RPRT - 9

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After working through each assisgnment my boss sent over in the email, I didn't finish work till around 2 or 3 in the morning. He usually sends about 3 or 4 small ones but this unfortunate time he had sent 6 small ones and 2 large ones.

Luckily enough for me, I am a fast worker so I was able to efficiently get the work done and sent it back, it may have been late - but it's better to be sent late at night than possibly miss a morning deadline.

Geting up and ready for my sister, Rydel to get here so we could go to the garage to collect my car, all I could think about was Laura's big ass smile. The way she looked at me whenever we spoke about the most randomness things. She knew what she wanted when it came to some things, but she also seemed unsure on a lot of things too. She was almost like a mystery to me, but with day that passed... even though it's been over 2 days now.

I feel like I know enough to for surely understand in my heart that I do for certain, like Laura.

That was a mouth-full to read in your head wasn't it?

But honestly, I do. I like her.

I am the one that is unsure if she likes me back, girls/woman can be very good these days at pulling a poker face.

*knock knock*

There's my sister.

"Come on in, Rydel" She freely opens the door and makes her way to my fridge, openly making herself a to-go cup of coffee.

"Sure, you can make yourself a cup...?" I laugh playfully, she just smiles at me and poke her tongue out at me.

"Sorry, that Uber driver gave me the fear... he looked at me like I was a barbie doll. The guy almost crashed once because he had his eyes elsewhere, I had to cross my arms to block his view... what a perv" Shaking my head, the drivers these days are horrible.

"Sorry sis, I should've suggested to drive to you in the tesla and we then drive in it to the garage" She throws her hand at me, like a, 'forget about it' gesture.

"Shall we go?" I nod grabbing my keys and heading out.


Rydel is driving to the garage, I am looking out the window completely phasing out.

"Ross, earth to Ross" I snap back to reality at the sound of my sister's voice.

"Sorry, what's up?" She smirks at me.

"Who's the lucky girl?" My eyes go wide at her truly accused accusation towards me being unfocused.

"What you talking about?"

"Ross, I am your sister. I know how you go when you're thinking about a girl, or when you've spent time with a girl and you can't get her off your mind. Who is she? Do I know her?" I know for sure Rydel doesn't know Laura, but I have a fair feeling they'd get on great.

"No, you don't know her. She doesn't know any of your friends..." She groans, sad that she's not close to Laura before knowing about her through me.

"Her name is Laura, and in-fact, Calum introduced me to her a few nights ago" She raised her eyesbrows, her eyes firmly staying on the road.

"Really... was it a planned set up?"

"Yep, it was... he invited me over for a christmas party and introduced us both at the dinner table... of course afterwards, I went outside for some fresh air - with everyone at the other end of the table talking away I was getting a sore head from all the chatter" She nods, continuing to listen.

"So when I went outside, she happened to join me on the balcony and we just stood outside for a little bit chatting away.... but then we spent time together yesterday. I got her, her own little place near the river" Rydel gasps.

"That area is beautiful, what a way to whoo her brother" I laugh.

"I didn't do it for that reason, I was genuinely trying to be a good guy and help her out" My sister nods, staying quiet.

"Point is, after meeting her... I can't stop thinking bout her, she's honestly such a sweet, kind, gorgeous and honestly down to earth woman" There was defiently more ways to describe her...

"Whoa bro, you've fallen hard for this girl. Ask her out"

"Nah, I can't... it's only been a couple of days" She scoffs at me.

"Bro... I had only known Capron a couple of days. He asked me less than a week later and now look at me. I am the happiest I've even been" Rydel was in-fact correct.

"You honestly think I should attempt to ask her out?" She nods.

"Okay... I think I have an idea on how to do that... I will need to get Calum's approval first" A confused expression was sheer clear across my sister's face.


"Because I would need his permission to use his balcony, we may have met at the dinner table... but the balcony is where we really connected properly" Rydel smiles and gets all excited.

"This is going to be so freaking cute, I want, no I need to see this" I laugh, my sister can be so funny sometimes.

"You think I am being funny. I am not, if I don't get a video of this, someone's ass is getting kicked and you're the only one sitting close to me" I clamp up, she ain't kidding on.

"Okay, I'll talk to Calum and see what I can get sorted" She cheers and continues to drive on.

"Calum, I need to talk to you for a second" I send the text, I've already got the idea in my head.

"Sup bro?"

"I need your permission to use your balcony for something I have in mind"

"OK, what's your idea?"

"I'm going to ask Laura to be my girlfriend" I send it with a smile on my face.

"Epppppp, yep. Balcony is all yours bro" I send him a thumbs up. But I then realise...

I need to ask her on a date first... and we've arrived outside the garage.

Right Place, Right Time ➡️ Raura COMING SOON THIS SUMMERWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu