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By JisforJ

12K 231 10

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267 4 0
By JisforJ


" happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you"

" happy birthday dear Roman and Riley, happy birthday to you!"

We sung as my baby boys turned one, this has been the hardest and greatest year of my life. Seeing myself and Johanna form into the mothers we are make me so happy, she is the best mother to my boys ever.

" it's crazy to see how far they've come" Mom said as we watched my sons and her grandsons waddle around giggling to each other

" the fastest year of my life" I said just smiling at my children who make me so proud.

They have turned into their own little characters already, Roman reminds me to much of Johanna, same attitude and anger, I know he's only one but god he's a mini Johanna. Riley is a lot more kept to himself, but he adores his brother, follows him anywhere he goes. They both look a lot like me except for her dark hair that comes from Johanna, they have my eyes and facial shape.

" mommy!" Roman said as she pottered over to me

" hey baby!" I said and picked him up holding him on my hip as he held his favourite toy car

" hey RoRo" Mom said tickling his cheek

" hey Katniss" I looked up and in walked Peeta holding two boxes

" hey Peeta long time no see!" I said and hugged him still with Roman in my arms

" I couldn't miss these little guys Birthdays, Charlotte is sorry she couldn't make it" he said and I smiled

See all these people here for my baby boys makes me so happy, makes me a proud mommy knowing I've so may people who love my boys and are willing to travel to come and se them on their birthday.

" hey brainless, you day dreaming?" Johanna asked me as I snapped out of my daze

" well I was but you interrupted me" I said and she laughed

" Riley had some cake and now he's hyper, I couldn't say no because one it's his first birthday and two he gave me the same puppy dog eyes you give me" she said and I shook my head watching as Riley ran circles around himself


You know the saying, 'time flys when your having fun?' Well must of had a fun fifteen years because the last fifteen year went by in a flash, I have sixteen year old boys.

When the boys where five me and Johanna decide to try for another, and we were blessed with a little girl, born the 22 of august, Heidi Primrose Mason was born. She was the most easy going baby ever and even the birth was easy going, I was in labour for like three hours before I pushed, I didn't even need the medicine this time.

Riley and Roman where happy when they had a little sister, they said they would look after her and not let any of their friends hurt her.

Heidi is the image of Johanna, literally the spit of here, same eyes, same hair just the same everything, the only thing different is she's quiet, shy but she's stubborn as hell. I know I never said I wanted a girl but Heidi made me see motherhood in different ways, like when she starts going through puberty I'll be able to relate and help as with the boys I barely had a clue.

" Roman! If I've to tell you one more time about your underwear lying around I'll kill you!" I shouted as I walked into the bathroom

" Sorry!" He called back and I rolled my eyes sighing throwing his underwear into washing basket

" mom where's ma? She promised she'd help" Heidi said coming out of her room

" check outside, I think she brought her axes out" I said and she nodded running down stairs.

" Katniss!" I heard Johanna yell in a scared tone

" what?!" I yelled running down the stairs

" People of Panem, I speak for you! As you know Paylor has passed and I will be taking over. I want to make Panem better again, I've heard many story's and tales over the years and I would like to bring Panem back to the way it was! I would like to up hold the legacy that my cousin held" the women said and i gulped


Your fucking kidding me

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