Rock 'n' Roll Suicide | Roger...

بواسطة capybarasbestfriend

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"No! Don't you understand? He is not the guy for you. He is bad for you. He is like a drug. Like a suicide!"... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.1)
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.2)
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.3)
Johnny B. Goode Tonight
A Hard Day's Night
Walking All Day
Walk This Way
All The Young Dudes
Paint it, Black.
The Cuts that Always Bleed
Only Love Can Hurt Like This
If I Ain't got you

West Coast

117 4 26
بواسطة capybarasbestfriend

Amy absolutely loved going out. Especially if it meant that she would have to spend time getting ready and stuff. It felt good you know. Taking care of yourself, getting prettier by the second as you put an actual effort into your appearance. It felt great to her. 

"So you don't know where he's taking you?" Erin asked, her grin obvious only by the sound of her voice as she awaited for an answer. Erin and Amy would always get ready together. Always. But today Erin was not there due to having the flu. She insisted she went to Amy's to help her get ready but John had other ideas. John would absolutely not let her go out while being sick. 

"No, that's what I'm saying! One thing he clearly remarked though. Dress formally. Where do you think it'll be?" Amy asked, watching a baby blue dress on her mirror, her room a mess as she tried to find something fitting the occasion. Gods! Why was she nervous? She's been on a date with Christopher before! She shouldn't be this nervous. But back then she didn't fancy him. She was just going to scratch of an obligation or something. But now... Now she feels like a teenage girl you had just gotten asked out by her crush. 

"Oh! Imagine if he takes you to The Ritz!" Erin yelped from the other side of the phone, her mouth apparently filled with food. Oh gods, The Ritz would be bloody amazing. But no way. 

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, there's no way." Amy shrugged it off, a small smile playing on her lips as she stared at the baby blue dress, the way it clinged on her hips, highlighting her figure. The way it made her eyes tand out, perfectly matching with her hair. It really did make her eyes look magnificent. The color of the dress though reminded of another pair of eyes. Baby blue, intense gaze. Oh those eyes, it was as though they were watching her every step. She could still see them, in the back of her mind, the moment her and Roger had this terrible argument. The way they had turned cold, uninviting. Gods, Roger... 

"Do you reckon you'll have sex?" Erin asked, grinning maniacally at her question. Truth is, some weeks ago she would have persistantly stuck with Roger for her best friend. But since everything that had happened, since she learned the things he told her, since she saw how heartbroken Amy was, she had completely made a U-turn on her opinion for him. And then Christopher came and saved the day, treating her best friend like she deserved, making her happy.

"Oh, no. I mean I wouldn't say no if it went there, to be honest... But I prefer taking things slow with Christopher, you know. I think... I think..." Amy said, leaving her sentence unfinished as her thoughts roamed inside her head. Now, on her mind, his amber eyes were looking at her, giving one of his disarming smiles, his gentle voice echoing through her brain. All the nights they were at his place, working on their project till they couldn't anymore, playing aggressive matches of Monopoly where Christopher would pretend he hadn't caught Amy cheating. God... He was not competitive against her, he wasn't purposefully trying to get her mad. He was everything. He was an amazing person who made Amy want to spend all the more time with him. Is it possible, she thought, to want to be near someone that much, to miss their energy every given moment?  She was sure that it was not an everyday thing. She felt that way because it was Christopher. And Christopher was not an 'everyday thing'. Christopher was the type of thing you find once. And you feel so lucky, you keep it in a box, stealing glances at it, admiring how beautiful it looks, never letting anything harmful near it. He was like the penny you found when you were young at a sideroad you know? You felt so lucky to have found it, it was as though it was your best thing. 

"What is it?" Erin asked, curious at her friend's sudden silence. Amy didn't answer, not sure if she wanted to say her thoughts out loud. "Tell me you bitch."

"It's just... You know... He's special. And... I want... I want things to work out with him you know. He is like... He is unique. Things need to be right with him. I want them to be right." Amy admitted, and she was surprised she could do it. You see this was the difference with Christopher. It wasn't hard for her to admit that she felt things for him. He wasn't making it hard. And Amy felt right about it. It felt right, saying those things to him. It was good. He was good. No, scratch that. He was wonderful.

"You think he might be the one?" Erin asked, smiling slightly at the words of her best friend. She really hoped that too. She hoped things would work for her and Christopher. Because, truth be told, he was one of his kind. He wasn't the one you let leave. The way she was seeing things with Amy and Christopher, she thought that he could be that. He could be her Deaky to his Erin. And it would be amazing if it would end up like that. 

"I think..." Amy started saying, cutting herself short. She wanted to scream yes. She wanted to say that she could see herself having a future with Christopher. That she wanted something with Christopher. She felt good. He made her feel good. "He makes me feel like a lovesong does, you know? Like. Remember back in the day when I was telling you I want someone who'll make me feel the way music does?"

"Yes..." Erin replied, eager for her friend to say the words she hoped she would. If she said those words it meant that he was the one.

"I think he makes me feel the way music does." Amy spoke the words, and Erin almost cried of happiness.  This was it.  And it wasn't Roger. That was fine. As long as her friend was good.

"I'm happy for you, Ames." Erin just said, a smile plastered on her features.

"Okay, sappy git. I'm gonna go now because I have to actually get ready and in like fifteen minutes Christopher will be here." Amy told her, fixing her dress. It did look great.

"Okay okay! Tell Brian to take a picture of the two of you, please!" Erin shouted from the other end of the phone and Amy chuckled before promising her that she would have a picture the very next morning.

After that, Amy stared at herself in the mirror. She did look magnificent. She thought about what she was doing for a mere moment. She was going on an actual date with Christopher. With Christopher. And she liked Christopher. No scratch that. Christopher, she had came to the conclusion, was an amazing person to be with. And he was her source of happiness the past month. He had been there when she needed him. Every time she needed him he always did have a magical way to be there. And it was great. He was great. 

After fixing her makeup and putting her heels on she walked out of the room, purse and coat in one hand, her mind raging with anxiety. She had never been more nervous about a date in her life before. But thing is that she wanted that to go perfect. She wanted this to work out with Christopher. She really wanted it. And that's why her heart felt like it was doing loops inside her rib cage.

"Brian!" Amy called as she walked down the stairs, looking for her brother to tell him she borrowed his polaroid camera, for the promised picture. "Brian! Where are y-"

She was cut off by a presence. By a presence, she would recognize everywhere. By a presence that she would have been thrilled to be met with, several days ago. But not now. Never now. He was still the same. Blonde messy hair, and blue radiant eyes. His button-up slightly unbuttoned at the top, a leather jacket draped over his shoulders. At the sight of him, she stopped dead in her trucks. What was he even doing there? She had done everything to avoid him and she met him tonight of all nights? The night she wanted to be more perfect than anything? Oh no... She would not let him ruin this night. Not her night with Christopher.

And him... At the sound of her voice, he felt like a flame rushed through his body. She was there. After all those days he had met her. He had finally the chance to see her. Oh... And didn't she look magnificent. Roger's breath got caught up on his throat, his oxygen running out. She was perfect. And she was there. In flesh and bones, she stood there. Some meters away from him. 

"Amelie," The word left his mouth so softly that if it wasn't for the silence that had spread the moment those two had met, she wouldn't have heard it. And Amy's heart clenched in her chest at that. She didn't miss his voice. She didn't. Or at least she liked to believe that. But even if had, it didn't matter to her anymore. He was not for her. And she could do so much better. "How... How are you?"

"How am I?" Amy asked back, her anger spawning at the moment. Did he dare to ask her that? He had the audacity to ask her how she was doing after everything that had occurred between them, as though nothing had happened? "You must be joking..."

"N-No... Just. Let me explain. Please. Please give me the night to just... I need to talk to you. Please." Roger pleaded, taking a step forward in an attempt to take her hand on his. But Amy pulled hers away making Roger shake his head as he bit his lip. He get that. She had every right not to want anything to do with him.

"What? Give you the night to talk? What do you need to talk to me about? I don't want anything to do with you anymore, Roger. Get that in your mind. I don't care about you anymore, and I really don't have the time or desire to have any kind of involvement with you. I don't know why you've convinced yourself you're so special that I would just sit and wait to hear whatever bullshit you have to say, but just know that you're not. Not to me. You never were. And you never will be. If you wanted to... You know... Apologize or whatever, just know that apology is accepted. But this does not mean that what you did is forgotten. I may have accepted your apology but I want nothing to do with you." Amy said, and the words were just flowing out of her mouth without her realizing them. It was just what her mind needed to say to Roger all this time. And they both would be better off like that. And that was a fact.

"You don't mean that... You're just angry. And I get it. You have every right to hate me. But please don't do it. I know I haven't been what you deserve. But I just need a chance. That one chance to make it right. And... I have just been making you mad, and sad, and pissed off. But it's not what I wanted. And I know you have a million reasons why you shouldn't give me a chance. But all I need is for you to find one that's worth giving me a chance. That's worth keeping us together. And I promise you that I won't screw it up. Not this time. I know you hate me right now, but if I could be a different person I promise you I would." Roger's eyes had filled with tears, that were carelessly falling down his cheeks. Amy wanted to believe him, but it was just not it. He was not it.

"You had your chance. And you blew it off. So the only thing I'm asking you is to acknowledge how rough have a couple of last weeks been for me and just let me be. Because is not fair. You can't mess up my life like that. You can't think you can fix everything by saying things. You- Damn it. You are not it. And you've got to accept it and move on as you've done with every other girl. Because I already have." Amy said and Roger felt all his blood leaving his body at that. She did what?

"You... Oh... Great. T-That's... To who?" 

"None of your business. To someone who's great. And who's actually worth my time. Who's worth trying. Who deserves so much.  And I like him. He makes me happy." Amy started saying and she could see Roger getting hurt at her words but she didn't really care, as she heard the doorbell ring. "And in fact, he's here, if you excuse me."

"He's here, here?" Roger yelped and before Amy could even say something Roger had sprinted off to the door opening it up revealing a stunning Christopher, as Amy thought. Christopher was wearing a dark blue suit, with very thin stripes, a white button-up shirt, and a vest the same color as the suit over it, a black tie completing the outfit. His hair was neatly styled and he looked so old-money-ish right now that Amy internally chuckled at herself. Roger looked at him, as Christopher slightly arched his eyebrows in confusion, and a cold laugh escaped his lips. "Great... So fucking great."

"Um... Good to see you too?" Christopher just replied as Amy stepped forward, pushing Roger out of her way, to be met with Christopher. Christopher at the sight of her smiled with that adorable smile and softly leaned, took her hand in his, and kissed it tenderly like the gentleman he was, making Roger's face scrunch up in disgust. "You look exquisite."

"Well, you do something yourself, professor." Amy smiled up to him, his amber eyes bright. And Amy thought at the moment, how couldn't someone absolutely adore him. He was an angel. And maybe it sounds sappy but he was. 

"You're ready?" 

"Yes just let me grab my coat." Amy smiled at him and went to the couch to fetch her coat. Her eyes caught Roger at the side of the room his eyes red and cheeks glistening and she almost felt terrible. But then she remembered about the time when her eyes were red and her cheeks were glistening. Did he feel bad back then? No. So why would she feel bad now? There's no reason to. She shook her head, pushing those thoughts away as she grabbed her coat and turned back to Christopher. Christopher then took it off her hands and helped her put it in and gods... Wasn't he a real gentleman, his aristocratic upbringing showing at the moment. 

"There you go. We better get going, the reservation's waiting for us." Christopher suggested, extending a hand to her.

"Oh yes, just... Roger. Can you take a picture of us?" Amy said, and Roger's heart broke at that as he robotically approached her, taking the camera from her hands. He took some steps back, and put the camera over his eyes, focusing on the two of them. The way he held her close, the way she enjoyed it. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He had done that. He had made her ran away. And this was her revenge.


"All ready." Roger finally said, a picture coming out of the camera. Amy walked there and took the picture, saying a mechanic 'Thanks' to him before walking away with Christopher.

The moment she was out of the house Roger let his tears really slip from his eyes as he backed against the wall.

Wow. He really had lost her.

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