Right Place, Right Time ➡️ Ra...

By ROStarbuckS

776 38 5

Ross has been invited to a Christmas party, told he needs to get his life together and start looking forward... More

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120 4 0
By ROStarbuckS


Sitting at my computer doing paperwork for work, my phone rings with my best friend Callum phoning. Sighing I pick up the phone to answer it.

"Sup Callum, you know I'm working at this hour..."

"You work too much, come to my Christmas party bud. Get a load off" is his response, I shake my head. I can't. I haven't left my house in days because of work.

"I need to get this done. I'll rain check" I hear him chuckle on the other side.

"Nah, you won't rain check on me. If you don't send a message in the next hour saying you'll be here. I'll drive over to you and purposely annoy you during work hours til you say yes to coming to my party- do you want that to happen bud?" The thought of him sitting at my desk side just staring or talking non-stop, distracting me. Even the thought gave me a headache. I can't handle that right now.

"You know what... I'll come but I'll be late. If I don't finish this work, I won't get paid" I could sense him smiling.

"Text me when you're done. I'll send an Uber" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Buddy, I swear I'll be there okay. You can check on find my friends on your phone. I'll drive over. I don't have any plans to drink! I'll be coming over for you" fuck am I waiting on an Uber.

"Alright. I'll be welcoming into my party. See you tonight then!" We say our goodbyes and hang up on the phone.

I scan my work document and decide it's done, I was near finishing with Callum phoned anyway— I just didn't want to leave the house for a party. I guess I'm going anyway. Damn you Callum.

Hours later...

Grabbing a shirt from my wardrobe, I get my clothes on and fix my hair, I put a black denim jacket over it. My hair won't behave so I put it into a small pony. Yeah, looks weird but it's outta my face.

My trouser pockets are big enough to hold my phone and my wallet. I have a single key for my apartment since the entrance is always open, unsafe in my opinion. But my car keys are on them too. Even though I have a feeling I won't be coming home, I lock the door behind me and head-on.

It was almost by 8 at night, I just wanted to head back inside and relax in bed with YouTube on my iMac but I promised Callum. I regret it but I am looking forward to seeing the red-headed doof. He's well-loved in our friend circle, I'm just known for being a hermit when it comes to working. No one hears from me for days, sometimes a week or two at most.

I climb into my sister's tesla, she lent it to me whilst my other car is in the garage, she's got 2 cars so she didn't mind. I guess since I can't be fucked actually driving, the features of it come in handy. I punch in the address and let the car drive me there, I rest against the seat and watch things pass me by. It was a nice night out for once I guess, I wouldn't normally know, I keep my blinds closed, easier for me to see my computer screen. Light coming through during the day tends to make the screen change contrast and I find it hard to work with.

"Estimated arrival at the destination - 5 minutes" I sigh, I always forget how close Callum lives to me, it surprises me he doesn't randomly just pop up, but then again, he's told me numerous times that he's working on a worldwide campaign with a bunch of people, so he hardly has time for that kind of stuff. I guess that is why he's throwing this Christmas party. He needs folk around him for a bit to feel like normal, the campaign he's been organising and running has been going on for like nearly 3 years I am sure.

The car comes to a stop, I focus on the outside, multicolour lights are beaming through all the windows, people are jumping to the music booming through the house, more than a handful of red, blue & yellow plastic cups outside already.

"Is this a Christmas party or a frat party... Jesus Callum" I sigh heavily and exit the car, locking it securely, I head inside to find the music is loud, but you can still hear folk talking away if you listen closely. I won't be listening in. I don't think I am going to be here long enough to get a headache from the music.

"Budddyyyyyy" I feel arms wrap around my neck, immediately I see red hair and know it's Callum, I grab onto his arms and turn around to give him a bro-hug.

"You're insanely lucky I came tonight bud. I almost turned around" He smiles his goofy smile, flips his hair to the side, even though it was already there.

"You knew I would've come to you then, right?" He pulls me within his hold and takes me to another part of the house.

"Hence why I am here bud"

"Yeah, well... dinner is being served. I placed you next to me, I'm head of the table of course, but you're like next to me, does that make sense?" I nod, smiling away at his dorkiness.

"Yeah, it makes sense. Let's get seated then, I guess I could eat"

Once we were seated...

"Ross, this is one of my many campaign managers, Laura Marano" I look up after fixing my napkin, mum taught me right.

It's then... I didn't hear anything else that Callum has said - but I see her, she slowly looks up revealing her brown eyes... she shows a shy smile... I can't help but smile at her.

"Laura, this is my best buddy in the whole world, Ross Lynch" She glances at Callum smiling and nodding.

"Well since you two have been introduced, I'll dive into my food. I. Am. Starving" Somehow, both Laura & I chuckle at the silly red-head.

Dinner goes by slowly, neither of us talk, mainly because the whole table is listening to Callum jabber on about fuck knows what. My ears aren't even focused anymore, I stopped listening when someone asked him to explain how he got the house he is currently holding the party in and currently living in. I phase out because I already knew the story, something tells me Laura does too. She doesn't appear to be listening in either.

Mainly because questions were being asked and answered very detailed-like. My brain started to bounce from all the chatter around me, the couple next to me wouldn't stop chattering back and forth. I subtle shook my head, looking to find if Laura was suffering like I was, she was slowly chewing away at her food but grabbed a napkin to wipe away what wasn't there on her lips, I mean I guess it's polite to wipe away something that is invisible.

"Callum, I am going to get some air... I'll be back soon" He nods his head shoving crab meat into his mouth-- he actually once cracked the shell off the meat and ate the shell, it was for a dare - but he passed with flying colours.

I stand up, push my chair under the table and take my plate to the kitchen. I was already finished so it doesn't make a difference if I left it there or not. But it's only polite to take it away.

Carefully placing the plate and cutlery into the sink, I find a balcony nearby and make my way outside for the real fresh air. It was a cold night - but it was somehow very refreshing.

I lean against the metal railing that had a silver chrome finish, it was cold to the touch but I didn't mind, the atmosphere inside was boiling so I needed to cool down.

"You needed a break just as much as I did... you were brave to leave first"

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