Hellfire Jones and the Angel...


633 149 1.3K

Humanity is right in the middle of an epic battle between heaven and hell. Standing on the sidelines are th... More

Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Β½
War Is Hell...and Heaven
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 0
Recipe for the Apocalypse
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
The World Shall End in Fire...And Slime
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Coming Attractions
Some Epilogues Are Better Left Unread


113 15 24

This is the introduction, obviously.

 When I think of something introductory to write, I will.

I probably also need to write a story.

I think I'm off to a smashing start.


I guess I should add more to this intro now, huh?

This is my first time writing for the Open Novella Contest (or ONC for you acronym lovers out there) using Prompt #45: "Hell and Heaven Collide once again. The War Demons march to meet the Battle Angels in a struggle for dominance over the Human Realm."

I am making this whole thing up as I go along, so be prepared to embrace wackiness. I appreciate and am very open to constructive criticism, especially with grammar.  I'd invent my own words and just string them along all willy nilly if I could get away with it.

I'm also grateful to mentions of any plot holes (though this whole story may be one big plot hole, to be honest), anything too disturbing/offensive or just general suckiness. If there's anything you liked, I'd love to hear that too.

Since starting ONC, I've met some incredible people and have read their awe inspiring stories. If you're doing ONC as well, don't be shy and please let me know what you're working on.

Since I want everyone to have a good trip here,  I'll mention a few  potential triggers.

I rarely swear in real life or in my writing, but there's a few obscenities sprinkled in situations where 'shucky darn' just won't cut it. There's a bit of B-movie violence but nothing more than you'd find in an average comic book.

There's demons and angels, but this isn't meant to be a religious story at all. I draw a lot of inspiration from the Bible but I also nick stuff from Dante, Aristotle and a ton of pop culture, so there you have it.

Things going around around me naturally bleed into my writing, so there's some mention of current events. The main plot of the story was originally centered around ordinary people trying to survive in the midst of a battle zone, but the Ukraine tragedy obviously made me not want to focus on that anymore. As a result, I had to chuck that idea midstream and am now trying to come up with something new while still staying true to the prompt. There's a couple scenes of innocents surviving in a warzone, since I couldn't eliminate it entirely but it's mostly in passing. Like the rest of this insane story, none of it is realistic at all. There's also some mention of pandemics(can't have an apocalypse without plagues), war (again apocalyptic stuff) and frighteningly incompetent sexist world leaders. 

All these warnings make this story seem way, way, way more serious than it actually is, but I figure overwarning is better than underwarning (Is that even a word? I told you I like making those up.)

Now for the giddy, happy shininess. We've got a completely off the rails battle between two powerhouse armies that put Godzilla and Kong to shame. There's whacked out characters, exciting death defying battles and more conspiracy theories than someone who doesn't have a stick can wave a stick at.

Oh, and cookies. Lots of yummy cookies.

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