"Alpha, she is awake." I closed my eyes and thought about what that meant. I felt Delainey tense up next to me and for the first time in a long time I was scared of losing her.

"Go, it's part of your job as Alpha. You can just meet us at home as soon as you are finished." I frowned at her. I knew that if I went to see Leann without her by my side my wolf would take over. I couldn't do this without her.

"No, we are doing this together. You are the Alpha female and I believe you need to be there too. For me and for everyone else In this pack." She gave me a weak smile as we once again walked back into the hospital, Aiden it tote.

Delainey decided it would be best for me to talk to her first, alone. The doctors informed me she had no memory of her past life and again had no idea how she was alive. That gave me hope, maybe she wouldn't remember our short life together.

I quietly entered the room. Her bright eyes immediately met mine and my wolf once again awoken. "Mine." I stared at the small woman in shock as she claimed me as hers. She may not have remembered me, but her wolf sure did.

"Hello Leann, my name is..."

"Your name is Liam, and you are my mate." I looked at her shocked, they said she didn't remember anything.

"Do you remember?" She looked up at me confused which only made me even more confused.

"No, all I can remember is that your name is Liam. And my wolf tells me that we are mates. Is that my name? Leann?" I smiled at her as I slowly took a step closer.

"Yes ma'am, your name is Leann and mine name is Liam. We were mates once, a long time ago....but then you died Leann. You died three years ago today. I know because you died in my arms and I buried you. How is this possible?" She seemed alright until I told her she had died, then she started to panic and her breathing started to increase.

"Leann I don't tell you this to scare you, I'm just confused as to how you can possibly be laying here in front of me. You were dead." She looked scared and my wolf wanted nothing more than to comfort her. I was only able to stop myself from doing it by thinking of Aiden and Delainey.

"You said we were mates, are we not anymore? I thought that was a forever bond. How could we possibly not be mates anymore?" I frowned at her, unsure of how to answer her questions.
It was then that Delainey decided to walk in with a screaming Aiden in hand. I could tell that she was stressed out and didn't want to be there. Leann didn't react to Delainey, but as soon as she saw Aiden her eyes went wide.

"He smells like that your son?" I just wanted to help her. She was so confused and scared.

"Yes." Lainey answer for me. I could tell she was very uncomfortable and felt out of place.

"But he isn't our son is he?" I frowned at Leann as she slowly started to connect the dots by looking at my new born child. A small tear formed in her eye and it killed me to see her sad.

For the next few hours Delainey and I slowly started to tell her about her past, at least the things we were apart of. At first I wished I knew more about her life before me, but then I remembered just how terrible she said it had been and I was glad she didn't remember. She asked about her parents of course and we told her they died a long long time ago.

I couldn't help but notice how many times Leann mean mugged Delainey and Aiden. I could tell she did not like them, then again who would in her situation. "Can I talk to Liam alone please?" Delainey looked at me with fear in her eyes. I quickly gave her a kiss and let her know I would be out in a couple of minutes.

When I kissed Lainey I could hear Leann quietly growl. I'm sure that Delainey heard it too, but she played it off nicely and proceeded to walk out of the room.

As soon as the door shut Leann slapped me across the face. I growled at her of course, no one hits an alpha. Although it did remind me of our time together before she was a werewolf. "How dare you leave me,and for her out of all people."

"Leann, I did not leave you. You left me, you left me as soon as you decided to speak to Kyle. I loved you more than anything else, but you were dead. The pack needed an Alpha female and so did I."

"So what, you picked her out of convenience? Because I haven't once heard you say you love her." I frowned at her and wanted to shake her. She wasn't seeming to understand what had happened while she had been "away."

"I love her more than anything else on this planet. She is my love, my wife, and the mother to my son. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for her. She is the light of my life and my reason for living. Delainey got me through my darkest time and I quickly started to fall for her. It didn't help that she was the one my father had picked out for me from the very beginning. Leann, I loved you this much once too. So don't you ever again mistake who left who." She again started to cry. My wolf was mad at me for having hurt my mate.

I quickly got up and left. It killed me to see her sad, but she wasn't mine anymore. Delainey was mine, and right now she and Aidan needed me more than Leann did. "I am going to leave some pack members here to watch after you. If you have any more questions they will answer them for you as best as they can." Without looking back I left her crying in that hospital bed. It killed me inside to do it though.

I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation. I slowly started to realize just how Leann had felt when we made her choose between Kyle and I. The pain I felt inside was excruciating and it showed no sign of stopping anytime soon.

I started to search for Delainey then, and found her around the corner breast feeding Aiden. I smiled at her and asked, "Are the two of you ready to finally go home?" She smiled up at me before nodding her head yes and giving me a quick kiss.

"I love you Delainey Addisyn Town." And that right there put an end to my internal debate.

-My plan is to write an epilogue and a sequel, but we all know how great I am at updating. So I decided to end it there with something I am happy and proud of. If I don't get around to writing anything more about Liam, Leann, Kyle, and Delainey then I will not be disappointed with how this story ended. Thank you all so much for your continuous support and for sticking with this crazy story. Also thank you for making me feel so loved throughout the years!

Xoxo MyBabyBlueEyes

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