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" Katniss wake up" I felt someone shake me and I began to stir

" Katniss come on, dinners being served" I opened my eyes to be met with Johanna's eyes looking down on me with her arm on my side as she shook me

" I don't want it" I mumbled as i squeezed my face deeper into the pillow

" you've gotta eat Mockingjay. Coin will be pissed off if she knows her Mockingjay isn't eating her three meals a day" she said and I groaned resulting in a chuckle from Johanna

" come sleepy head, you won't sleep tonight if you sleep now" she said and dragged the duvet off of my body and the cold air hit me straight away

She grabbed me by my arms and pulled me off of the bed onto my feat. I wasn't bother to change my clothes so I fix them along with my hair and threw on my shoes as Johanna stood at the entrance waiting for me.

We walked out and I locked the door and we walked towards the cafeteria which is always packed with people at meal times. It wouldn't be likely to see few people at breakfast, lunch or dinner time.

" Um Katniss?" I heard someone call behind me

" yes?"

A girl who looked about my age maybe a girl older than me stood behind me and she looked nervous, she has dark black hair like Johanna had along with blue eyes that complimented each other. She was a beautiful girl, I felt myself blushing as she should in front of me.

" I was wondering if I could train with you sometimes, well of course if that's ok with you! I wouldn't want to intrude" she asked and I heard a faint scoff behind me from Johanna

" yeah sure, what's your name?" I asked and I felt Johanna pull my shirt as a way to tell me to move

" Juli-"

" listen, Shortie. Me and the Mockingjay have got places to be so you know maybe just turn up to her training then and see what she says" Johanna said and I snapped my head towards her as the girl stood scared I'd say

" yeah ok that's cool see you later" I said and she waved walking off

" Mason what the fuck?!" I asked and she shrugged

" what? What did I do?" She asked seeming actually confused and acting as if she was completely innocent

" the girl was only asking me and question and you basically scared her off" I said and she shrugged

" as I said we have places to be, don't tell me your actually going to train with her?" She asked and I could sense a bit of jealousy lacing her voice

" why not? She seems nice, why is there something wrong Mason? Should I not train with her?" I asked smirking and she looked at me

" oh nothings wrong Brainless, but you jumped on letting her train with you and you still haven't asked me. I hope you and shortie have an amazing time" she said and I laughed

" your more than welcome to join Johanna, we could show her the ropes" I said and hit off her shoulder playfully resulting in her laughing

" I'll think about it Everdeen"


" so you two, Johanna ' whatever your middle name is' Mason and Katniss ' also whatever your middle name is' Everdeen, rooming together. I thought I would've seen hell freeze over before this" Haymitch said as he sat down uninvited at the table

" first of all my middle name is Jane, second of all yes we are rooming together and third it wouldn't be that rare to see unlike hell freezing over" I said and Haymitch smirked

" mines also Grace, Dickwad and yes it's helping me and her, well so far" Johanna said and stuck a finger up at Haymitch smiling arrogantly

" you know Johanna, with a middle name like Grace you think you'd be more respectful and not stick middle fingers up at everybody" Haymitch said resulting is many fingers from Johanna only encouraging her more

" alright enough" I said and ate the food which wasn't tasty to me at this moment tasted a little off

" you ok?" Johanna whispered in my ear and I felt a sickly feeling rise in my stomach

" no" I jumped off the table and ran as fast as I could to my room before I puked everywhere

I thankfully made it to my bathroom and I began puking everything up, my breakfast and now dinner.

" oh shit katniss" I heard Johanna said as she grabbed my hair back as I finished and flushed the chain

" I'm sorry" I said and leaned against the shower like the life has been sucked out of my body

" don't worry your ok, here look" she said and grabbed a hair tie to tie it back away from my face

" oh god" I said and leaned back over the toilet and continued to vomit even more.

I don't know what caused this, I felt fine all day. Maybe it was something in the food? Johanna rubbed my back as I vomited to help me get rid of it all.

" look at me" she said and I looked at her as she used a wet towel to clean my face and mouth

" thank you" I said and my head fell on her between her neck and shoulder

" no problem brainless. What happened though? You were fine earlier" she said and positioned herself down beside me

" I don't know, I think it was the food and it reacted weird with my stomach" I said and she smiled

" good i thought you were gonna turn around say you were late on your period" she said and I blushed a dark red

Well one that would not be possible because me and Peeta have never actually like slept together and two I'm a virgin, which I try to pretend I'm not because most people my age that I know aren't.

" that's the furtherest thing that it could be" I said and she laughed

" bread boy could've had a bun in the oven for real" she said and I joined her in the laughing

" anyway, how could you be pregnant when your still a virgin?"

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 - 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now