The Kissing Booth: New Love

By Ldowning96

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Noah + Elle: Starting a new relationship in high school can be hard. Starting a new relationship when neith... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Alternate Chapter 22
Alternate Chapter 23
Alternate Chapter 24
Alternate Chapter 25
Alternate Chapter 26 - Part 1
Alternate Chapter 26 - Part 2
Chapter 27
Alternate Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Alternate Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Alternate Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Alternate Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Alternate Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Alternate Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 24

753 36 22
By Ldowning96

Days after the confrontation with Mom, Elle and I are still laying low and avoiding our families. Elle is staying away from Lee, for fear he would want her to come to our house where she might see my Mom. I had mostly gotten over the whole incident with my Mom by that point, but Elle was so embarrassed and terrified of running into her. She was even trying to come up with an excuse to miss this week's Sunday lunch. Elle was also trying to avoid her Dad because she felt guilty that she hadn't told him about us now that my Mom knows.

I was in the game room, playing video games by myself, when Rachel and Lee walked in mid-conversation. "Well, just because fixing her up with Hitch didn't work, doesn't mean that we can't find someone else she'll like." I heard Lee say before he noticed me.

"Noah, what are you doing in here? Are you seriously playing Call of Duty right now? I didn't even know you knew what this game was." Honestly, a month ago, I didn't. I had never been into gaming as much as Lee and Elle were. Sure, I knew the games that came out years ago when I was in junior high before I had better things to do like go to parties, but I hadn't really played in several years. I knew this was one of Elle's favorites, so I wanted to learn how to play. "Wow, I can't believe you made it past that part, impressive." I had been practicing for the last two hours to do that. "So, why the sudden interest in video games?"

I want to answer truthfully. I want to tell Lee that my girlfriend loves this game and I'm tired of her making fun of me every time I agree to play with her. Know anyone that sounds like that? Instead, I say, "I was just bored. Thought I would see what all the talk about this game is over. What are you two up to?"

Lee gave me an appraising look up and down before answering. "You know, maybe you can help us." The tone of his voice made me a little worried of what he had up his sleeve. Lee was always one to come up with a grand plan for something or other and they usually had mixed outcomes.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, Lee." Rachel was giving me the same look as Lee, but with a slight frown compared to the big grin on Lee's face.

"Well, maybe Noah knows someone who would work," Lee looked back at me again, "maybe one of his friends who isn't a jackass."

"What the hell, Lee? You're going to just walk in here and start bad mouthing my friends? What are you going on about?"

Lee plopped down on the couch with Rachel sitting down next to him. I paused my game to hear what he was going to say. "I want to set Elle up with a date for prom."

"What?!" Where does Lee get off trying to decide who my girlfriend dates. I know, it isn't really his fault, since he has no idea she's my girlfriend. Elle and I are ready to tell him, Elle's just waiting for the perfect time when Lee is in a good headspace to hear about us. I'm not sure that's ever going to happen. And now that my Mom knows, we can't hold out too much longer.

Lee starts to explain, "Elle and I have always been each other's dates for school dances. I'm obviously going to take Rach to prom.  Of course I want Elle to go too, but I don't want her to feel like a third wheel with us. She hasn't been giving any of the guys at school the time of day lately." I have to keep myself from smiling, that makes me happy to hear. "So, I'm worried she's not going to end up with a date."

"That's why you tried to fix her up with that jerk, Hitch? You're trying to find her a date, so you don't have to feel guilty? Don't you think you should let her figure that out herself?"

"Hitch isn't a bad guy, Elle didn't even give him a chance. Things worked out so well when the four of us went to Six Flags. Elle seemed to have a lot of fun that day and I didn't feel guilty for spending time with Rachel while we were there. I just thought we could do something similar with prom. That's actually what I was thinking when I walked in. You don't have a date for prom yet, do you? Are you even planning on going?"

"Lee, are you sure?" Rachel questioned. Lee just shrugged his shoulders and kept looking at me, waiting for a response.

As much as I want to, I obviously can't tell Lee who I'm hoping to take to prom or that I've been planning on going for months now, ever since Elle and I started dating. "I have no idea, Lee, I really hadn't thought about it."

"You and Elle had a good time together at Six Flags, right?"

"Yeah, it was a fun day."

"So, would you think about asking Elle to go to prom with you? It would really mean a lot to me. You won't have to be nice to me again for months if you do this."

"You really want me to ask Elle to prom, as a favor to you?"

"Yeah, what do you think? You won't let any other guys date her anyway, so you might as well be the one to take her."

"I don't know, I mean, I suppose I could, if you really want me to."

"Ah man, you are such a good brother. I mean most of the time you're a jerk, but I love you right now man!" Lee jumped up and pulled me into a hug before I pushed him off me.

"I don't have to do all that promposal shit, though, do I?" I wanted to take Elle to prom and I did like to be romantic sometimes and show her that I love her. Mostly because I loved how much Elle loved it and I loved what it usually led to afterwards. But I didn't want to do all that stupid shit the guys at school went through to ask girls to prom.

"Nah, I think you can just ask her." Lee clapped me on the shoulder when he said, "Actually, she should be here any minute. You could ask her now. Thanks, Noah, I really appreciate you being cool with this." He looked so thankful, I almost felt guilty. Almost.

A few minutes later, we heard Elle let herself in the front door and call out for Lee. I'd love to ask her in front of Lee without her knowing it was him who suggested it, just to see what she would do. But I'd rather not have my girlfriend want to kill me, so instead I head out to meet her before she makes it to the game room, telling Lee and Rachel to give me a minute to ask her. She's surprised to see me coming to meet her and even more surprised when I pull her in for a quick kiss.

Elle fixes my hair that has fallen in front of my eyes asking, "Isn't Lee around? I thought he was here."

"He and Rachel are in the game room."

"Noah!" Elle pushes me away from her, worried that Lee will see us.

"Don't worry, we have a minute. I came out to ask you a question." Elle eyed me curiously and waited for me to continue. "Would you go to prom with me?"

Elle frowned in confusion. "Of course, I want to go to prom with you. You know that. We just have to see Lee's reaction to us first, though."

"This was Lee's idea."


"Lee just asked me if I would ask you to prom. He's worried about you feeling like a third wheel if he takes Rachel.  He feels guilty. That's the whole reason he tried to set you up with Hitch, he's trying to find you a date. He literally just talked me into asking you to prom."

"You've got to be shitting me."

"Completely serious. Can we go in and tell him you said yes?" Elle nodded, smiling but still seemingly in shock.

When we walked into the game room, I announced with what I was hoping sounded like fake enthusiasm, "She said yes!"

"This is great, you two. Now, the four of us can all go together and we'll have so much fun!" Lee is practically jumping up and down in excitement that his plan worked. Elle is laughing with him but keeps throwing glances my way. Rachel is watching all three of us, like I've noticed her doing before when we've all been together.

"That was way too easy." Rachel said almost under her breath.

Lee shot Rachel a look, rolling his eyes. "Oh, I suppose this goes along with your theory." Lee laughed, "Ever since we hung out at Six Flags, Rachel has had this ridiculous idea that there's something going on between you two. I told her she's crazy. All you two ever do is fight, you have nothing in common, and there is no way Elle would ever fall for Noah's crap."

Rachel shook her head. "Come on Lee. You mean to tell me that Flynn agreed so easily to take his little brother's best friend to prom as a favor to you. Why, because you two get along so well? And your best friend, who has more of a mind of her own than any other girl I know, just agreed to go with him without any argument after you just said they have nothing in common and fight all the time?"

I start to laugh it off, act like that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Pretend I think it's as ridiculous as Lee does. But when I see the determined look that comes over Elle's face, I suck in my breath as I realize what she's about to do. I start to take a step towards her, wanting to grab her hand, try to offer her something to help with what she's about to do. Then I realize the best thing I can do right now is take a step back, try to stay out of the way of what is about to happen.

Elle faced Lee, staring directly at him. Her voice is clear as she says, "Lee, the truth is that I have been dating Noah." Holy shit, I can't believe she actually said it. I've never been more proud of her than I am right now. No matter how this ends, at least I know that she's willing to tell Lee our secret.

Lee looks confused but is still grinning. He obviously doesn't have any ideas what's going on yet at this point. "What? You've been on a date with Noah?"

"Not just a date, we've been dating. . . for awhile now."

"Is this a joke?"  Lee looked from Elle to Rachel with a smile on his face that slowly dropped as he realized it wasn't a joke.  "That makes no sense. Noah doesn't date." But even as he said it, I saw the realization in his eyes. Like his mind just replayed everything he had seen over the past couple months involving me and Elle that didn't make sense. Lee sat back onto the couch behind him. "Rachel kept telling me she thought something was going on but I didn't believe her. How did I not see this?" Rachel walked over to sit next to him while Elle crouched down in front of him, so she was still face to face with him.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was so worried about how you would react, and I didn't want to hurt you or make you hate me."

Lee had been looking down at his hands, but shot a look at Elle as he asked, "Why would you think I would hate you?"

"I broke Rule #9."

"Breaking one of our rules wouldn't make me hate you. I don't think you could do anything to make me hate you. I just can't believe that you would keep something like having a boyfriend from me. Even if it is my jerk of a brother. Especially my brother." Lee finally remembered I was in the room, glancing my direction for a second before looking back at Elle.

Elle must have taken his relative calmness as a good sign as she went on, "I thought you guys were getting along better now."

"Yeah, I guess we are. So, maybe he's not that big of a jerk. But, seriously, Noah? How long has this been going on?"

"Pretty much since the night of the Kissing Booth."

"Wow, Elle. You've kept this from me for months?" Lee jumps up off the couch and starts pacing. "You're my best friend. I don't hate you for breaking some stupid rule, but I'm so pissed off at you right now for lying to me all this time. I can't believe you've been keeping this a secret from me. God, things make so much more sense now. Noah driving you to school, all the times I would run into you guys by yourselves, how weird you have been acting. All that was because of Noah?" Elle nodded. "Does anyone else know?"

"June . . . your Mom knows."

"You told my Mom before me?"  Lee's voice had been eerily quiet up until now, but he did raise it with that question.

"She . . . ah, she figured it out on her own." My smirk was quick and I covered it as soon as I could but I know Elle caught it, she was shooting me daggers. Her focus went back to Lee, as she stood in front of him again. "Lee, you are my best friend and I love you. I am so sorry I lied to you. I should never have done that. But, I love your brother. I'm really happy." Elle looked over at me, the worry on her face replaced with a smile when our eyes met. "We're both really happy and I hope when you get over being mad at me for lying that you can be happy for us."

A/N – Special thanks to @DreamzOfGold for giving me many ideas for this chapter! Especially for reminding me that I could switch things up in my story and fix the part I disliked the most about TKB. I didn't need to make Lee act like a horrible friend and brother when he found out about Noah and Elle.  I hope you enjoyed this version!

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