Outlawed (SOA)

By _Queen_Reina_

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A young eighteen years old girl who goes by the name Athena Graceland has run away from her small town home i... More

The Little Runaway
Agreements and Troubles
First date
First date pt.2
Trouble in mind
Constant Anger
The truth pt.1
Truth pt. 2 (coming home)
Next opportunity
Anger issues
Hell of a woman
Next step
Set up
Gemma's truth
Tully's story
Tully's Home
Family matters
unspoken answers
cleaned up and low
Heading home
farewell to outlawed


1K 15 0
By _Queen_Reina_

Warning ⚠️: May not be suitable for young readers, contains vulgar language and sexual expressions, Thank you!
(Greetings readers, you will be brought through a small time jump so stay tuned and be prepared)

It had been about six weeks since Athena went to the doctor prior to the agreement she made with Jax, she had decided to get a few tank tops and cargo jeans when they went out shopping after,

Jax didn't wanna upset her as he watched her pick out clothes so he just thought, "Taking it slow is good for now." He smiled as she light up in the store they went to she was hesitant to let him pay for it but he was good at persuading people.
She smiled more than she ever had, come to think of it she was always smiling with Jax, he smiled at the thought. Jax grabbed Athena's hand playfully pulling her along with him to the black Escalade in the parking lot, he playfully picked fun at her when they got in and headed home."So darlin what did you think about today?" Jax whispered playfully into her ear,"It was alright not as bad as my mind had painted it out to be."
They finally arrived to the clubhouse and Jax got out of the Escalade and ran over to the other side to help Athena off its high step, he grabbed her bags and carried them in for her while Gemma had flagged Athena down to come with her.
"Hey baby girl!" Gemma said in a good mood, "Hey Gemma you need me for something? "Athena replied while giving Gemma a quick hug,

Gemma was a queen what she said usually goes, Clay was stand beside Gemma so Athena just smiled and waved, she wasn't totally sure why but Clay reminded her of her late grandfather who past due to some gang rivalry shit she remembered the day of the funeral no one cried except for her, her grandfather loved and took care of her when her father and brother were trying to sell her out to the other guys for a good time, but then she was pulled back from her memory, "Hey kid yal'right?" When she looked up Clay had placed his hand on her shoulder and was crouched down in front of her. She only nodded because she wasn't totally sure what to say then she replied,"I'm alright just lost in my memories. " Clay nodded his head to her in understanding of her pain.

Athena though Clay Morrow as a very unusual man, he could be gentle at times and others he was a straight up in your face prick but Athena always stayed on his good sides and only a few of his worried sides, she heard he can be very threatening at times to people but she knew that Clay wouldn't hurt her.
Clay looked into her beautiful green eyes that had the right amount of amber in them and smiled without words he gave her a quick hug then stood up beaming down at her, he observed her scars then remembered what Jax wanted to do to the Silver Crows MC but Clay told him they can't just bust in there and take em.
"Hey Jax come here."Clay yelled for a distance which caused Athena to jump as Jax came running over,"What's up?" Clay looked down at Athena and Jax cleared his throat and tap her on the arm,"Hey ah...goddess could you go inside the clubhouse for me please it will only be for a bit?"

Athena made a face as Jax finished talking, "Goddess? Also why do I have to go on the Clubhouse I've been inside buildings almost all damn day." She replied with annoyance and yet Jax just gave her a look,"ugh fine." She turned around to head towards the clubhouse doors when the roaring of motorcycle engine's hit her ears and all the guys where here and none of them were leaving when she went to turn back around Jax raised his voice fast,"ATHENA INSIDE NOW." So she ran inside, hearing the motorcycles pull in the drive she looked out the window after she got safely inside and froze, she saw her father and brother lead of the line with the whole rest of there crew and she knew why they were there.

"So... where's my daughter at you piece of shit good for nothing assholes? " The man said as he swung his leg over his bike to stand next to his son and crew,"Names Daniel Graceland incase you forgot." There was a long pause until Clay spoke up,"We didn't forget your name we just didn't give a shit to begin with." Jax, Chibs, Opie, Tig, Happy, Bobby, and Juice all stood next to Clay while the other Sons blocked anyway in or out and ever door to any building in the grounds.
Daniel spoke once more,"ATHENA
ROSALEAN GRACELAND GET YOUR PETTY ASS OUT HERE NOW." At this point she was shaking, he father gave the signal for her brother to go hunt her down but Jax refused to let that happen.

Inside she hid crouched down behind the bar shaking and crying, she felt her heart beating outside of her chest,
then she remembered something that Jax told her.
Athena stood up and bolted to Jax dorm and opened a nightstand drawer where she pulled out a gun, she felt panicked because it was a fully loaded gun with its safety on, she remembered the day her grandfather taught her how to handle a gun herself and she felt now that he knew she would need it. She walked up some stairs to a window and opened it crawling out onto the roof top, she could see everyone below on the ground, she got down low like grandpa taught her and positioned herself, she pulled out someone's cell phone that she swiped off the table when she walked past it before crawling on the roof and scrolled through
the contacts until she found Jax's number and she text him that she was on the roof and that she had Bobby's phone that he left on the table.
She sent a quite text back as Clay and the others had a stair down with the Silver Crows, "What the hell are you doing outside on the roof ?" He replied and so she took a picture of her in a ready spot with his spare gun then replied back with,"I have a clear shot give me a motion and I'll take it." Then before she sent it she changed it from Jax to said all so that every member would get the text except Bobby because the phone she had was his.
They all pulled out their phones Tig showing Bobby and then they all pocketed them, the Silver Crows weren't totally smart because they didn't assume why everyone pulled out their phones. Clay spoke again,"You have five minutes to get your asses out of here before I do it for you." Jax chimed in,"Yeah we won't feel sorry for what happens to ya either. "
As they waited to see if they'd take the bait and spare themselves one Clay tapped his shoulder twice which gave Athena the command to fire a warning shot and she did, she shot directly infront of her father's foot, as Daniel took a step back and his whole crew looked around but Athena was good she knew what he was doing she was taught by the best of the Graceland's and he would be so proud if he could see her now. Daniel gave a nodded and the Silver Crows started their engines back up and waited to be lead away by their captain of the road.
Athena slipped back in threw the window, taking the gun back to Jax dorm and then slipping outside with the rest of the Sons.
Everyone if them turned around as she walked out of the clubhouse, Tig and Bobby gave one hell of a cheer as the rest of the Sons joined in,"Nice work goddess!" Juice whispered to her as she walked past, Athena walked up to Clay and Jax with her body shaking and her breathing heavy.

"Nice work kid, I'm proud of ya!" Clay said to her as he kissed the top of her forehead then walked over and grabbed hold of Gemma. Jax looked down at her with a look on his face of worry and a bit of anger,"What the hell were you thinking darlin you could have been seen or gotten hurt?" She took a breath heart warmed by his concern but replied calmly, " I know but it felt good as hell to have power and call the shots, literally!." Jax smiled and pulled her in for a hug but it turned into a kiss as he drew to her lips, the Sons cheered and hollered as Jax made the first move of their starting relationship.

Writers notes:
Hey guys that was chapt.3 of (Outlawed) can't wait to see where chapt.4 goes.

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