The Hidden Princess

By RaeAlyn

1.9K 69 2

King Richard and Queen Katherine Winstanley tried for a long time to have a baby. It didn't seem as if it was... More

Birth and Death
The First Meeting
The Duel
Eight Years Later
The Proposal
The Decision
Arrival in Ichesta
The Palace

The Ball

99 4 0
By RaeAlyn

The day of the ball arrived. Nathaniel finished getting ready. His father had told him to go by and get Princess Samantha and escort her to the ball. He sighed as he stared into the mirror at his dark blue eyes. "Where your eyes this color?" he asked in his head.

He shook himself from the thought. He brushed the fine material off, ran a hand through his hair, and then left the room.

Nathaniel's outfit pictured above

When he got to Princess Samantha's room, Prince Christopher was standing outside her door. He was leaning against the wall, his head leaning back. He seemed bored and perhaps a little upset. "Is something the matter Prince Christopher?"

Christopher's outfit pictured above

Christopher turned his head in Nathaniel's direction, "Samantha is getting on my nerves. She has come out twice already with two different dresses on. She asked my opinion, which I gave, and then she went back into her room and changed. We must be getting to the ball."

Over the week, Nathaniel and Christopher had developed a good bond with one another. As it was unseemly for Nathaniel to be in Samantha's presence without her brother, or someone else to accompany them, Nathaniel didn't get as much time with her. He did find out she was a kind girl. Nathaniel chuckled before joking, "We both know that you are only going because you must watch over Princess Samantha."

Christopher gave Nathaniel a pointed look before he chuckled back and shrugged, "As you said before, we heirs have many things that fall upon us. As for me. I sadly must attend your ball. Whatever will I do with so many eligible women around me?"Nathaniel laughed, but as the words hit him, they were like a knife to his heart. If only he could live as himself, as Elizabeth, perhaps he would have a chance with Christopher. Who knew? Maybe Christopher's parents were like his own and would force a political marriage on him as well. Nathaniel forced a smile, "I pity you, my friend. I will be sure to take care of your lovely sister."

"There is something you can do for me," Christopher said after a moment of silence."And what is that?" Nathaniel asked.

"The next time my sister comes out of her room please tell her that she looks lovely. I am sure if she hears it from your mouth that she will believe it."

Nathaniel didn't get a chance to respond. The door opened and Samantha stood before him. Her hair had been curled and put into an intricate updo. The dress that she wore complimented her very well. When she saw Nathaniel her cheeks turned pink, and she fluttered her eyelashes over her light blue eyes. "Thank you for coming to escort me to the ball, Prince Nathaniel," Samantha said.

Samantha's dress pictured above

"Think nothing of it, Princess Samantha," Nathaniel said as he kissed her hand. "Do not think ill of me when I tell you that you look lovely this evening."

Samantha's looked flustered and her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink, "Thank you for the compliment. Shall we go now? I would hate to keep us any longer from the ball."

"A wise thought indeed," Nathaniel said.

He caught Christopher's relieved look before he took Samantha's arm and the three of them headed down to the ball. It was already started when the three of them started their descent on the stairs. A servant saw them and told the herald. The herald cleared his throat loudly. Nathaniel could never understand how the herald could stop everything so easily. When everything was quieted down and the three of them were near the end of the stairs, the herald announced, "May I present Prince Nathaniel and our guests from the kingdom of Ichesta, Prince Christopher, and Princess Samantha."

There were cheers as Nathaniel looked over the guests. It appeared that all the nobles and their families had been invited. Nathaniel continued down the stairs with Samantha and took her onto the dance floor. Christopher lurked around the dance floor watching, even though he was being approached by young ladies. Nathaniel chuckled as he took Samantha in his arms as he had been taught and began dancing with her. It came effortlessly and Nathaniel couldn't believe the look on Samantha's face. The look was more than adoration. It made Nathaniel uncomfortable. His hands began to sweat. He needed to get out of here... just for a little while. He bowed to Samantha, "Please excuse my princess. I need a moment."

Without another word Nathaniel turned and headed to where the bathrooms were. He knew the palace like the back of his hand, though. He took another hall and ran. Nathaniel ran until he stood in front of the grave. He held the top of it with both hands, "I do not know that I can do this Nathan. Before the prince and princess came it was not all that bad, but I feel terrible now. I wish someone could see the real me... Beth."

Tears were gathering in his eyes. Then he heard Christopher's voice, "I hate to interrupt. It seems you are not in a good spot but do not need anything?"

Nathaniel sniffled and wiped his eyes, gathering himself, then turned and faced Christopher, "I do not need anything, at least there is nothing that you could give me. What I need is unable to be given."

Christopher said, "I would like to believe that we have become friends. Please... you can trust me."

Nathaniel turned his face up to the sky. "While dancing with your sister I could not stop my thoughts from going to Elizabeth. I wondered what she would be like at this age. What kind of person she would be? Does that sound crazy?"

Christopher came closer and put a hand on Nathaniel's shoulder, "No, of course not. I cannot understand what you are going through. I do not know what I would have done if Samantha had passed when we were young. You are resilient."

Nathaniel made a noncommittal noise. He then rubbed the grave once more and said, "We should go back before my parents start worrying about me."

The two of them headed back to the ball. the rest of the evening passed without any incidents. Nathaniel danced with Samantha a total of 4 times and a few other noble ladies. Even Christopher was dragged onto the dance floor. By the end of the evening, Nathaniel was exhausted. He wanted to go straight to his room, but as a good host, he walked Samantha to her room. "I hope you had a wonderful evening, Princess Samantha."

"I certainly did. I hate that we have to return to Auraya tomorrow."

"Do not fret princess. We will send messages. Hopefully, it will not be long before we meet again."

"Surely it will not be that long," Christopher agreed.

"Good night to you both," Nathaniel said before he headed to his room.

He flopped onto his bed after undressing and changing into his nightclothes. He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.

Wow! What a long chapter! What do you think of what happened at the ball? Will they keep in touch? When do you think they will see each other again?

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