Blaze Of Glory | Kylo Ren

By CleoLemon

121K 3.4K 269

Kylo Ren / Ben Solo X Anakia Kenobi (OC) "Don't wanna live as an untold story. Rather go out in a blaze of gl... More

Anakia Kenobi
An Angel
Grow As We Go
Better We Grew Up Together
Breaking Promises
Wicked Game
Kylo Ren
Look After You
A Piece Of Her
A Request
Dancing With The Devil
Didn't Mean to Make You Cry
Sweet Dreams
You Were Good To Me
What Have I Done?
Turning Page
Without You
Missing You
Along For The Ride
A Kenobi In Canto Bight
I Adore You
In Another Life
More Than What They Made You Be
A New Beginning
Somewhere Only We Know
Stepping Out Of Line
That's When
Do You Get Deja Vu?
I'll Take Care Of You
My Love
Love On The Brain
A Thin Line between Good & Evil
War Of Hearts
A Decision To Make
As The World Caves In
There And Back Again
Sign of the Times
Here If You Need Me
An Old Friend
Where'd All the Time Go?
This Side Of Paradise
Champagne Problems
Bad Intentions
The Moment Of Truth
Right Where You Left Me
We Could Have Had It All
The Scars Of Our Love
No One Is Ever Really Gone
Two Fallen Jedi
It's Not Your Fault
Eyes Wide Open
Finish What I Started
You Don't Have To Do Everything Alone
Turned For The Better
Been Here Before
Crazy Little Pirate
At One With The Silence
Before You Go
I Want Her

Knights Of Ren

648 30 1
By CleoLemon

Anakia's P.O.V.

"There's too many of them!" Poe shouts from the quad laser cannon. "I can't shake them off!"

"We're thirty minutes away from base." Dan yells while turning the wheel. "We can make it!"

"No! No!" I holler, halting everyone's shouting in the cockpit. "We can't lead them to Base. They'll send out more ships and the Base will be under attack."

"We can't just stay here!" Dan argues while banging on a few buttons. "They'll blow us to bits!"

"Land on another planet." Ahsoka suggests, standing beside me. "Send a message to the Resistance for backup."

"They'll kill us before the Resistance comes." Dan spits out while pointing at us frustratedly. "We don't have enough manpower to keep them back until backup arrives and I'm not dying for this shipment!" 

"They're not after your shipment." I exclaim before something dawns on me, and I glance at Ahsoka and Grogu. Leaning forward to Lando and Dan, I inform. "You have three Jedi Knights on your ship. They know it. That's why they're after us. We have a better chance fighting them on the ground until the Resistance comes."

"That could work..." Lando breathes out while searching the map for the closest planet. "With three knights ... they're outnumbered on the ground. We have a better chance of bringing the fight to us on a planet." Finding the closest planet, Lando turns the ship, announcing. "We'll land on Datooine."

"Great, another forest planet." Ahsoka groans at the thought of being stranded on another planet as before. "Get a message out to the Resistance before we crash land on this planet."

"Hey, we don't crash." Dan snaps at her while pointing one of his hands at her. "We land this baby. You just wait and see."

~ Datooine ~

Walking out of this ship, I scan around the forests of Datooine. It has much more beauty than in Tevarro. There are large rocks covered in moss, small creeks, wild flowers everywhere. 

I can hear a waterfall in the distance and wind blowing through the tree's branches. Glancing up to the sky, I see First Order ships landing and my heart race picks up at the thought of Kylo Ren on one of them. 

Walking further away from the ship, I hear the rest of the group slowly coming out. When I feel a hand on my shoulder, I spin around and find Ahsoka.

"Do not let your emotions invade your mind. They will lie to you about the present." Ahsoka speaks up while staring sternly into my eyes. "You've trained for this, Ani. You can do this. I believe in you."

I nod before taking out both of my sabers and glancing at Poe. He has his blaster at the ready and he nods to me, ready to fight. Glancing at Grogu, I see him take out his saber and close his eyes to sense the surrounding force. 

Dan and Lando are side by side. Lando has one blaster while Dan has two. We all search in the direction we saw the First Order ships land in. Waiting for the stormtrooper to appear, I glance up to the sky, hoping the Resistance gets here soon.

"Anakia Kenobi."

I hear someone's voice coming from the trees, making me look back from the sky. Coming out from behind a tree, a Knight of Ren, in all black, steps out into view. 

He has his saber activated as he walks toward us. Pointing it at me, he announces in the silence.

"I've been waiting for this day. My powers have doubled since the last time we've trained together."

"Cardo..." I mumble while activating my saber. "So have I."

"Good, that will make this twice as more pleasurable."

He chuckles just as the other five Knights of Ren appear from the forest. All of them are wearing their usual uniforms and matching helmets. From behind them, comes out squads of stormtroopers. 

Turning to Ahsoka, we share the same expression that we've made a mistake by landing. We assumed only a squadron would hunt us down, not all the Knights of Ren. 

Ahsoka turns to face them again and turns on her dark saber. Grogu does the same as Lando, Dan, and Poe aim their blasters.

"Oh... You have the Mandalorian's weapon? Where is he?" Cardo speaks up to Ahsoka while swinging his blade slowly. "Don't tell me... He didn't survive a stab to the heart."

My eyes dart to Grogu and I find him glaring toward him, holding back his emotions. I realize then Cardo must have been the one to kill his father that night at the Temple. My eyes move back to the line of Knights of Ren, as Ushar points the end of his blade at me, informing us.

"We're only here for Anakia Kenobi. You give her to us and we might let you live."

"Over our dead bodies." Lando speaks up and shoots his blaster at him. He blocks it with his saber before chuckling through his helmet. "We were hoping you'd say that."

Dan, Poe and Lando blast the stormtroopers sprinting toward us. The stormtroopers run past the Knights of Ren and they only walk. Poe and Lando blast at the ones coming closest to us while Dan blasts at the ones coming near the ship.

Glancing up at the sky one more time, I face back at the Knights of Ren. Walking toward Ushar and Vicrul, I see out of the corner of my eyes Ahsoka heading to Cardo and Kuruk. Grogu nears Trudgen and Ap'lek. We are all out numbered; two to one.

I didn't expect the First Order to send all of them out together, let alone without Kylo. This might not be Kylo Ren's doing. If it was, he'd be here alongside them. 

As Dan, Lando and Poe keep the stormtroopers at bay, the three of us reach the Knights of Ren. Lifting my white sabers, I get ready for their attack. Ushar strikes down instantly as Vicrul swings his saber to my side. 

Holding back both with each blade, I force all blades to come together before flipping back. Landing on my feet, I aim my sabers at both of them while keeping my eyes on their movements.

"What would Kylo Ren think seeing you have a light saber other than the one he gave you?" Ushar teases while stepping closer to me. Seeing Vicrul sneaking toward my left side, I glance at him and swing my saber while spitting out. "Well... Kylo's not here right now."

"... But, you want him to be." 

Vicrul chuckles while going to stab me. Kicking Ushar back, I turn and block Vicrul's blade with both of mine. Twisting my blades, I force Vicrul back away. Laughing as he stumbles back, he blurts out. 

"He's not coming to save you this time, Kenobi."

"He's on a mission as we speak."

Ushar grunts out while swing his blade toward me. Blocking it with one of mine, I go to stab him with the other, making him jump back. Using the force, I throw him yards away from me before turning to deal with Vicrul. 

Swinging my blades at him, we form a dance of blocking the other's light saber. Our sabers bash into one another rapidly as we step back and forth. Glancing at Grogu, I see him jumping quickly over the Knights or Ren as he attacks them from above. 

Looking to Ahsoka, I see her hold one Knight back with the force while attacking the other. My eyes go back to Ushar, who's now running toward me from behind. Glancing at Vicrul, I jump and spin the air to land behind Ushar. 

He turns around to look at me before raising his hand. The moment I see him trying to choke me, I fall to the ground and spin to come right in front of him. Aiming my saber up at his chest, He quickly grabs my wrist and pushes it to the side to miss the stab. 

He keeps a firm hold on my wrist as my free hand defends me from his saber. Groaning at his grip getting tighter, I kick his legs and fall on top of him. Pushing me onto my back, he jumps on top of me and I have to use both sabers to block his coming at my face. 

Grunting, he tries to bring the edge of the sabers toward my neck. Trying to shove him off me, I hear him snare in a frustrated tone.

"Call out to Kylo Ren. I dare you. He won't come for you."

"Says who?" 

I spit out while growling from his weight on top of me. As he brings the edge of our blades closer to my neck, I stretch my head up for more space. Tilting his head, Vicrul answers me in a low tone. 

"The Emperor."

"You lie." 

I speak up through clenched teeth before locking our feet and flipping us over. Pushing my blades down toward his chest, I trap his waist down on the ground. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ushar coming toward us, and I block him by paralyzing him in place with the force. Snapping at Vicrul, I inch my blades closer to him. 

"Darth Sidious is dead."

"Is he?" He laughs while keeping his saber against mine for defense. "Or is he Kylo Ren's new master?"

For a second, my eyes widen when I sense no lie in the surrounding force. Suddenly, I hear someone groan from beside me. Turning my head, I find Ahsoka stabbed in the side. 

She falls back and lifts her saber to defend herself from one of the Knight of Ren. Poe comes toward her, blasting at the Knight to get his attention. He turns and walks toward him with his saber at the ready. 

Lando runs toward him and tugs him away to put more distance between them and the Knight, but it's too late. He already has his eyes set on Poe. Glancing back down at Vircul, I push my blades hard toward his chest, screaming. 

A blast hits my side and I slide off Vicrul in pain, force me to drop my force hold on Ushar. Standing to my feet quickly, I glance at the stormtrooper who shot at me. He has his blaster aim straight at me. 

Without my eyes blinking, I see Dan turn his blaster to the stormtrooper and blast him. The trooper falls to the ground and I glance back to Ahsoka, defending herself on the ground with Cardo above her. Sprinting away from Vicrul and Ushar, I go to Ahsoka and Cardo. 

Ignoring the pain in my side, I use the force to throw him off her and he flies into Kuruk. Coming to Ahsoka's side, I help her up to her feet. We nod to one another before turning so our backs to one another. 

We watch Ushar, Cardo, and Vicrul coming toward us. Grogu fights off Trudgen as Kuruk stands up to attack him from the side. Ap'lek is nearing Lando, Poe and Dan as they keep backing away.

"Ahsoka. Sidious is alive." I speak up as I lift my sabers at Ushar and Cardo. Ashoka has her light saber aimed at Vircul as she asks. "Are you sure?"

"The Knights of Ren have no reason to lie to me." 

I mumble as they circle around us as Ahsoka and I rest our backs on one another. Glancing around us, my heart races. It's happening again. 

A mental attack is stirring inside me. As I feel my mind filling with emotions, a sound comes from above. Turning my eyes up to the sky, I see the Millennium Falcon turning around in the sky. 

A handful of Resistance fighter ships follow behind it as they come down to the clearing we're in. A smile flashes through my lips as I turn back to face Ushar and Cardo. Together they swing their sabers at me, forcing me to bring my sabers up against theirs. 

I hear Ahsoka's saber clashing with Vicrul. When I hear ships landing, I glance behind Ushar and Cardo to find a dozen squadrons rushing out with blasters. They instantly shoot at the stormtroopers and the Knight nearing Lando, Dan and Poe. 

The Falcon ramp comes out and I see Chewie walk into the field with his crossbow. He roars at the Knight coming toward Dan, Lando and Poe. He rushes toward them as I see Rey and Finn running out of the Falcon. 

They scan around while taking out their light sabers, and I can't help but laugh. Turn to look Ushar and Cardo in the eyes, I spit out.

"Where's Kylo Ren now?"

Cardo growls before spinning his blade against mine. My footing slips and one leg kneels down, forcing my arms to stay up and hold their blades back. Ushar pulls his blade back and thrusts it below my saber that's holding Cardo at bay. 

Just before I can use one blade to block Ushar, I see a purple saber do it for me. Peering up, I see Finn beside us, pushing against Ushar's saber away from me. Cardo stares at Finn in surprise and in the next second, I take one of my sabers defending against him and thrust it under them.

It goes through Cardo's stomach and he stumbles back, watching it come out of him. Finn kicks Ushar back and grabs my arm to help me up to my feet again. Meeting his eyes, we smile together at one another before turning to Ushar.

Aiming our blades toward him, he steps back and glances at Cardo. He falls to the ground, holding his gut. Swinging our blades, Finn and I attack Ushar.

He's quick to block each one of our blows, but keeps having to step back not to get nicked. We have him pinned away from the rest of the Knights of Ren. Finn has Ushar's saber locked in a hold that if he moves, it will be his last. 

I go to slash his side when I hear a shreiking grunt from behind us. Turning, I find Cardo kneeling on the ground behind Ahsoka. He's holding his gut with one hand and hold his saber in the other. 

His saber is right through Ahsoka's stomach. Without a thought, I turn away from Finn and Ushar. The surrounding noises seem to disappear as I sprint to Ahsoka. 

Everything becomes slow as I come to her side. In the same second, I slice Cardo's head off without hesitation and use the force to throw Vicrul in the distance. Cardo's saber deactivates and disappears from Ahsoka's back. 

He falls to the ground beside his head as I grab Ahsoka's arm. She turns to meet my gaze, before falling back from her body going numb. Dropping my sabers, I grab her arms tighter and slow her fall to the ground. 

Laying her on her back, I glance to her stomach where the blood is seeping out. My mouth drops and my eyes come to meet hers. 

Grabbing her hand, I feel tearing falling from my eyes. She coughs out loud while fumbling to lift her other hand.

"Take it... T- Take it..." 

Ahsoka murmurs out as she loses air from her lung. Glancing at her other hand, I see her trying to bring her saber to my hand that's holding hers. She lets go of the saber when it's beside my hand and chokes out. 

"Mandalore belongs... To... To you now."

"No, it doesn't. I'm going to save you." I whisper out in a cry while lifting her head. "You're going to need it."

"No... No. It's yours..." She whispers in a dying voice as her eyes go to look straight up. "Kill the Emperor... Bring balance... Become the..."

Ahsoka's mouth slacks and her hand slides from mine to the ground. My hands come to the sides of her face as I look into her eyes. 

Shaking my head, I see no life behind them. Letting out a sob, I close her eyes and my head falls onto her chest.

"Ani! It's time to go!" 

I hear Rey shout in the distance. Lifting my head, I see her and Chewie sprinting toward me. Glancing around, I find Grogu and Finn fighting off five Knights of Ren. 

Soldiers and stormtroopers lie on the ground dead as the rest of the Resistance soldiers back up to their ships. Lando, Dan, and Poe rush to their ship as stormtroopers blast at them.

"Anakia!" Rey comes to kneel beside me, her hand rests on my back. "We must go before they bring more."

Chewie roars before picking up Ahsoka's body from underneath me. Glancing at Chewie and Rey, I see the urgency in their eyes. Nodding with tears dropping from my eye, I pick up my sabers and the dark saber. 

Rey helps me to my feet and the three of us rush to the Falcon. Rey calls out to Finn, and he nods before he and Grogu make a break for the Falcon with us. Lando's ship flies into the sky and soon after, the Resistance ships do the same.

As we all make it into the Falcon, Chewie sets Ahsoka's body on the floor before rushing to the cockpit. Rey follows behind him as Finn closes the entrance to the Falcon. I come to kneel in front of Ahsoka just as Grogu walks up to me.

As the ship rises in the air, my head turns to Grogu and I see him staring down at her body. When we meet each other's gaze, the two of us pull each other into a hug. Mourning a friend we have come to love.

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