I'm a What?

By lostadventure

12.6K 350 79

Nyx Warrior never wondered. She never asked too many questions- unless necessary. Now it was necessary. She... More

Chapter 1- New Roommate
Chapter 3- Decorating
Chapter 4- Cold
Chapter 5- Unmasked and Unnamed
Chapter 6- Solos and Duets
Chapter 7- Savior
Chapter 8- I'm Yours
Chapter 9- Away
Chapter 10- Lazy Day
Author's Note/Question

Chapter 2- Titan Problems

1.3K 40 2
By lostadventure

Chapter 2

Raven led me down the hall to where my room would be. It was right next to Robin's which almost seemed too coincidental. The leader still was hesitant to let me stay here.

I understand that it may be his tower and his team, but if he tries anything on me, I will punch his sorry butt into next week.

"So you can basically do whatever you want with your room. It's yours. Welcome to the tower, Nyx." Raven actually smiled at me.

"Thanks Rave. Hey, if you have any tips to keep on Robin's good side, I'd love to hear them." I smiled.

"Yeah. Um, tomorrow morning make everybody breakfast. Robin loves scrambled eggs and toast." Raven smirked.

"Thanks Raven. I'll see you tomorrow then." I smiled at her and then entered my room, looking around. White walls, white sheets, a desk in the corner and a huge bed against the center wall. It was a...nice room.

The walls were giving me chills, though, reminding me too much of my parents. I frowned but would just have to let it go for a night. I looked down at my uniform and realized it was filthy. I wouldn't want to get in a clean bed without clean clothes. I frowned and went to knock on Robin's door.

"Robin? Hey, um, I hate to ask this of you since you're already hasty towards me, but do you have an extra set of clothes I could borrow for the night? Mine are filthy and I don't want to ruin the sheets..." I stood at the door awkwardly for a few seconds without hearing any noise. "Uh, okay. I'll just go ask Raven then..."

"No, it's fine. Here," he thrust a set of clothes at me. I could barely tell him thank you before the door slid closed. I sighed and headed to the bathroom down the hall to take a shower. And...was that a blush I saw fading from his cheeks?

I showered quickly and then changed into the clean set of clothes. Robin had given me a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt with his symbol on it. Gods, he was such a nerd. I smiled at the shirt before going back to my room. I curled up under the covers and prepared for a night of nightmares.


True to my own words, I was twisting and turning from old memories coming back to haunt me. It had to be the walls that were the problem.

After I woke up in a cold sweat from one nightmare, I couldn't take it and decided to go sleep on the couch in the common room. After that, I slept peacefully until the break of dawn and then began to make everybody breakfast.

I made the scrambled eggs first, making sure to keep it on low while I made scrambled tofu for Beast Boy. Raven was the first to come down to breakfast.

"Taking my advice, huh?" I smiled at her. "By the way, I love the pj's." She smirked at me.

I blushed, "My clothes were dirty, and he was the closest room. Don't judge." She rolled her eyes, still smirking and sat down at the table. I made toast and sausages before serving Raven her breakfast. She thanked me just as Starfire, Cyborg and Beast Boy walked into the kitchen. I smiled at them over my shoulder.

"Morning friends! I made breakfast for you all!" I served them their breakfasts and gave Beast Boy extra toast to make up for the lack of sausages.

"She's being nice, should we be wary?" Beast Boy whispered to Cyborg. I smirked and shook my head in amusement as I cooked more sausages and even made some bacon.

"Just eat it, Beast Boy. It's really good." Raven told him.

"Well if Raven has eaten the breakfast, then I will eat the breakfast as well," Star said. I smiled.

I began to hum to myself and shook my hips as I was fnishing up the breakfast. "Beastie, you want some more scrambled tofu? I've got extra."

He was standing next to me with his plate at the ready. "Yes please!"

I smiled and gave him what was left. I sat Robin's breakfast aside- making sure he had double servings- and then went around and gave seconds if wanted. I made myself a plate and set that aside so I could eat after I cleaned the dishes.

Again, I began to hum to myself and shook my hips dancing to the song as I cleaned. I hadn't been in a real kitchen in a long time. I heard the kitchen door slide open and continued what I was doing for another couple seconds before looking over my shoulder to see Robin there.

"Morning, Robin! I made you breakfast to thank you all for letting me stay here!" I smiled bightly and washed my hands off before walking over to the blushing boy and dragged him to a seat and then bringing over his breakfast. "Enjoy!" I smiled and went back to my dishwashing.

Raven floated over to me. "Nice job. You totally caught him off guard."

I smiled and took her dirty plate from her. "That was the plan." We both laughed.

"Alright, I'm going to read. If you need me, I'll be in my room." she told me and I nodded.

Everybody else turned their plate in except for Robin who was staring down at his. "Robin," I said softly as I floated over to him. "If you don't like it, you can just tell me."

"What'd you put in here?" he interrogated me, almost angry.

"Uh, eggs, cheddar cheese, salt, pepper..."

"What else?" he demanded.

"Nope, that's it. I promise." I smiled at him to try and lighten his mood.

"I don't believe you. So, I'm not going to eat this. Instead, you can make my Garadma's famous Apple Pie." He looked smug.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You're kidding, right?"

"Nope." He popped the p.

"Do you have the recipe?" I asked him, sighing.

"Nope. You're going to have to try your hardest to make it as close as possible. From scratch." He looked too smug for my liking, but I agreed.

"Fine. I'll have to go to the store to get ingredients, though. Do you have a credit card?" I asked him.

"There's one on the counter. You might as well get stuff for your room while you're at it." His arms were folded over his chest.

"Oh, thank you Robin!" I exclaimed and grabbed the credit card on the counter before flying off to Raven's room. I knocked on her door and she opened it up.

"What's up?" she questioned.

"Boy Wonder wants me to make his grandmother's famous apple pie." I told her, leaning against the doorway.

"He doesn't even have a grandmother." Raven scoffed.

I smirked. "Exactly."

"What?" Raven asked.

"He said his 'Grandma's famous Apple Pie.' It has to be a store bought pie."

She smirked. "Smart. Let's go."

Raven and I traveled to the store and bought 2 Apple Pies and a bunch of other kinds. Then we went to a few other stores to get supplies for my room. Raven and I split up when we got back to the tower. She took the supplies to my room while I headed to the kitchen.

"Kitchen's off limits for a few hours!" I exclaimed and flew into the room, locking the kitchen door behind me. I cooked all the pies and when they were done a few hours later, I rubbed flour on some parts of my face and on my arms.

I entered the common room. "Alright, Titans! Pie time!" I exclaimed, smiling at them. Beast Boy and Cyborg ran into the kitchen immediately. Starfire followed with Raven and Robin walked in smugly.

"I wasn't sure which one you told me to make, Robin, so I made extras. But I made double of the apple because I know that's your favorite!" I smiled at him as his jaw was dropped.

"Nice," Raven told me. I fist-bumped her.

"It's what I do. Guys, the pies are cut already so have a go!"


Robin's POV
She was infuriating!!! Waltzing right into my tower and asking if she could stay! And then asking to borrow my clothes. Although, they didn't look too bad on her. She actually looked- No! She's the enemy! You can't trust her! And breakfast this morning... she had to have done something to the eggs or something. And now this! All these pies! She just made me so...angry!

"Robin, don't you want to try some pie? It was your idea." Nyx coaxed. I scowled and took a slice of apple pie. I bit into it. It tasted exactly like the actual store bought pie.

"How did you-"

"Make the pie? With ingredients and love." She smiled brightly.

"You little-" I started again but this time it was Raven who cut me off.

"She did what you wanted her to do, Robin. Get over yourself. She's not an enemy, she's a hero like us. Have you even bothered looking her up on the internet? You'd find a lot about her. But you could also find out about her if you asked nicely."

I frowned and looked at the ground. "Sorry, Nyx. I shouldn't have been so rude."

"It's fine, Robin. I set you off yesterday, barging in here and being a smart-alec. I was just...afraid you'd turn me down. I honestly was trying to make it up to you today." Nyx said, smiling shyly.

I looked at her and smiled slightly. "Alright. Friends?" I held my hand out to her.

"Friends." she said, smiling, and shook my hand.

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