Right Place, Right Time ➡️ Ra...

By ROStarbuckS

776 38 5

Ross has been invited to a Christmas party, told he needs to get his life together and start looking forward... More

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68 3 0
By ROStarbuckS


I make my way to the circle staircase, I begin to climb hearing the chatter from the other visitors downstairs begin to lessen each step I take. I couldn't live in a place like on a daily basis, if it was work, that's difference because then I can leave it every night.

It's when I see a crystal chandelier on the ceiling I realise I've made it to the top floor. The house is deceiving on both the inside and outside. It looks big from the outside but on the inside, it's like 3x bigger. Insane.

I see 4 doors down the hallway. One of them is open and the lights on. Slowly walking towards it, I see a bed with white sheets...

"Ross? Is that you?" My heart skips a beat...why?

"Yeah, were you hoping for someone else?" I question and immediately regret it.

"No, I hoped it would be you. I did invite you up here after all, thanks for coming" I walk past her door and into the room, it was simple and clean. Suitcases were situation near the bathroom, my eyes must've shown curiosity.

"I may be staying here but I'm not unpacking— this isn't permanent. If keep my clothes in the suitcases it reminds me I gotta find some place" I nod understanding her completely.

"I get that. I guess it also keeps your clothes in one space. And not sprawled everywhere. It's better" she nods smiling. She closes her laptop and placed it on the side table.

"I'm guessing you're aware that Callum planned this all... like all I said was I wanted to meet his best friend, but I think more happened... or was it just me?" I smile shyly. I'm not a shy guy.

"No it wasn't just you. Something definitely happened out on the balcony. Did you sense I wanted to hug you?" She nods.

"You can take a seat. I'm not gonna bite—" I nod moving towards the end of the bed, taking a careful seat.

"Yet" she smiles and looks away all guilty. I smirk at her, she's a cheeky feisty little thing.

"Anyways, uh... you got family nearby?" She looks up at me, smile falls a little.

"I do, but I haven't spoken to them in years... it's kinda the reason I'm staying here... I lost my apartment I was renting because the landlord didn't warn me he was raising the rent and I was evicted. It was when I sitting outside the door... when Calum drove by and saw me. He didn't assume at first and asked if I lost my keys" that's the thing with Calum, he'll rescue you even if you don't need or want him too.

"I cried and explained everything to him, he told me to get into the car and he took me here. I've been every since. It's also the reason my clothes are in suitcases because... like I said, I don't plan on staying here very long" I nod understanding the circumstances.

"Well, are you needing any helps to find another place?" She shakes her head, unsure of herself.

"I do but I didn't want to ask for help, it's my problem. Not others" I shift my position on the bed more to face Laura.

"Well, I'm offering to help you find a place. If you will allow me to, I can help, and when you find somewhere. I'll help you with the other things... I'm good at finding deals, can I help you?" Her eyes sparkly brown and she smiles wide.

"Thank you Ross, you really don't have to-"

"Nope, it's okay. I want to help. I really do" she smiles more, this could be the break I need.

"What's your number- oh, Calum sent me your number... he's very persistent and helpful" I chuckle as it's the perfect to describe our friend.

"Yep! I also have yours. He texted us both each other's number..." I sigh playfully.

"He doesn't play around, does he?" Laura agrees shaking her head.

"Well, it's quite late and I'm gonna start apartment hunting tomorrow" I'm clearly confused by her words.

"It's Christmas. You won't find much?" She giggles.

"I just mean, I'm gonna go searching for the companies that have anything available and like quote the rent prices and such... I don't mean find a place and apply, I won't find a place til late January or February" I chuckle, I'm stupid.

"I'm sorry. I automatically assumed what you meant and was about to say something" she shrugs, yeah— no much to say after that.

"If you want, send me a text and we can meet up for a Starbucks. We can go for a walk or drive and see what's available. Only if you want I mean, if not, I understand" Laura smiles and nods slowly.

"We shall see, maybe I will... maybe I won't" she smirks playfully placing her phone down on the side table.

"I'm going to get some sleep. You should head home, get away from all this glass" I nod right away.

"Yeah you're right! Well, I'll see you soon Laura, maybe?"

"Yeah, maybe" she smiles and gets comfortable under the covers. I leave the bedroom, closing the door behind me.

This girl clearly has a sparkly attitude, I like her a lot...

The chattering downstairs was hardly even noticeable anymore. There was a few chatters, maybe 2 conversations going on— walking down the stairs, I find Calum at the dinner table on his phone. Getting behind him, I find him scrolling through a woman's Instagram page.

"A crush or girlfriend?" Realising he's caught he locks his phone and pretends to be silly.

"Don't know what you're talking bout. I was looking at anyone" I sit back down on my chair from before. Raising my eyebrow towards my friend.

"Really, you gonna play that game after attempting, and possibly succeeding in setting me up with something good?" He closes his eyes sighing.

"Fine, she's a crush that I wish would be my girlfriend, we follow each other and have done for the past 4-5 months. But I've only ever liked the one photo. She's beautiful man!" I smile at the red-headed idiot.

"Your love struck man, take a chance and message her. You never know and we can maybe double date—"

"Double date, you two made arrangements already?" I mentally face slap myself, I walked right into that without realising it.

"No... not yet, but I have offered to help find a place"

"I mean, that's a start bro! Are you heading home?" Nodding, I stand up and push my dinner table chair back under.

"Yep! I'm not drunk so I can drive back on my own" he nods, looking back at his photo.

"You never know what's gonna happen if you don't try, night man"

"Night, see you soon. Tell me all about Laura and yourself when it happens! I'll murder and bring you back if you don't" I chuckle.

"You got it bro"

Once I get back inside the car, I punch in my address and set off.

I sigh in relief as I walk through my front door. It's good to be back, the brick walls, the covered windows... I prefer it to what Callum owns.

It's been a crazy ass night. I need some sleep, thankfully I finished my work before going to Calum's.

As I settle down into bed, a text comes through on my phone.

'Meet me at Starbucks for lunch tomorrow, hope to see you there'

I smile wider at the text message.

'Maybe ;)' I reply back to her before falling asleep for the rest of the night.

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